3,166 research outputs found

    PolgĂĄri perjogunk fejlesztĂ©sĂ©nek lehetƑsĂ©gei Ă©s szĂŒksĂ©gessĂ©ge tekintettel a nemzetközi trendekre = The possibilities and necessity of development of the hungarian civil procedure law with special regards to the international changes

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    A 2003-ban indulĂł kutatĂĄsunk kezdetĂ©n behatĂłan elemeztĂŒk azt a közössĂ©gi jogalkotĂĄsi folyamatot, annak egyes ĂĄllomĂĄsait, amelyek szĂŒksĂ©gessĂ© Ă©s lehetƑvĂ© tettĂ©k a polgĂĄri eljĂĄrĂĄsjogi jogharmonizĂĄciĂłt ? kĂ©sƑbbi jogegysĂ©gesĂ­tĂ©st. Ezt követƑen megkezdtĂŒk az Amszterdami SzerzƑdĂ©s hatĂĄlybalĂ©pĂ©se utĂĄn megalkotott közössĂ©gi jogi normĂĄk, normatervezetek, elƑkĂ©szĂ­tƑ anyagok elemzĂ©sĂ©t, melyek egy szisztematikus tĂ©mafeldolgozĂĄs menetĂ©t mutatjĂĄk. KutatĂĄsunk csĂșcspontjĂĄt Ă©s összegzĂ©sĂ©t a "PolgĂĄri eljĂĄrĂĄsjogi szabĂĄlyok az EurĂłpai UniĂł jogĂĄban" c. 2006. januĂĄrjĂĄban a Complex KiadĂłnĂĄl megjelent kommentĂĄr jelenti (518 o.), melynek nyolc fejezete kĂ©szĂŒlt az OTKA kutatĂĄs kereti között feldolgozva valamennyi vonatkozĂł közössĂ©gi normĂĄt. MegĂĄllapĂ­tottuk a magyar Ă©s a vizsgĂĄlt uniĂłs joganyag összevetĂ©se kapcsĂĄn, hogy viszonylag kevĂ©s helyen van diszharmĂłnia; a magyar jogszabĂĄlyok döntƑ többsĂ©ge összhangban ĂĄll a vonatkozĂł uniĂłs normĂĄkkal. Rendszeresen publikĂĄlt kutatĂĄsi eredmĂ©nyeinkkel a korrekt szakmai tĂĄjĂ©koztatĂĄs szĂĄndĂ©ka mellett fel kĂ­vĂĄntuk hĂ­vni mind a jogtudomĂĄny, mind a joggyakorlat figyelmĂ©t a vonatkozĂł közössĂ©gi normĂĄk ismeretĂ©nek jelentƑsĂ©gĂ©re, a jogalkalmazĂłkĂ©t emellett arra is, hogy a közössĂ©gi jog alkalmazĂĄsa a mindennapi gyakorlatban kĂŒlönös körĂŒltekintĂ©st igĂ©nyel Ă©s az EurĂłpai BĂ­rĂłsĂĄg esetjogĂĄnak mĂ©lyrehatĂł ismeretĂ©t tĂ©telezi fel. | At the beginning of our research in 2003, we analysed the Community judicial activities in civil and commercial matters, the stages of this development. First we could talk about harmonization of the rules of civil procedure, but the Amsterdam Treaty transferred this activity from the third pillar to the first pillar so as to establish a European law-enforcement area. After it we started to analyse those EU Regulations, Green Papers and other preparatory documents, which had been accepted after the entry into force of Treaty of Amsterdam. This was a systematic research work. The summary of our work was published in a commentary book in 2006, which title is The rules of civil procedure in the European Union. Eight chapters of this book were made under the supporting of Hungarian Scientific Research Fund. The commentary analyses all legal instruments in connection with judicial cooperation in civil matters in the European Union. We compared these Regulations and Directives with the Hungarian acts, and we could state that the difference was not significant. We tried to invite the jurisprudence and legal practice to pay more attention on getting to know these EU legal instruments. And we called up the practitioners to study the judgements of the European Court of Justice

