137 research outputs found

    Character-level word encoding deep learning model for combating cyber threats in phishing URL detection

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    A cyber threat is generally a malicious activity that damages or steals data, or something that disrupts digital life. Such threats include viruses, security breaches, DoS attacks, and data theft. Phishing is a type of cyber threat whereby the attackers mimic a genuine URL or a webpage and steal user data, 21% fall into the phishing category. The novel approach of using the character-level encoding of URLs is introduced. Unlike word-level encoding, the use of character-level encoding decreases the discrete workspace and can be effective even in an energy-constrained environment. The experimental results of comparisons to other state-of-the-art methods demonstrate that the proposed method achieved 98.12% of true positive instances. Moreover, Conclusions: An experimental evaluation was performed to demonstrate the efficiency, and it was observed that the accuracy reached an all-time high of 98.13%. the experiments prove that the proposed method can operate efficiently even in energy-saving modes of phishing detection systems

    Dermatological Lesions of Cholesterol Embolization Syndrome and Kaposi Sarcoma Mimic Primary Systemic Vasculitis: Case Report Study

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    Primary systemic vasculitis can present with a wide spectrum of manifestations ranging from systemic non-specific features such as fever, malaise, arthralgia, and myalgia to specific organ damage. We describe two cases of cholesterol embolization syndrome and Kaposi sarcoma mimicking primary systemic vasculitis, both of which were characterized by features such as livedo reticularis, blue toe syndrome, a brown, purpuric skin rash, and positive p-ANCA associated with Kaposi sarcoma. Establishing the right diagnosis was challenging, and thus we aim in this study to highlight the possible ways to distinguish them from primary systemic vasculitis. Keywords: Dermatological lesions, Cholesterol embolization syndrome, Kaposi sarcoma, vasculitis mimic

    A Lightweight Deep Learning-Based Model for Tomato Leaf Disease Classification

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    © 2023 Tech Science Press. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Tomato leaf diseases significantly impact crop production, necessitating early detection for sustainable farming. Deep Learning (DL) has recently shown excellent results in identifying and classifying tomato leaf diseases. However, current DL methods often require substantial computational resources, hindering their application on resource-constrained devices. We propose the Deep Tomato Detection Network (DTomatoDNet), a lightweight DL-based framework comprising 19 learnable layers for efficient tomato leaf disease classification to overcome this. The Convn kernels used in the proposed (DTomatoDNet) framework is 1 × 1, which reduces the number of parameters and helps in more detailed and descriptive feature extraction for classification. The proposed DTomatoDNet model is trained from scratch to determine the classification success rate. 10,000 tomato leaf images (1000 images per class) from the publicly accessible dataset, covering one healthy category and nine disease categories, are utilized in training the proposed DTomatoDNet approach. More specifically, we classified tomato leaf images into Target Spot (TS), Early Blight (EB), Late Blight (LB), Bacterial Spot (BS), Leaf Mold (LM), Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (YLCV), Septoria Leaf Spot (SLS), Spider Mites (SM), Tomato Mosaic Virus (MV), and Tomato Healthy (H). The proposed DTomatoDNet approach obtains a classification accuracy of 99.34%, demonstrating excellent accuracy in differentiating between tomato diseases. The model could be used on mobile platforms because it is lightweight and designed with fewer layers. Tomato farmers can utilize the proposed DTomatoDNet methodology to detect disease more quickly and easily once it has been integrated into mobile platforms by developing a mobile application.Peer reviewe

    Synergistic Effects Of Multidisciplinary Healthcare Approaches On Patient Care Quality In Hospital: A Meta-Analysis

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    The research conducts a meta-analysis to explore the effects of multidisciplinary healthcare approaches on patient care quality in hospitals. It includes a comprehensive review of literature on public health initiatives, nursing care, medical devices, and more, emphasizing their impact on patient outcomes. The methodology involves analyzing peer-reviewed articles to assess the impact of these approaches. Results show significant improvements in patient care quality, emphasizing the benefits of team-based, coordinated, comprehensive, and patient-centered care. The discussion highlights the synergy between different care components and the need for strategic planning to address resource allocation and information overload. Recommendations are provided for healthcare practitioners, policymakers, and future research, focusing on enhancing collaboration, continuous education, supportive policies, and resource allocation. The conclusion underscores the importance of multidisciplinary strategies in improving patient care quality and outcomes, advocating for a shift towards integrated team-based care

