26 research outputs found

    The Effect of Curvature Ratio on Flow Structureand Fluids Mixing in 90o bent square duct.

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    كثير من المشاكل الميكانيكة والكيمياوية تعتمد بالأساس على خصائص الأختلاط لسائل مرشوش مع الغاز الحامل له وهي عملية تتأثر بقوة بمعدلات تبادل الكتلة والحرارة. الجريان الثانوي الناتج عن قوى الطرد المركزي المصاحبة لتغير جوهري في اتجاه الجريان يسبب تكون دوامات متعاكسة الدوران. تهدف الدراسة الى التحقق من أثر نسبة الأنحناء على بنية الجريان وشدة الاضطراب خلال عملية خلط سائل مع غاز لمنظومة حقن ماء مسبقة لمجرى منحني. تستثمر الدراسة تقنية المعالجة الصورية التجريبية PIV بهدف تعقب عملية تكون جريان ثانوي اثناء انتقال خليط ماء-هواء عبر جزء منحني من المجرى. أعتمدت الدراسة ثلاث نسب أنحناء 0.25,0.5 و0.75  لمتوسط سرع 2.5  و 5 m/s لجريان هواء عبر مجرى مربع. تظهر الصور تكون زوج من دوامات دوارة (رباعية-الفصوص) لكل نسب الأنحناء المدروسة مع اندفاع  الدوامات القريبة من الجدار الداخلي للمنحني نحو الخارج مع تناقص نسبة الأنحناء كنتيجة لتأثير الطرد المركزي وأنفصال الجريان. تصميم وترتيب مصفوفة حاقنات الماء تقرر أستنادا الى المحاكاة العددية بأستخدام الحزمة البرمجية ANSYS FLUENT 19.R1 مع اعتماد نموذج الأضطراب RNG-k-. النتائج العددية تظهر ان شدة التدويم لها تأثير صغير على عملية الخلط عند تغير عدد رينولدز ولكنها تتأثر بقوة مع تغيير نسبة الأنحناء. المقارنة الظواهرية بين النتائج التجريبية والعددية قدمت تقاربا جيدا للدراسة الحالية، حيث أن الحد الأقصى للانحراف المسجل كان (7,1)%.Many mechanical and chemical problems rely mainly on the mixing characteristics of a dispersed liquid and the carrier gas which is strongly affected by the rates of mass and heat exchanged. The secondary flow generated by the centrifugal forces accompany a substantial change in flow direction leads to the presence of counter rotating vortices. The study investigates the effect of curvature ratio on the flow structure and turbulence intensity during a liquid-gas mixing process prior to a bent duct. The study employs the experimental Particle Image Velocimetry technique (PIV) in purpose tracking the secondary flow structure when the water-air mixture travelling through a bent duct. The curvature ratios were taken to be (0.25, 0.5, 0.75) at average velocities of 2.5 and 5m/s for air flowing through a square duct. The PIV images illustrate the appearance of a Pair of rotating Dean vortices (four-cell pattern) generated for all curvature ratios with the vortices near the inner side of the bend moved outward while decreasing the curvature ratio as a result of centrifugal effect and flow separation. The design and the configuration of the water nozzles matrix is decided according to the numerical simulation using ANSYS FLUENT 19.R1, with RNG-k-ε turbulent model. The numerical analysis showed that the swirl intensity has little effect on mixing due to changing Reynolds number and was more influenced by the changing of the curvature ratio. The phenomenal comparison between experimental and numerical results showed good agreement as the maximum deviation recorded is about (7.1%).&nbsp

    Indoor/Outdoor Deep Learning Based Image Classification for Object Recognition Applications

