371 research outputs found

    Intraoligochaete development of Myxobolus intimus (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae), a gill myxosporean of the roach (Rutilus rutilus)

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    The infection with Myxobolus intimus Zaika, 1965 in the gills of the roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) from Lake Balaton was recorded in 28 out of the 39 fish examined. Developing and mature plasmodia were detected on the gills exclusively in the spring. The Myxobolus intimus infection was found only in 2- to 3-year-old fish. In histological sections, young plasmodia were found in capillaries of the secondary lamellae. More mature, round plasmodia 0.4-0.6 mm in diameter, deformed the respiratory lamellae. The intraoligochacte development of M. intimus was studied in experimentally infected oligochaetes. In two experiments, uninfected Tubifex tubifex Muller and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (Claparede) were exposed to mature myxospores of M. intimus. In both experiments, typical triactinospores developed in T. tubifex specimens but no infection was found in L. hoffmeisteri. In semithin sections, developmental stages, pansporocysts and actinospores, were found within the proliferated gut epithelium of T. tubifex. Triactinospores were first released from oligochaetes 37 and 58 days after initial exposure in the two experiments, respectively. Each triactinospore had three pyriform polar capsules and a cylindrical sporoplasm with 32 secondary cells. The spore body joined the 3 caudal projections with a moderately long style

    Radiodiagnostic method for studying the dynamics of Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) infection and pathological status of the swimbladder in Lake Balaton eels

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    Swimbladder changes resulting from Anguillicola crassus infection of the European eel Anguilla anguilla have been the subject of several studies reported in the literature. These investigations, however, studied exclusively the status of infection at a given point in time and did not deal with changes in swimbladder infection in eels suffering from anguillicolosis over a period of time. In this study, A. crassus-induced pathological changes were monitored in 78 eels naturally infected in Lake Balaton and subsequently kept in the laboratory, thus excluding the possibility of further infection. During the 3 mo study, the status of the swimbladder was checked by radiographic examination on 4 occasions. At the end of the study the eels were dissected and the gross pathological changes in the swimbladders were compared with the radiographic findings. As compared to their starting condition, by the end of the study the pathological status of the swimbladder had deteriorated in 55 % and remained the same in 37 % of the cases. Tendency to improvement (1 %) and variable findings (7 %) were recorded in a low percentage of cases only. With the help of the radiographs presented, the dynamics of A. crassus infection and of changes in the swimbladder of individual eel specimens can be monitored easily

    Egyedi minőség és többszörös jelzésrendszer a zöld gyíknál (Lacerta viridis)

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    Az "Ungarns Geschichtsschreiber" c. sorozat

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    Occurrence of Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium musae on banana fruits marketed in Hungary

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    Fusarium strains were isolated from rotten banana fruit imported into Hungary from some African and some Neotropical countries. The strains were identified using morphological features, 2-benzoxazolinone tolerance, translation elongation factor (EF-1α) sequences and inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis. All strains from Africa proved to be F. verticillioides whereas the strains from the Neotropics are Fusarium musae. According to the PCR proof and the fumonisin toxin measurement F. musae strains cannot produce any fumonisins (FB1–4)

    Taking Action: Turning Evolutionary Theory into Preventive Policies

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    The emerging infectious disease (EID) crisis has been challenging global health security for decades, dealing substantial damage to all socioeconomic landscapes. Control measures have failed to prevent or even mitigate damages from an accelerating wave of EIDs, leading to the emergence and devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the wake of the pandemic, we must critically review our public health policies and approaches. Current health security measures are based on the evolutionary theorem of host-parasite coevolution, which falsely deems EIDs as rare and unpredictable. The DAMA protocol (Document, Assess, Monitor, Act) is nested in a novel evolutionary framework that describes how emergence can be prevented before the onset of an outbreak. In this paper, we discuss the importance of establishing efficient communication channels between various stakeholders affected by EIDs. We describe implementation strategies for preventive interventions on global, regional, and local scales and provide guidelines for using such strategies in the relevant policy environments of human, livestock, and crop diseases

    A Balaton és vízrendszere halfajainak parazitológiai vizsgálata = Parasitological investigations on fishes of Lake Balaton and its tributaries

