31 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Attitude of Lecturers Toward Usage of Multimedia in Teaching

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    Lecturers’ level of knowledge in multimedia and their attitude are expected influence to the usage of multimedia in teaching activities. This study aims to examine the relationship between knowledge and attitude of lecturers towards usage of multimedia in teaching and determined the contribution of each variable toward usage of multimedia in teaching. It was conducted on 250 lecturers covers Higher Learning Institution in West Sumatera, Indonesia. Data was collected by using Likert 5 points type survey questionnaires and analyzed by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 19.0 (SPSS version 19) through Multiple Regression Analysis and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Statistical

    Hubungan Iklim Organisasi Sekolah dengan Burnout Guru Sekolah Menengah

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap iklim organisasi sekolah dan tahap burnout guru serta hubungan iklim organisasi sekolah dengan burnout guru dalam kalangan guru sekolah menengah di daerah Subis, Sarawak. Kajian in adalah bersifat kuantitatif yang mendadaptasi dan menyesuaikan soal selidik Organisational Climate Index (OCI) dan Maslach Burnout Index (MBI) mengikut konteks kajian. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 167 orang guru yang telah dipilih dengan menggunakan pensampelan rawak berstrata daripada 5 buah sekolah menengah di daerah Subis. Perisian SPSS versi 26 digunakan untuk menganalisis data dengan statistik deskriptif dan inferensi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap iklim organisasi sekolah berada pada tahap yang sederhana (min= 2.58, SP=.379). Tahap burnout guru dalam kalangan guru sekolah menengah berada pada tahap sederhana rendah (min= 2.61, SP=.466). Analisis korelasi pearson yang menjelaskan hubungan iklim organisasi sekolah dengan burnout guru sekolah menengah daerah Subis pula mencatatkan korelasi yang tidak signifikan (r=.053) pada tahap sangat rendah. Analisis regresi berganda stepwise mendapati tiada dimensi iklim organisasi sekolah yang meramalkan tahap burnout [F (4, 162) = 0.689, p<0.05]. Dapatan daripada kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa iklim organisasi sekolah adalah kurang terbuka kerana pihak pentadbiran sekolah kurang memberi dan mendapat maklum balas daripada pihak ibu bapa dan pihak luar. Kajian lapangan perlu merangkumi aspek iklim sekolah yang lain seperti penglibatan murid, komitmen guru dan efikasi kendiri guru. Iklim organisasi sekolah yang rendah memberikan implikasi terhadap pengetua untuk meningkatkan akauntabiliti dan ketelusan kepada pihak ibu bapa serta bersikap terbuka untuk menerima pandangan daripada pihak lain

    Cross-culture learning via massive open online courses for higher education

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    Cross-cultural learning in higher education involves providing an equitable interaction of diverse cultures and moving towards generation of shared cultural expression through dialogue and mutual respect at local, national, regional, and international levels. This can be achieved via the use of massive open online courses (MOOCs), which has received much interest over recent years. Yet, in designing successful cross-cultural learning via MOOCs, there are three important aspects that are worth to be considered. They are instructional design, learning content and tasks design as well as technological acceptance of MOOCs. This paper focuses its’ discussion on these three aspects via a study conductedby online surveys conducted with 135 undergraduates at a local university. Findings indicated that with regards to learning content design, types of video lectures that can enhance MOOC learning are animations and live action videos that are integrated with casual style of communication and humor aspects. Findings also revealed that in terms of learning task design, fully and loose structured learning tasks are both of equal importance and both high and low autonomy are important. The paper concludes with issues and challenges in MOOC development and implementation

    A Quantitative Analysis of Malaysian Secondary School Technology Leadership

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    Effective school administrators are keys to large-scale, sustainable education reform. Rapid changes in technology have led to new possible ways for managing and leading schools. Leadership within the context of these changes becomes a crucial agenda among school leaders all over the world. Technology Leadership is seen as the relationship between leadership and technology, whereupon the administrators must play a more proactive role in implementing technology, and more specifically strive to interface the human and information technology components. Many point to the problem of overemphasis on the technological aspect at the exclusion of the human resources function. The use of a Model of Technology Leadership, which is based on the standard set by National Educational Technology Standard for Administrators (NETS-A, 2002), is proposed. NETS-A, 2002, was initiated by International Society for Technology in Education. This paper discusses both the model and standards mentioned. It also explores the concept of Technology Leadership against the backdrop of current structure and processes in the education institution. It also reports on the findings of a survey on Administrators as Technology Leaders among 63 administrators of Secondary Schools in Negeri Sembilan. The findings explored show the existence of Technology Leadership elements in school; but school administrators scored average on the Leadership and Vision and Teaching and Learning variables and below average on the Productivity and Professional Practice variable. The t-test scores revealed that neither school location nor administrators’ gender significantly influence the level of technology leadership.Keywords: Technology Leadership; Model of Technology Leadership; Administrators as Technology Leader

    The validation and development of electronic language test.

