26 research outputs found

    Reaksi dunia dan peranan PBB dalam menangani keganasan terhadap etnik Muslim Rohingya

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    Artikel ini membicarakan isu keganasan terhadap etnik Muslim Rohingya oleh pelampau Buddha, yang merupakan siri keganasan berterusan sejak 1982. Keganasan etnik telah lama wujud seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. Keganasan etnik merupakan tindakan keganasan terhadap sesuatu etnik oleh etnik lain atau negara, sama ada melalui kaedah pembunuhan beramai-ramai, penghapusan etnik, pengusiran atau penyeksaan. Insiden keganasan terhadap etnik Muslim di Arakan merupakan rentetan siri keganasan hampir tiga abad yang lalu lagi. Mereka telah mengalami pencabulan hak asasi manusia yang amat teruk oleh pelampau Buddha tanpa mendapat pembelaan dari mana-mana pihak. Saban hari ribuan orang tidak berdosa dibunuh, dibakar, dirogol dan dihalau dari kediaman mereka oleh pelampau Buddha dan juga pihak berkuasa Myanmar. Lebih malang lagi, sebahagian yang melarikan diri menjadi pelarian di sempadan Bangladesh juga tidak membela dan menjamin nasib mereka, malah turut dibunuh dan dihalau oleh pihak berkuasa. Situasi ini bukan sahaja menjejaskan keamanan antarabangsa, malah Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) dan masyarakat antarabangsa seolah-olah menutup mata atas segala kekejaman dan keganasan yang melanda umat Islam di Myanmar. Pencabulan hak asasi kemanusiaan dan keganasan berterusan terhadap etnik Muslim Rohingya sangat tidak mendapat perhatian dan reaksi daripada dunia. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis reaksi dunia terhadap keganasan yang melanda etnik Muslim Rohingya serta meneliti peranan yang dimainkan PBB dalam mengatasi konflik yang berlaku terhadap etnik tersebut. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian ialah analisis kandungan. Hasil kajian mendapati pelbagai pihak termasuk PBB dan institusi antarabangsa lain perlu bekerjasama untk memainkan peranan yang lebih efektif dengan menekan dan mendesak kerajaan Myanmar agar segera menghentikan keganasan etnik Rohingya yang masih belum diketahui nasibnya

    Pengurusan muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan dan Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri: Satu analisis persamaan dan perbezaan fatwa tahun 2000–2009

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    Purpose – The aim of this study is to discuss in detail the similarities and differences that exist as well as to identify the factors that lead to the fatwa issued by the Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia (MJFK) and the Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri-Negeri from 2000 till 2009.Design/Methdology – This study is a qualitative research design, which involves the use of the following methods: 1. The data collection methods – The sources of the data were the various news sources such as the Malaysia Annual Government Gazette, the minutes of the state fatwa meeting, the MJFK fatwa collection of books, the fatwa books that were issued by the state Mufti departments, the official website of the Mufti departments as well as the e-fatwa sites that were provided by JAKIM.2.The data analysis methods – The data was analysed manually.It involved the process of data classification, comparative data analysis such as the similarities and differences between these two institutions. Findings – This study found some similarities and differences between these two institutions in issuing the fatwa.A factor that was identified as common between these two committees is the issuance of fatwa that was related to the Islamic faith (al-Iman). On the other hand, the issues that were related to the sharia law and the moral values (al-akhlak) had few differences regarding the needs in their states.However, some differences in fatwa were discovered in terms of the Islamic law between the MJFK and the state fatwa committees.Among the reasons were identified was the difference in determining the concept of priority (aulawiyyat).In addition ,there were also some differences in understanding the local realities and in terms of elobrating the general arguments.These differences also led to the occurrence of inconsistencies between the MJFK fatwa and the state fatwa committees as well.Originality/Value – This study revealed that the similarities and the differences in the fatwas are common because the ability to understand and interpret the fatwa is determined based on the concept of priority (aulawiyyat), but the most important things in issuing the fatwa are based on the method of ijtihad among fuqaha

    Post-Divorce Child’s Nafaqah Māḍiyah: An Analysis of the Shifting from Fulfilment to the Assertion of Ownership Rights

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    The claim for child’s nafaqah māḍiyah (past income) is often overlooked in the rulings of the Religious Court. This research aims to propose a shifting from the concept of li al-intifā’ (benefit) to li al-tamlīk (ownership) regarding child’s living costs claims in the Religious Court, employing the istihsān (juristic preference) approach. The objective is to ensure a more equitable judgment for the child. This study was conducted as a literature review using a normative juridical approach. The research findings reveal that the legal standpoint, which rejects any claim for child’s nafaqah māḍiyah in the Religious Court based on the argument that child’s living costs is categorized as li al-intifā’, contradicts Islamic legal principles regarding child’s living costs and fails to fulfill the principles of justice, as well as being incongruent with several other legislative provisions related to child protection. Therefore, this article proposes a shifting from the concept of li al-intifā’ to li al-tamlīk in determining child’s nafaqah māḍiyah in the Religious Court


