28 research outputs found

    Daerah Istimewa Aceh Sebagai Serambi Mekah

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    Kajian ini secara objektifnya akan menyingkap dua status yang telah diberikan kepada Propinsi (negeri) Aceh iaitu Daerah Istimewa dan Serambi Mekah. Kedua-dua status ini telah dinobatkan kerana wujudnya keistimewaan tersendiri yang dimiliki oleh negeri tersebut. Jesteru, kajian ini telah memberikan tumpuan kepada latar belakang penerimaan dan perkembangan Islam di Nusantara dengan menfokuskan peranan Aceh sebagai pusat penyebaran Islam. Selain itu, proses perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan juga turut diberi perhatian dalam kajian ini lantaran ianya menjadi pemangkin kepada proses anjakan paradigma masyarakat Islam di alam Melayu. Fenomena inilah yang melonjakkan kedudukan Aceh sehingga dimartabatkan sebagai Serambi Mekah. Tidak dipinggirkan, aspek sejarah juga turnt diberi perhatian dalam kajian ini. Fokus utama yang dilakukan dengan melihat faktor-faktor berlakunya Gerakan Darnl Islam, fenomenanya dan strategi pemerintah untuk menangani pergolakan yang berlaku serta pengisian-pengisian yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Aceh dalam usaha mereka untuk merealisasikan gelaran Aceh sebagai Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh. Hasil daripada kajian yang telah dijalankan, pengkaji telah berjaya mengenengahkan beberapa perkara berikut sebagai intipati kajian. Pertama, wujudnya proses jaringan ulama di antara Aceh-Mekah telah berjaya membentuk sebuah tamadun Islam khususnya dalam menguasai pemikiran masyarakat di alam Melayu. Kedua, wujudnya pengaruh Islam dalam bidang politik, kesusasteraan tasawuf dan pendidikan telah menjadi pemangkin kepada perkembangan Islam yang dilakukan oleh kerajaankerajaan Islam di Aceh ke atas wilayah-wilayah kekuasaannya. Ketiga, kesan peninggalan naskah-naskah kuno adalah menjadi bukti telah wujudnya konsep integrasi pendidikan di antara Mekah-Aceh. Ianya juga telah menunjukkan bahawa dengan kekuatan pemikiran para ulama Mekah sedikit sebanyak telah menjadi motivasi kepada usaha-usaha penyebaran Islam di Nusantara. Keempat, realitinya, gelaran Daerah Istimewa Aceh tidak mempunyai apa-apa hubungan dengan gelaran Serambi Mekah. Namun begitu, gelaran Daerah Istimewa Aceh hanyalah satu helah politik pemerintah Republik Indonesia dalam usaha untuk mengaburi pemikiran masyarakat Aceh sematamata untuk menghalang Aceh menuntut kemerdekaan daripada pemerintah tersebut. Kelima, strategi pengisian oleh pihak-pihak berwajib seperti menubuhkan Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Lembaga Adat dan Kebudayaan Aceh (LAKA) dan MajIis Pendidikan Daeran (MPD) sedikit sebanyak telah merealisasikan gelaran Daerah Istimewa Aceh. Seungguhpun demikian, semua ini adalah bersifat sementara kerana pengiktirafan tersebut tidak mempunyai apa-apa makna menurut persepsi masyarakat Aceh


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    Education, the phenomenon of deterioration in academic ethics among lecturers, is alarming in Indonesia. That reflecting in decline in the value of integrity and the value of professionalism among lecturers. Therefore, this study focuses on the influence of understanding integrity and professional values on lecturers' academic ethics practices. The methodology of this study uses quantitative methods using descriptive survey studies. The data of this study were collected using questionnaire, where the understanding of integrity is measured with integrity according to the Hadith of the Prophet by Hanafi Hamdani (2014), professional values have measured using Wilson (2010) survey questionnaire on moral reasoning, and ethical decision making and academic ethics practices were measured using the College Teaching Behaviors Inventory (CTBI) developed by Braxton & Bayer (2003). The sampling method is to use a stratified sampling technique. Lecturers have randomly selected a total of 439 lecturers from five Universities of the Islamic Religious (PTKIN) in Aceh, Indonesia. Data were analyzed based on multiple regression. The findings showed that there was no significant effect of understanding of [p≥ .05 (.085)] and professional values [p≥ .05 (.140)] on lecturers' academic ethics practices. However, the findings of this study also show that a greater understanding of integrity contributes to the changing academic ethics of PTKIN lecturers than to professional values. This study implies that the aspect of understanding of integrity and professional value has enhanced through courses and training organized by the top management of PTKIN. The management of PTKIN should emphasize this aspect among the lecturers so that they can serve as role models for the younger generation

