163 research outputs found

    An Investigation into the Oil Transport and Starvation of Piston-Ring Pack

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    In order to accurately predict the lubricant film thickness and generated friction in any tribological contact, it is important to determine appropriate boundary conditions, taking into account the oil availability and extent of starvation. This paper presents a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of a piston ring pack for prediction of lubricant film thickness, friction and total power loss. The model takes into account starvation caused by reverse flow at the conjunctional inlet wedge, and applied to a ring pack, comprising a compression and scraper ring. Inlet boundaries are calculated for an engine cycle of a four-cylinder, four-stroke gasoline engine operating at 1500 r/min with conditions pertaining to the New European Drive Cycle. The analysis shows the two main sources of starvation: first, due to a physical lack of inlet meniscus and second, due to reverse flow at the inlet wedge significantly affecting the prevailing conditions from the generally assumed idealised boundary conditions. Such an approach has not hitherto been reported in literature

    Non-Newtonian Mixed Thermo-Elastohydrodynamics of Hypoid Gear Pairs

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    Transmission efficiency is the main objective in the development of vehicular differential systems, comprising hypoid gear pairs. The overall aim is to contribute to improved vehicle fuel efficiency and thus levels of harmful emissions for modern desired eco-drive axles. Detailed predictive analysis plays an important role in this quest, particularly under realistic operating conditions, comprising high contact loads and shear rates. Under these conditions, the hypoid gear pairs are subject to mixed non-Newtonian thermo-elastohydrodynamic conditions, which is the approach undertaken in this paper. Such an approach for hypoid gear pair has not hitherto been reported in the literature

    Multiscale friction in lubricant-surface systems for high performance transmissions under mild wear

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    The lubricant-surface system is complex in nature and can significantly affect the frictional performance of high-performance transmission systems. The complexity stems from the coupled mechanical and chemical phenomena that occur at the interfacial tooth conjunctions. A combined analytical and precision experimental approach is presented to analyse the salient parameters of the lubricant-surface system. A multiscale procedure comprising topographical measurement, pin-on-disc tribometry, atomic force microscopy in lateral force mode, X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy and continuum contact mechanics analysis under mixed non-Newtonian thermo-elastohydrodynamics is used to describe the formation of a tribo-film, as well as wear and frictional characteristics of the lubricant-surface system. The contribution of chemisorbed and physisorbed bonded tribo-film on the boundary coefficient of friction is ascertained at different physical scales. Therefore, the paper presents a novel multiscale analysis, promoting improved understanding of the complex interactions between mechanisms of friction, wear and surface chemistry

    Cryopreservation of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) semen

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    Breeding has moved beyond the point of simply propagating random stock. Genetic potential can be improved by establishing and crossing genetically defined strains, crossing species and manipulating gametes. Some of these activities require cryopreservation of semen. Cryopreserved sperm could also be a means of exchange of genetic material between locations and populations when transportation of live fish is restricted. In this study we had a survey on rainbow trout sperm quality in Genetic and Breeding Center for Coldwatwr Fishes, Shahid Motahari, Yasouj. Then Cryopreservation trials on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) sperm were carried out using six basic extenders. Egg batches of 25 g were inseminated with semen frozen in five 0.5-ml straws. Thowing temperature of cryopreserved sperm also was tested. In anather trial we investigate different cryoprotectant. The result showd that the best period for sperm collection in this center was from Novamber to January. The best extender based on sperm motility parameters were extender 2 and 1 with 57.2 and 56.9% fertilisatin rates, respectively. So this two extender were used in the further experiments. The best thowing temperathre was 25°C in 30s. Testing different cryoprotectant, adding 10% methanol to extender 1 gave the highest fertilization rate (64.6%) among cryoprotectant that used with this extender. In the other extender (2) adding 5% DMSO and mixture of 5% DMSO and 1% glycerol gave the highest fertilization rates (64.8% and 67.0%, respectively). In conclusion using extender 1 and 2 with mentioned cryoprotectant and thowing rate of 25°C in 30 s was recammended for rainbow trout sperm cryopreservation

    An analytical approach for prediction of elastohydrodynamic friction with inlet shear heating and starvation

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    An analytical friction model is presented, predicting the coefficient of friction in elastohydrodynamic (EHD) contacts. Three fully formulated SAE 75W-90 axle lubricants are examined. The effect of inlet shear heating (ISH) and starvation is accounted for in the developed friction model. The film thickness and the predicted friction are compared with experimental measurements obtained through optical interferometry and use of a mini traction machine. The results indicate the significant contribution of ISH and starvation on both the film thickness and coefficient of friction. A strong interaction between those two phenomena is also demonstrated, along with their individual and combined contribution on the EHD friction

