138 research outputs found


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    The aim of the article is to construct a model for the development of the market of passenger cars taking into account global impact, macroeconomics and marketing factors that enables automotive companies planning sales volumes, identifying potential markets for operational and efficient investments. The global processes as well as limitation in accessing to natural resources and their value increase, society digitalization, enforcement of competition and governmental regulations, all of them are key factors of car industry developments which have to be taken into account in the process of cars’ producers marketing activity. Another important impact factor is innovations as a basic pillar of enterprises’ competitiveness, which is functioning on the market. Therefore, the need in traditional approaches changes to marketing management under conditions of global changes in economy is very important for enterprises’ on car market, which are creating higher value for clients and moreover in long-term prospective such enterprises will have strong market positions. The results of research define main significant factors influencing sales on the global automotive market. Quantative model that has been developed, will allow to effectively plan the marketing activity of enterprises both on the global market and on their regional clusters. Furtemore, the research helps automotive manufactores with the entry market and efficient investments desisisions. The methodology of the quantative forecast measurament of cars’ sales both on global and its regional clusters is based on retrospective sales analysis and main quantitive impact factors. The quantative model has been checked by real sales data under retrospective figures that confirms its real practical ability.Целлю статьи является построение модели развития рынка легковых автомобилей, учитывая факторы глобального влияния, макроэкономические и маркетинговые показатели, которые позволяют автомобильным компаниям планировать обьемы продаж, определять потенциальные рынки для оперативной деятельности и эффективного инвестирования. Результаты исследования заключаются в определении наиболее важных факторах влияния на продажи глобального рынка легковых атвомобилей. Количественная модель обеспечивает эффективное планирование маркетинговой деятельности компаний как на глобальном рынке, так и на его региональных кластерах. Более того, исследование позволяет автомобильным производителям принимать решения о целесообразности выхода на тот или другой региональный рынок и принимать взвешенные инвестиционные решения. Построеная количественная модель была проверена на реальной ретроспективной статистике продаж, что подтверждает ее дееспособность в практической плоскости.Ціллю статті є побудова моделі розвитку ринку легкових автомбілів, ураховуючи фактори глобального впливу, макроекономічні і маркетингові показники, які дозволяють автомобільним компаніям планувати обсяги продажу, визначати потенційні ринки для оперативної діяльності та ефективного інвестування. Глобальні процеси, а також лімітовані природні ресурси та їхня постійно зростаюча вартість, диджитилізація суспільства, посилення конкуренції та урядових регуляцій,— це все є основними факторами розвитку автомобільної промисловості, які потрібно враховувати у процесі маркетингової діяльності автомобільних виробників. Іншим важливим чинником впливу розвитку ринку є інновації як основний фактор конкурентоспроможності компаній. Тому постає потреба в змінах традиційних підходів до управління маркетинговою діяльністю під впливом глобальних змін в економіці, що є дуже важливим для компаній на автомобільному ринку, направлених на створення високих цінностей для клієнтів і посилення позицій компаній у довготерміновій перспективі. Результати дослідження полягають у визначенні найважливіших факторів впливу на продажі глобального ринку автомобілів. Кількісна модель забезпечує ефективне планування маркетингової діяльності компаній як на глобальному ринку, так і на його регіональних кластерах. Більше того, дослідження допомагає автомобільним виробникам ухвалювати рішення щодо виходу на той або інший регіональний ринок та приймати виважені інвестиційні рішення. Методологія кількісного прогнозу виміру потенційних продаж автомобілів як на глобальному, так і регіональних ринках базується на ретроспективному аналізі як продажів, так і у кількісному вираженні основних факторів впливу на нього. Побудована кількісна модель була перевірена на реальній ретроспективній статистиці продажів, що підтверджує її дієздатність у практичній площині


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    Метою дослідження є огляд теорій патогенезу генітального ендометріозу. До сьогодні це захворювання не втрачає своєї актуальності та залишається предметом палких дискусій. До того жжодна з теорій і концепцій етіології та патогенезу ендометріозу не може повністю пояснити ані причини, ані різноманітність локалізації вогнищ хвороби. Тому цей огляд, який скерований на ґрунтовний аналіз існуючих теорій походження генітального ендометріозу, повинен стат

    Endothelioprotective property of the combination of the thioctic acid and rosuvastatin shown in the endothelial dysfunction models

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    During the experiment, the modeling of endothelial dysfunction of male rats was performed by intraperitoneal administration of L-NAME at a dose of 25 mg/kg for 7 days, and the same of female rats was performed by bilateral ovarioectomy and further intraperitoneal administration of L-NAME at a dose of 25 mg/kg for 7. The deficiency of nitric oxide as a result of the NO-synthase blockade was accompanied by the impairment of the endotheliumdependent and independent vasodilatation estimated in the pharmacological tests, which was expressed in the increasing coefficient of endothelial dysfunctio