    Faktor-faktor penyumbang dalam pertimbangan moral pelajar sekolah agama

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    Purpose – The main objective of this study was to explore the concept of moral judgment among the students in religious schools.The study also sought to determine the influence of Islamic spiritual tendency, and attitudes and principles regarding social norm standards on moral judgments, in accordance with established schemes.Methodology– Three measurements tools were used, namely Ujian Skema Taakulan Akhlak (UPSTA), Soal Selidik Kecenderungan Kerohanian Islam (ISDQ) and Ujian Sikap dan Pegangan Terhadap Standard Kelaziman Sosial (USPSK). Stratified random sampling was used to identify four Islamic religious schools in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia. 500 male and female students from these schools were chosen as the subjects of the study.This study used quantitative methods based on a cross-sectional approach.Data from the above mentioned tests and questionnaires were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression.Findings– The results showed that the belief and faith dimension serves as a powerful influence in the moral judgments of Islamic religious school students.The findings also indicate that the belief and faith dimension, the intrinsic dimension, and the extrinsic dimension of the Islamic spiritual tendency had significant influence (R ² = .47, sig .000) on the students' moral judgment. However, the human rights dimension of attitudes and beliefs regarding social norm standards only contributed (R ² = .02, sig .03) to their moral judgments. Significance – This study provides a new understanding of the issue of moral judgment among Islamic religious school students, showing that Islamic spirituality plays an important role in determining the quality of their moral judgment

    Contributing factors in moral judgment among Islamic religious school students

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    Purpose – The main objective of this study was to explore the concept of moral judgment among the students in religious schools.The study also sought to determine the influence of Islamic spiritual tendency, and attitudes and principles regarding social norm standards on moral judgments, in accordance with established schemes. Methodology – Three measurements tools were used, namely Ujian Skema Taakulan Akhlak (UPSTA), Soal Selidik Kecenderungan Kerohanian Islam (ISDQ) and Ujian Sikap dan Pegangan Terhadap Standard Kelaziman Sosial (USPSK). Stratified random sampling was used to identify four Islamic religious schools in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia.500 male and female students from these schools were chosen as the subjects of the study.This study used quantitative methods based on a cross-sectional approach.Data from the above mentioned tests and questionnaires were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression.Findings – The results showed that the belief and faith dimension serves as a powerful influence in the moral judgments of Islamic religious school students.The findings also indicate that the belief and faith dimension, the intrinsic dimension, and the extrinsic dimension of the Islamic spiritual tendency had significant influence (R ² = .47, sig .000) on the students' moral judgment. However, the human rights dimension of attitudes and beliefs regarding social norm standards only contributed (R ² = .02, sig .03) to their moral judgments.Significance – This study provides a new understanding of the issue of moral judgment among Islamic religious school students, showing that Islamic spirituality plays an important role in determining the quality of their moral judgment

    Direction of Moral Education Teacher to Enrich Character Education

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    This paper discusses moral education which should begin by focussing on what exactly is meant by the term “moral human being” in Character Education. This is because whatever approach is used has to be based on the exact and clear understanding of the moral human being himself. A moral human being should posses the components categorised as concept, that is, the rules and principles which are deemed necessary to be used in actions and feelings or emotions which support the belief that a concept or action should be carried out. Apart from that, a moral human being should have the moral knowledge of the surroundings, know how to interact and act according to the decisions made. Character education will enable one to be a moral human being who should know the good, desire the good and do good

    Influence Of Social Norms And Spiritual Tendencies To Moral Considerations In Religious School Students

