9,102 research outputs found

    Argon excimer emission from high-pressure microdischarges in metal capillaries

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    We report on argon excimer emission from high-pressure microdischarges formed inside metal capillaries with or without gas flow. Excimer emission intensity from a single tube increases linearly with gas pressure between 400 and 1000 Torr. Higher discharge current also results in initial intensity gains until gas heating causes saturation or intensity drop. Argon flow through the discharge intensifies emission perhaps by gas cooling. Emission intensity was found to be additive in prealigned dual microdischarges, suggesting that an array of microdischarges could produce a high-intensity excimer source

    Superconductivity in 2-2-3 system Y2Ba2Cu2O(8+delta)

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    Researchers synthesized a new high T(sub c) 2-2-3 superconductor Y2Ba2Cu3O(8+delta) by a special preparation technique and characterized it by ac-susceptibility measurements. Diamagnetism and Meissner effect sets in at low fields and superconducting transition onsets at 90 K. The systematic investigation of the real and imaginary components of ac-susceptibility as a function of temperature and applied ac magnetic field reveals that the magnetic behavior is that of a granular type superconductor

    Growth, condition and sexuality of the Indian sandwhiting, Sillago sihama (Forskal)

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    In the sandwhiting Sillago sihama (Forskal) inhabiting the coastal and estuarine waters of Mangalore region the value of the equilibrium constant a was 2.9554 indicating isometry in the relation between fish length and body weight. Condition in ooth sexes was highest in June and related to gonadal maturit

    Redox chemistry of o- and m-hydroxycinnamic acids: a pulse radiolysis study

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    Radiation chemical reactions of •OH, O•-, N3• and e aq t- with o- and m-hydroxycinnamic acids were studied. The second-orderrateconstantsforthereaction of •OH with ortho and meta isomers in buffer solution at pH7 are 3.9± 0.2 × 109 and 4.4 ± 0.3 × 109 dm3 mol-1 s-1 respectively. At pH 3 the rate with the ortho isomer was halved (1.6 ± 0.4 × 109 dm3 mol-1 s-1) but it was unaffected in the case of meta isomer (k = 4.2± 0.6 × 109dm3mol-1 s-1). The rate constant in the reaction of N3 •with the ortho isomer is lower by an order of magnitude (k = 4.9 ± 0.4 × 108 dm3 mol-1s-1). The rates of the reaction of e aq t- with ortho and meta isomers were found to be diffusion controlled. The transient absorption spectrum measured in the •OH with o-hydroxycinnamic acid exhibited an absorption maximum at 360 nm and in meta isomer the spectrum was blue-shifted (330 nm) with a shoulder at 390 nm. A peak at 420 nm was observed in the reaction of Obb-with the o-isomer whereas the meta isomer has a maximum at 390 and a broad shoulder at 450 nm. In the reaction of the absorption peaks were centred at 370-380 nm in both the isomers. The underlying reaction mechanism is discussed

    Quenching of nucleotide-derived radicals by bisbenzimidazole derivative Hoechst-33258 in aqueous solution

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    The pulse radiolysis technique has been employed to investigate the reaction of DNA-minor-groove ligand bisbenzimidazole Hoechst 33258 with pyrimidine and purine nucleotide-derived radicals. Formation of an N-centred Hoechst-33258 radical is observed. Bimolecular rate constants and the yields of Hoechst-33258 radical have been evaluated. While the rate constant for the reaction of pyrimidine-derived radicals with Hoechst-33258 remained the same (1-2) × 109 dm3 mol-1 s-1, the yields of the Hoechst-33258 radical varied from 25% (5'-cytidine monophosphate) to 75% (5'-guanosine monophosphate) under anoxic conditions. The rate constant values for the reaction of purine-derived radicals with Hoechst-33258, under oxic and anoxic conditions, remained the same whereas with pyrimidine-derived radicals, the rate constant value under oxic conditions was about two orders of magnitude lower than under anoxic conditions. The difference in the yields of Hoechst-33258 radical with various nucleotide-derived radicals suggest the formation of different types of radicals and that the reaction mainly occurs by electron transfer from Hoechst-33258 to the nucleotide radicals

    Location of a mutation resistant to cobalt and nickel in LG IIIR of Neurospora crassa

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    Location of a mutation resistant to cobalt and nickel in LG IIIR of Neurospora crass

    Development and characterization of gastroretentive mucoadhesive tablets of venlafaxine hydrochloride

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    The present study was undertaken with an aim to formulation development and evaluation of gastroretentive mucoadhesive sustained release tablet of Venlafaxine hydrochloride which releases the drug in a sustained manner over a period of 12 hours, by using Carbopol 971P in combination with eudragit RS-PO and ethyl cellulose as a mucoadhesive and release retardant respectively. Preformulation study was done initially and results directed for the further course of formulation. Based on Preformulation studies different batches of Venlafaxine hydrochloride were prepared using Carbopol 971P, Eudragit RS-PO and ethyl cellulose chosen for their different hydrophilic properties to calculate the sustained release properties. Sustained release tablets were prepared by direct compression and were evaluated for bioadhesion time, swelling index and matrix erosion, and in vitro drug release. The tablets of batch F3 and F6 had high swelling behaviors but release of drug is very less. And batch F2 having considerable swelling index and in vitro drug release (99.85%). Batch F2 can be taken as an ideal or optimized formulation of sustained release tablets for 12 hour release as it fulfills all the requirements for sustained release tablet. From the discussion it is concluded that use of carbopol as a release retardant and adhesive polymer is very effective; and also it act as strong release retardant in combination with hydrophobic polymers.Keywords: Gastroretentive; Mucoadhesive; Venlafaxine hydrochloride; Tablet

    Violence against female sex workers in Karnataka state, south India: impact on health, and reductions in violence following an intervention program.

