702 research outputs found

    Gap sequences of 1-Weierstrass points on non-hyperelliptic curves of genus 10

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    In this paper, we compute the 1-gap sequences of 1-Weierstrass points on non-hyperelliptic smooth projective curves of genus 10. Furthermore, the geometry of such points is classified as flexes, sextactic and tentactic points. Also, an upper bounds for their numbers are estimated.Comment: 12 page

    Folding on the Chaotic Graph Operations and Their Fundamental Group

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    Our aim in the present chapter is to introduce a new type of operations on the chaotic graph, namely, chaotic connected edge graphs under the identification topology. The concept of chaotic foldings on the chaotic edge graph will be discussed from the viewpoint of algebra and geometry. The relation between the chaotic homeomorphisms and chaotic foldings on the chaotic connected edge graphs and their fundamental group is deduced. The fundamental group of the limit chaotic chain of foldings on chaotic. Many types of chaotic foldings are achieved. Theorems governing these relations are achieved. We also discuss some applications in chemistry and biology

    Recommended protection scheme setting coordination for nine busbars transmission grid

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    Protection system is one of the important parts of the power system. The protection system can be accepted if and only if it is efficient, reliable and realizes some requirements. For protection of transmission line three stepped distance protection can provide remote backup protection to transmission line by zone 2 and zone 3, but during the calculation of operation setting for different protection zones of the distance relays, some problems have been raised (overlap and under reach). These problems cause improper trips in the network. The aims at overcoming the problems are by taking into consideration the specifications of the adjacent transmission lines, the effect of arc resistance, earth resistance and the effect of remote infeed. The line protection schemes are composed of distance relays and directional overcurrent relays where the setting of the relays must be computed considering both relays. Separate relay computation would lead to loss of selectivity. The standard IEC 60255 combined with the considerations of zone 2 tripping time have been used in order to overcome the coordination problems with the main protection (distance protection) as a local protection and to provide remote backup protection to the other overcurrent relays in the grid. In this project, the protection of the transmission lines in typical IEEE, 9- busbars grid has been investigated in detail. The proper settings for both main protection (i.e. distance protection) and backup protection (i.e. overcurrent protection) devices have been determined. MATLAB and ETAP have been used as simulating tools to validate the protection settings techniques of the relays. Three approaches of settings have been used for the mentioned relays. The results show the proper settings of the both relays of the entire project

    Concept of Trusted Transaction for Secure Cloud Transactions

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    In this project, we are providing accuracy and improving performance of cloud transactions in distributed transactional database system deployed over cloud servers. Data transfer from one system to another means data will be transferred from system to database through third-party service, this third party provide the service of the transaction manager. A distributed transactional data stored in database has access to one or more systems or suitable users (it is not system to system connection but it is database to user, client and cloud server connection). The transaction manager checks if the users, client have the privileges by checking their credentials and based on that he gives permissions This is called as host connection (Cloud server) for data accessing. Storing the data in to cloud server means it is a global storage any one can access after checking the policy based authorization system which protect the sensitive data. It enables only suitable users to access the data. Two-Phase Validation Commit (2PVC) protocol ensures that a transaction is safe and secure by checking if the user is authorized or not and then checks again if he has permissions or not. This improve the security and performance

    Surface view of the lateral organization of lipids and proteins in lung surfactant model systems—A ToF-SIMS approach

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    AbstractThe lateral organization of domain structures is an extremely significant aspect of biomembrane research. Chemical imaging by mass spectrometry with its recent advancement in sensitivity and lateral resolution has become a highly promising tool in biological research. In this review, we focus briefly on the instrumentation, working principle and important concepts related to time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry followed by an overview of lipid/protein fragmentation patterns and chemical mapping. The key issues addressed are the applications of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry in biological membrane research. Additionally, we briefly review our recent investigations based on time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry to unravel the lateral distribution of lipids and surfactant proteins in lung surfactant model systems as an example that highlights the importance of fluidity and ionic conditions on lipid phase behavior and lipid–protein interactions

