128 research outputs found

    Induction of defences and within-plant variation on palatability in two brown algae from the northern-central coast of Chile: effects of mesograzers and UV radiation

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    Macroalgae possess different defense mechanisms in response to herbivory. Some species produce anti-herbivore secondary metabolites, but production of these substances can be costly. Therefore, algae may produce defensive metabolites only in response to herbivory (inducible defense) or defend particular parts of the alga differentially (within-alga variation). In the present study, we examined whether two species of brown algae from the SE-Pacific show evidence of inducible chemical defense (non-polar compounds) or within-alga variation of defense, which we estimated in form of palatability of differently treated algae to amphipod grazers (with live algae and agar-based food containing non-polar algal extracts). In Glossophora kunthii (C. Agardh) J. Agardh, we observed an increase in palatability after algae were acclimated for 12 days without grazers. Subsequent addition of grazers for 12 days then resulted in a reduction of palatability indicating the existence of inducible defense. After removal of grazers for 12 days, these induced effects again disappeared. The reaction of G. kunthii was triggered even by the mere presence of grazers, which suggests that this alga can respond to waterborne cues by reducing palatability. Effects were only found for agar-based food containing non-polar extracts, but not for live algae, suggesting that some parts of the algae are undefended. Our second experiment on within-alga variation confirmed that only apical (growth region) and basal parts (near the holdfast region) of G. kunthii are defended against herbivores. For the second species, Macrocystis integrifolia Bory, the first experiment revealed no induction of defense, while the second experiment on within-alga variation showed that amphipods avoided basal parts and in particular stipes of M. integrifolia but only in live algae. Although both studied algal species differed substantially in their defensive strategies, their reaction was independent of the presence or absence of UV radiation. Thus, it appears that UV effects play only a minor role in anti-herbivore defense, which is in accordance with most previous studies

    Molecular support for temporal dynamics of induced anti-herbivory defenses in the brown seaweed Fucus Vesiculosus

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    Grazing by the isopod Idotea baltica induces chemical defenses in the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. A combination of a 33 day induction experiment, feeding choice assays and functional genomic analyses was used to investigate temporal defense patterns and to correlate changes in palatability to changes in gene expression. Despite permanent grazing, seaweed palatability varied over time. Controls were significantly more consumed than grazed pieces only after 18 and 27 days of grazing. Relative to controls, 562/402 genes were up-/down-regulated in seaweed pieces that were grazed for 18 days, i.e. when defense induction was detected. Reprogramming of the regulative expression orchestra (translation, transcription), up-regulation of genes involved in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, intracellular trafficking, defense and stress response, as well as downregulation of photosynthesis was found in grazed seaweed. These findings indicate short-term temporal variation in defenses and that modified gene expression patterns arise at the same time when grazed seaweed pieces show reduced palatability. Several genes with putative defensive functions and cellular processes potentially involved in defence, such as reallocation of resources from primary to secondary metabolism, were reveale

    Effect of mesograzer and nutrient levels on the induction of defenses in several Brazilian acroalgae

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    Herbivory can greatly modify benthic community structure by affecting the distribution of algal species. To deter herbivores, algae have developed several mechanisms, including the induction of chemical and morphological defenses, which may be influenced by nutrient availability. We tested 4 red (Chondrophycus flagellifera, Cryptonemia seminervis, Osmundaria obtusiloba, Pterocladiella capillacea), 4 brown (Dictyota menstrualis, Lobophora variegata, Sargassum vulgare, Stypopodium zonale), and 1 green (Codium decorticatum) algae for inducible defenses following exposure to direct consumption by an amphipod community dominated by Elasmopus brasiliensis. In addition, the effects of water-borne cues from nearby grazed conspecifics and non-grazing consumers on the induction of defenses were examined in C. decorticatum under natural and enhanced (200% natural) nutrient levels. Induction of defense was assessed in choice-feeding assays, using live algae or artificial food containing non-polar extracts of amphipod-exposed (treated) and non-exposed (control) algae. Palatability levels, estimated as the relative difference in wet mass due to consumption in feeding assays between grazer-exposed and control plants, declined significantly in 3 species after the acclimatization period. Tissue from the directly consumed red alga P. capillacea (live alga) was significantly less palatable than tissue from the control plants. Likewise, a significant effect was observed in the brown alga L. variegata. Similar, although not statistically significant, trends were observed in 6 other species. For the green alga C. decorticatum, nutrient enrichment did not affect induction of defenses by herbivores, yet unfertilized plants were more palatable than fertilized conspecifics

    Induction of defenses and within-alga variation of palatability in two brown algae from the northern-central coast of Chile: effects of mesograzers and UV radiation.

