160 research outputs found

    Development of a Tool to Determine the Energy Required to Cut and Top Sugarcane

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    Sugarcane harvesting is a labor intensive operation and its mechanization is a recent development in Nigeria. The difficulties in providing the needed spare parts for the imported harvesting machines and labor shortages during harvesting periods impede the country’s drive towards self-sufficiency in sugar production. To develop an effective and efficient machine for harvesting of sugarcane, a preliminary data on the energy requirement for the cutting and topping of sugarcane must be available to the designer. A simple apparatus was developed to calculate the energy requirement for cutting and topping of sugarcane. The apparatus consists of: crank, sprocket, chain, freewheel, flange, front hub, spindle, frame and the base support. The result of evaluation test reveals that 15.71 Joules and 23.83 Joules were needed for cutting the top and base of the sugarcane, respectively

    Authentic Assessment: Evaluating the Saudi EFL Tertiary Examination System

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    As early as 1983, Rossi propounded that one of the issues of particular interest and development within the foreign and second language teaching profession is that of proficiency testing or the evaluation of a learner's level of linguistic and communicative competence. This still holds true. On the contrary our pilot study using the Question Paper Evaluating Checklists (included in this paper) indicates that all is not right with the designing of EFL question papers in Saudi Arabia though EFL assessment patterns in the KSA have undergone much change from the time that English was first introduced into the curriculum as a compulsory foreign language. It is the demand of time that evaluation patterns be evaluated on the touchstone of latest research and their relationship with classroom practices be established. This will help the learner-teacher combine to plug the loopholes in language training. In other words, we have to realise as educators that good assessment forms the basis of a wealth of learner information that has direct and indirect ramifications on curriculum and pedagogy. Hence the need to study this aspect of EFL in the light of modern literatures in order come up with constructive recommendations

    Uniform fractional factorial design tables for energy piles with maximum thermal conductance

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    Energy Piles are the heat exchangers of Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) that transfer the buildings heat to the lower temperature shallow ground reducing the energy consumption in the cooling of buildings. These piles are designed with main objective of lowest thermal resistance. In this paper, nine factors influencing the thermal resistance of the energy pile are defined and statistically evaluated. These nine factors are; number of tubes, pile diameter, tube diameter, tube thickness, tube location, pile conductivity, tube conductivity, soil conductivity, and water flow rate. The thermal resistance of the energy pile is calculated using the line source analytical model. The significance of these factors is evaluated using fractional factorial uniform design tables. The results show significant decrease in the pile thermal resistivity with the increase of the tube diameter, number of tubes, water flow rate, and tube and pile thermal conductivities. On the other hand, decrease of the tube thickness, and pile diameter slightly decrease the pile thermal resistivity. Furthermore, the tubes located near the piles outer surface show significant decrease in the pile thermal resistivity. Also, the soil thermal conductivity has shown insignificant effects on the pile thermal resistivity. 1 2017 WIT Press.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This publication was made possible by grant No. NPRP 7-725-2-270 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.Scopu

    Electrocoagulation in Wastewater Treatment

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    A review of the literature published in from 2008 to 2010 on topics related to electrochemical treatment within wastewater was presented. The review included several sections such as optimization, modeling, various wastewater treatment techniques, analytical and instrumentation, and comparison with other treatment methods

    Self-Reflections in a Personal Space: Investigating the Process of Self-Portrait Painting by Academic Research

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    The purpose of this practice-based paper is to investigate the artistic reflections and self-aesthetics into the process of artwork making. Every stage of this process represents a particular significance from the initial stage to the finishing stage. Furthermore, this exploration aims to develop the employment of practical research in the field of Visual Arts on personal, communal and institutional levels. In this exploration, the methodology is the vehicle that transforms the research into reality. Making the artwork itself is the methodology, and this process is the primary reference of the present research. Therefore, the author presents the synthesis of the artwork making rather than the analysis of its aftermath, the focus in this context is the construction of the artwork. This is the result of this research, the artwork itself. Regarding the employability aspects of this approach, it involves the practitioners and researchers in the fields of the visual arts toward further realizations of the actual creative process. This employability takes place into the signs of progress on different levels through academic and artistic practices in schools, universities as well as higher learning and teaching institutions. The present practical paper is significant because it investigates reflections of the cultural identity as well as the narratives of personal memory into academic research. In the multicultural present temporality, research-oriented artists highlight the diversity of their societies and represent significantly personal aesthetics as themes in their artworks. This approach would elevate the mutual understanding among people from different aesthetical backgrounds; people's trends enhance multicultural perceptions, harmony, and coexistence. In addition, artists in this regard illustrate such an approach in their visual art when they compose practice and research with the symbolic content, which reflects social motives. Artists practice such art to critique the violent content in communication media and educate people that media may fake reality to create more audience and viewers. This study focused on the significance of subjective representations in contemporary arts, and the impact of such representations on the mutual understanding among people of multicultural societies. Keywords: Contemporary Art Practice, Studio-Based Methodology, Practice-Based Research, Hybrid Painting Techniques, Multimedia, Mixed media, Photography. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-12-18 Publication date: April 30th 202

