764 research outputs found


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    Breast Cancer (BC) is the most common cancer and the second most cause of death among women. Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes confer high susceptibility to both breast and ovarian cancer. However, data on the prevalence of the BRCA1/2 mutations among breast and ovarian cancer patients is limited. The genetic component of breast cancer in the UAE is largely unknown and no study has evaluated the BRCA mutations status in breast and ovarian cancer patients in the UAE population. This retrospective study aimed to establish mutation frequencies of the BRCA genes in breast and ovarian cancer patients from the Northern Emirates and sought to examine the potential association of BRCA carriers and Triple- Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC). The study population included patients who underwent BRCA genetic testing at Sheikh Khalifa Specialty Hospital (SKSH) to determine hereditary breast/ovarian cancer. Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 were analyzed by Sanger sequencing or next-generation sequencing (NGS) along with Multiple Ligation Probe Amplification (MLPA). Among 262 patients, 224 (85.5%) had no mutation. BRCA mutations were identified in 38 patients (14.5%). BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations were detected in 6.9% and 7.6% of the patients, respectively. A variant of unknown significance in BRCA1 was found in 0.4% of patients (one patient). TNBC accounted for 22% of all patients with Breast Cancer (BC) who underwent immunohistochemistry (28/127). Importantly, one novel BRCA1 mutation: c. (80+1_81-1) _ (441+1_442-1) dup in exons 3,5,6,7 was observed in one patient with ovarian cancer who showed positive family history and age ≤ 45. Moreover, two novel deletion mutations were identified in the BRCA2 gene. One deletion in exon 5 in ovarian cancer patients who showed positive family history and age ≤ 45. The second was a deletion in exons 10-13 observed in male patients with breast cancer with age ≤ 45. The current study results will help to establish the spectra of BRCA mutations and risks associated with breast and ovarian cancer in UAE patients


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    The use of e-learning technologies is gaining momentum in all educational institutions of the world, including Saudi universities. In the e-learning context, there is a growing need and concern among Saudi universities to improve and enhance quality assurance for e-learning systems. Practicing quality assurance activities and applying quality standards in e-learning in Saudi universities is thought to reduce the negative viewpoints of some stakeholders and ensure stakeholders’ satisfaction and needs. As a contribution to improving the quality of e-learning method in Saudi universities, the main purpose of this study is to explore and investigate strategies for the development of quality assurance in e-learning in King Khalid University (KKU) in Saudi Arabia, which is considered a good reference university using best and ongoing practices in e-learning systems among Saudi universities. In order to ensure the quality of its e-learning methods, KKU has adopted Quality Matters Standards as a controlling guide for the quality of its blended and full e-course electronic courses. Furthermore, quality assurance can be further improved, if a variety of perspectives are taken into consideration from comprehensive viewpoints of faculty members, administrative staff, and students. This qualitative research involved the use of different types of interviews, as well as documents that contain data related to e-learning methods in the KKU environment. This exploratory case study was undertaken, from the perspectives of various participants, to understand the phenomenon of quality assurance using an inductive technique. The purposive sample comprises a total of 30 female and male participants to answer the research questions and provide robust information in terms of how the quality of e-learning development has been met in the KKU environment. The thematic analysis method developed by (Braun & Clarke, 2006) was carried out to analyse the data from the interviews and documents. The results revealed six main supportive factors that assist in ensuring the quality of e-learning in the KKU environment. Essentially, these factors are: institutional support, faculty member support, evaluation of faculty, quality of e-course design, technology support, and student support, which together have a remarkable positive effect on quality, forming intrinsic columns, connected by bricks leading to quality e-learning. In addition, in the course of improving e-learning quality, KKU encountered various challenges, some of which were overcome while others were not. Generally, Quality Matters standards are considered to have a strong impact on improving faculty members' skills and on the development of high-quality blended and full e-courses. It is, therefore, the recommendations and implications of the present study that quality assurance practices in e-learning methods can be enhanced and that future researches might shed more light on these recommendations

