5 research outputs found

    Performance assessment of antenna array for an unmanned air vehicle

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    In this paper, the performance of Linear Antenna Array Element (LAAE) has been evaluated at the Base Station (BS) with a different number of elements for Unmanned Air Vehicle UAV application. The Switched Beam (SB) and Phase Array (PA) have been used as a steering beam mechanism. The beam steering tracker is based on the GPS points of the UAV and the BS. In addition, the Misalignment angle has been analyzed for SB and PA corresponding to the maximum speed of the UAV. The compression between SB and PA in term of Bit Error Rate (BER) vs. Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and BER vs. Misalignment angle have been examined by using Matlab. The results show that the PA has better performance than SB in both terms under Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel with an interference signal. When the number of the elements is eight provides longer distance than four by the factor (1.5 in SB case and 2 in PA case) and wider Misalignment angle range than twelve by factor (2 in SW case and 3 in PA case). Therefore, it is becoming a useful option for many applications

    Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis Based on Intelligent System

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    التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي  يؤثر على كثير من الناس مستهدفا المفاصل وخاصة المفاصل الصغيرة، ويستهدف جميع الأعمار حيث هو أكثر شيوعا في النساء. هذا المرض له العديد من الأعراض مشابهة لأمراض أخرى. لذلك، فمن الصعب جدا كشفه. كما أن أدوات التشخيص معقدة وغير اقتصادية. في هذا البحث، شبكة الذكاء الاصطناعي استخدمت لتشخيص والكشف المبكر عن التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي وفقا للمعايير التي وضعتها الكلية الأمريكية للروماتيزم. أفضل أداء يحدث مع الحد الأدنى لعدد الخلايا العصبية المطلوبة عندما يكون عدد الخلايا العصبية هو 6. بحيث، فإن الأداء يساوي 10-10×3.8968. عند تقليل عدد الخلايا العصبية إلى 5 أو زيادة إلى 8، والنتيجة هي 0.0041 و  10-10×1.0611 ,على التوالي. مع ذلك، يمكن اعتبار جميع النتائج مقبولة و أن أفضل خيار لهذه التصاميم سيكون 6 خلايا عصبية من جانب التعقيد والدقة.The Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) affects many people targeting their joints, especially small joints, and it targets all ages which it is more common in women. This disease has many symptoms similar to other diseases. Therefore, it is very hard to detect. Also, the diagnostic tools are complex and uneconomical. In this paper, artificial intelligence network used for diagnosis and early detection of RA in accordance with criteria developed by the American College of Rheumatology. The best performance occurs with the minimum number of neurons required when the number of neurons is 6. So that, the performance is equal to 3.8968x1010-.  When reducing the number of neurons to 5 or increasing to 8, the result is  0.0041 and 1.0611×10-10, respectively. However, all results can be consider acceptable and indicate that the best choice from this structure will be 6 neurons in the form of complexity and accuracy


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    In this paper, the performance of the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technique evaluated in term of Bit Error Rate (BER) with respect to Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) by using Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) modulation for two algorithms Maximum Likelihood (MLD) and Zero-Forcing (ZF) with different configurations of antennas array in Rayleigh and Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channels. The results were compared between them to determine which of the numbers antenna elements are suitable in the transmitter and receiver of each algorithm. The results of MLD offers a better configuration when 4×4 and 3×4 antennas array were used, while the ZF remains the same performance for the 2×2, 3×3 and 4×4 configurations. In different numbers of antennas, the best performance of ZF is got when the number of transmitter and receiver antennas are equal to 2×4 respectively. Also, the last one is better than the 4×4 and 3×4 configurations of MLD algorithm

    Ulcerative Colitis Diagnosis Based on Artificial Intelligence System

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    مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي هو تهيج في القولون الذي يرتبط في كثير من الأحيان مع العدوى ونقص المناعة. يكون جدار القولون للشخص مصاب بالالتهاب دائمًا أكثر سماكة من المعتاد. قد يكون مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي مهدد للحياة ويؤدي إلى الموت إذا لم يتم اكتشافه مبكرًا. الاكتشاف المبكر لهذا المرض مهم للغاية لبدء العلاج المناسب. في هذا البحث، تم تقديم شبكة العصبية الاصطناعية للكشف عن مرض التهاب القولون التقرحي وفقًا لمجموعة البيانات النظرية التي تم إنشاؤها بواسطة المعايير. تم تدريب الشبكة باستخدام خوارزمية Levenberg-Marquardt. أفضل اداء للشبكة كان حيث نسبة الخطأ تساوي 1.9947×10-24   للنظام الذي عدد خلاياه العصبية = 4.Ulcerative colitis (UC) disease is irritation of the colon that is frequently related to infection and immune compromise. The wall of the colon with inflammation is always thicker than normal. UC may be life-threatening and lead to death if not detected early. Early detection of this disease is very important to initiate appropriate treatment. In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) applied to detect the UC according to a theoretical dataset generated by the criteria of UC. The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm has trained the single hidden layer ANN. The best behaviour is equal to 1.9947×10-24for the system which the number of neurons =4

    Compensation of the Nonlinear Power Amplifier by Using SCPWL Predistorter with Genetic Algorithm in OFDM technique

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    The High Power Amplifiers (HPAs), which are used in wireless communication, are distinctly characterized by nonlinear properties. The linearity of the HPA can be accomplished by retreating an HPA to put it in a linear region on account of power performance loss. Meanwhile the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex signal is very rough. Therefore, it will be required a large undo to the linear action area that leads to a vital loss in power efficiency. Thereby, back-off is not a positive solution. A Simplicial Canonical Piecewise-Linear (SCPWL) model based digital predistorters are widely employed to compensating the nonlinear distortion that introduced by a HPA component in OFDM technology. In this paper, the genetic algorithm has been used to optimized the SCPWL coefficients by using Matlab 2015b, and then the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance has been evaluated for OFDM signal with 16-QAM and 64-QAM modulations in three cases, with nonlinear effects, without nonlinear effects (ideal case), with SCPWL and with nonlinear effects (compensated case)). The simulation results showed that the predistorter that adjusted by the genetic algorithm accomplishes huge execution change by successfully compensating the nonlinearity and reducing the input and output back-off (IBO, OBO) of the HPA