    Glimpses of the Third Millennium BC in the Carpathian Basin

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    The relative and absolute chronology of the cultural groups of the 3rd millennium BC is a particularly exciting field of prehistoric research because this period spans the assumed boundary of two major periods — the final phase of the Copper Age and the initial phase of the Early Bronze Age. The transition from one major archaeological period to the next no doubt involved major structural changes. The transition period roughly spanning the middle third of the 3rd millennium BC, i.e. the period between the close of the Late Copper Age and the Early Bronze Age 2a in Hungary, corresponds to what is known as the Late Eneolithic in Central Europe and is generally divided into three main phases: 1. the late Baden, 2. the post-Baden/Vučedol, and 3. the post-Vučedol period. The transition in the Carpathian Basin had a mosaic patterning: the rhythm of change varied from region to region and the transformation in each major region followed a different cultural trajectory (Fig. 1, Table 1). This period is here examined in the light of two recently discovered finds from Hungary (Fig. 2, Fig. 4). The finds described here offered a glimpse into the transitional period between the Copper Age and the Bronze Age, with a focus on southern Transdanubia. The more or less identical artefacts and decorative styles appearing roughly synchronously in several regions reflect the period’s cultural contacts spanning extensive territories. The mapping of these communications networks and the clarification of the period’s finer chronological details based on the growing corpus of data will no doubt remain one of the priorities of future research. | A Kr. e. 3. Ă©vezred relatĂ­v Ă©s abszolĂșt kronolĂłgiai viszonyainak kutatĂĄsa kĂŒlönösen izgalmas terĂŒlete az Ƒskor vizsgĂĄlatĂĄnak, hiszen kĂ©t nagy korszak feltĂ©telezett hatĂĄrĂĄn, a rĂ©zkor kĂ©sei Ă©s a bronzkor kezdeti fĂĄzisainak megismerĂ©sĂ©t foglalja magĂĄban. A nagy rĂ©gĂ©szeti korszak definĂ­ciĂłk azt sejtetik, hogy fontos strukturĂĄlis vĂĄltozĂĄsok ĂĄllnak mögöttĂŒk. A Kr. e. 3. Ă©vezred közĂ©psƑ harmadĂĄra tehetƑ ĂĄtmeneti idƑszakot, vagyis a magyarorszĂĄgi kĂ©sƑ rĂ©zkor vĂ©ge Ă©s kora bronzkor 2a közötti korszakot, közĂ©p-eurĂłpai szemszögbƑl tekintve a kĂ©sƑ eneolitikum idƑszakĂĄt hĂĄrom fƑbb szakaszra tagoltan vizsgĂĄlhatjuk: 1. kĂ©sƑ Baden, 2. post-Baden/ Vučedol korszak, 3. post-Vučedol korszak. A KĂĄrpĂĄt-medence tĂ©rsĂ©gĂ©ben egy mozaikos jellegƱ, fokozatos, terĂŒletenkĂ©nt vĂĄltozĂłan eltĂ©rƑ ĂŒtemƱ Ă©s tendenciĂĄjĂș ĂĄtalakulĂĄsnak lehetĂŒnk tanĂși (Fig. 1, Table 1). EzĂșttal kĂ©t magyarorszĂĄgi lelet alapjĂĄn vizsgĂĄljuk a korszakot (Fig. 2, Fig. 4). A bemutatott leletek segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel a rĂ©zkor Ă©s bronzkor ĂĄtmeneti idƑszakĂĄnak nĂ©hĂĄny kĂ©rdĂ©sĂ©t tekintjĂŒk ĂĄt, kĂŒlönösen a DĂ©l-DunĂĄntĂșl terĂŒletĂ©re fĂłkuszĂĄlva. A kor nagy tĂĄvolsĂĄgokat ĂĄtfogĂł kapcsolatrendszerĂ©nek maradandĂł lenyomatĂĄt Ƒrzik azok a tĂĄrgyak/stĂ­luslemek, melyek több rĂ©giĂłban közel egyidƑben Ă©s hasonlĂł jellegben talĂĄlhatĂłk meg. Ezek alapjĂĄn fontos feladat lesz ennek/ezeknek a kommunikĂĄciĂłs hĂĄlĂłzat(ok)nak a tovĂĄbbi feltĂ©rkĂ©pezĂ©se Ă©s a folyamatosan gyarapodĂł adatok alapjĂĄn kronolĂłgiai összefĂŒggĂ©seik tisztĂĄzĂĄsa