    The Prevalence of Obesity among School Students and its Relation to Dietary and Physical Habits

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies suggest that unhealthy food practices and lack of exercise are the main cause of the progressive increase in the obesity prevalence. AIM: We aim to assess the prevalence of obesity among school students and its relationship to dietary and physical habits. METHODS: A cross-sectional study from 18 intermediate and high schools located in Taif, Saudi Arabia, between April 2014 and June 2015. We excluded any student with a psychological disease or chronic diseases. We calculated the body mass index (BMI) of students by measuring their height and weight. Dietary, physical, sleep habits, and socioeconomic status were assessed. RESULTS: A total of 2943 students participated with a mean age of 15.4 ± 1.7 years. The majority of these were boys and attending government schools with a mean BMI 22.7 ± 8.6 kg/m2. Overall, 13.6% were overweight and 12.8% were obese. One-third of students report a sedentary lifestyle. Compared to girls, boys were more likely to have lower BMI (p < 0.001), be overweight (p < 0.001), exercise for >300 min/week (p < 0.001), own electronic devices other than smartphone (p < 0.001), use the electronic devices <3 h/day (p = 0.007), eat their meals with their family (p < 0.001), eat fruits and vegetables daily (p < 0.05), exercise for >300 min/week (p < 0.001), and walk to and from school at least once weekly (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: A quarter of the students were either overweight or obese. Girls were more likely to be obese with less favorable socioeconomic, media consumption, dietary, and physical profiles

    Depression in persons with disabilities: a scoping review

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    Individuals with disabilities are more vulnerable to depression development than the general population. This study sought to map the evidence on current knowledge of depression, intervention strategies, and assessment tools among people with disabilities. This review was conducted following Arksey and O′Malley’s scoping review methodology framework. An electronic search was performed on four English databases: PubMed, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, and Web of Science. The original search returned 1802 results, with 1,116 from Web of Science, 626 from PubMed, 25 from Cochrane, and 35 from PsycINFO. After removing duplicates, 786 articles were chosen for the title and abstract screening processes. Finally, 112 full-text publications were deemed eligible, with 41 papers being included in this scoping review for analysis. A large proportion (32; 78.04%) of the studies chosen were cross-sectional, 14 (34.14%) of them reported general disability, 12 (29.26%) used a patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9) to measure depression, and 14 (34.14%) had interventions, including cognitive behavioral therapy, psychological counseling, social support, and physical activity. All interventions successfully reduced the severity of the depression. Cognitive behavioral therapies and psychological counseling were widely used interventions that had a significant impact on reducing depression. More randomized controlled trials are required, and they should focus on individuals with specific disabilities to provide disability-specific care that can improve the quality of life for disabled individuals

    Association Between Lipid Profile and Diabetic Foot Ulcer

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    Diabetic foot ulcer is a serious disabling consequence of Diabetes Mellitus. They are characterized by the breakdown of skin and underlying tissues in the feet, and are a major cause of lower limb amputations. Various risk factors have been identified for the development of diabetic foot ulcers, including poor glycemic control, peripheral neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease, and impaired wound healing. it is considered that the lipid profile is one of many factors that contribute to the formation and progression of diabetic foot ulcers. To stratify the incidence of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), biomarkers are required. The aim of this review is to assess the relationship between the risk of DFU and lipid profile in diabetic patients

    Prevalence of Smoking among Male Medical Students at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia

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    Smoking is defined as burning dry tobacco leaves and inhaling smoke from the burn. This process may be done using different forms of tobbaco products, including cigarettes (Cigars, Little Cigars, Cigarillos), electronic cigarettes, and hookah (shisha). Smoking can give rise to lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and has been proven to be the underlying cause in  84% of deaths in lung cancer and 83% mortalities in COPD. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of tobacco smoking among male students of the Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. This cross-sectional study was performed from January to February 2020 on among medical students of Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. A pretested questionnaire was used to collect data while the SPSS was used for data analysis. From 256 male medical students, only 113 responded to the questionnaire. The prevalence of smoking was found to be 19.5% (n=22) with most smoked cigarettes (50%). Most smokers (50 %) were in the lowest age group, 19-21 years. There was an increase in smoking with an increase in income. Of the 22 respondents who smoked, 10 started smoking when they were 14 to 17 years old. In conclusion, the study shows a low prevalence of smoking among male medical students in the College of Medicine of Majmaah University. Most smokers consume cigarettes, and the majority are not considering quitting


