438 research outputs found

    Techno-science in information society

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    Science is a potential that provides intelligent and productive power of society. Therefore, it is important to study the changes and transformations taking place in science and scientific knowledge, thus, the study of such phenomenon as techno-science is vital. The paper deals with the development of techno-science that indicates a change in the epistemological scheme of modern scientific knowledge. The key element of these changes are associated with the following characteristics such as the interdisciplinary technoscience, externalism, constructivism and purely pragmatic orientation implemented on the basis of technology platforms in the unity of university, business and the state. It is established that in the information society techno-science expands the range of community initiatives contributing to the formation and development of civil society as well as optimization and comfort of everyday life

    Bacterial Carriage of Pathogenic Antibiotic-resistant Staphylococci Among Conditionally Healthy Infants and Preschool-age Children

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    Staphylococci are related to opportunistic microorganisms and are part of normal human microflora. However, there are varieties that can cause pyoinflammatory diseases in organisms with weakened immune status. In the event of an inadequate therapeutic approach, they are preserved in the body, and the person becomes a bacterial carrier and a source of dissemination of pathogenic microorganisms. The formation of antibiotic resistance also plays a significant role in the emergence of bacterial carriage. The situation is especially serious in organized children’s groups, where children are in close contact with one another. Thus, the study of the prevalence rate of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic strains of staphylococci in children’s groups is topical and worthy of attention. The purpose of this work is to identify carriers of pathogenic and antibiotic resistant staphylococci isolated from the microflora of the oral cavity of preschool children considered healthy. The results of the research can prove useful in practical healthcare and, particularly, in pediatric practice. Keywords: staphylococci, pathogenic cocci, bacterial carriage, antibiotic resistance, infant morbidity rat

    Adsorptive Voltammetry of 4-chlordehydromethyltestosterone

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    The article presents the results of the study of the electrochemical behavior of the anabolic steroid 4-chlordehydromethyltestosterone. The studies detected operating conditions for the voltammetric determination of anabolic glassy carbon electrode. The influence of such factors as pH, supporting electrolyte, the electrolysis and adsorption component on the analytical signal of the analyte was studied. The algorithm of sample preparation is presented and conditions for the quantitative determination of the active ingredient of the drug “Turinabol” by voltammetry is proposed. The evaluation of the proposed method accuracy was conducted

    Atrial Fibrillation Triggers in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and Subclinical Thyrotoxicosis

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    We examined 202 patients with paroxysms of symptomatic and asymptomatic atrial fibrillation (AF), some of whom suffered from coronary artery disease (CAD) andsubclinical thyrotoxicosis (ST). Healthy individuals acted as a comparison group. It was revealed that in all studied groups, extrasystoles and paroxysms of reciprocal atrioventricular orthodortic and nodal tachycardia was the role of the triggering factors of AF. In patients with ST without CAD and in healthy persons, the paroxysms of tachycardia are short and unstable. When CAD combined with ST, the number of extrasystoles and AF paroxysms is significantly higher than only in ST and in healthy individuals. It was found that in patients with asymptomatic AF the total number of extrasystoles and paroxysms of tachycardia is greater than in the case of symptomatic. Thus, the identification of concomitant subclinical thyrotoxicosis in a patient with CAD should alert the clinician to the development and progression of atrial fibrillation. It should be given great attention to screening thyroid pathology in patients with CAD. Keywords: atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, subclinical thyrotoxicosis

    Asymptomatic Lone Atrial Fibrillation in Pregnant Women

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    We examined 43 pregnant women with paroxysms of asymptomatic lone atrial fibrillation. It was revealed that the increasing of the gestational age leads to increase of number of single, paired and group supraventricular extrasystoles; single and paired ventricular extrasystoles; number and duration of paroxysms of atrial fibrillation. However, the number of extrasystoles and paroxysms of arrhythmia decreased to baseline values after delivery. Thus, it was proved that pregnancy contributes to the increase of paroxysms of lone atrial fibrillation due to the increased influence of modulating components on the triggering extrasystoles. The importance of the method of 24-hour ECG monitoring in the detection of arrhythmia in pregnant women is emphasized. Keywords: lone atrial fibrillation, extrasystole, pregnancy

