66 research outputs found

    Antioxidant properties of rice bran oil from different varieties extracted by solvent extraction methods

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    Antioxidant properties of rice bran oil from different rice bran varieties; Rice Bran-Bario (RB-Bario), Rice bran-Lowland (RB-Low) and Rice Bran- Upland rice (RB-Up), collected from different cultural plots, were assessed. Measurement of antioxidant properties was evaluated by TPC (total phenolic content), DPPH scavenging activities and reducing power of extracts.. The study shows that antioxidant efficacy of rice bran was found the highest in RB-Up, followed by RB- Low and RB-Bario. The antioxidant properties were related to the rice bran origin and water irrigation demand by particular variety. RB –Up has a unique plantation condition which takes least amount of water retention which contribute to the highest antioxidant activity. Extraction solvents used shows that Upland (16.15%) and Lowland (16.16%) yielded the highest amount in conserving the crude fat oil in rice bran extract compared to Bario

    Application of Folin-Ciocalteau colorimetric method in the determination of total tannin in maize and soybean food products

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    Yellow maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) are local raw materials used in the formulation of complementary foods in Nigeria. The presence of antinutritional factors such as tannins in them could disrupt the nutritional status in infants and young children, thus leading to malnutrition. However, data on the total tannin contents in maize, soybean, and their products remain limited. This could be due to the lack of a fast, accurate, and inexpensive analytical method for tannin determination. The present work thus evaluated the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) assay for the accurate quantification of total tannin from yellow maize, soybean, and their products. Techniques including soaking, dehulling, oven-drying, boiling, and frying were used to process the raw materials, prior to grinding and subsequent formulation of their products. The FC method was validated to quantify the total tannin contents from extracts of tested samples by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry. The original extracts from the tested samples, and external standards from tannic acid and total phenolics (µg/µL) were used for method validation. The method validation showed that the instrumental response to standard tannic acid and the investigated analytes were specific, linear (R2 = 0.998), precise (% CV < 20%), and accurate (recovery = 91%). The limits of detection (LOD) and limits of quantification (LOQ) were 0.03 and 0.09 µg/µL, respectively. The validation complied with the requirements to ensure the reliability of the results. The combined processing techniques were also effective in reducing the total tannin content of maize (0.213 to 0.041% TAE) and soybean (0.257 to 0.064% TAE) by 81 and 75%, respectively. The present work demonstrated the suitability of the FC method as an analytical tool for the quantification of total tannin from plant-based food products

    The implementation of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for slope mapping

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    This paper discusses the applications of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for slope mapping and its important parameters including perimeter, area and volume of certain selected areas at Perumahan Taman Gambang Damai in Kuantan Pahang. This study also focused on determining the potential slope hazard based on slope angle. Modern UAV able to take high quality image which essential for the effectiveness and nature of normal mapping output such as Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Digital Orthophoto. This photo captured by the UAV will later transfer to Agisoft to generate full map of study area. With the help of Global Mapper, the measurement (perimeter, area and volume) of selected study areas can be determined easily and considered as the main interest in this study. In addition, another outcome of this study is, this modern method of mapping helps researchers and engineers to study the possibility of slope hazard based on their respective slope angle (according to slope classes). In conclusion, modern technology of UAV proves to be very effective for mapping in geotechnical engineering. Slope mapping help researchers and engineers to obtain slope measurement within short period of time compare to previous traditional method

    Performance evaluation of VANET QoS in presence of timing attack and sinkhole attack using OMNeT++

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    The growth in research advancement of vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) has seen a significant rise in the security attack.In this paper we gives the simulation for quantitative investigate of VANET in presence of Timing attack and Sinkhole attack. We described the performance metrics and discover the effect and harm caused by Timing attack and Sinkhole attack, which directly affect the network Quality of Service (QoS).Our assessment results shows that the impact on VANET under Timing attack and Sinkhole attack varies potentially depending on number of vehicles, number of attacker vehicles.The impact of a Timing attack and Sinkhole attack increased significantly by increasing the number of attacker vehicles in several of the situations. While the number of attacks impact level continually effect on network performance with varying the number of vehicles. It has been perceived that in presence of Timing attack delay is increased approximately 80%. On the other hand, in presence of Sinkhole attack delay is increased approximately 72%. It implied that these attacks are harmful for network life and stand against safety application in VANET