    The Kinetic responses and foraging behavior of Drosophila melanogaster larvae

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    Adaptive responses in larval behavior may be of two kinds: Taxis: This involves a change in direction relative to source of a stimulus. Kinesis: Kinesis has no directional component, but involves change in the rate of performance in response to a stimulus. Drosophila larvae exhibited flexible behavioral responses associated with food acquisition and selection for different environmental conditions. In this investigation, we are concerned explosively with kinetic responses to food viability. Third instar larvae were subjected to test for thirty minutes in each of the following conditions i) in distilled water, ii) in Ringer's solution, iii) in glucose solution and on live yeast suspension. In each case the larva was in a thin layer of solution, or suspension over agar gel. On non – nutritive substrates, such as distilled water the predominant behavior is locomotion accompanied by exploratory movements foraging for food. When food is encountered the predominant behavior shifts from locomotion to feeding by sustained rhythmic scooping with the mouth hooks. Locomotore activity remains constant on yeast but immediately rises on transfer to Ringer's solution over the observation period. This is orthokinesis. On transfer to glucose solution larvae again show the instant rise in locomotion, but remains at a constant level with no evidence of an orthokinetic response. Feeding activity rate remains constant on yeast whereas in Ringer's solution we observe another kinetic response, for which we propose the term fagokinesis. This response is not observed when larvae were transferred to glucose solution

    Laser Dental Treatment Techniques

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    Dental laser technologies are one of the most rapidly developing areas in the modern technology. When the laser was discovered in the 1960s, it was classified as a solution in search of a problem, and today, laser technology is applied in many different areas. It basically remained a field of research. Typically in the most frequent dental surgery, the caries therapy was frequently compared to most types of lasers; the conventional mechanical drills are still superior, particularly CW or long-pulse lasers. Only laser systems capable of providing ultrashort pulses might be an alternative to mechanical drills. The number of laser applications is enormous, and it is not possible to explain all of them here. In this chapter, the development of suitable application units for laser radiation and other topics of interest in dentistry including laser treatment of soft tissue as well as laser welding of dental bridges and dentures are discussed. In some of these areas, research has been very successful. However, many clinical studies and extensive engineering effort still remain to be done in order to achieve satisfactory results

    Loss of signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 is associated with prostate cancer recurrence

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    STAT1 loss has previously been implicated in cell line studies to modify prostate cancer cell growth and survival, however the clinical significance of this has not previously been established. This study investigated if STAT1 loss was associated with patient outcome measures and the phenotypic consequence of STAT1 silencing. STAT1 expression was assessed in two patient cohorts with localised (n = 78) and advanced prostate cancer at initial diagnosis (n = 39) by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Impact of STAT1 silencing on prostate cancer cells lines was assessed using Cell Death detection ELISA, TLDA gene signature apoptosis arrays, WST-1 assay, xCELLigence system, clonogenic assay, and wound healing assay. In the localised patient cohort, low expression of STAT1 was associated with shorter time to disease recurrence (3.8 vs 7.3 years, P = 0.02) and disease specific survival (6.6 vs 9.3 years, P = 0.05). In the advanced patient cohort, low expression was associated with shorter time to disease recurrence (2.0 vs 3.9 years, P = 0.001). When STAT1 was silenced in PC3 cells (AR negative) and LNCaP cells (AR positive) silencing did not influence levels of apoptosis in either cell line and had little effect on cell viability in the LNCaP cells. In contrast, STAT1 silencing in the PC3 cells resulted in a pronounced increase in cell viability (WST-1 assay: mock silenced vs STAT1 silenced, P < 0.001), clonagenicity (clonogenic assay: mock silenced vs STAT1 silenced, P < 0.001), and migration (wound healing: mock silenced vs STAT1 silenced, P < 0.001). In conclusion, loss of STAT1 may promote prostate cancer recurrence in AR negative patients via increasing cell viability

    Le matériel des laboratoires des sciences de la vie et la terre au cycle secondaire (Maroc): Disponibilité, usabilité et sécurité