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    مع التطور السريع في تصميم الأجهزة الذكية، أصبحت حياة الناس أسهل خصوصاً أولئك الذين يعانون من فقدان البصر أو العمى. الإنجازات الجديدة في مجال تعلم الآلة والتعلم العميق سمحت لفاقدي البصر بالتعرف على البيئة المحيطة بهم وتمييزها. في الدراسة الحالية، نقوم باستخدام الفعالية والأداء العالي الذي تتمتع به أنظمة التعلم العميق لبناء نظام تصنيف الصور في كلا البيئتين الداخلية والخارجية. تبدأ الطريقة المقترحة بإنشاء مجموعتي بيانات داخلية وخارجية من عدة مصادر بيانات مختلفة. في الخطوة التالية، يتم تقسيم مجموعة البيانات المجمعة إلى مجموعات تدريب وتحقق واختبار. يتم استخدام نموذجي التعلم العميق المدربين مسبقاً المسميين GoogleNet وMobileNet-V2 من التدريب باستخدام مجموعتي البيانات الداخلية والخارجية وينتج عن ذلك نموذجان مدربان. يتم استخدام مجموعات بيانات الاختبار من أجل اختبار النماذج المدربة باستخدام معاملات قياس الأداء (الدقة، معدل القبول الصحيح، معدل الرفض الخاطئ، معدل التخمين الصحيح، ومعدل الاكتشاف الخاطئ). بالنسبة لنموذج GoogleNet تشير النتائج إلى الأداء العالي للأنظمة المدربة حيث تم التوصل لدقات اختبار 99.34% و99.76% لكل من مجموعتي البيانات الداخلية والخارجية على التوالي. أما فيما يخص نموذج MobileNet فقد تم التوصل لدقات 99.27% و 99.68% لكل من مجموعي بيانات الداخلية والخارجية على التوالي. تمت مقارنة الطريقة المقترحة مع الطرق المماثلة في الدراسات السابقة في مجال تصنيف الصور في أنظمة رعاية فاقدي البصر، حيث أظهرت تفوق الطريقة المقترحة من قبلنا.With the rapid development of smart devices, people's lives have become easier, especially for visually disabled or special-needs people. The new achievements in the fields of machine learning and deep learning let people identify and recognise the surrounding environment. In this study, the efficiency and high performance of deep learning architecture are used to build an image classification system in both indoor and outdoor environments. The proposed methodology starts with collecting two datasets (indoor and outdoor) from different separate datasets. In the second step, the collected dataset is split into training, validation, and test sets. The pre-trained GoogleNet and MobileNet-V2 models are trained using the indoor and outdoor sets, resulting in four trained models. The test sets are used to evaluate the trained models using many evaluation metrics (accuracy, TPR, FNR, PPR, FDR). Results of Google Net model indicate the high performance of the designed models with 99.34% and 99.76% accuracies for indoor and outdoor datasets, respectively. For Mobile Net models, the result accuracies are 99.27% and 99.68% for indoor and outdoor sets, respectively. The proposed methodology is compared with similar ones in the field of object recognition and image classification, and the comparative study proves the transcendence of the propsed system

    An Improved Correlation to Investigate the Effect of Chemical Additives on the Mobility Ratio of Two-Phase Flow

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    World energy demand continues to increase, as they evolve, and developing countries consume more energy to keep their rising factories going. A significant portion of the energy demand is supplied by fossil fuels, especially crude oil. Therefore, in order to satisfy the world's energy demand, oil reserves and oil production capability must be increased. This objective can be accomplished by enhancing the recovery efficiency of the existing generating or mature reservoirs through the application of increased oil recovery. The injection of fluids into oil reservoirs has the purpose of supplementing natural energy and is used in some cases to engage with the reservoir's rock/oil system, standardizing for oil recovery, such as lower interfacial stress, oil swelling, reduction of oil viscosity and adjustment of wettability. Subject to comprehensive studies, in heavy oil reservoirs, polymer injection is not dependent on large technological instruments, requiring only mixing and filtration equipment, except for those already used for traditional water injections. In addition, polymers are non-toxic and corrosive and can produce desirable mobility ratios. The implementation of this approach decreases the output ratio of water to oil, thus decreasing operating. In the present work, thirty-five data points from experimental work had been investigated to develop a new correlation for viscosity of water by using the suitable program. It was analyzed the influence of the polymer additives on the mobility ratio, temperature and concentration effect on mobility ratio, and viscosity altering with the additives have been investigated. The results of the correlation showed acceptable agreement between the observed and predicted viscosity values. As a contrast to the polymer additives approach, pure water was proposed

    Measuring and Analyzing the Impact of Financial Crowding Out on the Iraqi Banking Sector for the Period From 2004 to 2020

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    Purpose:  The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of financial crowding out on the banking sector, tested under the mediation of the two variables  of  banking sector indicators (total deposits  ,Bank credit).   Theoretical Framework:  Although the studies conducted to clarify the effects of fiscal crowding-out were conducted in the context of public finances, there was a need to explore the effect of mediating interest rates as a result of increasing public debt to finance government spending.   Design/Methodology/Approach:  We used the methodologies of Ali Jaber and Hoda Abed (2003) to test the effect of financial policy variables to measure the size of the financial crowding out variable. Regarding the testing and validity of the hypothetical search model, path analysis was used within the structural equation modeling analysis. The study sample consists of 16 commercial and Islamic banks in the Iraqi banking sector, and it is inclusive of all the data of the banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange, for the possibility of generalizing the results fairly to the community.   Findings:  The results indicate that the variables of total taxes, public debt, and total public expenditures as indicators of the volume of financial competition have a direct impact on total bank deposits and credit. Such an effect is statistically significant. The results provide practical solutions to enhance competition in the funds available for lending to the banking sector by diversifying the various funding sources to preserve and sustain banking resources.   Research, Practical and Social Implications:  Future studies can look at other indicators of the size of financial competition and assess its impact on the various dimensions of the relationship between the financial policy methodology and banking sector facilities.   Implications/Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature related to fiscal policy by analyzing the results of the impact of government spending financing equations on total deposits and the volume of bank credit in Iraqi banks, and presents a practical and applied perception of the role played by the fiscal policy methodology in Iraq