    Exploration of secondary deposit to determine manganese ore body

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    Manganese ore is one of the most critical mineral commodities and irreplaceable in steelmaking. With the high demand for manganese ore, exploration to find manganese ore deposits is essential before large investments in mine development. The purpose of this study is to determine the content of secondary manganese through exploration in Ladang Sungai Terah Gua Musang with an area of 40.5 hectares. The area is located near the Permian -dominated zone which can be observed during plutonic igneous granites in the southwest and in the presence of phyllite, slate and shale with subordinate sandstone and schist. The significant secondary mineral found is manganese oxide or pyrolusite. The exploration method is by excavating the trial pit (TP) and bore hole (BH) drilling. The location of TP and BH are determined from anomalies data and outcrop and boulders presence at site. Results that obtained from the thirteen TP sampling showed that the deepest TPs are excavated at 4.0 meter depth and the shallowest depth was at 3.6 meter depth. The thickest manganese ore was at 0.4 meter for TP 06. The highest-grade manganese was 54.3% at 3.8 meter depth of TP 01 located at north-west from BH1. The BH soil which obtained at 12.0 meter depth with silt clay and the presence of sand gravel. The BH soil was taken and homogenised prior testing in order to get representative result. The XRF analysis shown that the manganese ore was found at 55.90 % and second highest mineral was silica oxide which was 21.74 % followed by aluminium at 14.32 %. The calculation of manganese ore reserves was estimated at 157,545 tonnes of which the lifespan of manganese mining operations was estimated at only 10.375 months. Even the quality was high but it still not reaching the ore body It can be concluded that this area is not economical for commercial production of manganese ore and by pursuing this area will surely contribute to business risks, negatively impacting on potential profitability. Mining revenue calculated from estimated ore reserved in this area is not expected to cover costs such as the exploration working capital, property acquisition costs, mine development costs including development drilling and infrastructure development such as roads, utilities, plant and equipment costs which include mining equipment, mill and processing equipment and building, structure and many more

    Opportunities and challenges of recycling and reusing lithium-ion batteries for sustainable mobility

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    The growth of lithium-ion battery (LIBs) applications in electric vehicles and consumer electronics are rapidly increasing, further supplemented by the global energy sector's transition into more sustainable energy production and consumption. This not only boosts resources demand, but also generating huge amounts of spent batteries that must be properly managed. Recycling becomes a necessity, not only to support circular economy, but also to recover rare metals and reduce the hazardous pollution of LIBs components. There are many benefits for LIBs recycling, especially in environmental protection, energy transition, and economic benefits. Yet, a successful venture into LIBs recycling depends on a few factors: the recycling technology, the resources (spent LIBs), the location of the facilities for disposal and recycling, the local and regional regulatory framework, as well as the environmental impact. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and assess the systemic elements that exist within the recovery modes and phases of LIBs in a local context. This will enable a more informed decision to be made for further development of any LIBs recycling project

    Influence of traffic vehicles against ground fundamental frequency prediction using ambient vibration technique

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    Ambient vibration (AV) technique is widely used nowadays for ground fundamental frequency prediction. This technique is easy, quick, non-destructive, less operator required and reliable result. The input motions of ambient vibration are originally collected from surrounding natural and artificial excitations. But, careful data acquisition controlled must be implemented to reduce the intrusion of short period noise that could imply the quality of frequency prediction of an investigated site. In this study, investigation on the primary noise intrusion under peak (morning, afternoon and evening) and off peak (early morning) traffic flows (only 8 meter from sensor to road shoulder) against the stability and quality of ground fundamental frequency prediction were carried out. None of specific standard is available for AV data acquisition and processing. Thus, some field and processing parameters recommended by previous studies and guideline were considered. Two units of 1 Hz tri-axial seismometer sensor were closely positioned in front of the main entrance Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. 15 minutes of recording length were taken during peak and off peak periods of traffic flows. All passing vehicles were counted and grouped into four classes. Three components of ambient vibration time series recorded in the North-South: NS, East-West: EW and vertical: UD directions were automatically computed into Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR), by using open source software of GEOPSY for fundamental ground frequency, Fo determination. Single sharp peak pattern of HVSR curves have been obtained at peak frequencies between 1.33 to 1.38 Hz which classified under soft to dense soil classification. Even identical HVSR curves pattern with close frequencies prediction were obtained under both periods of AV measurement, however the total numbers of stable and quality windows selected for HVSR computation were significantly different but both have satisfied the requirement given by SESAME (2004) guideline. Besides, the second peak frequencies from the early morning HVSR curve was clearly indicated between 8.23 to 8.55 Hz at very low amplitude (Ao < 2), but it should be neglected according to the similar guideline criteria. In conclusion, the ground fundamental frequency using HVSR method was successfully determined by 1 Hz seismometer instrument with recommended to specific parameters consideration on field as well as data processing, without disruption from the nearest traffic excitations

