649 research outputs found

    Waste reduction possibilities in a manufacturing process

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    In this paper the manufacturing process of a high load-bearing capacity gear is introduced. These gears are built into truck and bus transmission systems and are machined at a high level of accuracy. The process has particular importance not only because the accuracy has to be ensured but because the machining of precision components requires relatively complicated processes. Here the process was described and quantified for a given component. The focus was on one-piece flow of components and its effect on decreasing lead time. On the basis of the analysis it was shown that one-piece flow can significantly decrease the lead time but the time spent with material handling increases, which results in a load on the operator or the material handling equipment. Therefore, multi-variable optimization is needed. The available results can be used for improvement of manufacturing processes of other component groups manufactured by similar technology

    Organizational self evaluation with integration of management models

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    The paper points some problems of the separated used management models and try to lighten the necessity of parallel using of these models. The major gap of it is the realization of connections among the models. I introduce an existing integrated management model which is applied succesfully at some firms and non-profit organizations. My work is the development of the model referring to the above mentioned connections among its subsystems. The validation of the basic model is given but the developed variation was not tested yet in practise. The conceptual structure and the logic referring to the process of use is correct


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    A termelési folyamatokban jelentkező várakozások nem csak a folyamatközi készlet felhalmozódás, mint a vevő számára értéket nem teremtő folyamatfázis, hanem az erőforrások kihasználatlansága kapcsán is jelentős költségeket rónak a szervezetekre. A cikkben a folyamatközi várakozások negatív hatásait vizsgáljuk meg és bemutatunk egy döntési modellt, amely a tevékenység alapú költségszámítás segítségével támogatja ezeknek a várakozásból eredő veszteségek megfelelő allokációját. Ennek a módszernek az alkalmazásával a döntéshozók pontosabb képet kaphatnak a termelési folyamatban felmerülő veszteségekről

    Learning Curve Based Sigma Level Determination in Interrupted Non-Production Processes

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    The philosophy and methods of six sigma process development have been applied successfully since mid1980s, and the application of the six sigma concept in non-production processes has increased significantly in the last decade. In this paper processes that can be characterized by learning curves are modeled. The quality of such processes can be analyzed on the basis of the six sigma concept. In this paper two back office processes are analyzed. The processes are built up of simple repeated steps and incorporate some interruptions. The application of the model allows the calculation of the maximally permitted number of interruptions in the process if the preliminary determined norm is to be kept

    Learning Curve Based Sigma Level Determination in Interrupted Non-Production Processes

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    The philosophy and methods of six sigma process development have been applied successfully since mid1980s, and the application of the six sigma concept in non-production processes has increased significantly in the last decade. In this paper processes that can be characterized by learning curves are modeled. The quality of such processes can be analyzed on the basis of the six sigma concept. In this paper two back office processes are analyzed. The processes are built up of simple repeated steps and incorporate some interruptions. The application of the model allows the calculation of the maximally permitted number of interruptions in the process if the preliminary determined norm is to be kept


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    New chorological data are presented for the rare and poorly known ephemeral wetland specialists Elatine macropoda and E. alsinastrum from Çanakkale Province (western Turkey). Th e former species was hitherto known only from a single Turkish locality in İzmir Province, and the latter was reported only from Edirne, Denizli and Kars Provinces. Th e habitats preferred by both species are temporary ponds, especially their grazed and trampled muddy shores. Th e existence of further populations in such habitats is highly presumable