128 research outputs found

    [Factors of Deviation Among At-Risk Adolescents From an Islamic Perspective] Faktor Penyimpangan dalam Kalangan Remaja Berisiko dari Perspektif Islam

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    In the development process known as the adolescent stage, adolescents are often viewed as not having fully reached cognitive maturity. According to the Islamic perspective, at-risk adolescents are identified for their non-conforming trait. This may mean the abandonment of Islam as a path and a lifestyle. As such, it is most likely that these at-risk adolescents end up compromising Islamic values. The objective of this paper is to identify factors that contribute to delinquency from the perspective of Islam. Research is conducted through analyses of Qur’anic verses, hadiths, as well as secondary sources.  Data is then analysed through inductive observation and presented conceptually and theoretically. This paper finds that delinquency are caused by two contributing factors. The first is the individual’s weak iman (faith) or the individuals’ lack of Islamic understanding; secondly, external factors such as the environment that also play a contributing role in delinquency. However, the depth to which these factors contribute to the problem depend on the individual’s self-control as well as the amount of exposure the individual has to the aforementioned factors. It is thus important that Islamic teaching play a crucial role in curbing delinquency especially during the adolescent stage. Key words: at-risk adolescents, delinquency, Islamic teaching.   Dalam proses perkembangan usia remaja, sering kali remaja dikaitkan dengan usia yang belum mencapai tahap kematangan berfikir. Menurut perspektif agama, remaja berisiko dapat dikenal pasti dalam masalah penyimpangan. Penyimpangan ialah meninggalkan kebenaran dari jalan yang lurus menurut tuntutan agama Islam. Oleh itu, masalah penyimpangan remaja boleh membawa krisis nilai dalam kehidupan. Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyimpangan menurut perspektif agama. Kaedah kajian dijalankan menerusi analisis kandungan dokumen berdasarkan dalil-dalil al-Quran dan hadith serta sumber-sumber karya sekunder. Data-data dianalisis menerusi proses penelitian secara induktif dan dijelaskan dalam bentuk konsep dan teori. Hasil kajian mendapati faktor penyimpangan dalam Islam merujuk kepada dua faktor gabungan iaitu pertama, faktor dalaman iaitu kelemahan iman atau tiada kesedaran jiwa beragama yang boleh menghalang manusia dari menyimpang. Kedua, faktor luaran iaitu kewujudan desakan dorongan luar yang menggalakkan kepada perbuatan menyimpang yang menjadi faktor penggerak dari pengaruh persekitaran. Walau bagaimanapun, risiko dalam perspektif agama dan kaitannya dengan faktor penyebab perlakuan mengambil risiko bergantung kepada kawalan tabiat seseorang yang terdedah terhadap pengaruh kedua-dua faktor tersebut. Oleh itu, penekanan kepada aspek agama sangat dituntut semasa proses perkembangan akil baligh remaja.   Kata kunci: Remaja berisiko, penyimpangan, ajaran Isla

    A prototype of student attendant system using pocket PC approach / Mohd Nazim Nagib

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    Nowadays, electronic information spaces are encroaching on our everyday environment. It is because of the increasing number of mobile computing devices, such as pahntop computers, mobile phones and personal digital assistants. We are increasingly carrying electronic information with us and also tapping into reservoirs of information via access stations such as auto teller machine and telephone. Indeed, portable computing allow us not only to carry the information, but also to access, modifying and interact with it in a matter of second

    Pendekatan psikologi dakwah dalam menangani remaja berisiko: fokus pendekatan bimbingan jiwa

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    Peringkat remaja, zaman penuh dengan risiko hasil perubahan dari aspek psikologi, biologi dan sosial. Perubahan ini, kadang-kadang memberi cabaran dan tekanan kepada remaja yang kurang bersedia dengan kehadirannya. Mereka tidak berupaya menyesuaikan atau menerima dengan mudah perubahan tersebut. Kesan dari tekanan dan ketegangan emosi, remaja menunjukkan sikap yang agresif, mudah memberontak, marah yang tidak dapat dikawal dan terlibat dalam masalah sosial. Remaja seperti ini tergolong dalam kumpulan remaja yang berisiko. Oleh itu, remaja berisiko perlu diberi bimbingan pada peringkat awal, agar mereka tidak terjerumus ke dalam jenayah yang lebih berat. Bimbingan jiwa merupakan salah satu pendekatan dalam psikologi dakwah bagi menangani permasalahan remaja berisiko. Oleh itu, penulisan ini akan membincangkan tentang pendekatan psikologi dakwah menangani permasalahan remaja berisiko dengan memfokuskan kepada kaedah bimbingan jiwa. Terdapat tiga kaedah bimbingan jiwa iaitu, kaunseling secara langsung, bimbingan secara berkelompok, bimbingan keluarga dan perkahwinan. Bimbingan jiwa yang berasaskan ajaran agama Islam, mampu menangani permasalahan remaja berisiko

