570 research outputs found

    Cultivation and anaerobic digestion of Scenedesmus spp. grown in a pilot-scale open raceway

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    Digestibility of a micro-algal mixture was evaluated by mesophilic anaerobic digestion in continuously-stirred tank reactors. The culture consisted primarily of Scenedesmus spp. continuously cultivated over a 6-month period in a 100 m2 raceway reactor instrumented to record pH, dissolved oxygen and temperature. The raceway received supplementary carbon in the form of flue gas from a diesel boiler (10% CO2) injected into a 1-m deep sump to control pH in the range 7.8–8.0. Dilution was optimised to biomass productivity and gave values of 10–15 and 20–25 g total suspended solids (TSS) m? 2 day? 1 in winter (December–February) and spring (April–May), respectively. The culture for the anaerobic digestion trial was harvested in February by centrifugation to give an algal paste containing 4.3% volatile solids (VS). Semi-continuous digestion at organic loading rates of 2.00, 2.75 and 3.50 g VS l? 1 day? 1 gave volumetric biogas productions of ~ 0.66, ~ 0.83 and ~ 0.99 l l? 1 day? 1, respectively. Specific methane yield ranged from 0.13 to 0.14 l CH4 g? 1 VSadded with biogas methane content ~ 62%. Overall the digestion process was stable, but only ~ 30% VS destruction was achieved indicating low biodegradability, due to the short retention times and the recalcitrant nature of this type of biomas

    Photobioreactor Design and Fluid Dynamics

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    Photobioreactor design is a subject of great relevance for the attainment of a sustained development in modern technology,and has also considerable interest from the basic scientific and technologic point of view.The aim of the present review paper is presenting and comparing some of the recent attempts by the authors of modelling photosynthesis in reactors.A short inspection of the kinetic models proposed for photobioreactor design is done,and some examples of the integration of such kinetic models and bioreactor fluid dynamics in the modelling of photobioreactors are presented

    Procedimiento de purificación de biomoléculas que utiliza cromatografía de adsorción en lecho expandido

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    201200502Un procedimiento de purificación de biomoléculas que utiliza cromatografía de adsorción en lecho expandido, que comprende introducir de forma discontinua con un pulsador de membrana elástica un extracto biológico en dicho lecho expandido que comprende una resina adsorbente, lavar las moléculas no adsorbidas en dicha resina adsorbente y eluir las biomoléculas adsorbidas en dicha resina adsorbente. El procedimiento de la invención puede aplicarse a la purificación de B-ficoeritrina a partir de extracto de proteínas de la microalga Phorphyridium cruentum.Universidad de Almerí

    Microalgae: The Basis of Mankind Sustainability

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    Microalgae were the basis of life into the planet, but only recently these microorganisms are exploited at a commercial scale. Thus, the production of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, feed, and foods from microalgae is today a commercial reality increasing year by year. Additionally, microalgae have been proposed to be used to enhance the sustainability of existing industrial activities, as wastewater treatment and biofuel production. In this way, the utilization of microalgae at a large scale is considered a green revolution in the sustainability of mankind. This chapter is focused on reviewing the real contribution of microalgae to human activities. The last improvements of technologies and its uses, in addition to still existing bottlenecks for the massive exploitation of these microorganisms, are reviewed

    Obtención de ácido eicosapentaenoico de alta pureza a partir de la microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum mediante un proceso de tres etapas