    Crude oil yield and properties of rice bran oil from different varieties as affected by extraction conditions using soxhterm method

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    The current study was employed to investigate the effect of solvent type, extraction time and bran ratio on the rice bran oil (RBO) properties from three varieties of rice bran namely Bario, lowland and upland rice. RBO was extracted by using soxtherm extraction method using methanol solvent at different extraction time (3, 4 and 5 h) and bran ratio (10, 20 and 30 g). Free fatty acid (FFA), total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant properties were assessed. Solvent that has low polarity exhibited the attraction of polar component of oil with the highest yield by ethanol (16.16%), followed by methanol (15.38%). FFA contents occurred higher in lowland types of rice bran in all types of solvents at P<0.05 with ethanol (12.73%), methanol (11.96%) and hexane (11.13%), while the total phenolic content and antioxidant properties were influenced by the types of rice bran and solvents used for extracting components out of the bran. The highest phenolic content in the crude oil was extracted using ethanol in lowland (0.509 mg/ml), and the lowest was extracted by hexane in Bario (0.061 mg/ml). The highest antioxidant activity was observed in RBO extracted using methanol of lowland (73.74%) and RBO extracted using ethanol of upland (73.65%), while the lowest were observed in RBO extracted using hexane. The different types of solvent have the significant impact on the crude oil yield and properties of crude oil extracted

    Discrimination analysis of hybrid Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1983) (♀) × Pangasius nasutus (♂) (Bleeker, 1976) and its parental species

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    Comparative analysis was performed to discriminate a hybrid produced from the crossbreed of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (♀) and Pangasius nasutus (♂) and its parental species based on morphology appearances and morphometric characters. Morphological structures of the vomerin and palatal teeth varied between the hybrid and both parents. Results of the univariate analysis revealed 22 morphometric characters were significantly different between the hybrid and its parental species. Under the stepwise discriminate function analysis, the first Function explained 86.10% of total variations and 13.90% in Function 2. Of the 30 characters, only 10 characters which include prepelvic, caudal peduncle length, dorsal fin length, pectoral fin length, anal fin height, anal fin length, adipose fin length, interorbital length, distant to isthmus, and predorsal length can be used to significantly differentiate these species. The predicted fish groups exhibited characters which 100% differentiate and validate them into their respective group. Examination on vomerin and palatal teeth distinct the hybrid and its parental species

    A whole genome analyses of genetic variants in two Kelantan Malay individuals

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    The sequencing of two members of the Royal Kelantan Malay family genomes will provide insights on the Kelantan Malay whole genome sequences. The two Kelantan Malay genomes were analyzed for the SNP markers associated with thalassemia and Helicobacter pylori infection. Helicobacter pylori infection was reported to be low prevalence in the north-east as compared to the west coast of the Peninsular Malaysia and beta-thalassemia was known to be one of the most common inherited and genetic disorder in Malaysia.By combining SNP information from literatures, GWAS study and NCBI ClinVar, 18 unique SNPs were selected for further analysis. From these 18 SNPs, 10 SNPs came from previous study of Helicobacter pylori infection among Malay patients, 6 SNPs were from NCBI ClinVar and 2 SNPs from GWAS studies. The analysis reveals that both Royal Kelantan Malay genomes shared all the 10 SNPs identified by Maran (Single Nucleotide Polymorphims (SNPs) genotypic profiling of Malay patients with and without Helicobacter pylori infection in Kelantan, 2011) and one SNP from GWAS study. In addition, the analysis also reveals that both Royal Kelantan Malay genomes shared 3 SNP markers; HBG1 (rs1061234), HBB (rs1609812) and BCL11A (rs766432) where all three markers were associated with beta-thalassemia.Our findings suggest that the Royal Kelantan Malays carry the SNPs which are associated with protection to Helicobacter pylori infection. In addition they also carry SNPs which are associated with beta-thalassemia. These findings are in line with the findings by other researchers who conducted studies on thalassemia and Helicobacter pylori infection in the non-royal Malay population.Wan Khairunnisa Wan Juhari, Nur Aida Md Tamrin, Mohd Hanif Ridzuan Mat Daud, Hatin Wan Isa, Nurfazreen Mohd Nasir, Sathiya Maran, Nur Shafawati Abdul Rajab, Khairul Bariah Ahmad Amin Noordin, Nik Norliza Nik Hassan, Rick Tearle, Rozaimi Razali, Amir Feisal Merican and Bin Alwi Zilfali