36 research outputs found

    CRISPR screens in sister chromatid cohesion defective cells reveal PAXIP1-PAGR1 as regulator of chromatin association of cohesin

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    The cohesin complex regulates higher order chromosome architecture through maintaining sister chromatid cohesion and folding chromatin by DNA loop extrusion. Impaired cohesin function underlies a heterogeneous group of genetic syndromes and is associated with cancer. Here, we mapped the genetic dependencies of human cell lines defective of cohesion regulators DDX11 and ESCO2. The obtained synthetic lethality networks are strongly enriched for genes involved in DNA replication and mitosis and support the existence of parallel sister chromatid cohesion establishment pathways. Among the hits, we identify the chromatin binding, BRCT-domain containing protein PAXIP1 as a novel cohesin regulator. Depletion of PAXIP1 severely aggravates cohesion defects in ESCO2 mutant cells, leading to mitotic cell death. PAXIP1 promotes global chromatin association of cohesin, independent of DNA replication, a function that cannot be explained by indirect effects of PAXIP1 on transcription or DNA repair. Cohesin regulation by PAXIP1 requires its binding partner PAGR1 and a conserved FDF motif in PAGR1. PAXIP1 co-localizes with cohesin on multiple genomic loci, including active gene promoters and enhancers. Possibly, this newly identified role of PAXIP1-PAGR1 in regulating cohesin occupancy on chromatin is also relevant for previously described functions of PAXIP1 in transcription, immune cell maturation and DNA repair.</p

    The histone methyltransferase SETD2 negatively regulates cell size

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    Cell size varies between cell types but is tightly regulated by cell intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms. Cell size control is important for cell function, and changes in cell size are frequently observed in cancer. Here, we uncover a role for SETD2 in regulating cell size. SETD2 is a lysine methyltransferase and a tumor suppressor protein involved in transcription, RNA processing and DNA repair. At the molecular level, SETD2 is best known for associating with RNA polymerase II through its Set2-Rbp1 interacting (SRI) domain and methylating histone H3 on lysine 36 (H3K36) during transcription. Using multiple independent perturbation strategies, we identify SETD2 as a negative regulator of global protein synthesis rates and cell size. We provide evidence that overexpression of the H3K36 demethylase KDM4A or the oncohistone H3.3K36M also increase cell size. In addition, ectopic overexpression of a decoy SRI domain increased cell size, suggesting that the relevant substrate is engaged by SETD2 via its SRI domain. These data add a central role of SETD2 in regulating cellular physiology and warrant further studies on separating the different functions of SETD2 in cancer development

    SETD2: from chromatin modifier to multipronged regulator of the genome and beyond

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    Histone modifying enzymes play critical roles in many key cellular processes and are appealing proteins for targeting by small molecules in disease. However, while the functions of histone modifying enzymes are often linked to epigenetic regulation of the genome, an emerging theme is that these enzymes often also act by non-catalytic and/or non-epigenetic mechanisms. SETD2 (Set2 in yeast) is best known for associating with the transcription machinery and methylating histone H3 on lysine 36 (H3K36) during transcription. This well-characterized molecular function of SETD2 plays a role in fine-tuning transcription, maintaining chromatin integrity, and mRNA processing. Here we give an overview of the various molecular functions and mechanisms of regulation of H3K36 methylation by Set2/SETD2. These fundamental insights are important to understand SETD2’s role in disease, most notably in cancer in which SETD2 is frequently inactivated. SETD2 also methylates non-histone substrates such as α-tubulin which may promote genome stability and contribute to the tumor-suppressor function of SETD2. Thus, to understand its role in disease, it is important to understand and dissect the multiple roles of SETD2 within the cell. In this review we discuss how histone methylation by Set2/SETD2 has led the way in connecting histone modifications in active regions of the genome to chromatin functions and how SETD2 is leading the way to showing that we also have to look beyond histones to truly understand the physiological role of an ‘epigenetic’ writer enzyme in normal cells and in disease