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    Les laboratoires scolaires des sciences jouent un rôle crucial dans la réalisation des travaux pratiques, une activité essentielle pour l'enseignement des sciences de la vie et de la terre (SVT). L'objectif de notre recherche est d'étudier la disponibilité et l'utilisabilité du matériel de laboratoire des SVT, ainsi que d'évaluer la sécurité au sein de ces laboratoires. À cet effet, une enquête composée de 17 questions a été menée auprès d'un échantillon de 39 préparateurs et 7 enseignants responsables des laboratoires de SVT. Cette enquête a été complétée par des observations sur le terrain dans deux laboratoires scolaires. Les résultats obtenus ont révélé une insuffisance générale du matériel, dont le manque dans certains laboratoires peut constituer un obstacle majeur à la compréhension des concepts scientifiques. Les laboratoires des deux cycles d'enseignement présentent des caractéristiques techniques similaires, mais ne sont que partiellement conformes aux spécifications matérielles requises. De plus, le matériel de sécurité n'est pas encore largement répandu et sa couverture reste insatisfaisante. Dans une perspective d'amélioration, il est impératif d'investir dans du nouveau matériel afin de pallier au manque crucial actuel des laboratoires. Il est aussi primordial de mettre l'accent sur l'exploitation optimale du matériel, sa mobilité et sa maintenance afin d'améliorer la qualité des activités pratiques dans l'enseignement des SVT.   School science laboratories play a crucial role in conducting practical work, an essential activity for teaching life and earth sciences (LES). The aim of our research is to study the availability and usability of LES laboratory equipment, as well as to evaluate safety within these laboratories. To this end, a survey consisting of 17 questions was conducted with a sample of 39 laboratory technicians and 7 teachers responsible for LES laboratories. This survey was supplemented by on-site observations in two school laboratories. The results revealed a general lack of equipment, the absence of which in some laboratories may constitute a major obstacle to understanding scientific concepts. Laboratories in both teaching cycles exhibit similar technical characteristics, but only partially comply with the required material specifications. Furthermore, safety equipment is not yet widely distributed, and its coverage remains unsatisfactory. In an improvement perspective, it is imperative to invest in new equipment to address the current crucial shortage in laboratories. It is also essential to focus on optimal equipment utilization, mobility, and maintenance to enhance the quality of practical activities in LES education

    Effect of Accelerated Drying on the Reduction of Salmonella on Almonds by Thermal and Electron Beam Irradiation Pasteurization Treatments

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    After two outbreaks of salmonellosis that were linked to the consumption of almonds in 2001 and 2004, scientific community and industry have encouraged the study of pathogen inactivation kinetics in almonds. However, these studies often have overlooked the increase of water resulting from the inoculation of almonds. This increase of free water may result in data that may be overestimating the final outcome of treatments applied to pasteurize almonds in industrial settings. Therefore, in 2011 a study of almonds was performed at Texas A&M University to determine whether there was a need for Aw restoration. In this study, the effect of accelerated drying on the reduction of Salmonella on almonds was investigated, Salmonella Entritidis PT 30 isolated from one of the outbreaks linked to almonds, and Salmonella Typhimurium LT2 were used. For irradiation, the effect of vacuum packaging and air packaging on the sensitivity of Salmonella to e- beam irradiation was evaluated for both accelerated drying and conventional drying. The D value for Salmonella Entritidis PT 30 when treated with blanching at 88°C with accelerated drying was 10.7± 0.1 s, and 12.8 ± 0.3 s with conventional drying. When subjected to oil roasting at 127˚C, the D values were 10.5 ± 0.1 s with accelerated drying, and 10.2 ± 0.2 s with conventional drying. For irradiation treatments, the D10 value for vacuum packaged almonds was 0.35 ± 0.02 kGy with accelerated drying, and 0.38 ± 0.04 kGy with conventional drying. When irradiated in the presence of air, the D10 value of Salmonella was 0.26±0.04 kGy for almonds with accelerated drying, and 0.29 ± 0.03 kGy conventional drying. In conclusion, the accelerated drying process resulted in greater reduction in Salmonella on almonds in comparison to conventional drying when subjected to blanching but no differences were found for oil roasting (P > 0.05). For e-beam irradiation the D_10 values were significantly greater (P < 0.05) for vacuum with accelerated drying than for Air almonds with accelerated drying. This indicates that if a process applied in the industry were to be developed based on challenge studies when conventional drying was achieved, the almonds might likely be subjected to a treatment that is stronger than necessary to achieve pasteurization