    Building a general concept of analytical services for analysis of structured data

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    In this paper, “Building a common concept of analytical services for analyzing structured data” was proposed to build an analytical service to provide forecasts, descriptive and comparative data summaries using modern Microsoft technologies. This service will allow users to perform flexible viewing of information, receive arbitrary data slices and perform analytical operations of drill-down, convolution, pass-through distribution, the comparison in time. With the help of data mining, it is possible to detect previously unknown, non-trivial, practically useful and accessible interpretations of knowledge that are necessary for the organization's decision-making. Also, each client can interact with the service and thus monitor the displayed analytical information. In the process of work the following tasks were solved: investigated the subject area; studied materials relating to systems and technologies for their implementation; designed service architecture and applications to configure the service; selected technologies and tools for the implementation of the system; implemented the main frame of the system; modules for interaction with analysis services, data mining (a priori algorithm) and partially a module of neural networks; a report was written and a presentation of the results was prepared; The developed service will be useful to all organizations that are interested in obtaining analytical reports and other previously unknown information on their accumulated data. For example, organizations can analyze the impact of advertising, customer segmentation, search for signs of profitable customers, analyze product preferences, forecast sales volumes, and more

    The Impact of Sustainability Reporting on Profitability in Iraq Stock Exchange: Role of the Transparency as Moderating Variable

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    Abstract This study has examined moderating impact of transparency on relation between the sustainability reporting disclosure on profitability. The study’s statistical population consisted of listed companies in Iraq Stock  Exchange  for  period 2014 to  2017,  which in this study content of 25 corporation sample was analyzed to assess the level of corporations’ disclosing sustainability reporting through annual reports on  the  activities of the board. Secondary data from annual report of Iraq corporations were used actualize  the  research  objectives  In  this  study.  Panel  data  regression techniques namely fixed  effects  estimation  and  random  effects  estimation  in  addition to pooled Ordinary Least Square  regression  was  carried  out  on  the  secondary data collected from corporations reports. For this purpose, 167 Disclosure indices were analyzed based on Triple Bottom  Line  (TBL)  in  three  economic,  social  and environmental dimensions using a zero-one procedure and rating of each corporation’s disclosing corporate social responsibility was  extracted  to  determine  their level of disclosure. To investigate the association between variables of this research, the level of corporations’ disclosing sustainability reporting independent variable and performance metrics based on accounting data (ROA) as dependent variable are considered. Based on the research results, there is  a  significant  relationship between the level of disclosing corporate  social  responsibility  and  financial performance criteria of corporations based on both accounting data.  Moreover, results of this study can increase individual investors’  confidence  in  investing in companies with stronger corporate  governance.  This  finding  provides  new evidence to the literature as well as for the policy makers to consider on transparency adoption

    Thermodynamic Analysis With Energy Recovery Comparison of Transcritical CO2 Heat Pump System Using Various Expansion Devices

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    The high irreversibility caused by the expansion valve in the conventional transcritical CO2 heat pump cycle has been reported as the major drawback on the overall system performance. To overcome this problem and recover some of the energy lost, different isentropic expansion devices such as turbine expander and two phase ejector have been proposed. This study aims to numerically compare the performance of the transcrtical CO2 heat pump in terms of first and second law of thermodynamics. In addition, the energy recovered by the two phase ejector and the turbine expander cycles have been evaluated. The pressure recovery and entrainment ratio in the ejector device were investigated comprehensively. Two numerical models using MATLAB and ASPEN PLUS software have been developed, and REFPROP database was used to estimate the refrigerant thermophysical properties. The results showed that the heating coefficient of performance (COPh) of the ejector cycle is higher than that of the turbine and valve cycles by 10.15 % and 20.84 % respectively. In addition, the ejector cycle has the highest second law efficiency (0.1) and the recovered energy is (0.63 kW) compared to (0.107 kW) gained by the turbine cycle. The ejector device has the least exergy destruction (0.2 kW) and can recover 0.7 Mpa of the pressure losses

    Advancement of artificial intelligence techniques based lexicon emotion analysis for vaccine of COVID-19

