84 research outputs found

    Aspects of digitalization in the modern educational system

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    The exploration of digital technologies is a step in the modernization of education. Technological progress has greatly changed the educational system, but the potential that it manifests is not yet effectively exploited. Digital tools have a great influence on the educational process because they can create an effective and harmonious visual environment. Multitudes of graphic programs, but also educational platforms, which offer new possibilities for perceiving the world through art, help students. A meaningful digital content surround always today's children, teenagers and young people

    Identification and evaluation of the critical success factors for solar energy project in Malaysia using analytic hierarchy process (AHP)

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    Energy sources is an essential part for all living things in the world. Malaysia is a gifted country with renewable energy sources which will never run out and constantly recharged by nature. Solar energy is one of the potential renewable energy sources in Malaysia that could generated sustainable power sources directly from sun. The problems that encourage conduct this research are import of fossil fuel that put a lot of burden on Malaysia’s economy, environmental issue, lack of awareness among public, lack of publication of critical success factors (CSFs) of solar energy project and methodology gap. In order to address these issues, this research aimed to identify the CSFs for solar energy project in local context, analysed the CSFs importance in solar energy project in Malaysia using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method and evaluated the ranking of CSFs based on AHP result. Total 6 main CSFs namely economic, environment, technology, organization and management, government and social factor and 27 sub-factor were proposed in this research to develop AHP model. Besides, the data for this research were collected via online survey questionnaire from 73 solar energy companies in Klang Valley with 52% return rate of valid questionnaires. The collected data were analysed using Expert Choice software of AHP to rank the CSFs from most important factors. The finding revealed that environment factor (0.206) ranked as first priorities CSF followed by technology factor (0.195), economic factor (0.168), government factor (0.155), organization and management factor (0.142) and social factor (0.134) respectively. Moreover, reduce carbon dioxide emission (0.079), government policies (0.073), financial perspective (0.061), financial support (0.055) and reduce air pollution (0.048) were the priority ranking order of the top 5 sub-factor that identified in this research. Besides, the finding achieved in this research provide guideline for solar energy industry in Malaysia to manage and increase the quality of solar energy project successfully. Plus, the assessment of AHP model in this research served a better idea and knowledge for future researcher since the AHP model purpose in this research is new in local context

    A comprehensive study on genitourinary trauma in RGGGH

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: 1. To study the clinical and imaging parameters and decide upon the line of management in genitourinary trauma. 2. To study the clinical outcome of patients managed conservatively. 3. To study the profile of various other associated injuries. 4. To study the role of multidisciplinary approach in genitourinary trauma. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY: 1. Study Centre: Madras Medical College and Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital. 2. Duration: October 2016 - September 2017. 3. Study Design: Observational study (Prospective & Retrospective). 4. Sample Size: 30 patients. INCLUSION CRITERIA: All trauma victims sustaining blunt and penetrating trauma to the abdomen with injury to genitourinary organs with or without associated injuries. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: All trauma victims with injury to abdomen without injury to genitourinary organs RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Genitourinary trauma is associated with blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma and high index of suspicion is needed to diagnose it. 2. A multidisciplinary approach is essential but investigating in the management of genitourinary trauma since it is usually associated with is polytrauma. 3. The management is heavily influenced by the underlying etiology and the organ injured, hemodynamic status of patients and associated injuries which together determine the prognosis. CONCLUSION: a. The most common cause of genitourinary tract injury is due to road traffic accident. b. Similar to many large series males are more often affected by road traffic accident than females due to their outdoor nature of work. c. Middle aged patients are the victims when compared to either extremes of age. d. Most common injury to the genitourinary system is lower urinary tract injury. Among these, bladder injury is most common and it is commonly associated with pelvic bone fracture. e. Hemodynamically unstable patients are most commonly associated with other intra abdominal visceral organ or pelvic fractures. Early resuscitation and laparotomy along with methodical exploratory technique is essential for penetrating injuries and blunt injuries. f. Renal injuries can be managed conservatively unless associated with other injuries. g. Investigations such as X rays and blood tests are only complimentary to clinical examination