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    Abstract Macroalgae possess different defense mechanisms in response to herbivory. Some species produce anti-herbivore secondary metabolites, but production of these substances can be costly. Therefore, algae may produce defensive metabolites only in response to herbivory (inducible defense) or defend particular parts of the alga differentially (within-alga variation). In the present study, we examined whether two species of brown algae from the SE-Pacific show evidence of inducible chemical defense (non-polar compounds) or within-alga variation of defense, which we estimated in form of palatability of differently treated algae to amphipod grazers (with live algae and agar-based food containing non-polar algal extracts). In Glossophora kunthii (C. Agardh) J. Agardh, we observed an increase in palatability after algae were acclimated for 12 days without grazers. Subsequent addition of grazers for 12 days then resulted in a reduction of palatability indicating the existence of inducible defense. After removal of grazers for 12 days, these induced effects again disappeared. The reaction of G. kunthii was triggered even by the mere presence of grazers, which suggests that this alga can respond to waterborne cues by reducing palatability. Effects were only found for agar-based food containing non-polar extracts, but not for live algae, suggesting that some parts of the algae are undefended. Our second experiment on within-alga variation confirmed that only apical (growth region) and basal parts (near the holdfast region) of G. kunthii are defended against herbivores. For the second species, Macrocystis integrifolia Bory, the first experiment revealed no induction of defense, while the second experiment on within-alga variation showed that amphipods avoided basal parts and in particular stipes of M. integrifolia but only in live algae. Although both studied algal species differed substantially in their defensive strategies, their reaction was independent of the presence or absence of UV radiation. Thus, it appears that UV effects play only a minor role in anti-herbivore defense, which is in accordance with most previous studies.

    Re-structuring of marine communities exposed to environmental change

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    Species richness is the most commonly used but controversial biodiversity metric in studies on aspects of community stability such as structural composition or productivity. The apparent ambiguity of theoretical and experimental findings may in part be due to experimental shortcomings and/or heterogeneity of scales and methods in earlier studies. This has led to an urgent call for improved and more realistic experiments. In a series of experiments replicated at a global scale we translocated several hundred marine hard bottom communities to new environments simulating a rapid but moderate environmental change. Subsequently, we measured their rate of compositional change (re-structuring) which in the great majority of cases represented a compositional convergence towards local communities. Re-structuring is driven by mortality of community components (original species) and establishment of new species in the changed environmental context. The rate of this re-structuring was then related to various system properties. We show that availability of free substratum relates negatively while taxon richness relates positively to structural persistence (i.e., no or slow re-structuring). Thus, when faced with environmental change, taxon-rich communities retain their original composition longer than taxon-poor communities. The effect of taxon richness, however, interacts with another aspect of diversity, functional richness. Indeed, taxon richness relates positively to persistence in functionally depauperate communities, but not in functionally diverse communities. The interaction between taxonomic and functional diversity with regard to the behaviour of communities exposed to environmental stress may help understand some of the seemingly contrasting findings of past research

    Ultraviolet radiation shapes seaweed communities

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    The capacity of short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides to stimulate faecal bifidobacteria: a dose-response relationship study in healthy humans

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    BACKGROUND: Short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS) are well-known for their bifidogenicity. In a large study comprising 200 healthy volunteers, we determined the bifidogenic properties of 7 non-digestible carbohydrates administered at a dose of 10 g/d in the diet; we analysed dose-response relationships of the bifidogenic substrates at doses ranging from 2.5 to 10 g/d in comparison with a placebo. The aim of this presentation is to give more details about the dose-response effects of short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS). METHODS: Forty healthy volunteers (18 males, 22 females) eating their usual diets were randomly divided into 5 groups of 8 subjects and received scFOS at a dose of 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10 g/d or a placebo for 7 d. Stools were collected before (day (d) 8) and at the end (day (d) 15) of sugar consumption, and tolerance was evaluated using a daily chart. RESULTS (M ± SEM): Bifidobacteria counts increase was higher in scFOS than in placebo group for all doses tested [2.5 g/d (from 9.15 ± 0.59 to 9.39 ± 0.70; P = 0.02); 5 g/d (from 10.21 ± 0.21 to 10.67 ± 0.22; P = 0.03); 7.5 g/d (from 9.28 ± 0.49 to 9.85 ± 0.35;P = 0.01); 10 g/d (from 9.00 ± 0.81 to 10.18 ± 0.60; P = 0.003)]. A significant correlation between the ingested dose of scFOS and faecal bifidobacteria counts was observed at d15 (r(2 )= 0.307, P < 0.001). Total anaerobes increased at the dose of 10 g/d. No significant differences were found for Bacteroides, Lactobacillus, enterobacteria or pH in any group. The frequency of digestive symptoms was not different between scFOS at any of the doses tested and placebo. Bloating was significantly more intense during scFOS ingestion at doses of 2.5 and 5 g/d, but not at doses of 7.5 and 10 g/d. Excess flatus, borborygmi and abdominal pain did not differ from the placebo at any of the doses tested. CONCLUSION: This study showed that scFOS is bifidogenic and well tolerated at doses ranging from 2.5 to 10 g/d, and that there is a dose-response relationship in healthy volunteers