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    Emotions are a vital and fundamental part of life. Everything we do, say, or do not say, somehow reflects some of our feelings, perhaps not immediately. To analyze a human's most fundamental behavior, we must examine these feelings using emotional data, also known as affect data. Text, voice, and other types of data can be used. Affective Computing, which uses this emotional data to analyze emotions, is a scientific fields. Emotion computation is a difficult task; significant progress has been made, but there is still scope for improvement. With the introduction of social networking sites, it is now possible to connect with people from all over the world. Many people are attracted to examining the text available on these various social websites. Analyzing this data through the Internet means we're exploring the entire continent, taking in all of the communities and cultures along the way. This paper analyze text emotion of Iraqi people about COVID-19 using data collected from twitter, People's opinions can be classified based on lexicon into different separate classifications of feelings (anticipation, anger, trust, fear, sadness, surprise, disgust, and joy) as well as two distinct emotions (positive and negative), which can then be visualized using charts to find the most prevalent emotion using lexicon-based analysis

    Upper airway dimensions and the skeletal parameters in orthodontic patients who developed moderate-severe COVID-19 symptoms during the pandemic

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    BACKGROUND: Large airway dimensions are associated with a rapid decline in the lung function and a higher risk of hospitalization. Therefore, the airway dimensions of healthy subjects who tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be associated with the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to measure the upper airway dimensions and the craniofacial skeletal parameters in patients who tested positive for COVID-19, to compare the upper airway dimensions and the craniofacial skeletal parameters between patients who developed no/mild symptoms and those with moderate-severe COVID-19 symptoms, and to assess any association of the skeletal relationships (anteroposterior (AP) and vertical) and the upper airway dimensions with the severity of COVID-19 symptoms in adult subjects. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 204 orthodontic patients who tested positive for COVID-19 were evaluated. Of these, only 137 met the inclusion criteria. The sample was further subdivided into 2 groups based on the severity of symptoms: cases (moderate-severe symptoms; n = 56); and controls (asymptomatic/ mild symptoms; n = 81). The upper airway dimensions and the skeletal parameters were measured on lateral cephalograms. The nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test was used to detect differences between the cases and the controls. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the association between the studied variables and the severity of symptoms. RESULTS: The cases had a reduced lower face height (LFH) and a reduced perpendicular distance from the hyoid bone to the line connecting the anteroinferior limit of the 3rd cervical vertebra (C3) and the retrognathion point (RGN) (HH1) as compared to the controls. Regression analysis revealed a significant association of LFH (p = 0.013), the vertical airway length (VAL) (p = 0.002) and HH1 (p = 0.021) with the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: The types of malocclusion were similar in the cases and the controls. Patients with reduced LFH and VAL, and a superiorly positioned hyoid bone in relation to the mandible developed more severe COVID-19 symptoms

    Hydrogel assistant synthesis of new Ti-MOF cross-linked oxidized pectin and chitosan with anti-breast cancer properties

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    Breast cancer is one of the most common diseases of the modern age. Although many methods for its treatment have been reported so far, the report and synthesis of new compounds based on new technologies, especially nanotechnology, is important. One of the laboratory methods for evaluating the anticancer properties of compounds is the in vitro MTT method (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide). In this study, the in vitro anti-breast cancer activity of the newly synthesized (Titanium Metal-Organic Framework) Ti-MOF cross-linked oxidized pectin and chitosan hydrogel, which uses biopolymers in its synthesis and structure, was investigated. The anticancer activity results showed that the synthetic nanopolymer had cell proliferation and viability of 27% more than the control and (the half maximal inhibitory concentration) IC50 of 111 μg/mL against breast cancer cells. Before the anticancer evaluation, the structure of the synthesized Ti-MOF cross-linked oxidized pectin, and chitosan hydrogel was confirmed by (X-Ray Diffraction) XRD pattern (Fourier Transform Infrared) FT-IR spectrum (Energy-dispersive X-ray) EDAX spectroscopy, N2 adsorption/desorption isotherm and (Scanning Electron Microscope) Scanning Electron Microscope images. The results of identification and characterization showed that the synthetic nanopolymer was in the range of nanoparticles. The peaks of the expected functional groups and reactant elements were observed in the FT-IR spectrum and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy of the final product. High physicochemical capabilities such as the uniform morphology, crystallization of particles, and high specific surface area from synthesized Ti-MOF cross-linked oxidized pectin, and chitosan hydrogel were observed. The unique properties of the synthesized Ti-MOF cross-linked oxidized pectin and chitosan hydrogel can be attributed to the appropriate method of its synthesis that was carried out in this study