242 research outputs found

    Hopf bifurcation in an open monetary economic system: Taylor versus inflation targeting rules

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    The main aim of the present work is to detect the Hopf bifurcation in policy relevant economic dynamical system. The study employs two deferent forms of monetary policy rules namely: Taylor rule and inflation targeting rule. The results show that there exists Hopf bifurcation between policy relevant variables in both types of rules in our open economic system

    Intra/Inter communications in Social Network and Intermediary of the Media Influencers

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    This paper focuses on the role of influencers as an element of modern governance. As the fields of media, entertainment industry, and politics become increasingly interconnected, the phenomenon of influencer potentially affects many aspects of political life, such as campaigning and voting, policymaking, and international affairs. Using the network analysis method and applying a triple typification of influencers consists of media influencers, influencer politicians in power, and influencer opposition politicians out of power, and selecting 245 nodes on Instagram accounts, the article focuses on how do influencers interact within communication networks? Based on the triple typification, the article tries to find the pattern of networked political communications between influencers in the social network. The results prove that all three types of influencers are more interested in intra-group communication. However, both influencer politicians in power and influencer opposition politicians out of power have relatively similar tendencies to associate with media influencers

    Internet (Information/Skill) Literacy in Iran

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    This study examines the associations of internet information literacy with two variables: (1) the ability to work with technical aspects of the internet (internet skill), and (2) attitudes about the need for qualitative necessities in the development of e-services. A hierarchical regressions software analyzes data from a national sample of 2134 internet users. In this paper, internet literacy is considered as a literacy which has two-dimensional aspects including information literacy and skill literacy. In an articulation as this, many of the capabilities associated with the internet such as technical, critical, analytical, and structural factors are studied. In addition, abilities that lead users to make distinctions between useful, safe and healthy data and fake, hateful and unhealthy data are taken into account. The analysis shows that the internet information literacy is positively related to internet skills. It is also shown that more internet information literacy leads to more demands for e-services’ qualitative necessities (in the eight indicators of cheapness, availability, usability, quickness, security, integrity, reliability, and transparency). Furthermore, some sociodemographic characteristics (i.e. age, gender, education, income, and place of residence) are explicitly associated with internet skills. Strategy suggestions are concluded for policy making in the respective fields

    Organophosphate Insecticide Intoxication in a Family

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    Louse is an external, obligate, blood-sucking parasite, which infects human societies.  Improvements in health, economics, and social status of societies have reduced the parasitic lice infestation, however, it still is a global problem. Although it affects all age groups, school children are the most vulnerable age group. The high incidence of infection in children and their long-term close contacts transmit the infestation easily among them. In some parts of our country, organophosphate pesticides are widely used to control pests. Due to the ease of access to these toxins, poisoning with them are common and according to global statistics most deaths by pesticide are associated with organophosphate pesticides. Accordingly, we report 3 cases of a family from rural areas of Babol City. Upon being sprayed with an organophosphate solution, they developed severe organophosphate intoxication (OI) associated with central nervous system suppression

    The Effect of a Trans-theoretical model- based Education on Regular Consumption of Breakfast in Jiroft Students

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    Background: Breakfast has been known as the most important daily meal. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of using trans-theoretical model education on regular breakfast consumption in students of Jiroft, Iran. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was performed on 290 students randomly divided into the control and experimental groups. The data collection instrument was a standard questionnaire. Educational intervention was conducted based on the Trans-theoretical model. Data were collected before the educational intervention and 3 months after that. Data analysis was done through SPSS 19.0 software and using Wilcoxon and Chi square tests. Results: Before the educational program, 17% of students in the intervention group were at the action and maintenance stage; in which after the education, this rate increased to 87.7%. Results indicated significant increase in breakfast consumption and mean scores of process change (from 71.47 to 86.16), self- efficacy (from 27.84 to 33.57) and decision balance (from 34.97 to 43.74) (P<0.001). Mean scores of the change process and self- efficacy showed a slight meaningful increase in the control group (P<0.001). Conclusion: Educational intervention based on the trans-theoretical model created adequate changes in nutritional behavior of the students over a 3 months period. Given the low cost and effectiveness of this educational model, generalization of such educational programs seems to be necessary

    Disidentification, anxiety and narration as epistemological windows: questioning the process of knowledge construction in a research in Chiapas, Mexico