    Формирование социологических взглядов на процессы медиаконвергенции

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the process of emergence and views of foreign and Russian researchers on the problem of the processes of media convergence. Focuses on the sociological aspect of the phenomenon. Provided basic concepts, the trends and prospects in the study of media convergence as a modern phenomenon. Rethinking the concept of convergence began with the publications in which knowledge and technology have been named as key components of future economy, convergence has become a phenomenon to be reckoned with, which will soon become a defining concept in the context of globalization. Considering the media environment as a system consisting of means of communication, foreign sociologists have radically changed the view of modern media, of their possibilities, their degree of influence on the society. The impact of media convergence on the life of each person, his worth in society, his mind, the ways of communication, to the professional world, and to leisure is only a part of important research areas. In general, the history of the development of sociological views on the processes of media convergence adjusts to multicontextual in the study of media. Today should be studied in the aggregate of all modern scientific disciplines, in both theoretical and practical applied aspects. In the end, the author has compiled a table that presented the stages of development of sociological views on the processes of media convergence with a brief description of each of them. The main trends and promising sociological research relevant to the challenges of the present time.Цель данной статьи – рассмотреть процесс формирования взглядов зарубежных и российских исследователей на проблему процессов медиаконвергенции. Акцентируется внимание на социологическом аспекте данного явления. Указаны базовые понятия, формирующие тенденции и перспективы развития в изучении медиаконвергенции как современного феномена. Переосмысление понятия конвергенции началось с публикаций, в которых знания и информационные технологии были названы основными составляющими будущей экономики: конвергенция предстала явлением, с которым следует считаться, которое становится определяющим понятием в контексте глобализации. Рассматривая медиасреду как особую систему, состоящую из средств коммуникации, причем в синергетическом эффекте, зарубежные социологи кардинально изменили представление о современных медиа, об их возможностях, степени влияния на социум. Социологический аспект в исследованиях состоит в необратимом воздействии медиаконвергенции на жизнедеятельность каждого человека, на его состоятельность в обществе, его сознание, способы коммуникации, профессиональную сферу, досуг. В целом история развития социологических взглядов на процессы медиаконвергенции настраивает на поликонтекстуальность в изучении массмедиа. Сегодня их следует изучать в совокупности всех современных научных дисциплин, в теоретическом и практическом прикладном аспектах. Автором статьи была составлена таблица, в которой представлены этапы развития социологических взглядов на процессы медиаконвергенции с краткой характеристикой каждого из них. Выявлены основные направления перспективных социологических исследований, соответствующих вызовам настоящего времени

    Strain Hardening of Beryllium Bronze by Friction Loaded Method

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    The structural and properties features of BrBNT1,7 beryllium bronze subjected to dispersion hardening after quenching on a supersaturated solid solution and subsequent aging were studied. The result of aging is a significant increase in the strength properties (microhardness) of the alloy.Изучены особенности структуры и свойств бериллиевой бронзы БрБНТ1,7, подвергнутой дисперсионному упрочнению после закалки на пересыщенный твердый раствор с последующим старением. Результатом старения является существенное возрастание прочностных свойств (микротвердости) сплава

    The role of obstetric pessary and micronized progesteron in early preterm birth prevention in patients with multiple pregnancy

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    Background. Multiple pregnancy is a well-established risk factor for preterm birth. Prevention of early termination of pregnancy is a priority problem in obstetric practice.The aim. To evaluate the role of an obstetric pessary and micronized progesterone in the prevention of early preterm labor in patients with multiple pregnancies.Materials and methods. A prospective controlled study was conducted with the inclusion of 146 pregnant women with multiple pregnancies, which, depending on the methods of treatment, were divided into three groups: Group I (n = 67) – pregnant women who received micronized progesterone in combination with an obstetric pessary; Group II (n = 57) included women who received micronized progesterone; Group III (n = 22) consisted of patients with multiple pregnancies without therapy.Results. In Group I, the complex of an obstetric pessary and micronized progesterone allowed to reduce the frequency of preterm birth by 2.3 times (p = 0.008) in comparison with Group III, the frequency of births at gestational age ≤ 34 weeks – by 8.1 times (p = 0.005) in compared with Group III and 2.7 times (p < 0.01) compared with Group II. In 70.4 % of pregnant women, the use of a complex of an obstetric pessary with micronized progesterone made it possible to prevent the formation of isthmiccervical insufficiency, which, according to sonography, was expressed in the dynamics of the utero-cervical angle towards a more obtuse one.Conclusion. The use of an obstetric pessary with micronized progesterone made it possible to reduce the risks of isthmic-cervical insufficiency by 7.7 % compared with patients who received only micronized progesterone therapy, and by 17.1 % compared with pregnant women who did not receive therapy