    Hild JĂłzsef ÉpĂ­tƑipari SzakgimnĂĄzium. Az Ă©pĂŒletegyĂŒttes ĂĄllapotfelmĂ©rĂ©se Ă©s korszerƱsĂ­tĂ©si javaslatok

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    NagyvĂĄrosi egyenlƑtlensĂ©gek Ă©s tĂĄrsadalmi konfliktusok = Urban inequalities and social conflicts

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    A "NagyvĂĄrosi egyenlƑtlensĂ©gek Ă©s tĂĄrsadalmi konfliktusok" cĂ­mƱ 2005. februĂĄr Ă©s 2007. december 31. között megvalĂłsulĂł OTKA kutatĂĄs, illetve a "NagyvĂĄrosi egyenlƑtlensĂ©gek Ă©s tĂĄrsadalmi konfliktusok CsehorszĂĄg Ă©s MagyarorszĂĄg posztszocialista vĂĄrosaiban" cĂ­mƱ 2006 jĂșliusa Ă©s 2007 december 31. között megvalĂłsulĂł kiegĂ©szĂ­tƑ nemzetközi OTKA kutatĂĄs feltĂĄrta a globĂĄlis gazdasĂĄgi tĂ©rben eltĂ©rƑ helyzetƱ, differenciĂĄlt fejlƑdĂ©si sajĂĄtossĂĄgokkal rendelkezƑ nagyvĂĄrosi tĂ©rsĂ©gek tĂĄrsadalmi, gazdasĂĄgi, terĂŒleti egyenlƑtlensĂ©geit Ă©s a terĂŒleti egyenlƑtlensĂ©gek összefĂŒggĂ©sĂ©ben szervezƑdött Ă©rdekellentmondĂĄsokat Ă©s tĂĄrsadalmi konfliktusokat. Fontos kutatĂĄsi eredmĂ©ny tovĂĄbbĂĄ az egyenlƑtlensĂ©geket Ă©s a konfliktusokat meghatĂĄrozĂł folyamatok tisztĂĄzĂĄsa, az ĂĄtmenet, a piaci, tĂĄrsadalmi Ă©s gazdasĂĄgi körĂŒlmĂ©nyek, a globalizĂĄciĂł Ă©s az abban elfoglalt terĂŒleti pozĂ­ciĂłk hatĂĄsainak feltĂĄrĂĄsa. A nemzetközi kutatĂĄs tovĂĄbbi eredmĂ©nye a differenciĂĄlt fejlƑdĂ©si sajĂĄtossĂĄgokkal rendelkezƑ cseh- Ă©s magyarorszĂĄgi vĂĄrosi tĂ©rsĂ©gek tĂĄrsadalmi-gazdasĂĄgi Ă©s terĂŒleti egyenlƑtlensĂ©geinek feltĂĄrĂĄsa, az ebbƑl fakadĂł tĂĄrsadalmi konfliktusok, közte a szegregĂĄciĂł vizsgĂĄlata, valamint az egyenlƑtlensĂ©geket Ă©s konfliktusokat meghatĂĄrozĂł folyamatok hasonlĂłsĂĄgainak Ă©s eltĂ©rĂ©seinek tisztĂĄzĂĄsa a posztszocialista vĂĄrosokban. globalizĂĄciĂł Ă©s az abban elfoglalt terĂŒleti pozĂ­ciĂłk hatĂĄsainak feltĂĄrĂĄsa. A nemzetközi kutatĂĄs tovĂĄbbi eredmĂ©nye a differenciĂĄlt fejlƑdĂ©si sajĂĄtossĂĄgokkal rendelkezƑ cseh- Ă©s magyarorszĂĄgi vĂĄrosi tĂ©rsĂ©gek tĂĄrsadalmi-gazdasĂĄgi Ă©s terĂŒleti egyenlƑtlensĂ©geinek feltĂĄrĂĄsa, az ebbƑl fakadĂł tĂĄrsadalmi konfliktusok, közte a szegregĂĄciĂł vizsgĂĄlata, valamint az egyenlƑtlensĂ©geket Ă©s konfliktusokat meghatĂĄrozĂł folyamatok hasonlĂłsĂĄgainak Ă©s eltĂ©rĂ©seinek tisztĂĄzĂĄsa a posztszocialista vĂĄrosokban

