169 research outputs found

    Polymorphic microsatellite investigating the evolution loci in Allodapine bees for of social behaviour

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    Allodapine bees provide extraordinary systems for investigating the evolution of cooperation and particularly the division of reproduction in animal societies. We present the first microsatellite primers for two native Australian species (Exoneura nigrescens and E. robusta; Hymenoptera: Apidae: Xylocopinae) which allow the accurate determination of pedigrees, reproductive skew and relatedness in colonies. Up to 55 different alleles were observed per locus

    Inbreeding and population structure in two pairs of cryptic fig wasp species

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    We used recently developed microsatellites to directly estimate inbreeding levels in two pairs of coexisting cryptic fig wasp species ('Pegoscapus hoffmeyeri sp. A and sp. B', 'P. gemellus sp. A and sp. B'). Previous tests of Hamilton's local mate competition (LMC) theory in fig wasps have used the number of dead foundresses in a fig fruit to indirectly estimate the relative contribution of each to the common brood and thereby the level of local mate competition. Further, the population level of inbreeding has been indirectly estimated using the distribution of foundress numbers across broods. Our direct genetic estimates confirmed previous assumptions that the species characterized by lower foundress numbers showed higher relative levels of inbreeding. However, there were quantitative differences between the observed level of inbreeding and the expectation based on the distribution of foundress numbers in both pollinator species associated with Ficus obtusifolia. Here, genotype compositions of broods revealed that only 23% of fruits with multiple foundresses actually contained brood from more than one foundress, thus explaining at least part of the underestimate of actual sibmating. Within the four wasp species there was no evidence for genetic differentiation among the wasp populations sampled from different trees across 20 km and from different points in time. Further, no genotypic disequilibrium was detected within any of the species. Although F1 hybrids were observed between the two species pollinating F. obtusifolia, there was no evidence of genetic introgression. Finally, we found that 11% of the sons of allospecifically mated mothers were diploid hybrids suggesting a break down of the sex determination system in hybrids

    Species-diagnostic microsatellite loci for the fig wasp genus Pegoscapus

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    To obtain tools for the estimation of inbreeding and assignment of offspring to matrilines, we developed 13 microsatellite loci from the fig wasps that pollinate Ficus obtusifolia. Based on morphological studies, it was thought that a single species (Pegoscapus hoffmeyer) pollinated this fig. However, our data revealed the presence of two coexisting cryptic species. Several diagnostic microsatellite markers may be used to distinguish these two cryptic species. The new microsatellites can be used across a wide range of fig-pollinating wasp species for both evolutionary and population genetic studies

    Initial experiments to assess short-term survival of discarded plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) caught in trammel nets during winter season

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    European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) is a key species in commercial fisheries in the North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, and Baltic Sea. The reformed European Union Common Fisheries Policy includes the possibility of exemptions from the landing obligation for “species for which scientific evidence demonstrates high survival rates”. Discard survival from set-net fisheries is poorly studied. Trials were conducted on two commercial fishing vessels over seven trips from November to February 2017–2018 in the Baltic Sea. The nylon trammel nets had a nominal bar size for the inner/outer wall of 75/350 mm and 85/400 mm. Soaking time was 23–47 h, water depth 7–18 m, and deck temperature was − 0.1–6.0 ◦C. Following commercial practice, the trammel nets were hauled back onto the vessel, after which netting and fish passed through a net hauler onto a steel sorting table where the entire fish catch were manually untangled by the fishers and plaice collected by scientists. We used a storage system for housing the captured fish inside fishing harbours during observations. Catch-damage-index (CDI) and Reflex Action Mortality Predictor (RAMP) scores were used to assess fish condition immediately after capture and at the end of observation periods. All plaice below 40 cm were sampled with a total number of 118 individuals from 13 fleets (several nets joined together). The fish were assessed for short-term survival for 4–10 days with full survival (100%). The majority of fish exhibited no reflex impairments. Minor bruises, fraying, and net marks were frequently observed on captured fish. The overall condition of the fish did not change during observation periods

    Lewis and AB0 blood group-phenotypes in periodontitis, cardiovascular disease, obesity and stroke

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    Abstract The AB0 blood group has been linked to ischaemic heart disease, stroke, and periodontal disease, while the Lewis blood group has been linked to ischaemic heart disease and obesity, all of which have been associated with periodontitis. AB0 or Lewis blood group phenotype may therefore constitute common hereditary components predisposing to these disorders. In this study, we investigated if blood group phenotype associated with periodontitis in a subpopulation consisting of 702 participants from a Danish cross-sectional cohort and, secondarily, attempted to confirm their association with hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, stroke, and obesity. No significant association between blood group phenotype and periodontitis was detected, nor were previously reported associations between blood group phenotype and hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, stroke, and obesity confirmed. This may, at least partly, be attributed to differences in study type, outcome definitions, cohort sizes, and population attributable factors. However, our results suggested a strong association between self-reported stroke and the Lewis (a−b−) phenotype (P = 0.0002, OR: 22.28; CI 95: 4.72–131.63)

    Discard survival in Trammel net and Danish seine

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    European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) is a key species for Danish commercial and recreational fishing. A discard ban in the reformed European Union’s Common Fisheries Policy includes the possibility of exempting from the landing obligation “species for which scientific evidence demonstrates high survival rates”. Although smaller coastal fishing vessels make up a substantial part of the commercial Danish fishing fleet, discard survival in plaice from these vessels is not well studied. To address this issue, a study on discard survival in plaice from trammel net and Danish Seine was established as a cooperation between Aalborg University, Copenhagen University and Foreningen for Skånsomt Kystfiskeri. Methodology was developed to collect, assess and observe discard survival in plaice from trammel net and Danish Seine. Experiments were conducted in 2017 and 2018 from three commercial coastal fishing vessels. Livewells were designed to house captured individuals for up to 11 days for observation of short-term survival rate. Catch-damage-index (CDI) and Reflex Action Mortality Predictor (RAMP) were used to assess fish condition immediately after capture and at the end of the observation periods. Results showed 100% survival rate in plaice from trammel net and 87% survival rate in plaice from Danish Seine. For the majority of fish assessed after capture, reflex impairments were absent and injuries were primarily minor bruises, fin fraying, and net marks. Assessments of injuries and reflex impairments after observation showed the condition of the fish generally did not worsen during the observation periods. The project is financed by the European Fisheries Fund and the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark