227 research outputs found

    A combined modelling of fuzzy logic and Time-Driven Activity-based Costing (TDABC) for hospital services costing under uncertainty

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    Hospital traditional cost accounting systems have inherent limitations that restrict their usefulness for measuring the exact cost of healthcare services. In this regard, new approaches such as Time Driven-Activity based Costing (TDABC) provide appropriate information on the activities needed to provide a quality service. However, TDABC is not flawless. This system is designed for conditions of relatively accurate information that can accurately estimate the cost of services provided to patients. In this study, the fuzzy logic in the TDABC model is used to resolve the inherent ambiguity and uncertainty and determine the best possible values for cost, capacity, and time parameters to provide accurate information on the costs of the healthcare services. This approach has not yet been tested and used in determining the costs of services of a healthcare setting. Therefore, the aim of this study is to present a new Fuzzy Logic-TDABC (FL-TDABC) model for estimating healthcare service costs based on uncertainty conditions in hospitals. The proposed model is implemented in a sample of the hospital laboratory section and the results are compared with the TDABC system. The TDABC model, by allocating the activity costs including fixed costs and not considering the uncertainty regarding the cost, capacity, and time required for each patient, often estimates the unused capacity and costs with a higher margin of error. The results show that the maximum difference in the prescribed costs was 4.75, 3.72, and 2.85 in blood bank, microbiology, and hematology tests, respectively, mostly due to uncertainty in the costs of consumables, equipment and manpower (on average 4.54, 3.8, and 3.59, respectively). Also, The TDABC system, in comparison with the proposed system, estimates the unused capacity of the resource with more error. Cost of unused capacity derived using FL-TDABC were 80 of costs derived using TDABC. In conditions where the information is ambiguous, using the new system in hospitals can lead to a more accurate estimate of the cost compared to the TDABC system. Moreover, it helps hospital managers to make appropriate decisions about the use of capacity, capital budgeting, cost control, and etc. © 2018 Elsevier Inc

    Commute replacement and commute displacement the rise of part-day home working

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    Working by telecommunication has been the subject of research attention in transportation studies for many years. Particular consideration has been given to occasional working from home (home working) by (full-time, paid) employees who represent a tangible removal of commute trips on days that people work from home. However, little recognition or attention has been given to the fact that home working not only may be undertaken for part of a week but also may be undertaken for parts of given days. This paper focuses particularly on part-day home working. It defines and uses the term "varied spatiotemporal (VST) working" to describe working days in which at least 30 min of continuous working takes place at home accompanied by work taking place at the workplace. Notably, such home working does not remove the commute trips but can temporally displace one or both of them. The research reported in this paper builds on preceding survey work that had established that the number of people who practice VST working and the number of VST days worked appear to be about double those for full-day home working (which has typically been the focus of research attention). The results presented in this paper are based on 25 in-depth interviews with individuals who practice VST working. The aim of the research was to examine more closely and to understand the nature of VST working and the motivations and constraints for its practice and to consider its potential contribution as a transportation demand management measure

    Life events and travel behavior exploring the interrelationship using UK Household Longitudinal Study data

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    Recent research has indicated that changes in travel behavior are more likely at the time of major life events. However, much remains to be learned about the extent to which different life events trigger behavioral change and the conditions under which life events are more likely to trigger change. The UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) offers a previously unavailable opportunity to investigate this topic for a large, representative sample of the UK population. UKHLS data were also linked to local spatial data drawn from the census and other sources to elucidate the effect of the spatial context on changes to travel behavior in association with life events. Findings from an exploratory analysis of data from UKHLS Waves 1 and 2 are presented first Transition tables demonstrate a strong association between changes in car ownership and commute mode and the following life events: employment changes, residential relocation, retirement, the birth of children, and changes in household structure. The results of logit models that relate the probability of an increase and a decrease in the number of cars owned to the occurrence of life events and that control for individual and household characteristics and spatial context are then shown. These models show, for example, that moves to urban and rural areas have contrasting effects on travel behavior and that having a new child in itself is not a significant influence on car ownership in the short term

    Identification of determinants for rescheduling travel mode choice and transportation policies to reduce car use in urban areas

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    [EN] This paper presents a qualitative analysis about the determinants related to rescheduling travel mode decisions during the activity scheduling process. Notably, we were interested to study changes between intention and behavior. Data used came from an in-depth Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) follow up survey to habitual drivers carried out during the implementation of a panel survey. An interpretative qualitative method based on Analytic Induction was used to cope with the complex nature of rescheduling decisions and the characteristics of the data. The Theory of Planned Behavior has been used to gain a better understanding of the reasons associated with rescheduling travel mode decisions and to obtain a possible explanation of the phenomena studied. In our sample, 12 codes were identified as the main determinants of travel mode changing. Main reasons for rescheduling a travel mode are different considering gender, age, and the type of travel mode change. Main reasons for changing a nonprivate preplanned travel mode to a private travel mode are different considering the type of travel mode preplanned. New determinants of rescheduling decisions different from those associated with other activity scheduling decisions previously identified emerge when analyzing travel mode changes. A number of important sustainable transportation policies to reduce car use in urban areas are derived from the results of this study.This research is partially funded by MINERVA project founded by the ICDCi National Program of Society Challenges of the Spanish Ministerio de Econom ıa, Industria y Competitividad (TRA2015-71184-C2-1-R).Mars, L.; Ruiz Sánchez, T.; Arroyo-López, MR. (2018). Identification of determinants for rescheduling travel mode choice and transportation policies to reduce car use in urban areas. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1080/15568318.2017.1416432S11