    Bronchodilator reversibility test for broncho-obstructive syndrome detection and differential diagnosis of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Purpose – to analyze the method of bronchodilator reversibility test (BRT) at different doses of salbutamol in patients with bronchial asthma (BA) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Materials and methods. We examined 80 patients with broncho-obstructive syndrome, including 50 patients with a mild persistent BA (Group I) and 30 patients with COPD of moderate (course B) severity (Group II). All patients underwent routine methods of investigation: general clinical, laboratory, pulmonary function test, radiography of the chest organs (if needed), and statistical methods were used. Results. Two methods of BRT were performed that differed in the dose of salbutamol to examine the patients with BA and COPD. All 50 patients with BA were first examined for bronchodilator reversibility with 200 micrograms of salbutamol and then, usually in 2 weeks, with 400 micrograms of salbutamol. Reversibility was in all the patients with BA within 15 minutes after 200 micrograms of salbutamol inhalation, but in 30 patients (60 %) it was full (12 % and more than the previous, >200 ml), and in 20 patients it was partial (less than 12 % or 200 ml). Full reversibility was found in 46 out of the 50 patients (92 %) within 30 minutes and it was 12 % or more (>200 ml) in all the patients only within 45 minutes. When using a salbutamol dose of 400 mg in BRT, the following results were obtained: full reversibility was in 47 (94 %) patients within 15 minutes and in another 3 patients within 30 minutes, that is in all the patients with BA. 16 (53.3 %) patients with COPD were considered nonreversible following administration a dose of salbutamol 200 micrograms within 15 minutes and partial reversibility was in 14 (46.7 %) patients with COPD. Partial reversibility was found in 10 patients (33.3 %) after 30 minutes, and 6 patients (20.0 %) were nonreversible or reversibility was within 2–3 %; in 4 out of the 6 patients (93.24 % in total) partial reversibility was only after 45 minutes and the remaining two patients were nonreversible even after 60 minutes of the examination. BRT revealed partial reversibility at a salbutamol dose of 400 micrograms in 26 (86.6 %) patients with COPD within 15 minutes, in another 3 (96.6 %) patients – within 30 minutes and after 45 minutes – in all patients; none of the patients showed full reversibility. Conclusions. According to conducted study, salbutamol for BRT can be used at a dose of 200 and 400 mcg in patients with BA, but the time of repeated spirometry should be different: at 200 mcg – not earlier than 30 minutes, or preferably 45 minutes; and at 400 mcg – 15 minutes after or a maximum of 30 minutes. In patients with COPD, the use of salbutamol at a dose of 200 mcg is impractical, but a dose of 400 mcg should be used and repeated spirometry is needed not earlier than 30 minutes after a test dose of the drug

    Prevalence and Severity of Breast Arterial Calcification on Routine Mammography

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    Aim. To determine the frequency of detection and severity of breast arterial calcification (BAC) among women undergoing mammography on the basis of medical institutions in Moscow.Material and methods. The analysis included 4274 digital mammograms of women aged 40-93 who underwent preventive or diagnostic mammography. Standard full-format digital mammograms were performed in craniocaudal and mediolateral oblique projections. In addition to the standard diagnosis of breast disease, all mammograms were evaluated for the presence of BAC. The severity of BAC was assessed on a 12-point scale: mild 3-4 points, moderate 5-6 points, severe 7-12 points.Results. The average frequency of BAC was 10.1%, in the middle age group 50-59 years – 6.0%. The incidence of BAC increased with age, from 0.4% to 0.6% in women <50 years of age to >50% in women ≥80 years of age. A statistically significant and pronounced correlation was found between the woman's age and the presence of BAC r Pearson =0.769 (p<0.001). There was also a less noticeable but statistically significant correlation between age and severity of BAC r Spearman =0.319 (p<0.001). Regression analysis made it possible to estimate the probability of CAD depending on age. In women <50 years of age, only mild to moderate calcification occurred, while those ≥65 years of age had a significant increase in the incidence of severe CAD.Conclusion. There was an expected increase with age in both prevalence and severity of BAC. Cases of severe BAC in women younger than 65 years of age and any BAC in women younger than 50 years of age are atypical and require clarification of their association with cardiovascular and other diseases