329 research outputs found

    Üzletválasztási model - Az Uniocoop esete

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    Valóban a ruha teszi az embert? : avagy hogyan befolyásolja a hallgatói megítélést az oktatók öltözködése? = The impact of lecturers' clothing on student evaluation

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    Az öltözködés nagymértékben befolyásolja az emberek megítélését az első benyomás kialakítása során. Sokat változott az egyetemeken elvárt öltözködési norma, hiszen a korábbi elegánsabb megjelenést napjainkban hétköznapibb viselet (casual, smart casual vagy business casual) jellemzi. Felmerült bennünk a kérdés, hogy az egyetemen milyen szerepet játszik az oktatók öltözéke a hallgatói első benyomás és vélemény kialakításában. Jelen tanulmány alapjául egy 414 fős minta szolgál, melyet 2022. novemberében és decemberében gyűjtöttünk online kérdőív segítségével az egyetemünkön. A minta összeállítása során törekedtünk, hogy az nemre és korra reprezentatív legyen. A vizsgálat alapvetően az oktatók öltözködésének a hallgatói véleményre gyakorolt hatásáról szól. Összességében megállapítható, hogy a lazább/sportosabb viselet rugalmasságot, közvetlenséget sugall, míg a komolyabb/hivatalosabb öltözet tájékozottságra, jól felkészültségre utal. Outfit has a great influence on first impression judgments. The dress code expected at universities has changed dramatically, as the former more elegant appearance is now characterised by more casual attire (casual, smart casual or business casual). The question arises what role outfit plays in forming students' first impressions and opinions in our university. This study is based on a sample of 414 individuals who were surveyed using an online questionnaire at our university in November and December 2022. In compiling the sample, it is representative in terms of gender and age. The study is essentially about the influence of lecturers' clothing on students' opinions. Overall, it can be concluded that a more casual/sporty dress suggests flexibility and directness, while a more serious/formal dress signals attentiveness and good preparation

    Development of a Bee Feeding Procedure to Support Bee Health Protection

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of inulin (a commercial prebiotic) on the gut microbiota of the honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica pannonica). Some colonies of equal strength were fed with sugar syrup or inulin supplemented syrup at different dosages. Bee samples were collected at the beginning of the experiment and then every two weeks until the end of the study. The intestinal tracts of five bees per treatment were isolated, homogenised, diluted and the amount of living microbes (mainly the probiotic microbes) were determined by using differential and semi selective agar plates. Four different experiments were carried out in 2018 and 2019 and we found that the inulin has no detectable effect on the composition of gut microbiome by culture based methods in the case of LAB (lactic acid bacteria), Bifidobacterium spp, Snodgrassella, Gilliamella and Frischella sp


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    There has been an increasing importance of using marketing communication tools not only for corporate goals but also for higher educational goals. Yet there is a lack in conscious, effective usage of these tools. On the one hand a reason is that many higher educational institutions have no marketing strategy at all and on the other hand there is a shortage of methodology in optimizing marketing communication tools. Beside lack of marketing strategy, further problem is that from the marketing tools available, higher educational institutions can only change their communication in short term. Shortage in financial resources that can be spent on communication makes matters worse. Beside shortage in financial sources another problem is the scare of time available for the potential students to evaluate all the information available about university choice. Therefore it is important to find out which marketing communication tools and which media to use, who to address the given message with determined content and when to use the given tools during the recruitment process. To solve the above mentioned problems, an optimization is needed for marketing communication tools that also considers scare of financial resources and the habits of potential students when searching for information about their future universities. UNIPOM is a solution to this problem

    Cryptanalysis of ITRU

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    ITRU cryptosystem is a public key cryptosystem and one of the known variants of NTRU cryptosystem. Instead of working in a truncated polynomial ring, ITRU cryptosystem is based on the ring of integers. The authors claimed that ITRU has better features comparing to the classical NTRU, such as having a simple parameter selection algorithm, invertibility, and successful message decryption, and better security. In this paper, we present an attack technique against the ITRU cryptosystem, and it is mainly based on a simple frequency analysis on the letters of ciphertexts