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    The enormous velocity of development and advancement in Information Communication Technology (ICT) to date has remarkably transformed the educational system which incorporates aspects of teaching, knowledge delivery and training. Language testing or measurement at the present time is employing conventional method to measure the academic performance of the students. With the advent of ICT, it has initiated the new innovative approach of assessing student’s performance. The objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of online and conventional mode of Malaysian English Competency Test (MECT) among undergraduates of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), focusing on reading test. The test is intended to test four components of English language; listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. This quantitative research involved a total of 43 students and was randomly divided into two groups. These groups were tested on paper test of Malaysian English Competency Test (MECT) and Electronic Malaysian English Competency Test (E-MECT). Apart from the tests, the respondents were also given a set of questionnaire to obtain the data on their computer literacy level, online reading test, and also knowledge and experience of using E-MECT online test. The results showed that there were no marked differences in terms of student’s performance even though their marks were higher in the online version. Other features such as user friendliness, interface design, interactivity and time management play important role in the success of online test. Recommendations to administer and adapt the online test are put forth at the end of the report. It could be concluded that the study has significant implications for not only the students, but also the teachers and programmer as well. Additionally, this study helps both the students and teachers in taking online language testing in a conducive and convenient way. In fact, this could also sharpen the students’ computer literacy in using the computer

    Malaysian Industrial Collaborations for Skills Development in 4th Industrial Revolution

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    The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is a new revolution with a combination of communication, IT data and physical system, also known as a cyber-physical system. The arrival of 4IR in Malaysian needs collaboration from industry player and institutions in developing the skills that merge in 4IR because through this collaboration the competency of the workforces can be increased. This study is conducted to identify the strategic plan that can use as a guideline by Department of Skills Development in collaboration with the industry and institutions for skills development in 4IR. A qualitative survey research design within a focus group was adopted in this study. The focus group discussion has been done involving members of the Department of Skills Development Malaysia, an academician from the different institutions in Malaysia and industrial players from a various industry in Malaysia.  The findings show ten strategic plan that can be used as a guideline by the Department of Skills Development in order to develop a skill for 4IR which are designing assessment of industrial training with employers, strengthens industry involvement in curriculum development, identify industries that have the interest/needs of the institutions and create industry requirements for the institutions. Next, the education and training  provider must be open and create platform  to accept industry opinions, appoint suitable experts from 4IR industries for NOSS development, penetrate international standard (dual certification) and emphasis industry collaboration with training providers to employed workers. Moreover, industry and institutions have to collaborate to sharing resources (skills, knowledge, facilities and funding), reskilling and upskilling workers using train the trainer approach collaborate with industry expert and lastly is collaboration or partnership with industry

    Knowledge construction process in online learning

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    One of applications in online learning environment is the use of forum or discussion through online communication facilities as a learning activity. This paper focuses on the process of knowledge construction in online discussion designed to be used with mobile technology. The research participants comprised 45 postgraduate students enrolled in a research methodology course. These participants were involved in the online discussion as one of the mode of delivery for the course. Data were collected through open ended questionnaire to tap into their perceptions about online learning activity through online discussion. They were also asked to do metacognitive reflections to explain step by step on how do they make conclusion on the meaning of a specific concept from the online discussion. Data were analysed using content analysis as the means of analysis. Result of the study shows majority of respondents agreed that online discussion helps the knowledge construction process through critical examinations of other peoples idea in the discussion. Overcoming psychological barriers is one of the important aspects offered by online environment that facilitate students involvement in constructing knowledge as compared to face to face discussion. Further analysis on the learning process revealed pattern of steps used by the students in constructing the meaning through the discussion process

    Impak perisian IM-SmartSAFETY terhadap pekerja asing dalam industri pembinaan

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    This paper focuses on the discussion of the impact of IM-SmartSAFETY courseware on foreign workers in the construction industry. This courseware was developed as an alternative media of information delivery in bilingual multimedia and two directional teaching aids for foreign workers in Health and Safety Induction Course (HSIC). The study discovered that the IM-SmartSAFETY courseware have contributed a great impact and meets the needs of the foreign workers on construction sites as well as one of the mechanism to help tackle the language problem.The study was conducted quantitative research methods supported by qualitative research is found a parallel in terms of data acquisition which is seen IMSmartSAFETY courseware has helped meet the needs of foreign workers regarding personal protective equipment (PPE) in terms of knowledge about the types and uses of PPE, safety regulations related to PPE, proper wear of PPE and the effect of the proper usage of PPE which include safety helmets, safety boots, protective clothing or safety jackets, ear protection, eye and face protection, safety belts, protective glove and protective breathing after using the courseware.The findings also exhibits that the overall of helpfulness of courseware also found that language issues have been resolved.In fact, the acquisition of knowledge foreign workers on safety at construction sites and the way of delivery information by the trainers to foreign workers have been enhanced while reducing the rate of accidents on construction sites and increase foreign workers awareness about the hazard and improve occupational safety of foreign workers in Malaysia

    ESl Lecturers’ Voices on Tell Me More

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    In the past, the cost of computers and courseware greatly restricted the use of computers in education. However, computers and courseware are now becoming important tools for learning in the institutions. In order to maximize the utilization of the courseware, it is important to get to know how the teachers perceive the use of the courseware in their classroom.  Therefore, this paper aims to investigate how ESL lecturers in a polytechnic in Malaysia perceive the ease of use, usefulness and suitability of a courseware named TELL ME MORE.  Data was collected via semi-structured interviews with four ESL lecturers at the polytechnic.  Findings show that ESL lecturers indicated positive perceptions on the ease of use, usefulness and suitability of the courseware.  However, it was found that the courseware is not quite suitable for the teaching and learning of writing.  Key words:  Innovative teaching; CALL; ESL; courseware; language learnin