    People’s Reflections in the City: Exploring the Painting Practices of Figurative Expressionism by Academic Research

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    This paper is a practical outcome of a multidisciplinary research project conducted by the authors on the contemporary and modern practices of the Improvisation in Arts. All the authors are research-oriented practitioners in the fields of visual arts, performance arts, multimedia, Information and communication technologies as well as vocational training. Furthermore, the drawings, paintings, and sketches are all made by the correspondent author Assistant Professor Dr. Mohammed Baker Mohammed Al-Abbas as part of his research-oriented artistic practice through the hybrid painting techniques. Abstract The present studio-based paper aims to explore the creative reflections of the aesthetics of otherness within the practical phases of the painting production. This paper represents an experimental endeavor to create a two-dimensional artwork, which is a hybrid painting technique on canvas with mixed media and acrylic paints. Within such a specific practice-based context, each phase of this practical approach outlines a critical significance from the first phase of creating that painting to the completing phase. The practical methodology is the tool that converts the researcher's/artist's vision into creative academic production. The process of creating the painting on the canvas is the methodology; such manner turns to be a primary reference for the present exploration. There is a significant paradigm in this approach, which focuses on the artwork as a morphological creature being created by the researcher/artist rather than a consequent result that only exists as a finished/complete/polished outcome. The outcome of this research is the record of the artwork production itself. This record presents visual references of the artwork progress as well as a textual reflective narrative to describe this process with written words. This research-oriented artistic attempt introduces the artists and researchers in the domains of the Fine Arts to integrate the process of art-making into the methodologies of academic research. It is an academic text, reflective text as well as sequential images recording the artwork making. This studio-based experimentation is significant because it examines the aesthetics of the otherness into the expressive figurative abstraction in painting. Furthermore, the impact of such a studio-based approach manifests on advancing applications of the artistic oriented research in the field of Fine Arts globally on curatorial and academic levels. Keywords: Contemporary Art Practice, Studio-Based Methodology, Practice-Based Research, Hybrid Painting Techniques, Multimedia, Mixed media, Photography DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-10-08 Publication date: April 30th 202

    The Role of Financial Inclusion in the Stability of Islamic Banks

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    Purpose: The purpose of this research is studying the role of financial inclusion on financial stability in the Islamic banks, Highlighting the role of Islamic law in promoting financial and banking inclusion.   Theoretical framework: Introduce financial inclusion and definition of financial inclusion, statement of financial stability, and the role of financial inclusion in the stability of Islamic banks, in which the concept of financial inclusion and its dimensions was reviewed.   Methodology: The study was based on a qualitative research method, as it collected information from books, reports, journals, newspapers, and websites. The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach to study and analyze the various aspects of financial inclusion, its dimensions in Islamic banks, and its relationship in financial stability.   Findings: The relationship between financial stability and financial inclusion in Islamic banks is a direct relationship and financial stability cannot be reached without achieving financial inclusion and vice versa. The financial sectors must develop two sectors in parallel to achieve the desired economic development.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Central banks, Islamic banks (clients /staff), financial institutions, and small clients are the main beneficiaries of these ideas.   Originality/value: This study contributes to determining the role of financial inclusion in financial stability, using Islamic banks, which is to determine the effect of applying financial inclusion on the financial investment of Islamic banks. The research is based on a lack of studies on research variables

    The Risks of Financial Derivatives and Alternatives from the Viewpoint of Islamic Economics

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    Purpose: This study aims to introduce financial derivatives and their tools and the risks they cause, with an indication of their relationship to financial crises, which contributes to drawing the broad outlines of the Islamic alternative and determines the reality of the failure of the global financial system in managing risks through traditional financial derivatives.   Theoretical framework: Introduce financial derivatives and their tools and the risks they cause, with an indication of their relationship to financial crises, and alternatives from the point of view of Islamic economics.   Methodology: The study was based on a qualitative research method, as it collected information from books, reports, magazines, newspapers, and websites.   Findings: The financial derivatives increased risks and led us into crises. while Islamic Sharia provides an alternative to risk management, which focuses on avoiding fake sales and creating ethical and clean financial markets.   Research, Practical & Social implications: Financial markets, financial derivatives markets, financial institutions, banks, and insurance companies are considered. And small customers, the most important beneficiaries of these ideas.   Originality/value: This research is the original work of the authors and differs from other previous studies in that it proves the existence of a disciplined Islamic alternative within the foundations and standards of Islamic economics and shows its feasibility for successful practical application, particularly in the face of financial crises, addressing them during their occurrence and preventing them before they occur

    أثر العناصر المعمارية الهندوسية على العمارة الإسلامية في الهند (المساجد حالة دراسية) The Influence of Hindu Architectural Elements on Islamic Architecture in India (Mosques as a Case Study)