    Mesin pembungkus nasi lemak

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    Pada era globalisasi ini, makanan tradisi melayu semakin berkembang dengan permintaan yang sentiasa meningkat saban tahun. Promosi hebat dan kesan media sosial telah menyebabkan tarikan yang kuat terhadap makanan tradisional Malaysia ditambah pula dengan kaedah hiasan yang kreatif dan menarik. Antara makanan tradisi melayu yang mendapat permintaan tinggi adalah Nasi Lemak. Nasi Lemak sangat sinonim dengan negara Malaysia sehinggakan ianya menjadi menu tetap sarapan pagi bagi setiap gerai mahupun hotel di negara kita. Penjualan nasi lemak sangat popular dan meluas. Permintaannya meningkat bukan sahaja di dalam negara, bahkan di peringkat antarabangsa juga nasi lemak mempunyai peminatnya yang tersendiri. Bagi syarikat penerbangan milik Malaysia seperti Airsia dan MAS, Nasi Lemak menjadi pilihan hidangan untuk penumpangnya yang terdiri daripada pelbagai warganegara serata dunia. Selain itu, faktor berlakunya peningkatan permintaan terhadap nasi lemak adalah kerana ianya tidak lagi hanya menjadi menu sarapan pagi semata-mata, malah ia juga menjadi menu makanan sepanjang masa sehingga ke lewat malam

    ITO islands as floating electrodes to deposit aligned carbon nanotubes for photovoltaic applications

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    Recently transparent conductive electrodes (TCEs) have attracted the interest of researchers due to their outstanding optical and electrical properties. Indium tin oxide (ITO) is an oxide material that combines the criteria of high conductance and transmittance. However, ITO is a non-flexible, brittle and expensive material. TCEs are commonly embedded in solar cells to perform high photon absorption and electron collection instantaneously. In this paper, an optimized TCE network is proposed to maintain TCEs' conductivity and transparency and to improve their flexibility and ability to handle mechanical forces. The network is designed by aligning multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) on ITO speckled surface to form ITO-CNT grid. The alignment mechanism is achieved through dielectrophoretic (DEP) force, where an electric field of 10V and 10 5 Hz is subjected to an ethanol/ MWCNT suspension to assemble the CNT across ITO's floating electrodes

    Determinants of exchange rate: a case study of Malaysia / Zulkifli Mohd Nasir and Mohamed Nazim Khairi Mohamed Khir

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    The aim of this study is to investigate factors affecting exchange rate in Southeast Asian countries which is focusing on Malaysia. The dependent variable of this study is exchange rate while independent variables are price of oil, growth domestic product (GDP), inflation rate and interest rate. The data collected covers the period from 1997 until 2015. This study employs time series in order to study the relationship between those variables. The result of this study found that inflation rate and interest rate has positive significant relationship with exchange rate. We are focusing on the fluctuation price of oil will give the impact the volatility of exchange rate. The main objective is to investigate whether there is a relationship between selected independent variables and exchange rate in Malaysia. The methodology use in this research is secondary data that collected from data stream. We analyse the raw data using Econometric-view 9 (EView9). Our finding prove that the independent variable price of oil and gross domestic product GDP) are significant with dependent variable exchange rate. For the other researcher, they should focus or highlight on relationship between price of oil and gross domestic product (GDP) towards exchange rate

    Analysis of air humidity and temperature for post lightning circumstances

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    Lightning is a natural phenomenon that generates a high electric field during thunderstorm. It has been reported that lightning strikes amid storms can occur around 100 times per second. The atmospheric electric field is an imperative parameter during a thunderstorm. Therefore, monitoring the electric field and its parameters is the best way for local lightning forecast. The electric field monitoring data can validate the accuracy of weather prediction in a local area from meteorology department or by using equipment specially designed to measure this electric field that exists when the phenomenon of lightning occurs. In this paper, the relationship between lightning, air humidity and temperature is discussed to understand the post lightning effect on these electric parameters. Additionally, the characteristics of the parameters are observed and analysed

