4 research outputs found

    Agroindustria Panelera: Alternativa para su Intensificaci贸n

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    The aim of this study was to establish an intensification process for the panela industry with the purpose of productivity, quality and developed. A diagnosis has been made and it showed the weakness of the sector. An improvement has been propose for the fabrication process as a dynamization factor of productivity of the panela agroindustry. The research has shown the extraction process, juice clarify, concentration, honey mixed and an efficient and responsible residues manage that allow a sustainable industry.Key words: sugar cane industry, processing, safe food


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    Research and entrepreneurship have positioned themselves within universities as one of the most important issues and governments have also linked it within their agendas and have structured plans, programs and projects to strengthen it, understanding that their promotion can contribute to development economic and social development of the countries through their links with scientific research. The objective of this paper is to explain some theoretical elements about research and entrepreneurship in the contemporary university. It is concluded that it is fundamental that Research and Entrepreneurship in the university is important, since it is a research work that helps students to integrate into the working world and generate a significant and permanent process of adoption, adaptation and creation of modern technologies by of small and medium enterprises. In addition, universities should play a much more active role in linking the education system with research, as well as the training of new entrepreneurs according to the productive profile of the environment in such a way as to allow the existence of qualified human resources in accordance with the regional needs.La investigaci贸n y el emprendimiento se han posicionado al interior de las universidades como uno de los temas m谩s importantes y los gobiernos tambi茅n lo han vinculado dentro de sus agendas y han estructurado planes, programas y proyectos para fortalecerlo, entendiendo que su promoci贸n puede contribuir al desarrollo econ贸mico y social de los pa铆ses mediante su vinculaci贸n con la investigaci贸n cient铆fica. El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar algunos elementos te贸ricos sobre la investigaci贸n y el emprendimiento en la universidad contempor谩nea. Se concluye que es fundamental que la Investigaci贸n y el Emprendimiento en la universidad es importante, pues es una labor investigativa que ayuda a los estudiantes a integrarse al mundo laboral y generar un proceso significativo y permanente de adopci贸n, adaptaci贸n y creaci贸n de tecnolog铆as modernas por parte de las peque帽as y medianas empresas. Adem谩s, que las universidades jueguen un rol mucho m谩s protag贸nico en la vinculaci贸n del sistema de educaci贸n con la investigaci贸n, as铆 como la capacitaci贸n de nuevos emprendedores de acuerdo al perfil productivo del entorno de tal forma que permita la existencia de recursos humanos calificados en concordancia con las necesidades regionales

    El emprendimiento y la investigaci贸n cient铆fica. Un paradigma en la Universidad Ecuatoriana

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    Research and entrepreneurship have positioned themselves within universities as one of the most important issues and governments have also linked it within their agendas and have structured plans, programs and projects to strengthen it, understanding that their promotion can contribute to development economic and social development of the countries through their links with scientific research. The objective of this paper is to explain some theoretical elements about research and entrepreneurship in the contemporary university. It is concluded that it is fundamental that Research and Entrepreneurship in the university is important, since it is a research work that helps students to integrate into the working world and generate a significant and permanent process of adoption, adaptation and creation of modern technologies by of small and medium enterprises. In addition, universities should play a much more active role in linking the education system with research, as well as the training of new entrepreneurs according to the productive profile of the environment in such a way as to allow the existence of qualified human resources in accordance with the regional needs.La investigaci贸n y el emprendimiento se han posicionado al interior de las universidades como uno de los temas m谩s importantes y los gobiernos tambi茅n lo han vinculado dentro de sus agendas y han estructurado planes, programas y proyectos para fortalecerlo, entendiendo que su promoci贸n puede contribuir al desarrollo econ贸mico y social de los pa铆ses mediante su vinculaci贸n con la investigaci贸n cient铆fica. El objetivo de este trabajo es explicar algunos elementos te贸ricos sobre la investigaci贸n y el emprendimiento en la universidad contempor谩nea. Se concluye que es fundamental que la Investigaci贸n y el Emprendimiento en la universidad es importante, pues es una labor investigativa que ayuda a los estudiantes a integrarse al mundo laboral y generar un proceso significativo y permanente de adopci贸n, adaptaci贸n y creaci贸n de tecnolog铆as modernas por parte de las peque帽as y medianas empresas. Adem谩s, que las universidades jueguen un rol mucho m谩s protag贸nico en la vinculaci贸n del sistema de educaci贸n con la investigaci贸n, as铆 como la capacitaci贸n de nuevos emprendedores de acuerdo al perfil productivo del entorno de tal forma que permita la existencia de recursos humanos calificados en concordancia con las necesidades regionales

    Gesti贸n de la tecnolog铆a y su proceso de transferencia en Peque帽as y Medianas Empresas metalmec谩nicas del Ecuador

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    A general characterization of this important function in contemporary enterprises is made, especially in small and medium ones (SMEs). The main insufficiencies present in Latin American SMEs are exposed, particularly in those belonging to the Ecuadorian metal-mechanic sector. The need for a deep study of the specific processes in technology management (TM), specifically on its transfer, and its integration with a strategic approach is stablished. The conceptual basis and the first results in the design of an alternative methodological instrument of a strategic nature for this purpose are presented.Se hace una caracterizaci贸n general de esta importante funci贸n de la empresa contempor谩nea, en especial en las Peque帽as y Medianas Empresas (PyMEs). Se exponen las principales falencias que esta presenta en la PyME latinoamericana, particularmente en las pertenecientes al sector metalmec谩nico ecuatoriano. Se fundamenta la necesidad de profundizar en el estudio de los procesos espec铆ficos que componen la Gesti贸n de la Tecnolog铆a (GT), espec铆ficamente en su transferencia, y la necesidad de su integraci贸n con enfoque estrat茅gico. Se presenta la base conceptual y los primeros resultados del dise帽o de un instrumento metodol贸gico alternativo de car谩cter estrat茅gico con este prop贸sito