66 research outputs found

    Deformation and flow driven by osmotic processes in porous materials

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat curs 2010-2011, àmbit d’Enginyeria CivilEn el caso del almacenamiento de los residuos radioactivos los flujos osmóticos pueden ser relevantes y requieren un análisis en detalle. El residuo nuclear bituminizado (BW) será almacenado mediante contenedores en cavidades excavadas en la Boom Clay, que es una arcilla marina que presenta propiedades favorables para limitar y retrasar la migración de los contaminantes radioactivos. La interacción entre los dos materiales es un proceso acoplado químico-hidro-mecánico y depende de la respuesta hidromecánica de la Boom Clay y del BW. En condiciones de almacenamiento, el contacto del BW, que contienen cantidades importantes de NaNO3, con el agua subterránea induce la hidratación por gradientes osmóticos y el consiguiente hinchamiento, además de la difusión de la sal disuelta hacia la Boom Clay. Se pueden distinguir dos tipos de afecciones: la perturbación geomecánica causada por el hinchamiento del BW y el aumento de presión en el BW y cambio de las distribución de tensiones en la roca, y la perturbación físico química por la migración de grandes cantidades de sales. El objetivo de esta tesis es: (i) Mejorar la comprensión de los procesos que controlan la absorción de agua y el consecuente hinchamiento del BW que contengan sales (NaNO3), y (ii) Investigar los posibles efectos de la concentración de fluidos de los poros sobre el hinchamiento, la compresibilidad y comportamiento de corte de la Boom Clay. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado una formulación para el análisis de la deformación inducida por la disolución de sales en medio poroso con contacto con agua. Las ecuaciones planteadas incluyen los flujos acoplados de agua y soluto. Se presenta también un trabajo teórico que ayuda a la comprensión del comportamiento mecánico del BW. Se considera este material como una mezcla de bitumen y cristales de NaNO3. Se ha desarrollado un modelo elasto-viscoplástico que describe el comportamiento de fluencia del BW considerando el comportamiento de fluencia de sus constituyentes. El modelo constitutivo elasto-viscoplástico ha sido implementado en el programa CODE_BRIGHT. Los resultados se han comparado con observaciones experimentales. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento a largo plazo del BW en contacto con agua al simular ensayos de hinchamiento por absorción de agua bajo condiciones confinadas. El análisis numérico ha demostrado ser capaz de proporcionar una representación satisfactoria de los principales patrones observados en su comportamiento. En lo que respecta al segundo objetivo de la tesis, se ha propuesto una formulación para el análisis de las deformaciones inducidas por procesos osmóticos en un medio poroso de doble estructura. Esta formulación distingue dentro del material un nivel micro-estructural y otro macro-estructural con cambios químicos que tienen un efecto significativo en la micro-estructura. Se han obtenido las ecuaciones básicas que describen los flujos acoplados de agua y solutos y el transporte de sus componentes a través de los macroporos así como las ecuaciones de balance de masa para agua y soluto en los macroporos y microporos. La formulación propuesta ha sido aplicada particularmente para analizar cualitativamente el efecto de la succión osmótica sobre el hinchamiento de los suelos arcillosos. Se han analizado los efectos a corto y largo plazo. Se ha investigado también la influencia del aumento de la concentración del fluido en los poros sobre las propiedades geotécnicas y el comportamiento de la Boom Clay no saturada. Se ha llevado a cabo un programa sistemático de investigación experimental, con control de succión osmótica y matricial, con el fin de investigar el efecto del incremento de la concentración del fluido de poros sobre la resistencia de corte y el cambio volumétrico bajo condiciones edométricas. Se ha observado, que bajo condiciones parcialmente saturadas, un cambio en la salinidad provoca una disminución en la compresibilidad y en la resistencia de corte del material.For deep storage of high-level nuclear waste osmotic flows can be significant and so require a careful analysis. In Belgium, The bituminized nuclear waste (BW) named Eurobitum contained in metallic drums will be placed inside a tunnel or a shaft excavated in the Boom Clay, which is 100 m thick marine clay presenting favourable properties to limit and delay the migration of the leached radionuclides over extended periods of time. In Geological disposal conditions, contact of the bituminized radioactive waste which contains high amounts of highly soluble salt (NaNO3) with groundwater will result in water uptake and swelling of the waste and in subsequent diffusion of the dissolved salt through the host clay formation. Basically, two types of disturbance can be distinguished: A geo-mechanical perturbation, caused by the swelling of the waste and the increase of the pressure in and around the waste and a physico-chemical perturbation by the release of large amounts of NaNO3 and other soluble salts. In this context the aim of this thesis is: (i) to improve the understanding of the processes controlling the water uptake and the subsequent swelling of bituminized waste containing soluble salts (NaNO3), and (ii) to investigate of the possible effects of the increase of pore fluid concentration on swelling, compressibility and shear behaviour of Boom Clay. A formulation has been proposed for the analysis of deformation induced by dissolution of salts in porous media in contact with water. The equations include the effect of coupled transport phenomena and the formulation has been included as an extension in the coupled THM program CODE_BRIGHT. A theoretical and experimental work aiming at understanding the mechanical behaviour of the Bituminized Waste has been presented.This material is considered for this purpose as a mixture of bitumen and crystals of NaNO3. An elasto-viscoplastic model has been developed that describes the creep behaviour of BW considering the constituents' creep behaviour. The elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model has been implemented into CODE_BRIGHT. The modelling results have been compared with the experimental data. The impact of osmotic forces on the swelling of the material has been investigated by simulating water uptake swelling tests under confined conditions and comparing the predictions with experimental results. The numerical analysis has proven to be able to furnish a satisfactory representation of the main observed patterns of the behaviour. In regard to the second objective of this thesis, a formulation has been proposed for the analysis of deformations induced by osmotic processes in double structure porous media. The formulation is based on the distinction within the material of a microstructural and a macrostructural levels with chemical changes having a significant effect on the microstructure. A macroscopic description of the system is provided. Then the basic equations describing coupled flows of water and solutes and the transport of its components through macropores and mass balance equations for water and solute in macro and micro pores have been obtained. The proposed formulation has been particularly applied to analyze qualitatively the effect of osmotic suction on swelling of clayey soils. Transient and long term effects have been analyzed. The influence of pore fluid concentration on the geotechnical properties and behavior of Boom Clay under partially saturated conditions has been investigated. A systematic experimental research program involving osmotic suction and matric suction controlled experiments has been carried to investigate the effect of the increase of pore fluid concentration on shear strength and on the volume change behaviour under odometer stress state conditions. It has been observed that under partially saturated conditions a change in salinity causes a decrease in compressibility and shear strength.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Gas transport in a binary bentonite mixture used in sealing systems