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Violence against female sex workers (FSWs) can impede HIV prevention efforts and contravenes their human rights. We developed a multi-layered violence intervention targeting policy makers, secondary stakeholders (police, lawyers, media), and primary stakeholders (FSWs), as part of wider HIV prevention programming involving >60,000 FSWs in Karnataka state. This study examined if violence against FSWs is associated with reduced condom use and increased STI/HIV risk, and if addressing violence against FSWs within a large-scale HIV prevention program can reduce levels of violence against them. METHODS: FSWs were randomly selected to participate in polling booth surveys (PBS 2006-2008; short behavioural questionnaires administered anonymously) and integrated behavioural-biological assessments (IBBAs 2005-2009; administered face-to-face). RESULTS: 3,852 FSWs participated in the IBBAs and 7,638 FSWs participated in the PBS. Overall, 11.0% of FSWs in the IBBAs and 26.4% of FSWs in the PBS reported being beaten or raped in the past year. FSWs who reported violence in the past year were significantly less likely to report condom use with clients (zero unprotected sex acts in previous month, 55.4% vs. 75.5%, adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 0.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.3 to 0.5, p < 0.001); to have accessed the HIV intervention program (ever contacted by peer educator, 84.9% vs. 89.6%, AOR 0.7, 95% CI 0.4 to 1.0, p = 0.04); or to have ever visited the project sexual health clinic (59.0% vs. 68.1%, AOR 0.7, 95% CI 0.6 to 1.0, p = 0.02); and were significantly more likely to be infected with gonorrhea (5.0% vs. 2.6%, AOR 1.9, 95% CI 1.1 to 3.3, p = 0.02). By the follow-up surveys, significant reductions were seen in the proportions of FSWs reporting violence compared with baseline (IBBA 13.0% vs. 9.0%, AOR 0.7, 95% CI 0.5 to 0.9 p = 0.01; PBS 27.3% vs. 18.9%, crude OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.4 to 0.5, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This program demonstrates that a structural approach to addressing violence can be effectively delivered at scale. Addressing violence against FSWs is important for the success of HIV prevention programs, and for protecting their basic human rights

    Reconstruction of complex distal femur open fracture with distal femoral locking plate and primary autologous free fibular graft

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    Background: Distal femur fractures are high velocity injuries which accounts for 7-10% of all femoral fractures. These injuries are complex injuries which are difficult to manage. Despite advances in techniques and implants, treatment remains a challenge, in many situations.Methods: We present a retrospective review of 8 cases, involved in high velocity road traffic accident who presented to emergency department at St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India between September 2011 to December 2015, with complex open fracture of the distal femur with bone loss. All were managed with initial wound debridement and skeletal traction. Subsequently fractured femur was reconstructed with distal femoral locking plate stabilization, along with autogenous non vascularised fibular graft and cortical-cancellous graft bridging the bone defect. Radiological union, functional outcome measured with Tegner and Lyslom scores, KOOS score and complications were assessed.Results: At average 5 years follow up, all the fractures have united well, with good functional outcome. X-ray showing united fracture with incorporation of the fibular graft. According to Tegner and Lyslom scoring, 6 patients had good rating, 2 had satisfactory rating. Average KOOS score was 82.15. Shortening of 2 cm and 4 cm in couple of patients was the major complication. Conclusions: Delayed primary surgery, using autologous non vascularised free fibular graft in conjunction with a locking compression plate, with autogenous cortico-cancellous graft is an effective, less technically demanding and cost effective means of reconstruction option to manage bone defects in complex open fractures of the distal femur. An overall acceptable results in terms of fracture union, fibular incorporation, adequate restoration of knee motion and early rehabilitation can be expected

    Functional outcome of antegrade interlocking intramedullary nailing for humeral shaft fractures

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    Background: Humeral shaft fractures which account for approximately 1-3% of all fractures and 20% of humeral fractures have potential to cause significant disability in the young which is often temporary and in the old often permanent disability. The use of locked intramedullary nailing for the treatment of humeral shaft fractures is gaining popularity because of its biomechanical and biological advantages.Methods: We present a descriptive retrospective review of 20 consecutive patients with acute humeral shaft fractures treated using an antegrade interlocking nail. Fracture union, functional outcome measured with Constant–Murley shoulder score and American shoulder and elbow surgeons (ASES) shoulder score and complications were assessed.Results: Patient age ranged from 20 to 74 years (average, 36 years) and average follow-up was 30.7 months (range, 12–48 months). There were 13 male patients and 7 female patients. Fracture of the middle third was most common accounting to 80% (16/20) of the fractures. Fracture union was achieved in 90% (18/20) of our cases. 2 patients had nonunion for which secondary surgeries were needed. According to Constant–Murley score, shoulder function was excellent in 70% (14/20) and good in 25% (5/20). Average ASES score was 93.3%. None of the patients had radial nerve palsy postoperatively. Conclusions: Gentle progressive reaming, correct entry point, minimal damage to rotator cuff, properly embedding the tip of the nail, good apposition of fracture fragments, static locking will help make antegrade intramedullary nailing, a dependable solution for the treatment of humeral shaft fractures and in achieving successful union with preserved/good shoulder and elbow function