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    Life is controlled by two great forces, namely economy, and religion.  All things based on Sharia law are clearly about halal and haram. Bank interest is something that is no longer common among the public, with the law and practice still being debated by some scholars. Therefore, this study aims to answer public confusion about the law of halal interest according to Umer Caphra and Muhammad Sayyid Thanthawi and the reasons for making legal decisions regarding bank interest. The research is in the form of a qualitative method with a literature study using several references from books and journals in concluding the views of the two figures. The primary data used is from the book Prohibition of Interest: Does it make sense? The work of Umer Chapra. While secondary data comes from various books and journals related to bank interest. The results of this study indicate that the two scholars have different opinions regarding bank interest. Umer Chapra argues that the practice of bank interest is prohibited in Islam because usury interest can harm the poor. Meanwhile, Muhammad Sayyid Thanthawi argues that bank interest is not part of usury because bank interest is not part of faith and worship.Kehidupan dikendalikan oleh dua kekuatan besar yaitu ekonomi dan agama. Apa yang dilakukan setiap harinya berdasarkan pada hukum Syariah yang jelas halal dan haramnya. Bunga bank adalah hal yang tidak umum lagi dikalangan masyarakat, dengan hukum dan praktiknya yang masih menjadi perdebatan sebagian ulama. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab kebingungan masyrakat akan hukum bunga halal menurut Umer Caphra dan Muhammad Sayyid Thanthawi dan bagaimana alasan Umer Chapra dan Muhammad Sayyid Thanthawi dalam mengambil keputusan hukum mengenai bunga bank. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian berupa metode kualitatif dengan studi pustaka menggunakan beberapa rujukan dari buku dan jurnal dalam mengambil kesimpulan dari pandangan kedua tokoh. Data primer yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan buku Prohibition of Interest: Does it make sense? Karya dari Umer Chapra. Sedangkan data sekunder berasal dari berbagai buku dan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan bunga bank. Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa kedua ulama mempunyai pedapat yang berbeda mengenai bunga bank. Umer Chapra berpendapat bahwa praktik bunga bank dilarang dalam Islam dikarenakan bunga riba dapat merugikan orang miskin. Sedangkan, Muhammad Sayyid Thanthawi berpendapat bahwa bunga bank bukan bagian dari riba karena bunga bank bukan sebagian dari iman dan ibadah

    Uma Contribuição à Recuperação Emergencial de Pavimentos Flexíveis. Estudo de Caso: BR-163 na Travessia Urbana de Jaciara/MT

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    O trabalho trata da descrição de um método de aplicação das medidas necessárias para prover projetos de recuperação emergencial de pavimentos, tendo como estudo de caso a BR-163, no trecho da travessia urbana da cidade de Jaciara/MT. O método inclui o levantamento visual contínuo, estudos e contagens de tráfego, avaliação das condições do revestimento da pista de rolamento e dos acostamentos, avaliação expedita do pavimento, com base nos índices Somatório de Defeitos Ponderados (SDP), Índice de Degradação do Pavimento (IDP), Nota de Desempenho do Pavimento (NDP) e Índice de Gravidade Emergencial Expedido (IGEE). Após o tratamento dos resultados, verificou-se que em um subtrecho não há a necessidade de intervenções, devido a um recapeamento executado poucos dias antes do levantamento.   Em dois segmentos indica-se fresagem do pavimento e recapeamento com concreto betuminoso usinado à quente (CBUQ), e nos segmentos mais degradados o mesmo procedimento complementado com camada de bloqueio antirreflexão de trincas de tratamento superficial duplo

    The Effect of Principal Transformational Leadership and Motivation on Performance of Teacher in Islamic Elementary School

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    This study aims to analyze and find: (1) the direct effect of the principal's transformational leadership on teacher performance (2) the direct effect of teacher work motivation on teacher performance (3) the direct effect of the principal's transformational leadership on teacher work motivation, and (4) the indirect effect of transformational leadership of school principals on teacher performance through teacher work motivation. This study uses quantitative methods with data analysis techniques using path analysis. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires, interviews, observation, and documentation. The population in this study was all teachers at SDIT Al-Haraki Depok, totaling 45 teachers. The sampling technique used was random sampling, with sample size referring to the table for determining the number of samples developed by Isaac and Michael with an error rate of 5% and a confidence level of 95%, so that the sample in this study was 40 teachers. The results showed that (1) there was a direct effect of the principal's transformational leadership on teacher performance by 31.5% and (2) there was a direct effect of teacher motivation on teacher performance by 32.8%. (3) There was a 62.5% direct effect of transformational leadership on teacher work motivation; (4) There is a 20.5% indirect effect of transformational leadership on teacher performance through teacher work motivation. Then simultaneously, the effect of the principal's transformational leadership and the teacher's work motivation on teacher performance is 77.6%. In this study, the principal was able to create change and achieve good performance, build a spirit of togetherness and discipline, and motivate teachers and employees to work optimally, which ultimately builds organizational awareness among teachers and employees by developing an attitude of belonging and a sense of responsibility for achieving the highest achievement

    The intention of green products purchasing among Malaysian consumers: a case study of Batu Pahat, Johor

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    Green product known as environmental friendly product which harmless to the earth and the product that can be recyclable from non-toxic resources.The problems that encourage conduct this research are environmental problem, lack of literature research about the green products purchasing intention and minor companies involved in green production in Malaysia.In order to address this issue, this study aimsto investigate the intention of Malaysian consumer towards purchasing the green product and to identify the relationship between knowledge, eco-label and social influences towards consumer purchase intention. Quantitative method was used to collect data through structured survey questionnaire from 200 shoppers at three selected shopping malls in Batu Pahat, Johor. However, from the 200 questionnaires only 93 were acceptable. The data collected were analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 24.0. The findings revealed that the level of mean analysis indicated all items were positively influences consumer purchase intention. Besides, the spearmen correlation coefficient test showed that knowledge, eco-label and social influences were positively significant with consumer purchase intention