35 research outputs found

    Exploring the Relationship between Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Commitment: Empirical Evidence from the Banking Sector in China

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    The purpose of this paper is to measure the impact of human resource management practices individually and as a system on organizational commitment. Data were collected from 304 respondents from banking sector of China. A questionnaire survey for this purpose was conducted in different cities of China. Correlations and multiple regression statistics analysis were used to explore the relationship between the variables involved in the study. The findings of the study provide support for the variables (selection, training, performance appraisal, promotion, performance based rewards, information sharing, job security and human resource management system) and are confirmed by the results of the previous studies. The findings of the current study support the notion that the HR practices relates to organizational commitment, individually and as a system as well. These findings provide important avenues for the banking sector of China and for the debate regarding convergence of the human resource management practices regionally as well as internationally

    Assessment of Seasonal and Annual Rainfall Trends and Variability in Sharjah City, UAE

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    Although a few studies on rainfall spatial and temporal variability in the UAE have been carried out, evidence of the impact of climate change on rainfall trends has not been reported. This study aims at assessing the significance of long-term rainfall trends and temporal variability at Sharjah City, UAE. Annual rainfall and seasonal rainfall extending over a period of 81 years (1934–2014) recorded at Sharjah International Airport have been analyzed. To this end, several parametric and nonparametric statistical measures have been applied following systematic data quality assessment. The analyses revealed that the annual rainfall trend decreased from −3 mm to −9.4 mm per decade over the study periods. The decreasing annual rainfall trend is mainly driven by the significant drop in winter rainfall, particularly during the period from 1977 to 2014. The results also indicate that high probability extreme events have shifted toward low frequency (12.7 years) with significant variations in monthly rainfall patterns and periodicity. The findings of the present study suggest reevaluating the derivation of design rainfall for infrastructure of Sharjah City and urge developing an integrated framework for its water resources planning and risk under climate change impacts scenarios

    Kinetics of endoglucanase and cellobiohydrolase production by parent and mutant derivative of moderately thermotolerant Bacillus subtilis GQ 301542 on optimized medium

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    A moderately thermotolerant bacterial strain was isolated from the hot spring of Tatta Pani (AJ and K) Pakistan and was designated as Bacillus subtilis strain GQ 301542 after biochemical, morphological and 16S rDNA sequence analysis. This strain and its catabolite repression resistant mutant CRM197 were utilized for the study of different production kinetic parameters of both endoglucanase and cellobiohydrolase. Time course study on one monomeric (glucose), one dimeric (maltose) and two polymeric substrates (-cellulose and wheat straw) was carried out at different time intervals (4 - 28 h, after each 4 h) for determining the maximum enzyme productivity on a particular substrate. Maximum rate of endoglucanase production by the mutant (53.1 IU/L/h) was significantly (P = 0.0007) higher than that (23.7 IU/L/h of the parental organism following their growth on glucose in Dubos salts medium while the optimum product yields (Yp/s) was calculated as 69.0 IU/g S (parent) and 82.3 IU/g S (mutant) for cellobiohydrolase production. Deoxy-D-glucose resistant mutant was significantly (p = 0.03 to 0.0007) improved over its parental strain with respect to some substrate consumption and all product formation parameters and can easily degrade cellulosic biomass for production of fermentable carbohydrates.Key words: Cellobiohydrolase, endoglucanase, thermotolerant, Bacillus subtilis

    Water Conservation and Management Practices at the University of Sharjah to Achieve Sustainability Excellence

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    The University of Sharjah is a leading educational and research institution in the Gulf region. To stimulate the different aspects of sustainability in education and research as well as to ensure the implementation of sustainability concepts throughout the University campus operations, the concept of sustainability circles is implemented. The University being in hot-arid-zone and mostly surrounded by desert terrain relies on unconventional water conservation programs and initiatives such as the use of innovation & technology, reuse and recycling of water, and awareness campaigns. In line with such programs, the use of potable water is limited for hygiene purposes and wastewater generated within the University is reused after treatment to irrigate the vast green spaces through the most efficient irrigation water application systems. Examples of water conservation practices include use of efficient water devices, reuse of treated greywater for toilet flushing at a selected location, water quality monitoring, preservation to conserve water for its intended use, promoting waterless car wash on the campus grounds etc. On-campus water is also conserved through disseminating knowledge and awareness to the University community and beyond through various sustainability related programs and initiatives organized by Sustainability Office for water conservation and environmental protection

    Carbapenem Resistance: Mechanisms and Drivers of Global Menace

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    The emergence of carbapenem-resistant bacterial pathogens is a significant and mounting health concern across the globe. At present, carbapenem resistance (CR) is considered as one of the most concerning resistance mechanisms and mainly found in gram-negative bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family. Although carbapenem resistance has been recognized in Enterobacteriaceae from last 20 years or so, recently it emerged as a global health issue as CR clonal dissemination of various Enterobacteriaceae members especially E. coli, and Klebsiella pneumoniae are reported from across the globe at an alarming rate. Phenotypically, carbapenems resistance is in due to the two key mechanisms, like structural mutation coupled with β-lactamase production and the ability of the pathogen to produce carbapenemases which ultimately hydrolyze the carbapenem. Additionally, penicillin-binding protein modification and efflux pumps are also responsible for the development of carbapenem resistance. Carbapenemases are classified into different classes which include Ambler classes A, B, and D. Several mobile genetic elements (MGEs) have their potential role in carbapenem resistance like Tn4401, Class I integrons, IncFIIK2, IncF1A, and IncI2. Taking together, resistance against carbapenems is continuously evolving and posing a significant health threat to the community. Variable mechanisms that are associated with carbapenem resistance, different MGEs, and supplementary mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in association with virulence factors are expanding day by day. Timely demonstration of this global health concern by using molecular tools, epidemiological investigations, and screening may permit the suitable measures to control this public health menace

    Actinobacteria: Potential Candidate as Plant Growth Promoters

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    Plant growth enhancement using plant beneficial bacteria has been viewed in the sustainable agriculture as an alternative to chemical fertilizers. Actinobacteria, among the group of important plant-associated bacteria, have been widely studied for its plant growth promotion activities. Actinobacteria are considered as a limelight among agriculturists for their beneficial aspects toward plants. They are naturally occurring spore-forming bacteria inhabiting the soil and known for their plant growth-promoting and biocontrol properties. The mechanisms behind these activities include nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, siderophore production, and other attributes such as antifungal production of metabolites, phytohormones, and volatile organic compound. All these activities not only enhance the plant growth but also provide resistance in plants to withstand unfavorable conditions of the environment. Hence, this chapter emphasizes on the plant growth traits of actinobacteria and how far it was studied for enhanced growth and bio-fortification