    Use of Physicochemical Method for Evaluation of Mucilage Producing Ability of the Linum Usitatissimum L. Seeds

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    Abstract In the modern medicine of many European countries flax is used as a medicament with a wide range of use. Wholesome effect of flax seeds is determined by the large amount of enveloping substances. This property is connected with content of mucilage up to 10% and glycoside linamarin. Flaxseed polysaccharides also possess antiinflammatory effect. Furthermore, mucilage production can be a chemosystematic characteric of intraspecific taxons. In literature intervarietal variability data is limited. Therefore, comparative evaluation of mucilage producing ability of flax seeds with different morphotypes is of interest. The research of micromorphological characteristics of seed coat and mucilage production dynamics was carried out and it was established that mucilage-producing cells are localized predominantly in the external layer of seed coat. It was established that Bahmalskiy, Nebesnyj, Kustanayskiy yantar varieties possess the highest level of mucilage production. Morphotype and varietal specificity of mucilage production are determined, consequently it can be used as a marker feature of L. usitatissimum new forms. The proposed technique is based on the determination of seed physicochemical characteristics and can be used for express analysis of the vegetal samples and their differentiation by the directions of use: as a fatty oil or mucilage-containing raw material. Keywords: Linum usitatissimum L. varieties, seeds, mucilage production, hydration dynamics, physicochemical method

    Cortical plasticity elicited by acoustically cued monetary losses: An ERP study

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    Both human and animal studies have demonstrated remarkable findings of experience-induced plasticity in the cortex. Here, we investigated whether the widely used monetary incentive delay (MID) task changes the neural processing of incentive cues that code expected monetary outcomes. We used a novel auditory version of the MID task, where participants responded to acoustic cues that coded expected monetary losses. To investigate task-induced brain plasticity, we presented incentive cues as deviants during passive oddball tasks before and after two sessions of the MID task. During the oddball task, we recorded the mismatch-related negativity (MMN) as an index of cortical plasticity. We found that two sessions of the MID task evoked a significant enhancement of MMN for incentive cues that predicted large monetary losses, specifically when monetary cue discrimination was essential for maximising monetary outcomes. The task-induced plasticity correlated with the learning-related neural activity recorded during the MID task. Thus, our results confirm that the processing of (loss)incentive auditory cues is dynamically modulated by previously learned monetary outcomes

    Nephelometric Method for Determination of Growth Parameters of Chlorella Culture

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    Nephelometric method for the determination of growth parameters of chlorella culture using a photoelectric colorimeter was described. Use of photoelectric colorimeter for cell counting in suspension requires periodic calibration of meter readings using chlorella standard culture (with a certain cell concentration). Chlorella vulgaris IPPAS С-66, IPPAS С-111 and IPPAS С-2019 strains served as object of research. Density of initial in vitro suspensions (after inoculation) was 0.9 mln cells/ml. Cultivation was carried out during 12 days on a Hoagland medium with a pH of 7 (temperature of 35∘C, illumination of 10 klx). Sample selection for analysis and measurement was carried out daily, three times per day. Based on the obtained data, readings of photoelectric colorimeter KFK-3.01 were calibrated via direct count of chlorella cells quantity in Goryaev’s chamber. Use of calibration curve made it possible to reduce significantly time and error in determination of cell number in suspension cultures. The proposed technique allows counting chlorella cells in the growth and development dynamics with sufficient accuracy, high sensitivity, reproducibility and speed. It can be used for comparative determination of the growth parameters of strains in vitro, standardization of suspension cultures, semi-quantitative determination of chlorella biomass in order to predict the yield of desired product