    The nutritional use of millet grain for food and feed

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    Worldwide, millets are regarded as significant grains; however, they are the least exploited. Millet grain is abundant in nutrients and health-beneficial phenolic compounds, making it suitable as food and feed. The diverse contents of nutrients and phenolic compounds present in finger and pearl millet are good indicators that the variety of millet available is important when selecting it for use as food or feed. The phenolic properties found in millets comprise of phenolic acids, flavonoids, and tannins, which are beneficial to human health. Research has shown that millet phenolic properties have high antioxidant activity. Phytochemicals present in millet grains have positive effects on human health by lowering the cholesterol and phytates in the body. The frantic demands on maize and its uses in multiple industries have merit the search for alternative grains, to ease the pressure. Substitution of maize with pearl and finger millets in the diets of different animals resulted in positive impact on the performance. Of late, millet grain has been incorporated in other foods and used to make traditional beverages. In Chapter 1, the topic of the research was introduced, stating the importance of the study and to motivate on the significance of millet grains. Aims and objectives were also listed. Chapter 2 presented extensive literature review on millet and their uses in human and livestock nutrition. In addition, the use of tannin as alternative feed was also reviewed. Different studies have been conducted to investigate the suitability of millet grain as an energy source, in the animal industry. However, studies on the Southern African types of millet are limited; this might be due to lack of information on their nutritional composition and their suitability as animal feed. Overall, the aim of this study was to profile the nutritional characteristics of selected millet grains in South Africa and Zimbabwe, their suitability as energy source for human and livestock and to study the effect of pearl millet type on the performance indices of Ross 308 broiler chickens. In Chapter 3, the general materials and methods used to reach the scientific conclusion for this study was summarised. In Chapter 4, physical and chemical analysis were conducted on millet grains obtained from South Africa and Zimbabwe, the results revealed that the physiochemical characteristics of the millet grain qualify it as a suitable candidate in replacing maize as an energy source. To further understand the characteristics of the millet grain, Chapter 5 analysed the phenolic compounds available in the millet grain obtained from South Africa and Zimbabwe. The results showed that the grain is endued with valuable phenolic compounds beneficial in the nutrition of both human and animals and aid as health benefit. Chapter 6 investigated the various inclusion levels of pearl millet in a bid to establish the most suitable combination for the poultry sector. Pearl millet grain used in this experiment went through different breeding improvements and selections conducted at the Grain Crop Institute in Potchefstroom, South Africa. Pearl millet grain was used as the main source of energy for Ross 308 broiler chicks for a period of 42 days with performance indices investigated. The results revealed that pearl millet can be incorporated in the diets of broiler chickens, in replacement of maize, without adversely affecting the performance. In addition, the economic justification of replacing maize with pearl millet was studied. The cost of the grains was determined and the cost per weight gain was determined. The results showed that indeed it is economically sound to replace