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    The main purpose of this study is to trace information related to the influence of social norms and spiritual tendencies to moral considerations in religious school students.This study aims to identify the influence of the dimensions of Islamic spiritualtendencies and the dimension of social customs to moral considerations based onestablished schemes. Three measuring tools were used in this study, namely UjianSkema taakulan Akhlak (UPSTA), Kuesioner Kecenderungan Kerohanian Islam(ISDQ) dan Tes Sikap dan Pegangan Terhadap Standar Prevalensi Sosial (USPSK).The subjects of the study consisted of 500 students who were divided into genderaccording to the type of religious high school in the state of Kelantan which wererandomly selected from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA), MaahadMuhammadi (MM), Maahad Tahfiz Al-Quran / Sains (MTAQ / MTS), SekolahAgama Rakyat (SAR) dan Sekolah Agama Swasta (SAS). This review review uses aquantitative method based on cross-sectional research approach (Cross Sectional).Data were collected from the above three tests and analyzed by using statisticalanalysis of stepwise multiple regression at significant degree p <0.05. The results ofthe study show that dimensions of faith and faith play a powerful role in the moralconsideration of high school religious students. The findings also show the dimensionsof faith, intrinsic dimensions and extrinsic dimensions in the aspect of Islamicspiritual tendency to have significant influence (R² = .465, sig.) On the moralconsiderations of religious school students. However, the dimensions of human rightswithin social norms varied only (R² = .017, sig .003) on moral considerations amongreligious school students in Kelantan. This review provides a fresh understanding ofthe moral issues of religious secondary school students. The tendency of religiousschool students on Islamic spiritual aspects plays an important role in determiningthe quality of their moral considerations

    Professional Values Influence on the Teachers’ Quality of Islamic Secondary School

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    The quantitative study was designed to acquire in-depth knowledge related to the influence of the teachers’ professional values on teachers’ quality. The study was implemented based on three dimensions of professional value namely ‘Riadhah Ruhiyyah’ (Al-Ghazali, n.d). Hence, this study aims to identify influence of professional values on teachers’ quality.&nbsp; The specific objective of the study aims to examine the level of teachers’ professional values, the level of teachers’ quality and the influence of professional values on the quality of Islamic secondary school teachers. The researcher adopted the quantitative study method by using questionnaires on 360 teachers from the three categories of Kelantan Islamic Foundation (YIK) Islamic Secondary Schools as respondents of the study. Data collected by the researcher is analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 2.0. The findings show that teachers’ professional values and teachers’ quality is in high level. The result of the regression analysis of this study indicates that professional values do influence the quality of teachers at the Islamic Secondary Schools of the Kelantan Islamic Foundation. In conclusion, this study has shown the level of professional values do influence teacher quality enhancement. Thus, action towards professional values strengthening and quality improvement among teachers should be taken seriously by all levels of the administration of education


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    Moral and akhlaq are almost considered the same by some people. Even though they has different meanings. The difference between them becomes interesting to discuss for explain the difference between them, from both the paradigm and the application in the moral psychology. The morals are meaningful as good and bad behavior are based on human consent. In contrast to moral, Akhlaq derived from the word “khulq†is cognate with khalaqa (created). It has the meaning of the inherent nature of the soul (malakah) in a person according to the origin of its creation (ahsanu taqwim) sourced from the essence of the creator (Allah). Therefore it can be sure there are different moral meanings in western society (non-Muslim) with Muslim society. This distinction opens opportunities for discussion of moral psychology in Islamic perspective. This article seeks to review in detail one of the sub-themes of moral psychology namely judgment or moral reasioning, where in terms of Islamic psychology is known by akhlaq judgment (penaakulan akhlaq) from Asmawati Hamzah (2007)

    The Practice of Noble Values among Primary School Students in Malaysia

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    Social problems among students have become very serious in recent years. Therefore, the issues that need to be addressed are the practices that exist among them. This study will share a research finding that identifies the level of practice of applying noble values among primary school children. This study used qualitative research designs through interviews and observations and quantitative survey studies where data were collected through questionnaires involving 321 primary school children from four primary schools in the North Zone of Peninsular Malaysia. Overall, the findings show that the practice of noble values is admirable. This study found that there was a significant difference in values of noble practices in terms of school types. In addition, the findings also found that values of respect are the most dominant values practiced by primary school students followed by other values