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    One possible question to open the debate on the specific modes of intervention in the field of social research is: How to build a narrative that accounts for the actors’ ability to generate knowledge? Based on this question, the paper proposes a set of tools to analyze the institutional conditions of social research practice, which facilitates the recognition of hierarchies that pervade the relationship between actors and researchers. This awareness creates the possibility for an encounter whose purpose is the joint production of social knowledge which transcends the academic institutional logic.Uma possível questão para iniciar o debate sobre os modos específicos de intervenção no campo da pesquisa social é: como construir uma narrativa que explana a capacidade dos atores para gerar conhecimento? Com base nesta questão, o artigo propõe um conjunto de ferramentas para analisar as condições institucionais da pesquisa social que facilita o reconhecimento das hierarquias que permeiam a relação entre atores e investigadores. Esta consciencialização cria a possibilidade de um encontro cujo objetivo é a produção conjunta de conhecimento social que transcende a lógica institucional académica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Institutional health promotion standards in school of medicine at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences according to medical students' opinions in 2020

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    Background: Health promotion in occupational and educational environments contributes to the improvement and higher efficiency of the people affected by them. The health status of medical students as future providers of health services has great importance. This study aimed to evaluate health promotion standards in the school of medicine at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This cross-sectional study evaluated health promotion standards of school of medicine using a questionnaire filled out by medical students in 2020. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed. The questionnaire measured health promotion standards in the fields of healthy nutrition, facilities for proper physical activity, providing a healthy environment for students, adequate education for health promotion and disease prevention. Analytical and statistical tests were performed using IBM SPSS 23 software. Results: Among 340 medical students participated in the study 31.8 percent were in the basic sciences grade, 26.5 percent were stagers, and 41.8 percent were interns. The mean score of all questions among different grades was 1.11 (SD=0.33), 0.97 (SD=0.43), and 0.93 (SD=0.34), respectively (on a scale of 0-3). A significant difference was reported in the comparison of "basic sciences versus stagers (PV=0.011)" and "basic sciences versus interns (PV&lt;0.01) ". the mean score of questions overall was 1.00 (SD=0.37). Conclusion: Based on findings, health promotion in the school of medicine at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences was in the medium range, which demonstrates the need for future policies that lead to a more efficient health-promoting environment

    Measuring Self-perceived Social Health of Iranians; Finding from Iran Social Health Survey

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    Background: The novelty of the study is to measure self-perceived social health of Iranians as one of the main dimensions of health.Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in all provinces of Iran in September 2014 with 10500 participants to measure self-perceived social health on a scale from 33 to 165 arranged in three areas; family, friends and relatives, and community. Area of "family" was measure in a range from 6 to 30; area of "friends and relatives" was from 9 to 45; and area of "community" was from 19 to 95. The psychometrics of scale was examined in separate previous study.Results: From a total of 10500 participants, 10244 fulfilled questionnaire (Response rate= 97.6%). 49.2% of participants were male. Mean of the total social health score was 99.91; area of "family" was 22; area of "friends and relatives" was 27.6; and area of "community" was 51.2. The main factors negatively influences on social health were low house size, unemployment, being divorced or widow and being at the age of 18-30. There was no significant relationship between social health score and educational level.Conclusion: It is magnificently attained that standardized social health rate in the present study was 3.9% lower than the rate has been estimated in comparison to similar previously conducted study in three big cities of Iran, two years earlier. Area of "community" is also the main accountant for this drop. To continue monitoring the social health of Iranians, we recommend conducting the next rounds every 3-5 years

    Remote ischemic preconditioning in lower limb surgery; the hemodynamic and respiratory effects

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    Aim and Background: Remote Ischemic Preconditioning introduces brief episodes of ischemia and reperfusion which reduces long term ischemia in orthopaedic surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate hemodynamic and respiratory effects of remote ischemic preconditioning in lower extremity orthopaedic surgeries.Methods: In this clinical trial 40 patients scheduled for lower extremity surgery with pneumatic tourniquet were randomly allocated to remote ischemic preconditioning (RIP group, n=20) and control group (n=19). Patients in RIP group received three “5 minutes” cycles of ischemia, alternating with 5 minutes of reperfusion before extended use of tourniquet. Hemodynamic variables prior to inflation of tourniquet, every 30 minutes during the surgery and 10 minutes after tourniquet deflation and also arterial blood gas sample prior to and after surgery were recorded and compared between groups.Results: During operation blood pressure dropped in the RIP group and variations in heart rate, respiratory rate and pulse oximeter measurements after surgical tourniquet release were not significantly different between two groups. Changes in blood gas parameters were significantly less pronounced in the RIP group.Conclusion: Remote ischemic preconditioning may not attenuate most of the adverse effects of surgical tourniquet deflation including variations in heart rate, respiratory rate and arterial oxygen saturation as well as blood pressure drops. However, RIP may reduce increases in systolic blood pressure and acidosis following tourniquet application.Key Words: Remote Ischemic Preconditioning; Orthopedic, surgery, blood pressure, tourniquet, oxygenatio