696 research outputs found

    Assessment on Design for Manufacturing (DFM) and Design for Assembly (DFA) of a Centrifuge

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    Design for Manufacturing (DFM) and Design for Assembly (OF A) are comprehensive approach to integrating the design process with production methods, materials, process planning, testing, and quality assurance. DFM and DFA require a fundamental understanding of the characteristics, capabilities, and limitations of materials, manufacturing processes, machinery, equipment, and tooling and variability in machine performance, dimensional accuracy and surface finish of the workpiece, processing time, and the effect of processing methods on product quality. Establishing quantitative relationships is essential in order to be able to analyze and optimize a design for ease of manufacturing and assembly at minimum product cost. This project focused on the assessment of implementation of the DFM and DFA during prototype development process. Centrifuge was selected as the example in this project. The centrifuge was designed for offshore facility. Information such as design, parts manufacturing process, and assembly were analyzed in this project to assess the implementation of this approach during the prototype development cycle. It is noted that the application of the DFM and DFA have contribute to the success of the prototype developmen

    Underwater Robotics

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    Underwater Robotics or Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is a project that involves research and implement of the robots prototype. ROV are commonly used in oil and gas industries for pipeline inspection and maintenance which involve dangerous task and high risk enviromnent. Besides that it also used for underwater exploration and research for marine scientist. Due to that. research and development on ROV is important in order to improve and extend the capabilities of the ROV. The scope of study for this project is to design and build a fully working prototype of ROV which involve testing the prototype designed, circuit design and simulation, waterproofing components and programming the hardware. The capability and feasibility of the designed prototype is tested using several methods, for example testing the buoyancy of the ROV by applying the Archimedes principles. The focus of this project is to design build a small working prototype which capable of manoeuvring under the water and do monitoring task using a less degree of complex technologies and with a cheaper cost. The ROV also will be able to send any data to the computer via UART protocol while under the water

    Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS): Towards Maximizing the potential of its Human Resource Development (HRD)

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    As strategic education agenda works to prepare competent graduates, human resource development has become crucial for uplifting the internal strength of the university. University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) relatively a ‘young’ university has been engaged in establishing learning interaction among its staffs towards excellence. This paradigm is paramount to the strategic human resource provider as it allows not only the students who will be graduating but the young faculty members and its administrative staffs to excel. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the keys to successful university undertaken by UMS. In less than ten years, the faculty members as well as the administrative staffs manage to position the university at par to that of other established higher learning institutions in the nation. With the establishment of learning interaction, human resource development of UMS have shown some impact for promoting educational excellence among Malaysians. Indeed competent human resource plays an important role to meet the vision and the mission of UMS- strive to excel.Human Resource Development; Higher Education

    Performance-based reward administration as an antecedent of job satisfaction: a case study of Malaysia’s fire and rescue agencies

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    Performance based reward administration is a crucial aspect of organizational reward system. Recent studies reveal that the ability of administrators to appropriately implement communication, participation and performance appraisal in planning and implementing performance-based reward system may have a significant impact on job satisfaction. Although the nature of this relationship is interesting, the role of performance-based reward administration as an important antecedent has not been adequately explained in organizational reward models. This study was undertaken to examine the correlation between performance-based reward administration and job satisfaction in Malaysia. Primary data were gathered from 168 self-report questionnaires completed by employees of fire and rescue agencies in Peninsular Malaysia. The results of SmartPLS path model analysis showed that performance -based rewards administration was positive and significantly correlated with job satisfaction. Overall, the result demonstrated that the capability of administrators to appropriately implement communication, participation and performance appraisal in managing performance based reward system may lead to greater job satisfaction in the organizations studied. Future studies could do well to delve further into aspects of performancebased rewards in organisations such as organizational and personal characteristics, patterns, direction and magnitude of causal relationships, and behavioural elements of organizational justice

    A Study on Job Satisfaction as a Determinant of Job Motivation

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    Despite significant increase of interest in job motivation among the global organizations, the role of an administrator is still unclear. The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction (i.e., intrinsic satisfaction and extrinsic satisfaction) and job motivation. A survey method was used to collect self-report survey of employees in Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department. The SmartPLS path model analysis revealed three key findings: first, job satisfaction is significantly correlated with job motivation. Second, intrinsic satisfaction is significantly correlated with job motivation. Third, extrinsic satisfaction is significantly correlated with job motivation. These findings demonstrate that the ability of administrators to provide adequate intrinsic satisfaction and extrinsic satisfaction may lead to greater employees’ job motivation. In addition, discussion, implications and conclusion are also presented

    Investigating GAP45 localisation and phosphorylation during plasmodium falciparum schizont development