    New Hybrid Schemes for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems

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    الـ 3GPP قدمت مشروع LTE لتلبية الطلبات المتزايدة لخدمات الاتصالات ذات السرعة العالية والجودة العالية. يستخدم نظام الـ LTE تقنية مضاعفة تقسيم التردد المتعامد (OFDM) في شكل (OFDMA) في الوصلة الهابطة (Downlink) وشكل الـ (SCFDMA) في الوصلة الصاعدة (Uplink) مجتمعة مع تقنية الـ MIMO لتقديم معدل بيانات عالي، قدرة عالية، وحصانة ضد القنوات متعددة المسارات. ومع ذلك لا يزال ارتفاع نسبة القدرة العظمة إلى المتوسط (PAPR) لإشارة الـ LTE المرسلة هي المشكلة الرئيسية التي تعمل على تدهور كفاءة النظام بشك عام وإمكانية استهلاك الطاقة. لذلك كرست الكثير من البحوث للحد من تدهور الأداء بسبب مشكلة الـ PAPR في أنظمة LTE-OFDM. تعتبر طرق ضغط الإشارة (Companding Methods) جزءاً من الطرق المعروفة والتي تعتبر سهلة ومنخفضة التعقيد، وبلا قيود على شكل التضمين وحجم عدد الحوامل (Subcarrier Size)، ولها خصائص طيفية جيدة، ومع ذلك فإن هذه الطرق تقلل الـ PAPR بمقدار ضئيل. وقد اقترح هذا البحث سبعة طرق هجينة جديدة على أساس مزيج من Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) مع ست أساليب مختلفة من طرق ضغط الإشارة وهي Rooting Companding (RCT)، New Error Function Companding (NERF)، Absolute Exponential Companding (AEXP)، Logarithmic Rooting Companding (LogR)، Cosine Companding (COS)، وTangent Rooting Companding (TanhR). بالإضافة إلى ذلك تم تطوير الطريقة الهجينة السابعة وتجمع الـ Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) مع طريقة جديدة مقترحة تسمى Advanced AEXP (AAEXP). أظهرت النتائج أن هذه الطرق المتطورة تجمع بين خصائص طريقة الـ ZCT مع خصائص طرق ضغط الإشارة، وتحقق أداء أمثل وانخفاضاً أفضل من حيث PAPR وBER. كما حققت طريقة الـ ZCT+AAEXP أفضل النتائج مقارنة بالطرق الأخرى.The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) introduced LTE to meet increasingly demands for communication services with high speed and quality. LTE uses OFDM in the form of OFDMA in the downlink and SCFDMA in the uplink combined with MIMO offering high data rate, high capacity and immunity against multipath channels. However, still the high PAPR of the LTE transmitted signal is the major problem affecting overall system performance degradation and power efficiency. A plenty of research has been devoted to reduce the performance degradation due to the PAPR problem inherent to LTE OFDM systems. A portion of the current techniques such companding methods have low-complexity, no constraint on modulation format and subcarrier size, good distortion and spectral properties; however, they have limited PAPR reduction capabilities. This paper proposes seven new hybrid schemes including Zaddoff Chu Matrix Transform (ZCT) precoding and six modern companding methods; Rooting Companding (RCT), New Error Function Companding (NERF), Absolute Exponential Companding (AEXP), Logarithmic Rooting Companding (LogR), Cosine Companding (COS) and Tangent Rooting Companding (TanhR) companding. Furthermore, the seventh proposed hybrid scheme has been added incorporating ZCT precoding with new proposed companding called Advanced AEXP (AAEXP) companding. The developed methods are combining properties of both ZCT & Compandings, and achieving superior PAPR performance and optimal BER. Simulations results illustrate that the new seven proposed hybrid schemes can achieve better PAPR reduction, and BER performance and the best achievement has been achieved by ZCT+AAEXP scheme