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    Binary mixtures composed of 80% of high-density pellets and 20% of granular bentonite at hygroscopic water content are currently considered for use in vertical sealing systems for the deep and longterm disposal of radioactive wastes. By pouring the dry components without compaction, the mixture displays a dry density of around 1.49 Mg/m3. However, these sealing systems are subjected to long-term hydrations from the surrounding formations with the possibility of having zones with entrapped and generated gas that makes it challenging to display a homogeneous saturation of the seal. Therefore, gas transport through these bentonite-based sealing materials at different degrees of saturation is a crucial issue. Hence, several oedometer tests have been conducted to evaluate the impact of gas injection on this mixture at different degrees of saturation and constant pouring dry density. These gas injection/dissipation tests were performed at constant vertical stress or constant volume conditions. The results provided the variation of the effective gas permeability at different degrees of saturation and the gas breakthrough pressure after saturation. Furthermore, these gas transport results were interpreted with a microstructural study of the mixture focusing on the volumetric filling of the inter-pellet porosity.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hydro-chemical modelling of in situ behaviour of bituminized radioactive waste in Boom Clay

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    The hydro-chemical (CH) interaction between swelling Eurobitum bituminized radioactive waste (BW) and Boom Clay was investigated to assess the feasibility of geological disposal for the long-term management of this waste. First, the long-term behaviour of BW in contact with water was studied. A CH formulation of chemically and hydraulically coupled flow processes in porous materials containing salt crystals is discussed. The formulation incorporates the strong dependence of the osmotic efficiency of the bitumen membrane on porosity and assumes the existence of high salt concentration gradients that are maintained for a long time and that influence the density and motion of the fluid. The impacts of temporal and spatial variations of key transport parameters (i.e. osmotic efficiency (s), intrinsic permeability (k), diffusion, etc.) were investigated. Porosity was considered the basic variable. For BW porosity varies in time because of the water uptake and subsequent processes (i.e. dissolution of salt crystals, swelling of hydrating layers, compression of highly leached layers). New expressions of s and k describing the dependence of these parameters on porosity are proposed. Several cases were analysed. The numerical analysis was proven to be able to furnish a satisfactory representation of the main observed patterns of the behaviour in terms of osmotic-induced swelling, leached mass of NaNO3 and progression of the hydration front when heterogeneous porosity and crystal distributions have been assumed. Second, the long-term behaviour of real Eurobitum drums in disposal conditions, and in particular its interaction with the surrounding clay, was investigated. Results of a CH analysis are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Water retention properties and microstructure of bentonite pellets/powder mixture