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    Introduction: The eye is a fascinating organ for several reasons. It is not only have a composite structure, however it is considered an immune-privileged organ. The anatomy of the eye is composed of the anterior and posterior parts, the line of division is posterior to the lens. The anterior chamber lies within the anterior segment and is an immuneprivileged anatomical location, this is due to the fact that the T-cell response in this area is suppressed This protects the eye from potentially destructive immune attacks however it also makes defence against infectious agents challenging, particularly where T-cell responses are critical for immunological defence. Viruses could get into the eye by direct inoculation, or through haematogenous or neuronal spread. The diagnoses of viral eye infections are usually clinical one, helped by taking a thorough history and performing ophthalmic examination. But in challenging cases the lab tests are essential. In this review, we will discuss the most recent evidence regarding Causes and management of viral eye infection Aim of work: In this review, we will discuss the most recent evidence regarding Causes and management of viral eye infection Methodology: We did a systematic search for Causes and management of viral eye infection using PubMed search engine (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) and Google Scholar search engine (https://scholar.google.com). All relevant studies were retrieved and discussed. We only included full articles. Conclusions: A wide range of of viruses can affect the eye and cause viral eye infections, either as a primary infection or reactivation. Some affect the eye directly while the others indirectly but may still manifest with eye disease. One virus may affect several parts of the eye, while different viruses may cause the same eye disease. This could complicate the clinical diagnosis of viral eye disease, but the lab tests like PCR and antibody tests could assist in challenging cases where there may be diagnostic dilemma. The HIV epidemic has had an huge impact on ophthalmology clinics, this is because the virus can cause different eye diseases, and the associated decrease in cell-mediated immunity makes the person highly susceptible to opportunistic viral eye infections, sometimes with severe morbidity. There could be other viruses that may affect the eye that we did not discuss. Key words: Causes, management, viral eye infection

    Clinical Correlation Between Back Pain and Osteoarthritis Among Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: To investigate the clinical correlation between back pain and the role of osteoarthritis in the etiology of this pain. Methods: This research employs a cross-sectional study design to investigate the clinical correlation between back pain and osteoarthritis in adults. Cross-sectional studies provide a snapshot of data at a specific time, making them suitable for assessing the prevalence and potential associations between variables of interest. Results: The study included 1106 participants. The most frequent age among them was 40-50 years (n= 486, 43.9%), followed by 18-28 years (n= 340, 30.7%). The most frequent gender among study participants was female (n= 560, 50.6%) followed by male (n= 546, 49.4%). The most frequent marital status among study participants was married (n= 702, 63.5%), followed by single (n= 353, 31.9%). The most frequent job among study participants was a government job (n= 480, 43.4%), followed by a private sector job (n= 177, 16%). Duration of suffering from back pain among study participants with most of them being 1 to 5 years (n= 505, 45.7%), followed by nothing (n= 373, 33.7%), and the least was 23 years and above (n= 13, 1.2%). Participants were asked about evaluating the impact of back pain on life. For personal care, the most frequent was (currently, I do not feel any pain) (n= 514, 46.5%). The severity of pain, the most frequent, was (I can usually take care of myself and do my own things without adding to my pain) (n= 923, 83.5%). The lift and move things, the most frequent was (I can lift heavy objects without it adding to my pain) (n= 524, 47.4%). The walking, the most frequent was (The pain does not prevent me from walking any distance) (n= 801, 72.4%). The Sitting, the most frequent was (I can sit in any chair for as long as I want) (n= 661, 59.8%). The stand-up, most frequent was (I can stay standing as long as I want without increasing my pain) (n= 523, 47.3%). For sleep, the most frequent answer was (My sleep is never disturbed by pain) (n= 611, 55.2%). The Social-life, most frequent was (My social life is normal and does not cause me more pain) (n= 860, 77.8%). Conclusion: The results of the study showed that most of the participants were married and taught in government jobs. The majority of them do not suffer from severe back pain that affects their lives. In addition, most of the study participants had good and effective communicatio
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