45 research outputs found

    First detection of ND in the solar-mass protostar IRAS16293-2422

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    In the past decade, much progress has been made in characterising the processes leading to the enhanced deuterium fractionation observed in the ISM and in particular in the cold, dense parts of star forming regions such as protostellar envelopes. Very high molecular D/H ratios have been found for saturated molecules and ions. However, little is known about the deuterium fractionation in radicals, even though simple radicals often represent an intermediate stage in the formation of more complex, saturated molecules. The imidogen radical NH is such an intermediate species for the ammonia synthesis in the gas phase. Herschel/HIFI represents a unique opportunity to study the deuteration and formation mechanisms of such species, which are not observable from the ground. We searched here for the deuterated radical ND in order to determine the deuterium fractionation of imidogen and constrain the deuteration mechanism of this species. We observed the solar-mass Class 0 protostar IRAS16293-2422 with the heterodyne instrument HIFI as part of the Herschel key programme CHESS (Chemical HErschel Surveys of Star forming regions). The deuterated form of the imidogen radical ND was detected and securely identified with 2 hyperfine component groups of its fundamental transition in absorption against the continuum background emitted from the nascent protostar. The 3 groups of hyperfine components of its hydrogenated counterpart NH were also detected in absorption. We derive a very high deuterium fractionation with an [ND]/[NH] ratio of between 30 and 100%. The deuterium fractionation of imidogen is of the same order of magnitude as that in other molecules, which suggests that an efficient deuterium fractionation mechanism is at play. We discuss two possible formation pathways for ND, by means of either the reaction of N+ with HD, or deuteron/proton exchange with NH.Comment: Accepted; To appear in A&A Herschel/HIFI Special Issu

    Detection of 15NH2D in dense cores: A new tool for measuring the 14N/15N ratio in the cold ISM

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    Ammonia is one of the best tracers of cold dense cores. It is also a minor constituent of interstellar ices and, as such, one of the important nitrogen reservoirs in the protosolar nebula, together with the gas phase nitrogen, in the form of N2 and N. An important diagnostic of the various nitrogen sources and reservoirs of nitrogen in the Solar System is the 14N/15N isotopic ratio. While good data exist for the Solar System, corresponding measurements in the interstellar medium are scarce and of low quality. Following the successful detection of the singly, doubly, and triply deuterated isotopologues of ammonia, we have searched for 15NH2D in dense cores, as a new tool for investigating the 14N/15N ratio in dense molecular gas. With the IRAM-30m telescope, we have obtained deep integrations of the ortho 15NH2D (1(1,1)-1(0,1)) line at 86.4 GHz, simultaneously with the corresponding ortho NH2D line at 85.9 GHz. o-15NH2D is detected in Barnard-1b, NGC1333-DCO+, and L1689N, while we obtained upper limits towards LDN1544 and NGC1333-IRAS4A, and a tentative detection towards L134N(S). The 14N/15N abundance ratio in NH2D ranges between 350 and 850, similar to the protosolar value of ~ 424, and likely higher than the terrestrial ratio of 270

    Rosetta FlexPepDock ab-initio: Simultaneous Folding, Docking and Refinement of Peptides onto Their Receptors

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    Flexible peptides that fold upon binding to another protein molecule mediate a large number of regulatory interactions in the living cell and may provide highly specific recognition modules. We present Rosetta FlexPepDock ab-initio, a protocol for simultaneous docking and de-novo folding of peptides, starting from an approximate specification of the peptide binding site. Using the Rosetta fragments library and a coarse-grained structural representation of the peptide and the receptor, FlexPepDock ab-initio samples efficiently and simultaneously the space of possible peptide backbone conformations and rigid-body orientations over the receptor surface of a given binding site. The subsequent all-atom refinement of the coarse-grained models includes full side-chain modeling of both the receptor and the peptide, resulting in high-resolution models in which key side-chain interactions are recapitulated. The protocol was applied to a benchmark in which peptides were modeled over receptors in either their bound backbone conformations or in their free, unbound form. Near-native peptide conformations were identified in 18/26 of the bound cases and 7/14 of the unbound cases. The protocol performs well on peptides from various classes of secondary structures, including coiled peptides with unusual turns and kinks. The results presented here significantly extend the scope of state-of-the-art methods for high-resolution peptide modeling, which can now be applied to a wide variety of peptide-protein interactions where no prior information about the peptide backbone conformation is available, enabling detailed structure-based studies and manipulation of those interactions

    Experimental progress in positronium laser physics

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    A Remeasurement of the Products for Electron Recombination of N 2

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