maize with pearl millet in the diet of poultry. The quadratic function best fitting optimum treatment combination in relation to performance parameters such as body weight, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and internal organs was also examined. In Chapter 7, the research was generally discussed to tie up the conclusions of the experiments conducted. General recommendations were also given on the compounds of millet varieties and their health benefits to both humans and animals.Kuwo wonke umhlaba, amabele athathwa njengezinhlamvu ezibalulekile, kodwa awasetshenziswa kakhulu. Uhlamvu lwebele lunemisoco eminingi kanye nenzuzo yempilo ngama-phenolic compound, okwenza ukuthi afaneleke kakhulu njengokudla kwabantu kanye nemfuyo. Imisoco eminingi equkethwe kanye nama-phenolic compound atholakala eminweni kanye nezinhlamvu zebele ayizinkomba ezinhle zokuthi izinhlobo zamabele ezitholakalayo zibaluleke kakhulu ekukhethweni njengokudla kanye nokudla kwabantu noma imfuyo. Amaphenolic properties atholakala kumabele aqukethe ama-phenolic acids, ama-flavonids, kanye nama-tannins, ayinzuzo kakhulu empilweni yabantu. Ucwaningo luthole ukuthi ama-phenolic properties amabele anomsebenzi wezinga eliphezulu lama-antioxidant. Ama-phytochemicals atholakala kwizinhlamvu zamabele anenzuzu enhle kakhulu kwimpilo yabantu ngokwehlisa izinga le-cholesterol kanye nama-phytate emzimbeni. Ukudingeka kakhulu kombila kanye nokusetshenziswa kwawo kwizimboni eziningi, kubangele ukuthi kwenziwe ucwaningo ngezinye izinhlamvu ukwehlisa ingcindezi. Ukuthatha isikhundla sombila, sithathwa amabele kwidayethi yezilwane ezehlukene kwaba nomphumela omuhle kakhulu ngokusebenza. Kamuva nje, izinhlamvu zamabele zifakelwe kwezinye izidlo ezisetshenziswa ukwenza iziphuzo zomdabu. Kwisahluko 1, isihloko socwaningo sethulwa khona, ukuchaza ukubaluleka kocwaningo kanye nokuqikelela ngokubaluleka kwezinhlamvu zamabele. Izinhloso nezinjongo nazo zifakelwe kuhla. Isahluko 2, sethula ukubuyekezwa kwemibhalo ngamabele kanye nokusetshenziswa kwawo kubantu kanye nokudla kwemfuyo. Nangaphezu kwalokho, ukusetshenziswa kwe-tannin njengokunye ukudla kwemfuyo kuye kwabuyekezwa. Kwenziwe ucwaningo olwehlukene ukuphenyisisa ngokufaneleka kwezinhlamvu zamabele njengomthombo wamandla (we-eneji) kwimboni yezilwane. Kodwa, ucwaningo ngezinhlobo zamabele eNingizimu ne-Afrika alukenziwa ngokwanele; lokhu kungenzeka kungenxa yokuswelakala kolwazi ngemisoco equkethwe kanye nokufaneleka njengokudla kwezilwane. Kanti ngokwengamele, inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukwenza iprofayili yemisoco ngezinhlamvu zamabele athile eNingizimu Afrika kanye naseZimbabwe, ukufaneleka kwawo njengomthombo wamandla (we-eneji) kubantu kanye nemfuyo, kanye nokwenza ucwaningo ngemiphumela yenhlobo yamabele ngama-performance indices wamachwane e-ROss 308. Kwisahluko 3, kusetshenziswe imetheriyali kanye namamethodi asetshenzisiwe ukufinyelela isiphetho sezesayense kulolu cwaningo, kwafinyezwa. Kwisahluko 4 kwenziwe uhlaziyo lokubambekayo kanye namakhemikhali ngezinhlamvu zamabele ngokutholakale eNingizimu Afrika kanye naseZimbabwe, imiphumela ikhombise ukugqama kwe-physiochemical kwezinhlamvu zamabele ukufaneleka kwazo njengekhandideti ekuthatheni isikhundla sombila njengomthombo wamandla. Ukuqhubeka nokuqondisisa ukuphawuleka kwezinhlamvu zamabele, iSahluko 5 sihlaziye ama-phenolic compound kwizinhlamvu zamabele aseNingizimu Afrika neZimbabwe. Imiphumela ikhombisa ukuthi uhlamvu lwamabele lunama-phenolic compound ayinzuzo ekudleni okunomsoco kubantu kanye nezilwane, kanye nokuba wusizo lwenzuzo kwimpilo. Isahluko 6 siphenyisise ngamazinga okubandakanywa kwamabele ukwenzela ukuthola ukufaneleka kwawo kumkhakha wezinkukhu. Izinhlamvu zamabele e-pearl zisetshenziswe kule ekspirimenti, eyenziwa ezigabeni