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    A kutatás négy éve alatt a Balaton és vízrendszere több mintavételi helyén rendszeres halbefogásokkal követtük nyomon a halak parazita-fertőzöttségét. Parazita-anyagot (elsősorban nyálkaspórás és coccidium-fajokat) gyűjtöttünk kísérletes- és molekuláris biológiai vizsgálatokhoz, az egyes parazita-fajok szokásos évszakos megjelenésének idejében évente ismétlődően, melyek egy részét laboratóriumi kísérleteinkben használtunk fel. Egy nyálkaspórás faj intraoligochaeta-fejlődésmenetét tisztáztuk, valamint bizonyítottuk a copepoda-rákok actinosporák eliminálásában való szerepét. Kísérletesen vizsgáltuk, hogy az anguillicolózis hogyan befolyásolja az angolnák vándorló-képességét, ill. vizsgáltuk az úszás hatását az angolna petefejlődésére. Röntgendiagnosztikai eljárást alkalmaztunk az egyes angolna egyedek úszóhólyag-fertőzöttsége dinamikájának, ill. az úszóhólyagok regenerációs képességének megállapítása céljából. Vizsgáltuk a vérélősködő métely fajok halakban való fejlődését és kórtani hatását. Adatokat gyűjtöttünk a kokcidium fajokkal való fertőződés dinamikájára és kísérletesen tanulmányoztuk, hogy az oligochaeták mellett milyen vízi szervezetek játszhatnak szerepet a gócos kokcidiózis évszakos megjelenésében. Új eredményeink többségét tudományos lapokban jelentettük meg. Az OTKA téma részleges segítségével több külföldi kooperációban készült munka is megvalósult (Portugál, Maláj, Szír-együttműködések) | During the four-year research we monitored the parasitic infections of fishes by regular fish samplings of Lake Balaton and its tributaries. We collected parasite material (primarily myxosporeans and coccidians) for experimental and molecular studies annually, at the time of the usual seasonal appearance of the different parasite species. We have clarified the intraoligochaete stage of development of a myxosporean species of roach and demonstrated the role of copepods in the elimination of actinospores. We conducted experiments to study the impact of anguillicolosis on the migrating ability of eels and the effect of swimming on ovarian development in eels. We applied a radiodiagnostic technique to determine the dynamics of swimbladder infection in individual eel specimens and the regenerating ability of the swimbladder. We also studied the intrapiscine development and pathological effect of blood-parasitic fluke (Sanguinicola) species. We collected data on the dynamics of infection with coccidium species and conducted experiments to determine which aquatic organisms, other than oligochaetes, may play a role in the seasonal occurrence of nodular coccidiosis. The majority of our new results have been published in scientific journals. Several co-operative projects with foreign researchers (Portuguese, Malaysian and Syrian co-operations) have also been implemented, with partial financial support from the National Scientific Research Fund of Hungary (OTKA)

    Különleges formájú jelképes trepanációk a Dél-Alföldről

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    Symbolic trephinations of unusual shape from the Southern Great Plain. Symbolic trephinations are very common in the 9th-11th century AD skeletal material in Hungary. During the compilation of a database of regional cranial modification data, the authors found several new cases in Late Avar and Conquest Period series. In this study, the symbolic trephinations of 14 skulls are described from the 8th-11th centuries AD in the Southern Great Plain of Hungary, and special emphasis is given to the almond shaped lesions of the sample. The authors also give account of the possible sexual symbolism and the application of these special shapes among the more abundant small round symbolic trepahinations. The new findings may strengthen the theory of close cultural connections of Late Avar and Early Hungarian populations

    Transzport analógiák vizsgálata és alkalmazása csőköteges hőcserélőben

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    Az élelmiszer- és vegyiparban előforduló berendezések szinte mindegyikében valamely extenzív állapotjelzők egyidejű transzportfolyamata zajlik (hő-, anyag- és impulzusátadás). Az egyes folyamatokat hasonló egyenletekkel lehet leírni, intenzitásuk nem független egymástól. A transzport tényezők között matematikai kapcsolat írható fel, ezt a kapcsolatot analógiának nevezzük. Jelen munkában egy csőköteges hőcserélőben lejátszódó hő- és impulzusátadás közötti kapcsolat vizsgálunk és a különböző analógiák eredményét mérési adatokkal vetjük össze. Számításainknak három célja volt: a kondenzátor csőoldalán vizsgáltuk a különböző analógiák pontosságát; a legpontosabbnak bizonyuló összefüggést alkalmazva a mért hőátadási tényező és áramlási sebesség közti kapcsolat rendellenes jellegének kerestük az okát; végezetül a kiválasztott analógia segítségével modelleztük a hőcserélő működését