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    The spread of diseases prompted by dangerous viruses harms all walks of life, regardless of age or gender. The spread of these diseases is more likely to infect children, and it worsens the situation. The level of immunity of children is lower than that of adults due to their immature immune system and is still building resistance and immunity to disease attacks. In an attempt to overcome this problem, global doctors introduced vaccines to strengthen the human body’s immunity further to cope with various infectious diseases. Nevertheless, there is a group of anti-vaccines, particularly among Muslims who rejected vaccines because they are derived from najis (impurities). The allegation garnered attention from certain groups based on religious beliefs. Hence, this research’s objective was to study the fatwa determination of vaccine rule derived from najisaccording to Islamic perspective and analyse scientific views more clearly about vaccines. This study adopted a descriptive qualitative method of literature review and document analysis. The research outcomes revealed that, from an Islamic perspective, the use of najis-derived vaccines are required, and it is in line with Maqasid al- Syariah’s requirements. The use of vaccines is categorised in the emergency category, while the production of 100% halal vaccines in the future can be produced and used. The scientific perspective also establishes the need to use this vaccine to control infectious diseases and maintain universal human health

    Evaluation of the Egyptian agricultural development during the Mamluk era

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    This article evaluates the agriculture development in Egypt during the Mamluk era. This study shows that there are several factors that affected agriculture and its produce, such as the problems in the iqta' system, the problems in the irrigation system, the shortage of a productive labour force for the land, the lack of technological innovation in agriculture and the disturbances caused by climatic and biological disasters. However, these factors did not lead to a total decline and absolute collapse of the Mamluk agriculture era

    Validity of instrument to measure mathematics teachers’ perceptions towards 4C skills in problem solving

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    In the contemporary education 4.0 landscape, teachers are urged to prioritize the communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity (4C) skills during teaching and learning, recognized as crucial skills for the 4.0 industrial revolution (I.R 4.0). This research aimed to develop and validate an instrument assessing mathematics teachers' perceptions of the 4C skills through problem-solving teaching method. Employing a quantitative research design, the study utilized a questionnaire for data collection, involving four experts and 120 participants. Descriptive analysis using Cronbach's alpha and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) revealed a high reliability (Cronbach's alpha=0.934) and factor eigenvalue exceeding 1. The KMO values (Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin) for each construct were 0.50, and Bartlett's Test was significant (<0.5). Additionally, each item demonstrated a factor loading value above 0.50 and a variance percentage of ≥60%. The instrument comprised 4 sub-constructs and 16 fitting items. In summary, the study affirms the utility of this instrument in investigating mathematics teachers' perceptions of 4C skills through problem-solving teaching methods

    A Comprehensive Analysis of The Varied Interpretations among Islamic Scholars Concerning Bitcoin Transactions

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    At present, there is a notable divergence in viewpoints among Islamic scholars pertaining to the legality of Bitcoin transactions. A subset of these scholars categorically prohibits its use, while another endorses it. This disparity has precipitated confusion within the Muslim community, thereby complicating the task of adopting one stance over the other. The primary aim of this study is to meticulously examine and analyze the arguments presented by both subsets, with the objective of shedding light on the underlying causes of this divergence of viewpoints. To achieve this, the study utilizes a blend of descriptive and inductive analytical methodologies. The findings indicate that the scholars who prohibit Bitcoin largely base their arguments on external factors, with a minority of objections directly related to the inherent attributes of Bitcoin itself. In contrast, the subset that endorses the use of Bitcoin tends to focus on the intrinsic system of Bitcoin, often minimizing the importance of external factors. However, even the endorsers of Bitcoin acknowledge that current Bitcoin transactions are not without risks. They suggest that these risks should be addressed by the appropriate authorities through the implementation of effective preventive measures

    Islamic law of evidence in confession (Iqrar): definitions and conditions

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    Islamic ethics and modern biotechnology

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    Contribution of modern biotechnology to the betterment of the agricultural sector and human health is undeniable. However, many consumers, environmental groups and some scientists have voiced strong concerns over the long term effects of modern biotechnology products on human health and environment. According to some researchers, the central problem underlying biotechnology is not just its short term benefits and long term drawbacks, but the overall attempt to “control” living nature on an erroneous mechanistic view. We as human have conscience and our religious belief. Many religions do not allow unrestricted interference with life such as genetic engineering. The pace of discovery in genetic based biotechnology is very rapid and there is anxiety that a kind of technological compulsion (if we can do it, let’s do it) will drive development ahead of proper ethical consideration of their propriety. In Islam, ethic is known as akhlaq based on al-Qur’an and al-Hadith. Ethic of modern biotechnology is classified according to three part of akhlaq: ethical issues related to God (Allah), ethic among human beings and ethic related to living things. In this paper, ethical aspects of modern biotechnology will be discussed from Islamic perspectiv

    Tanggungjawab dan pelaksanaan zakat kalangan minoriti Muslim Thailand

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    Contributing zakat or alms is one of the most important Muslim obligations. This religious duty applied to all Muslims include those who live as a minority in a non-Muslim majority state. Muslim scholars such as Mahmud Shaltut, Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Zulfikar compare the obligation of contemporary Muslim minority with those in Mecca during the early period of Islam. They were required to give zakat although the method used is different compared to the Medinah period where they are a majority. This study suggests that contemporary Muslim minority in Thailand -in term of implementation- could use the methods applied to Muslim majority country. This suggestion is due to the special rights given to the Muslim community in Thailand compared to Muslim minority in other countries. Thai Muslims have a political and administrative rights which enable them to perform religious duties such as zakat which are guaranteed by the constitution of Thailand