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    Insights into Hydro-mechanical Behavior of Bentonite Based Seals for Deep Geological Repositories

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    International audiencePre-compacted blocks of bentonite sand mixture are candidate materials for sealing plugs of radioactive waste disposal. Choice of this material is especially based on its swelling capacity allowing all technological gaps existing between the bentonite based core and the host rock to be sealed. Under real repository conditions, the sealing plugs will start to take water from the host rock and swell. Thereby, a swelling pressure will develop in the radial direction against the host rock and in the axial direction against the concrete confining structures. One important characteristic of this type of heterogeneous mixture is the multimodal nature of its porous network. This multimodal porosity and the highly heterogeneous fabric of the mixture result in a quite complex behaviour during hydration. The paper describes numerical analysis of small scale tests performed on compacted samples of bentonite and sand mixture (70/30 in dry mass). The A coupled HM formulation that incorporates the relevant processes involved in the problem under consideration has been adopted. Technological gaps and heterogeneous structural distribution of the mixture were demonstrated to have an effect on swelling pressure evolution

    SEALEX in-situ experiments-performance tests of repository seals: experimental observations and modelling

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    The paper describes observations and numerical analysis of SEALEX performance tests installed in Tournemire Underground Research Laboratory (URL). One of the objectives of the large scale in-situ tests is to investigate the impact of technological gaps on the long term performance of bentonite based seals. The swelling cores consist of pre-compacted blocks of a natural sodic Wyoming bentonite (MX80 type) mixed with quartz sand in a ratio of 70/30 (in dry mass) with different geometries (monolithic disks or four jointed disks). Several technological gaps exist within the in situ tests: Gaps between the blocks and annular gap with variable width between the bentonite-based core and the host rock. All the tests are extensively instrumented for monitoring the main Hydro-Mechanical (HM) variables. Comparison of the experimental results showed that the presence of technological gaps constituted new hydration sources (annular gaps) and flow paths (gaps between the blocks) that changed the saturation kinetics. A coupled HM formulation that incorporates the relevant processes involved in the problem under consideration has been adopted to analyse the effect of the annular technological gap on dry density homogenization of the bentonite based core as hydration progresses. Technological gaps were demonstrated to have an impact on dry density distribution

    On the installation of an in situ large-scale vertical SEALing (VSEAL) experiment on bentonite pellet-powder mixture

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    International audienceRecently, the Institute for Radiological protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) has launched VSEAL (Vertical SEALing) project toinvestigate the impact of gas migration on the long-term performance of bentonite based vertical sealing systems (VSS). The first VSEAL in situtest was emplaced in IRSN’s Underground Research Laboratory (URL) in Tournemire (France) in 2019 and was equipped with 76 wired andwireless sensors. The test is still in progress, but thecollected set of data provides already valuableinformation ofthe hydro-mechanical behaviorof VSS during hydration. The swelling coreconsists of a mixture of high-density pellets and powder of MX80 bentonite in a ratio of 80/20 (in drymass). An innovative method was adopted to drill a 1-m diameter and ~10-m deep shaft in order to minimize the rock perturbation at thesidewalls. Because a specific protocol was adopted to install the bentonite mixture together with a careful characterization of the core duringconstruction, VSEAL 1 constitutes the unique in situ sealing test with a well-known initial structural distribution of the pellets and the powder.Some heterogeneities occurred within the experiment during the installation process: a damaged zone developed around the shaft walls due tothe interruption of the installation operations caused by COVID19 lockdown in France; a technological gap with a variable thickness betweenthe last pellets layer and the top confining lid and a heterogeneous distribution of the bentonite powder at some layers inducing large internalpellets voids close to the bentonite-rock interface. Artificially injected water volume, relative humidity, water content and swelling pressure inboth radial and axial directions were monitored. Comparison of the results showed that the presence of installation-induced heterogeneities ledto the generation of preferential flow paths that influenced the swelling pressure evolution at radial and axial directions

    Large scale Vertical SEALing (VSEAL) test: Impact of gas migration on bentonite based vertical seals

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    The Institute for Radiological protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) has launched the VSEAL project to investigate the impact of gas migration on the long-term performance of bentonite based vertical sealing systems. This project relies on in-situ experiments emplaced in IRSN´s Underground ResearchLaboratory (URL) in Tournemire (South France) and small-scale tests conducted in laboratory. The studied material is mixture of MX80 bentonite high density pellets and powder which are being evaluated as possible sealing materials in deep geological repositories. The test is still in progress, but the collected set of data provides already valuable information of the hydro mechanical behavior of Vertical sealing systems during hydration