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    The invasion of erythrocytes by merozoites is driven by an actomyosin motor assembled below the parasite’s plasma membrane, with the myosin anchored on the inner membrane complex (IMC). The myosin (MyoA) is within a protein complex that is comprised of several proteins including myosin tail domain interacting protein (MTIP) and glideosome associated proteins (GAP) 45 and 50. A ternary complex of MyoA, MTIP and GAP45 is formed and later associates with GAP50. GAP45 is acylated by both myristoyl- and palmitoyl-fatty acids and is phosphorylated. This study has highlighted the GAP45 phosphorylation by calcium dependent protein kinase 1 (CDPK1) in vitro and its possible roles in schizogony. By site directed mutagenesis, substitution of S31, S89, S103 and S156 to alanine decreased the level of GAP45 phosphorylation, with S103A exhibiting a major decrease in 32P incorporation. Phosphorylation on S89 and S103 was studied further in parasites as both residues were among the phospho-sites in phosphopeptides identified in vivo. This study also showed that full length GAP45 labelled internally with GFP (FL-GAP45) is assembled into the motor complex, phosphorylated and transported to the developing IMC in early schizogony, where it accumulates during intracellular development until merozoite release. The C-terminal truncated GFP-GAP45 (N-GAP45; residues 1-29) localised at the plasma membrane instead of the IMC and was not assembled into the motor complex. The N-terminal truncated GFP-GAP45 (C-GAP45; residues 30-205) behaved like FL-GAP45. Modifying serine residues, S89 and S103, in GAP45 with alanine or aspartate had no apparent effect on its assembly into the protein complex or its intracellular location during schizont development and merozoite maturation. A second highly phosphorylated component of the complex (GAP40) was also identified. The early assembly of the motor complex suggests that it has functions in addition to its role in erythrocyte invasion

    Assessment on Design for Manufacturing (DFM) and Design for Assembly (DFA) of a Centrifuge

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    Design for Manufacturing (DFM) and Design for Assembly (OF A) are comprehensive approach to integrating the design process with production methods, materials, process planning, testing, and quality assurance. DFM and DFA require a fundamental understanding of the characteristics, capabilities, and limitations of materials, manufacturing processes, machinery, equipment, and tooling and variability in machine performance, dimensional accuracy and surface finish of the workpiece, processing time, and the effect of processing methods on product quality. Establishing quantitative relationships is essential in order to be able to analyze and optimize a design for ease of manufacturing and assembly at minimum product cost. This project focused on the assessment of implementation of the DFM and DFA during prototype development process. Centrifuge was selected as the example in this project. The centrifuge was designed for offshore facility. Information such as design, parts manufacturing process, and assembly were analyzed in this project to assess the implementation of this approach during the prototype development cycle. It is noted that the application of the DFM and DFA have contribute to the success of the prototype developmen

    Geopolymer coating paste on concrete for photocatalytic performance

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    Construction materials mainly used Portland cement as raw materials mainly caused global warming effect around the world. This article report a review on a research work carried out on the use of geopolymer coating on the concrete surface with catalyst for a good adsorption and efficiency via photocatalytic activity using sunlight. The geopolymer paste deposited by coating on the concrete or other building construction surface. The geopolymer paste were prepared by mixing aluminosilicates material with alkaline activator added with catalyst materials such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. The performance of geopolymer coating in removal of dyes reported comparable with other materials. Photocatalytic activity performance evaluate by adsorption of dyes onto geopolymer

    Goal-oriented approach to business intelligence requirement analysis for Malaysian rural healthcare center

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    Despite the advancement in the Malaysian rural healthcare centers operations, the healthcare delivery is currently facing some challenges caused by the techniques in collecting the data for analyzing their performances at the end of the day.It is posited that healthcare centers can take advantages of these data and explore analytic s as a competitive tool provided by Business Intelligence (BI).However, several surveys indicate that a significant percentage of business intelligence projects fail to meet business objectives or are outright failures.One of the reasons for this is that requirement analysis is typically overlooked in real BI project.The objective of this paper is to explore a goal-oriented approach to BI requirements analysis for Malaysian Rural Healthcare Centers.The goal-oriented method proposes for the study is Goal-oriented Requirement Analysis (GRAnD).GRAnD is based on the Tropos methodology.GRAnD adopts two different perspectives for requirements analysis: organizational modeling and decision modeling. The proposed methodology is described with reference to a real case study

    Screening method for detection of immediate amino acid decarboxylases - producing bacteria implicated in food poisoning

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    Assessment of amino acid decarboxylase activity can be conducted using tubed broth or plated agar. In this study, the test was carried out in microtitre plates containing lysine, ornithine, arginine, tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine or histidine as biogenic amine precursors. Møller decarboxylase base broth (MDB) with or without 1% of a known amino acid were added to wells of a 96 well-microtitre plate. The wells were inoculated with Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter anitratus or Staphylococcus aureus to the final concentration of 6.0 x 10(7) cfu/ml and incubated at 35ºC. The absorbance of the culture broth was read at 570 nm at 0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.5, 6.5 and 7.5 hour. Comparison of means of A'(570) between 0 hour and a specified incubation time was determined statistically. Positive decarboxylase activities were detected in the media inoculated with E. coli and K. pneumoniae in less than 6 hours. The current method is suitable for immediate producers of amino acid decarboxylase enzymes. It costs less as it uses less amino acid and it has the potential to be used for screening aliquots of food materials for amino acid decarboxylase activities