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    ملخص يهدف البحث الى استنباط أثر العمارة الهندوسية القديمة على عمارة المسلمين في الهند، ولغاية حصر الدراسة تمت دراسة أثر عمارة المعابد الهندوسية على عمارة مساجد المسلمين في شبه القارة؛ وذلك باعتبار أن كلا الديانتين تركت إرثا كبيرا من العمارة الدينية في الهند. وقد انتهج البحث قراءة لعمارة المعابد الهندوسية وخصائصها، ثم استعرض السمات المعمارية للمعابد الهندوسية وانعكاساتها على عمارة مساجد المسلمين في شبه القارة الهندية، ثم بين نماذج من العناصر التي استعملها المعماريون في العهد الإسلامي والتي تعتبر إرثا موروثا من عمارة المعابد. وتأتي أهمية البحث من ضرورة فهم العلاقة الوثيقة بين المنجزات الحضارية للحضارات المتعاقبة، واستفادة الحضارات اللاحقة من سابقاتها. وهذا ما أكده الإسلام عندما بين أنه جاء متمما للأخلاق والقيم والمعارف التي عاشها السابقون. ويخلص البحث إلى أن عمارة المساجد في الهند تأثرت بعناصرها وتقنياتها بالعمارة المحلية التي تم استخدامها في عمارة المعابد الهندوسية، كاستخدام القباب بأنواعها والعقود نصف الدائرية في البنية الفوقية المقببة واستخدام الحجر الأحمر مع بروز المداميك الحجرية، إضافة إلى الأعمدة الرخامية التي تم جلبها من المعابد الهندوسية القديمة. الكلمات المفتاحية: المعابد الهندوسية والمساجد، مساجد الهند، أثر معابد الهندوس على مباني المساجد. The Influence of Hindu Architectural Elements on Islamic Architecture in India (Mosques as a Case Study) Abstract This research aims to extrapolate the effect of Hindu architecture on Mosque architecture in India. Therefore, it reads Hindu Temple architecture and Muslim Mosques in the subcontinent. It delves into the architectural features of Hindu Temples and their repercussions on the architecture of Muslim Mosques, showing examples of the elements used by architects in the Islamic era. Thus these elements were an original legacy taken from Hindu architecture. Importance of the research stems from the need to understand the close relationship between the civilizations achievements of successive civilizations, and the subsequent civilizations, those who benefited from previous cultures, sciences and technologies. The research concludes that local Hindu Temple architecture, architectural elements and techniques greatly influenced the Mosque architecture in India: Such as the use of domes and semicircular arches, and the use of red stone with the prominence of stone courses; this, in addition to the marble columns that were brought from ancient Hindu Temples. Key words: Hindu Temples and mosques, Mosques of India, the effect of Hindu Temples on Mosque buildings

    Scientific Research Anchors as an Approach to Reinforcement Entrepreneurship: An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of employees in a number of small projects in Nineveh Governorate

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    سعت الدراسة الحالية إلى تحديد الدور الذي يمكن أن يمارسه البحث العلمي بدلالة مرتكزاته المتمثلة بـ( مواكبة التطورات، مسايرة المستجدات، اليقظة الفكرية، وقبول التغيير) في مجال تعزيز الريادة على مستوى عدد من المشاريع الصغيرة في محافظة نينوى، في إطار انطلاقها من مشكلة رئيسة مفادها "هل تمارس مرتكزات البحث العلمي دورها الايجابي في تعزيز ريادة المشاريع الصغيرة عينة الدراسة"؟ واستندت الدراسة الى عدة فرضيات رئيسة وفرعية نصت على وجود علاقات ارتباط وتأثير معنوية بين المتغير المستقل (البحث العلمي بدلالة مرتكزاته) والمتغير المعتمد (الريادة في المشاريع المبحوثة)، واعتمدت الدراسة المنهج التحليلي باستخدام البرمجية الاحصائية (SPSS V26) في تحليل البيانات المجمعة عن طريق استبانة وزعت على عينة مكونة من (45) عاملا في تلك المشاريع، وتوصلت الدراسة إلى عدة نتائج أبرزها وجود علاقات ارتباط وتأثير معنوية بين المتغيرين، وعلى نحو ترتبت عليه تقديم بعض المقترحات الضرورية للمشاريع الصغيرة المبحوثة .  The study aimed to determine the role that scientific research can play in terms of its anchors represented by (keep up to developments, accommodating updates, intellectual vigilance, and accepting change) in the field of reinforcement entrepreneurship at the level of a number of small projects in Nineveh Governorate, within the framework of its launch from a major problem that states: Do anchors of scientific research practices a positive role in enhancing entrepreneurship of small projects researched ? The study was based on several main and sub-hypotheses that stipulated the existence of significant correlation and influence relationships between the independent variable, scientific research, in terms of its anchors, and the dependent variable, entrepreneurship in the researched projects. From (45) employees in those projects, the study reached several results, the most prominent of which is the existence of significant correlation and influence relationships between the two variables, and in a manner that led to presenting some necessary proposals for entrepreneurial in the researched small projects