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    Número de publicación: ES2120898 A1 (01.11.1998) También publicado como: ES2120898 B1 (16.05.1999) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P9602090 (04.10.1996)El ácido eicosapentaenoico (EPA), de alto interés para la salud humana, ha sido obtenido de la microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum mediante un proceso de tres etapas: extracción de los ácidos grasos por saponificación directa de la biomasa húmeda; concentración de los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFAs) por el método de la urea y purificación del EPA por cromatografía liquida de alta resolución (HPLC). La extracción de los ácidos grasos se ha llevado a cabo con koh-etanol (96% v/v) (1h, 60 c) extrayéndose el 90,9% del EPA presente en la biomasa. La relación urea/ácidos grasos ha sido 4:1 p/p, la temperatura de cristalización 28 c y se ha utilizado metanol como disolvente de la urea, obteniéndose un rendimiento del 78,6% en EPA. La purificación del EPA se ha realizado en una columna de 4,7 cm d.i. X 30 cm, fase inversa c18 y utilizando metanol-agua (1% ACH) 80:20 p:p como fase móvil; el 97,3% del EPA cargado en la columna se ha recuperado con una pureza del 95,8%. El rendimiento global del proceso es del 69,5%. La producción de EPA de alta pureza es de 2,46 g/día, determinada por la producción de biomasa de phaeodactylum tricornutum de un fotobiorreactor tubular externo (100 g/día). Este mismo proceso puede aplicarse a otras microalgas y a la obtención de otros PUFAsUniversidad de Almerí

    Simultaneous Effect of Temperature and Irradiance on Growth and Okadaic Acid Production from the Marine Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum belizeanum

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    Benthic marine dioflagellate microalgae belonging to the genus Prorocentrum are a major source of okadaic acid (OA), OA analogues and polyketides. However, dinoflagellates produce these valuable toxins and bioactives in tiny quantities, and they grow slowly compared to other commercially used microalgae. This hinders evaluation in possible large-scale applications. The careful selection of producer species is therefore crucial for success in a hypothetical scale-up of culture, as are appropriate environmental conditions for optimal growth. A clone of the marine toxic dinoflagellate P. belizeanum was studied in vitro to evaluate its capacities to grow and produce OA as an indicator of general polyketide toxin production under the simultaneous influence of temperature (T) and irradiance (I0). Three temperatures and four irradiance levels were tested (18, 25 and 28 °C; 20, 40, 80 and 120 µE·m−2·s−1), and the response variables measured were concentration of cells, maximum photochemical yield of photosystem II (PSII), pigments and OA. Experiments were conducted in T-flasks, since their parallelepipedal geometry proved ideal to ensure optically thin cultures, which are essential for reliable modeling of growth-irradiance curves. The net maximum specific growth rate (µm) was 0.204 day−1 at 25 °C and 40 µE·m−2·s−1. Photo-inhibition was observed at I0 > 40 μEm−2s−1, leading to culture death at 120 µE·m−2·s−1 and 28 °C. Cells at I0 ≥ 80 µE·m−2·s−1 were photoinhibited irrespective of the temperature assayed. A mechanistic model for µm-I0 curves and another empirical model for relating µm-T satisfactorily interpreted the growth kinetics obtained. ANOVA for responses of PSII maximum photochemical yield and pigment profile has demonstrated that P. belizeanum is extremely light sensitive. The pool of photoprotective pigments (diadinoxanthin and dinoxanthin) and peridinin was not able to regulate the excessive light-absorption at high I0-T. OA synthesis in cells was decoupled from optimal growth conditions, as OA overproduction was observed at high temperatures and when both temperature and irradiance were low. T-flask culture observations were consistent with preliminary assays outdoors

    Utilization of centrate from wastewater treatment for the outdoor production of Nannochloropsis gaditana biomass at pilot-scale

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    In this work, the outdoor pilot-scale production of marine microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana using centrate from the anaerobic digestion of municipal wastewater was evaluated. For this, outdoor continuous cultures were performed in both tubular and raceways reactors mixing seawater with different centrate percentages (15%, 20% and 30%) as culture medium. It was demonstrated that N. gaditana can be produced using centrate as the only nutrients source but at percentages below 30%. At this level inhibition was caused by an excess of ammonium in both photobioreactors, as confirmed by chlorophyll fluorescence and average irradiance data, thus reducing productivity. At 15% and 20% centrate percentages, biomass productivity was equal to that measured when using Algal culture medium, of 0.48 and 0.10 g·l-1·day-1 for tubular and raceway reactors respectively. During the experiments nitrogen depuration decreased from 85% to 63% in tubular reactors with the increase of centrate percentage in culture medium and the decrease in biomass productivity, while in raceway reactors an opposite behavior was observed due to ammonia stripping from the cultures. Phosphorus depuration from the culture medium was 85% whatever the system used and the centrate percentage in culture medium indicating a phosphorus limitation into the cultures. By supplying additional phosphorus, to achieve an N:P ratio of 5, it was possible to enhance productivity and increase nitrogen depuration in both systems. The use of centrate is confirmed as a useful method for reducing microalgae production costs and for increasing process sustainability. Consequently, it is demonstrated that for the production of microalgae biomass, centrate from wastewater treatment plants can be used as the exclusive nutrient source, achieving high productivities and nutrient removal rates if using suitable strains and if the system is operated adequately

