958 research outputs found

    International aspects of the Russian Federation responsibility for the breaking of constitutional human rights and liberties

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    Russia on international liability for violation of constitutional rights and freedomsВоронцова, Ю.А.Хорошко, Е.Ю.Навроцкая, И.Н

    Innovations in foreign (chinese) students’ grammar competence formation while training them russian as a foreign language: network technology and the module approach

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    The article deals with the researches in the field of finding new methods of teaching Russian to foreign (Chinese) students and its Grammar aspect, in particular. In this connection the authors share the results of the investigation dealt with the development of one of the most future-oriented approaches in methods of training the Russian Grammar standards which may be called the Module Approach realized by means of Network Technologie

    The Proto-neutron Star Phase of the Collapsar Model and the Route to Long-soft Gamma-ray Bursts and Hypernovae

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    Recent stellar evolutionary calculations of low-metallicity massive fast-rotating main-sequence stars yield iron cores at collapse endowed with high angular momentum. It is thought that high angular momentum and black hole formation are critical ingredients of the collapsar model of long-soft gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Here, we present 2D multi-group, flux-limited-diffusion MHD simulations of the collapse, bounce, and immediate post-bounce phases of a 35-Msun collapsar-candidate model of Woosley & Heger. We find that, provided the magneto-rotational instability (MRI) operates in the differentially-rotating surface layers of the millisecond-period neutron star, a magnetically-driven explosion ensues during the proto-neutron star phase, in the form of a baryon-loaded non-relativistic jet, and that a black hole, central to the collapsar model, does not form. Paradoxically, and although much uncertainty surrounds stellar mass loss, angular momentum transport, magnetic fields, and the MRI, current models of chemically homogeneous evolution at low metallicity yield massive stars with iron cores that may have too much angular momentum to avoid a magnetically-driven, hypernova-like, explosion in the immediate post-bounce phase. We surmise that fast rotation in the iron core may inhibit, rather than enable, collapsar formation, which requires a large angular momentum not in the core but above it. Variations in the angular momentum distribution of massive stars at core collapse might explain both the diversity of Type Ic supernovae/hypernovae and their possible association with a GRB. A corollary might be that, rather than the progenitor mass, the angular momentum distribution, through its effect on magnetic field amplification, distinguishes these outcomes.Comment: 5 pages, 1 table, 2 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Linguocultural aspects of the discursive synergy

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    This article discusses the basic principles of the innovative “discursive synergy of cultural linguistics” concept. The relation of language and culture in the format of linguocultural concept as the basis of linguocultural discourse, which is anonlinear communication model is researchedyesBelgorod State Universit

    Linguistic Characterization of Text on Environmental Topics

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    The article discusses the structural and semantic features of a regional newspaper text on environmental topics. The material contains 30 texts from the socio-political newspaper “Rech” of the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast, published during 2017 - the Year of Ecology in Russia. It is shown that the newspaper text on environmental topics has the structure of an inverted pyramid, when important information is presented at the beginning of the article, and detailing is presented in the second part; the photographs accompanying the texts have a different visual-grammatical structure and can be interpreted as one-part and two-part sentences. In the semantic aspect, it is revealed that a larger number of contextual synonymous pairs than sets are formed; gradual antonyms are used; lexical units are included that fix the anthropocentric model of the interaction of man and nature. It is identified that there is a two-way interaction between the environmental event and the text: the event is the basis for creating the text, and vice versa, a newspaper text covering an environmental problem may precede one event or another. It is indicated that the newspaper text on environmental topics is characterized by a homogeneous presentation of the material, anthropocentricity and polyphonicity; softening the presentation of problematic information is achieved through the use of literary synonyms, gradual antonyms and relevant illustrations

    Leadership as a Control Method in the Period of Changes

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    The article provides an overview of the conceptual understanding of leadership in social management development. Authors differentiate between leadership comprehensions. Particular attention has been paid to value-based theories and modern 21st century leadership models, where the world is understood as dynamic, constantly changing and risky. Leadership is considered as a process of effective modern organization management

    Problemas de gestión empresarial en la actual situación de crisis

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    El documento examina los problemas que enfrentan las empresas en el sector real de la economía. Estos problemas no son nuevos; se han debatido en la comunidad científica durante una década,pero en la realidad actual, cuando toda la economía mundial vive en una pandemia, estos problemas se han agravado y requieren un enfoque serio y equilibrado para su solución. Todas las crisis económicas se reflejan principalmente en la actividad inversora. Por eso es necesario resaltar la seguridad económica en el campo de asegurar la efectividad de las inversiones presupuestarias. Es en esta área donde se observan la mayor parte de las violaciones y, en ocasiones, los delitos en el área financiera y de inversión de las relaciones de todos los participantes en los procesos comerciales de la economía. En términos metodológicos generales, el artículo fundamenta y revela una propuesta de organización de un sistema de análisis indicativo y regulación de los volúmenes de producción y actividades productivas y económicas de las empresas y organizaciones del sector real de la economía, como herramienta organizativa para resolver situaciones de crisis en la economía. Se abordan los factores, tanto externos como internos, que causaron el actual estado insatisfactorio de la economía rusa. En un plan concreto, se presentan las propuestas del autor sobre las direcciones y formas de superar los fenómenos de crisis actuales en la economía rus