    SETD2: from chromatin modifier to multipronged regulator of the genome and beyond

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    Histone modifying enzymes play critical roles in many key cellular processes and are appealing proteins for targeting by small molecules in disease. However, while the functions of histone modifying enzymes are often linked to epigenetic regulation of the genome, an emerging theme is that these enzymes often also act by non-catalytic and/or non-epigenetic mechanisms. SETD2 (Set2 in yeast) is best known for associating with the transcription machinery and methylating histone H3 on lysine 36 (H3K36) during transcription. This well-characterized molecular function of SETD2 plays a role in fine-tuning transcription, maintaining chromatin integrity, and mRNA processing. Here we give an overview of the various molecular functions and mechanisms of regulation of H3K36 methylation by Set2/SETD2. These fundamental insights are important to understand SETD2’s role in disease, most notably in cancer in which SETD2 is frequently inactivated. SETD2 also methylates non-histone substrates such as α-tubulin which may promote genome stability and contribute to the tumor-suppressor function of SETD2. Thus, to understand its role in disease, it is important to understand and dissect the multiple roles of SETD2 within the cell. In this review we discuss how histone methylation by Set2/SETD2 has led the way in connecting histone modifications in active regions of the genome to chromatin functions and how SETD2 is leading the way to showing that we also have to look beyond histones to truly understand the physiological role of an ‘epigenetic’ writer enzyme in normal cells and in disease

    Application of Recombination -Induced Tag Exchange (RITE) to study histone dynamics in human cells

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    In eukaryotes, nucleosomes form a barrier to DNA templated reactions and must be dynamically disrupted to provide access to the genome. During nucleosome (re)assembly, histones can be replaced by new histones, erasing post-translational modifications. Measuring histone turnover in mammalian cells has mostly relied on inducible overexpression of histones, which may influence and distort natural histone deposition rates. We have previously used recombination-induced tag exchange (RITE) to study histone dynamics in budding yeast. RITE is a method to follow protein turnover by genetic switching of epitope tags using Cre recombinase and does not rely on inducible overexpression. Here, we applied RITE to study the dynamics of the replication-independent histone variant H3.3 in human cells. Epitope tag-switching could be readily detected upon induction of Cre-recombinase, enabling the monitoring old and new H3.3 in the same pool of cells. However, the rate of tag-switching was lower than in yeast cells. Analysis of histone H3.3 incorporation by chromatin immunoprecipitation did not recapitulate previously reported aspects of H3.3 dynamics such as high turnover rates in active promoters and enhancers. We hypothesize that asynchronous Cre-mediated DNA recombination in the cell population leads to a low time resolution of the H3.3-RITE system in human cells. We conclude that RITE enables the detection of old and new proteins in human cells and that the time-scale of tag-switching prevents the capture of high turnover events in a population of cells. Instead, RITE might be more suited for tracking long-lived histone proteins in human cells

    Direct screening for chromatin status on DNA barcodes in yeast delineates the regulome of H3K79 methylation by Dot1

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    Given the frequent misregulation of chromatin in cancer, it is important to understand the cellular mechanisms that regulate chromatin structure. However, systematic screening for epigenetic regulators is challenging and often relies on laborious assays or indirect reporter read-outs. Here we describe a strategy, Epi-ID, to directly assess chromatin status in thousands of mutants. In Epi-ID, chromatin status on DNA barcodes is interrogated by chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing, allowing for quantitative comparison of many mutants in parallel. Screening of a barcoded yeast knock-out collection for regulators of histone H3K79 methylation by Dot1 identified all known regulators as well as novel players and processes. These include histone deposition, homologous recombination, and adenosine kinase, which influences the methionine cycle. Gcn5, the acetyltransferase within the SAGA complex, was found to regulate histone methylation and H2B ubiquitination. The concept of Epi-ID is widely applicable and can be readily applied to other chromatin features