    Sistema de eliminación de metales pesados en aguas mediante microalgas

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    Publication number: ES2642462 A2 (16.11.2017) Also published as: ES2642462 R1 (29.11.2017) Application number: P201500861 (20.11.2015)La presente invención propone un "sistema de eliminación de metales pesados en aguas mediante microalgas", que utiliza las propiedades de estos microorganismos como material adsorbente y favorecedor de procesos de oxidación y precipitación, y una secuencia de etapas adecuadamente diseñadas para el funcionamiento óptimo del sistema. El proceso propuesto implica dos etapas claramente diferenciadas, la primera de producción en continuo de microalgas y la segunda más novedosa de puesta en contacto del cultivo de microalgas con las aguas de mina mediante sistemas de retención o recirculación de lodos. De esta forma se minimiza la cantidad de microalga necesaria, permitiendo depurar grandes volúmenes de agua contaminada por unidad de volumen de cultivo de microalgas.Universidad de Almerí

    Utilization of centrate for the production of the marine microalgae Nannochloropsis gaditana

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    In this paper, the production of the microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana using centrate from the anaerobic digestion of treated urban wastewater is studied. For this, semicontinuous cultures were performed indoors at laboratory scale, under controlled conditions, supplying seawater with different centrate percentages from a real wastewater treatment plant as the culture medium. It was demonstrated that N. gaditana can be produced using solely centrate as the nutrient source but only at percentages below 50%. Above this level, inhibition is caused by an excess of ammonia, thus reducing productivity. In the 30-50% centrate range, biomass productivity was 0.4 g·l-1·day-1, equal to that measured when using Algal culture medium. Moreover, the biochemical composition of the biomass was also equal to that measured when using Algal culture medium, with the protein content in the 30-40%d.wt. range; whereas the lipid content ranged from 20 to 25%d.wt. Under these conditions, phosphorus depuration from the culture medium was in the 80-90% range while nitrogen depuration was only between 20 and 40%, indicating an excess of nitrogen in the centrate with respect to phosphorus. In spite of this phosphorus limitation, in the optimal centrate range (30-50% in the culture medium), the cells performed under optimal conditions, removing up to 35 mgN·l-1·day-1 and 5.7 mgP·l-1·day-1, with quantum yield values measuring 1.0-1.3 g·E-1. By supplying additional phosphorus, it was possible to enhance productivity and increase nitrate and phosphorus depuration to over 80%. The use of centrate is confirmed as a useful method for reducing microalgae production costs while also increasing process sustainability, especially when using biomass for bioenergy applications

    Concentración de cultivos de microalgas por un proceso de eliminación osmótica del medio utilizando disoluciones de glicerol

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    Número de publicación: ES2545829 A1 (15.09.2015) También publicado como: ES2545829 B2 (15.01.2016) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201400232 (12.03.2014)La presente invención consiste en concentrar cultivos de microalgas mediante un proceso económico y de bajo consumo energético pudiendo reaprovechar el glicerol residual de la síntesis de biodiesel. La disolución de glicerol constituye la solución osmótica, que se pone en contacto con el cultivo de microalgas a través de una membrana semipermeable. La diferencia de presión osmótica entre el cultivo y la disolución de glicerol hace que el agua se transfiera al glicerol, lográndose así, sin adición de químicos ni gasto energético adicional la concentración del cultivo. Este procedimiento, permite que en los procesos posteriores al cultivo de microalgas se manejen menores volúmenes, con el subsecuente recorte en el gasto de equipos, suministros y energético. Alternativas: centrifugación, floculación, ósmosis con agua de mar.Universidad de Almerí