    Re-Structuring of Marine Communities Exposed to Environmental Change: A Global Study on the Interactive Effects of Species and Functional Richness

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    Species richness is the most commonly used but controversial biodiversity metric in studies on aspects of community stability such as structural composition or productivity. The apparent ambiguity of theoretical and experimental findings may in part be due to experimental shortcomings and/or heterogeneity of scales and methods in earlier studies. This has led to an urgent call for improved and more realistic experiments. In a series of experiments replicated at a global scale we translocated several hundred marine hard bottom communities to new environments simulating a rapid but moderate environmental change. Subsequently, we measured their rate of compositional change (re-structuring) which in the great majority of cases represented a compositional convergence towards local communities. Re-structuring is driven by mortality of community components (original species) and establishment of new species in the changed environmental context. The rate of this re-structuring was then related to various system properties. We show that availability of free substratum relates negatively while taxon richness relates positively to structural persistence (i.e., no or slow re-structuring). Thus, when faced with environmental change, taxon-rich communities retain their original composition longer than taxon-poor communities. The effect of taxon richness, however, interacts with another aspect of diversity, functional richness. Indeed, taxon richness relates positively to persistence in functionally depauperate communities, but not in functionally diverse communities. The interaction between taxonomic and functional diversity with regard to the behaviour of communities exposed to environmental stress may help understand some of the seemingly contrasting findings of past research

    Four-week short chain fructo-oligosaccharides ingestion leads to increasing fecal bifidobacteria and cholesterol excretion in healthy elderly volunteers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS) are increasingly used in human diet for their prebiotic properties. We aimed at investigating the effects of scFOS ingestion on the colonic microflora and oro-fecal transit time in elderly healthy humans.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Stools composition, oro-fecal transit time, and clinical tolerance were evaluated in 12 healthy volunteers, aged 69 ± 2 yrs, in three consecutive periods: basal period (2 weeks), scFOS (Actilight<sup>®</sup>) ingestion period (8 g/d for 4 weeks) and follow-up period (4 weeks). Two-way ANOVA, with time and treatment as factors, was used to compare the main outcome measures between the three periods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fecal bifidobacteria counts were significantly increased during the scFOS period (9.17 ± 0.17 log cfu/g vs 8.52 ± 0.26 log cfu/g during the basal period) and returned to their initial values at the end of follow-up (8.37 ± 0.21 log cfu/g; P < 0.05). Fecal cholesterol concentration increased during the scFOS period (8.18 ± 2.37 mg/g dry matter vs 2.81 ± 0.94 mg/g dry matter during the basal period) and returned to the baseline value at the end of follow-up (2.87 ± 0.44 mg/g dry matter; P < 0.05). Fecal pH tended to decrease during scFOS ingestion and follow-up periods compared to the basal period (P = 0.06). Fecal bile acids, stool weight, water percentage, and oro-fecal transit time did not change throughout the study. Excess flatus and bloating were significantly more frequent during scFOS ingestion when compared to the basal period (P < 0.05), but the intensity of these symptoms was very mild.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Four-week 8 g/d scFOS ingestion is well tolerated and leads to a significant increase in fecal bifidobacteria in healthy elderly subjects. Whether the change in cholesterol metabolism found in our study could exert a beneficial action warrants further studies.</p

    Preventive and curative effect of melatonin on mammary carcinogenesis induced by dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in the female Sprague–Dawley rat

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    INTRODUCTION: It has been well documented that the pineal hormone, melatonin, which plays a major role in the control of reproduction in mammals, also plays a role in the incidence and growth of breast and mammary cancer. The curative effect of melatonin on the growth of dimethylbenz [a]anthracene-induced (DMBA-induced) mammary adenocarcinoma (ADK) has been previously well documented in the female Sprague–Dawley rat. However, the preventive effect of melatonin in limiting the frequency of cancer initiation has not been well documented. METHODS: The aim of this study was to compare the potency of melatonin to limit the frequency of mammary cancer initiation with its potency to inhibit tumor progression once initiation, at 55 days of age, was achieved. The present study compared the effect of preventive treatment with melatonin (10 mg/kg daily) administered for only 15 days before the administration of DMBA with the effect of long-term (6-month) curative treatment with the same dose of melatonin starting the day after DMBA administration. The rats were followed up for a year after the administration of the DMBA. RESULTS: The results clearly showed almost identical preventive and curative effects of melatonin on the growth of DMBA-induced mammary ADK. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the inhibitory effects of melatonin. However, the mechanisms responsible for its strong preventive effect are still a matter of debate. At least, it can be envisaged that the artificial amplification of the intensity of the circadian rhythm of melatonin could markedly reduce the DNA damage provoked by DMBA and therefore the frequency of cancer initiation. CONCLUSION: In view of the present results, obtained in the female Sprague–Dawley rat, it can be envisaged that the long-term inhibition of mammary ADK promotion by a brief, preventive treatment with melatonin could also reduce the risk of breast cancer induced in women by unidentified environmental factors
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