ezehlukene zokuthuthukisa ukuzalisa kanye nokhetho olwenziwe ngabe-Grain Crop Institute ePotchefstroom, eNingizimu Afrika. Amabele e-pearl asetshenziswe njengomthombo omkhulu we-eneji kumachwane eRoss 308 isikhathi sezinsuku ezingu 42 kanti kwaphenyisiswa ngokusebenza kwama-indices. Imiphumela iveze ukuthi amabele epearl angafakelwa kwidayethi yamachwane, ukuthatha isikhundla sombila, ngaphandle kokuphazamisa ukusebenza. Nangaphezu kwalokho, ukufaneleka kwezomnotho ngokuthatha isikhundla zombila sithathwa ngamabele e-pearl kuye kwacwaningwa. Izindleko zezinhlamvu ziye zabekwa kanti futhi nesisindo ngezinhlamvu kuye kwabekwa. Imiphumela ikhombisa ukuthi kuyinto enhle kwezomnotho ukuthatha isikhundla sombila sithathwa ngamabele e-pearl kwidayethi yezinkukhu. Ukusebenza kwe-quadratic function kufaneleke kakhulu kwi-optimum treatment combination mayelana nama-parameter okusebenza afana nokwenyuka kwesisindo somzimba, ukuguqula i-feed conversion ratio kanye nezitho zangaphakathi nazo ziye zahlolwa. KwiSahluko 7, ucwaningo kuye kwaxoxwa ngalo ukuhlanganisa iziphetho zama-ekspirimenti enziwe. Izincomo ezinabile, ziye zanikezwa ngama-compound ezinhlobo zamabele kanye nezinzuzo zawo kwezempilo kubantu kanye nezilwaneLefaseng ka bophara, leotša le bonwa bjalo ka mabele a bohlokwa kudu; le ge go le bjale, ke dibjalo tšeo di sa bjalwego kudu. Dithoro tša leotša di tletše ka phepo ye ntši le ditswaki tša fenoliki tšeo di nago le mohola maphelong, gomme se sa dira gore di be maleba bjalo ka dijo le phepo. Dikagare tša lona tšeo di fapafapanego le ditswaki tša fenoliki tšeo di whetšagalago ka gare ga leotša la finger le la pearl ke dilaetši tše kaone tša gore mehutahuta ya leotša yeo e hwetšagalago e bohlokwa ge e kgethwa bjalo ka sejo le phepo. Diteng tša fenoliki tšeo di hwetšwago ka agre ga leotša di na le diesiti tša fenoliki, difolabanoite, le dithaninse, tšeo di lego mohola go maphelo a batho. Dinyakišišo di laeditše gore diteng tša fenoliki tša leotša di na le mošomo wa godimo wa dihlwekišammele tšeo di bitšwago dianthioksitente. Difaethokhemikhale tšeo di lego gona ka gare ga dithoro tša leotša di na le diabe tše kaone go maphelo a batho ka go fokotša kholesterole le difaetheite mmeleng. Dinyakwa tša ka pela go lefela le mešomo ya lona ka diintastering tše ntši di dirile gore go be le nyakego ye kgolo ya dithoro tše dingwe tšeo di ka emelago lefela legato, go nolofatša kgatelelo yeo e beilwego go lefela. Go tšeela lefela legato ka leotša la pearl le la finger ka dijong tša diphoofolo tšeo di fapafapanego go feleleditše ka seabe se sekaone ka ga go šoma ga lona. Go fihla mo lebakeng le, dithoro tša leotša di tsentšwe ka dijong tše dingwe gomme tša šomišwa go dira dino tša setšo. Ka go Kgaolo ya 1, hlogotaba ya dinyakišišo e tsebagaditšwe, ya fa bohlokwa bja dinyakišišo tše le lebaka mabapi le bohlokwa bja dithoro tša leotša. Maike mišetšo le dinepo le tšona di filwe. Kgaolo ya 2 e hlagišitše tekodišišo ya dingwalwa ye e tseneletšego ka ga leotša le mešomo ya lona go phepo ya batho le ya diphoofolo. Godimo ga fao, tšhomišo ya tannin bjalo ka phepo ya boikgethelo le yona e lekodišišitšwe. Dinyakišišo tše di fapafapanego di dirilwe go nyakišiša go ba maleba ga thoro ya leotša bjalo ka methopo wa enetši, ka intastering ya diphoofolo. Le ge go le bjale, dinyakišišo tš0e di dirilwego mabapi le mehuta ya leotša ka Borwa bja Afrika ke tše nnyane; se se ka ba se bakwa ke tlhoklego ya Tshedimošo mabapi le sebiopego sa phepo ka hare ha leotša le go ba maleba ga lona bjalo ka phepo ya diphoofolo. Ka kakaretšo, maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo tše e bile go lebeledišiša dikokwane tša phepo tša dithoro tša leotša tšeo di kgethilwego ka Afrika Borwa le ka Zimbabwe, go ba maleba ga lona bjalo ka methopo wa enetši go batho le go diruiwa