    A mobilitĂĄsi hajlandĂłsĂĄg regionĂĄlis differenciĂĄi MagyarorszĂĄgon

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    We made a layered questionnaire survey in 2005. In the research one thousand private persons responded to our questions: what aspects do Hungarian citizens prefer when choosing their place of residence, which Hungarian cities are considered successful by the respondents and why, what characteristics, advantages and disadvantages do they use to describe the city types, which are the cities that the stakeholders see as real centres of gravity, how much are the respondents willing to move to another residential places? In the light of the results, we repeated our survey in 2012-2013, allowing thereby the comprehensive evaluation of a period of almost ten years. In the second survey we used the method of a layered questionnaire survey again (the four aspects considered were as follows: breakdown of the Hungarian population by regions, gender, age groups and finally level of education), in which it was one thousand private persons again who responded to our questions. Our analysis this time also meant comparison, based primarily on statistical data with of researches made on the topic. This paper, as the title implies, is not more than the Publication of a few partial results of the survey, which can be seen in the selection of a few topics to be discussed, on the one hand, and the narrowing down of the results to the regional differences of mobility willingness, on the other hand

    Transformations in the Carpathian Basin around 1600 B. C.

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    Um die Zeit des Vulkanausbruchs von Thera fanden wichtige VerĂ€nderungen im Karpatenbecken statt. Diese sogenannte Koszider Epoche korrespondiert mit der letzten Phase der mittleren Bronzezeit in der ungarischen Terminologie und stellt den Übergang zur spĂ€ten Bronzezeit dar. Die Untersuchung dieser Epoche hat sich bisher als kontrovers erwiesen – sowohl unter ungarischen als auch mitteleuropĂ€ischen Wissenschaftlern. Erst in den letzten Jahren ist diese Epoche nicht mehr als kurzer Zeitraum, mit der ein bestimmtes historisches Ereignis verbunden werden kann, interpretiert worden. Vielmehr sieht man sie nun als eine lĂ€nger dauernde Periode an, welche die BlĂŒtezeit der mittleren Bronzezeit im Karpatenbecken markiert und die mit einschneidenden VerĂ€nderungen endet. Die Hauptelemente dieses Wandels sind allerdings noch unklar. Unser Ziel ist es, den Wandel durch den Vergleich verschiedener Aspekte dreier aufeinanderfolgender Phasen zu untersuchen. Am Ende sollen einige neue ErwĂ€gungen stehen, die die bisherigen Interpretationen dieser VerĂ€nderungen erweitern können. | Around the time of the Thera eruption important transformations occurred in the Carpathian Basin. This is the so-called Koszider Period, which corresponds to the last phase of the Middle Bronze Age (MBA) in the Hungarian terminology and represents a transition to the Late Bronze Age. The assessment of the period has been controversial among both Hungarian and central European scholars. In the past few years this period has been interpreted not as a short »horizon« connected to a specific historical event, but as a longer period that represented the heyday of the MBA in the Carpathian Basin, which ended with significant transformations. The main elements of this transformation, however, are still unclear. Our aim is to investigate this transformation through the comparison of several aspects of three subsequent phases and to amend the previously offered interpretations of the changes with a few new considerations

    Molecular cytogenetic characterisation of Salix viminalis L. using repetitive DNA sequences

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    Abstract Salix viminalis L. (2n=38) is a diploid dicot species belonging to the Salix genus of the Salicaceae family. This short-rotation woody crop is one of the most important renewable bioenergy resources worldwide. In breeding for high biomass productivity, limited knowledge is available on the molecular cytogenetics of willow, which could be combined with genetic linkage mapping. The present paper describes the adaptation of a fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) protocol as a new approach to analyse the genomic constitution of Salix viminalis using the heterologous DNA clones pSc119.2, pTa71, pTa794, pAs1, Afafamily, pAl1, HT100.3, ZCF1 and the GAA microsatellite marker. Three of the nine probes showed unambiguous signals on the metaphase chromosomes. FISH analysis with the pTa71 probe detected one major 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA locus on the short arm of one chromosome pair; however, the pTa794 rDNA site was not visible. One chromosome pair showed a distinct signal around the centromeric region after FISH with the telomere-specific DNA clone HT100.3. Two chromosome pairs were found to have pAs1 FISH signals, which represent a D-genome-specific insert from Aegilops tauschii. Based on the FISH study, a set of chromosomes with characteristic patterns is presented, which could be used to establish the karyotype of willow species