    Teachers’ attitudes towards student-centered pedagogy and assessment practices: instruction efficacy in perspective

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    The advancement of students’ knowledge, skills, and other learning experiences is the goal of student-centered pedagogy and assessment practices, and teachers’ attitudes toward implementing these principles are vital to ensure classroom instruction efficacy. From this standpoint, this study aimed to examine English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ attitude toward student-centered pedagogy and assessment practices in the Saudi EFL context concerning classroom instruction efficacy. Also, it correlated the participants’ responses with their gender, experience, degree, and specialization. The descriptive survey design was used to achieve the study objectives. The study tools, a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were applied to a convenient sample of 73 faculty members. The results showed that the study sample (EFL teachers) had very positive attitudes towards pedagogy and assessment practices focused on students. In addition, the demographic variables of gender, experience, degree, and specialization had no significant role in affecting their responses to pedagogy and assessment practices. Finally, the interviewees expressed that the EFL classroom instruction efficacy can improve the situation in which students are more active, cooperative, responsible, engaged, communicative, and free. In light of the current results, the researchers proposed recommendations and implications

    Peranan NGO Islam dalam mereliasasikan pendekatan Islam Hadhari di Malaysia

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    Pendekatan Islam Hadhari ialah satu pendekatan pembangunan manusia, masyarakat dan negara Malaysia yang bersifat menyeluruh berdasarkan perspektif tamadun Islam. Ia juga boleh diistilahkan sebagai satu sistem, peraturan dan cara hidup yang progresif, maju, dinamik dan bertamadun tinggi yang bertujuan melahirkan umat manusia yang berilmu dan berbudaya tinggi berasaskan nilai-nilai akhlak mulia serta dapat mengharungi cabaran semasa. Usaha pelaksanaan gagasan pendekatan Islam Hadhari wajar digembleng bersama dengan badan-badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) Islam bagi menjayakan misi Islam Hadhari di Malaysia. Justeru itu, beberapa NGO Islam yang telah dikenal pasti berperanan dalam merealisasikan pendekatan Islam Hadhari di Malaysia telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Antaranya ialah Majlis Amal Islami Malaysia (MAIM), Majlis Perunding Wanita Islam Malaysia (MPWIM) dan Nadwah Ulama dan Ilmuwan Malaysia (NUIM). Kajian ini mendapati setiap NGO Islam tersebut telah melaksanakan pendekatan Islam Hadhari melalui program yang dilaksanakan mengikut tumpuan bidang yang berbeza. Sehubungan ini, dapat disimpulkan bahawa peranan yang ditekankan oleh NGO Islam ialah sebagai pasukan sukarelawan dalam amal Islami dengan menghidupkan peradaban manusia dan semangat camal jamāciyy untuk membentuk sebuah masyarakat yang bersatu padu dan dinamik dalam mengharungi cabaran dan pelaksanaan wawasan pendekatan Islam Hadhari di Malaysia

    From analogue to digital for high voltage impulse generator

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    An impulse generator is an electrical apparatus which produces short high-voltage or high-current surges. These devices can be classified into two types : (1) impulse voltage generators and (2) impulse current generators. High impulse voltages are used to test the strength of electric power equipment against lightning and switching surges. High impulse currents are needed not only for tests on equipment such as lightning arresters and fuses but also for many other technical applications such as lasers, thermonuclear fusion, and plasma devices. This study focuses on the automation system of the High Voltage (HV) Impulse Generator, currently owned by University Putra Malaysia. The HV impulse generator is currently available in analogue form controlled device whereby it requires a try and error process in order to achieve the high voltage discharge value desired by the users. To ease the users with the process, it is beneficial to make an improvement i.e. transforming the analogue to a digital form of the HV impulse generator. The outcome of this study would enable users to simply key in the desired value and allow the system to do the rest based on the developed program in this study. A controller is developed to enable the system to intelligently adjust the suitable gap distance to discharge the desired high voltage. The programming using C language has been developed in this study followed by a simulation process. With the use of the programming developed in this study, it was found that the factor which affects the value of the voltage is the gap distance. The test carried out has also proven that having larger gap distance allows higher high voltage discharge value i.e. the relationship is proportional between "gap distance" and "voltage discharge value". In conclusion this study has successfully converted the process from analogue to digital for the High Voltage (HV) Impulse Generator owned by UPM