le go nyakišiša ka ga seabe ka ga mohuta wa leotša wa pearl go go šoma ga dipalopalo go dikgogo tša nama tša Ross 308. Ka go Kgaolo ya 3, ditlabelo le mekgwa ka kakaretšo yeo e šomišitšwego go fihlelela sephetho sa tša mahlale sa dinyakišišo tše di filwe kakaretšo. Ka go Kgaolo ya 4, tshekatsheko ya naga le ya dikhemikhale e dirilwe mabapi le dithoro tša leotša tšeo di hweditšwego ka Afrika Borwa le ka Zimbabwe, dipoelo di utollotše gore dikagare tša dikhemikhale tša thoro ya leotša di le dira le be lebele leo le loketšego go tšeela legato lefela bjalo ka methopo wa enetši. Go kwešiša go tšwela pele dikagare tša thoro ya leotša, Kgaoilo ya 5 e sekasekile diteng tša fenoliki tšeo di hwetšagalago ka gare ga thoro ya leotša leo le hwetšago ka Afrika Borwa le ka Zimbabwe. Dipoelo di laeditše gore thro ya leotša le tletše ka dikagare tša fenoliki tšeo di lego mohola go phepo ya bobedi batho le diphoofolo le gore le thuša bjalo ka kholego ya tša phepo. Kgaolo ya 6 e nyakišišitše maemo a mehutahuta a kakaretšo a leotša la pearl ka nepo ya go hwetša motswako wa maleba kudu ka lekaleng la dikgogo. Dithoro tša leotša la pearl tšeo di šomišitšwego ka mo tekodišišong ye di sepedišitšwe ka go dikaonafatšo tše di fapanego tša monontšha gomme dikgetho di dirilwe ka go Sehlongwa sa Dibjalo tša Dithoro ka Potchefstroom, ka Afrika Borwa. Dithoro tša leotša la pearl di šomišitšwe bjalo ka mothopo wa enetši go matswiana a nama a Ross 308 mo matšatšing a 42 fao go dirilwego dinyakišišo ka ga dipalopalo tša go gola ga dikgogo. Dipoelo di laeditše gore leotša la pearl le ka tsenywa ka dijong tša dikgogo tša nama, go tšeela legato lefela, ka ntle le go ama gampe go gola ga dikgogo. Godimo ga fao, lebaka la tša ekonomi la go tšeela lefela legato ka leotša la pearl le nyakišišitšwe. Theko ya dithoro e hweditšwe gomme theko ka boima bjo itšego le yona e hweditšwe. Dipoelo di laeditše gore ka nnete go tloga go kwagalago kudu go tša ekonomi go tšeela lefela legato ka leotša la pearl. Mošomo wa tekanelo wa wo o loketšego bokaone motswako wa tlhokomelo ya godimo mabapi le mahlakore a kgodišo ya dikgogo a go swana le boima bja mmele, go nona, rešio ya go fetošetša dijo le ditho tša ka gare le ona o lekodišišitšwe. Ka go Kgaolo ya 7, dinyakišišo di hlalošitšwe ka kakaretšo gore go fihlelelwe sephetho ka ga ditekodišišo tšeo di dirilwego. Ditšhišinyo ka kakaretšo le tšona di filwe mabapi le dikagare tša mehutahuta tša leotša le dikholego tša ona go tša maphelo go bobedi batho le diphoofoloCollege of Agriculture and Environmental SciencesD. Phil. Agr. (Animal Science

    The Effect of Good Will in Property Possession and the Rights Branched from it

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    لم يترك المشرع الحقوق العينية بإرادة الافراد وانما اولاها بالتنظيم لما تتمتع به من أهمية بالغة وبين أسباب اكتسابها سواء أكان حق الملكية باعتباره أهم الحقوق أو تلك المتفرعة عنها وفي كل تلك الأسباب كانت النية العنصر المعنوي الذي يلزم توافره حتى تتحقق تلك الملكية أو تلك الحقوق المتفرعة عنها ويتم انشاء حق جديد لا يتصل ذلك الحق القديم على أساس وجود هذا العنصر المعنوي كما ومن الضروري أن يجازى من كان سيء النية حتى يجعل ذلك الحق محمياً من الاعتداء عليه ويمكن التمتع بمكناته وسلطاته ضمن حدود وضعها المشرع .The legislator did not leave the real rights by the will of individuals, but rather gave them the regulation due to their great importance and the reasons for their acquisition, whether the right of ownership as the most important rights or those subsidiaries from them. A new right is created that is not related to that old right on the basis of the existence of this moral element, and it is also necessary that those who were bad faith be punished in order to make that right protected from abuse and its capabilities and powers can be enjoyed within the limits set by the legislator