    Boundary Conditions for Elastohydrodynamics of Circular Point Contacts

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    The paper presents the solution of an elastohydrodynamic point contact condition using inlet and outlet lubricant entrainment with partial counter-flow. The inlet and outlet boundaries are determined using potential flow analysis for the pure rolling of contiguous surfaces. This shows that Swift–Stieber boundary conditions best conform to the observed partial counter-flow at the inlet conjunction, satisfying the compatibility condition. For the outlet region, the same is true when Prandtl–Hopkins boundary conditions are employed. Using these boundary conditions, the predictions conform closely to the measured pressure distribution using a deposited pressure-sensitive micro-transducer in a ball-to-flat race contact. Furthermore, the predicted conjunctional shape closely conforms to the often observed characteristic keyhole conjunction through optical interferometry. The combined numerical–experimental analysis with realistic boundary conditions described here has not hitherto been reported in the literature

    The creation of genetic basic population of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) based on study of genetic variation in brood stocks using microsatellite

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    In order to perform the project, 446 samples of rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) from 24 different regions in Iran were collected. About 2-3 g of caudal fin samples was collected from each specimen and preserved in absolute ethyl alcohol and then transferred to the genetic laboratory. Genomic DNA was extracted using the phenol-chloroform method and then DNA content and quality was determined using spectrophotometry and agarose gel electrophoresis, respectively. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) of genomic DNA fin samples was carried out using 10 pairs of microsatellite primers. All PCR products were electrophoresed on 6% polyacrylamide gel and stained with silver nitrate. Following the scoring of alleles, all parameters including allelic frequency, effective number of allele, observed and expected heterozygosity, shanon index, measurement of similarity and genetic distance and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Fst , Rst and gene flow were calculated using AMOVA analysis in the GenAlex and Popgene programs. The results showed that 8 pairs of microsatellite primers were polymorphic. In total, 50 alleles were determined with the range size of 64-280 bp. The locus omyf had maximum number of allele (26) and loci OTSG 474 and Strurruta58 had minimum number of allele (5). The observed heterozygosity was between 0.86 and 0.964. Hardy-Weinberg departure was observed for all loci from farms 18, 15, 4, E20 and 21 and were disequilibrium (P<0.05). The farms 14, 8, 7 and 6 were equilibrium at 3 loci, but showed disequilibrium in other loci. The other farms were equilibrium at 1 or 2 loci and disequilibrium at 8 or 9 loci. The FST results showed that maximum FST (0.24) were between farms 1 and 11in which had minimum of gene flow (3.7). Minimum FST (0.04) were between farms 8 and 9 in which had maximum of gene flow (346). Based on the results of AMOVA analysis, significant differences were detected between all farms (P<0.01). Furthermore, based on Nei 's standard (1972) maximum genetic distance (0.89) were observed between farms 2 and 11 and maximum genetic similarity (0.15) were detected between farms 3 and 4. This result suggests that the unique genetic variation of rainbow trout in hatchery farms of Iran represents a highly valuable genetic resource and provide useful information for creating a based population in the future breeding programs

    Genetic diversity and host alternation of the egg parasitoid Oencyrtus pityocampae between the pine processionary moth and caper bug

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    Research ArticleThe increased use of molecular tools for species identification in recent decades revealed that each of many apparently generalist parasitoids are actually a complex of morphologically similar congeners, most of which have a rather narrow host range. Ooencyrtus pityocampae (OP), an important egg parasitoid of the pine processionary moth (PPM), is considered a generalist parasitoid. OP emerges from PPM eggs after winter hibernation, mainly in spring and early summer, long before the eggs of the next PPM generation occurs. The occurrence of OP in eggs of the variegated caper bug (CB) Stenozygum coloratum in spring and summer suggests that OP populations alternate seasonally between PPM and CB. However, the identity of OP population on CB eggs seemed uncertain; unlike OP-PPM populations, the former displayed apparently high male/female ratios and lack of attraction to the PPM sex pheromone. We studied the molecular identities of the two populations since the morphological identification of the genus Ooencyrtus, and OP in particular, is difficult. Sequencing of COI and ITS2 DNA fragments and AFLP analysis of individuals from both hosts revealed no apparent differences between the OP-PPM and the OP-CB populations for both the Israeli and the Turkish OPs, which therefore supported the possibility of host alternation. Sequencing data extended our knowledge of the genetic structure of OP populations in the Mediterranean area, and revealed clear separation between East and West Mediterranean populations. The overall level of genetic diversity was rather small, with the Israeli population much less diverse than all others; possible explanations for this finding are discussed. The findings support the possibility of utilizing the CB and other hosts for enhancing biological control of the PPMinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Targeted Energy Transfer and Modal Energy Redistribution in Automotive Drivetrains

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    The new generations of compact high output power-to-weight ratio internal combustion engines generate broadband torsional oscillations, transmitted to lightly damped drivetrain systems. A novel approach to mitigate these untoward vibrations can be the use of nonlinear absorbers. These act as Nonlinear Energy Sinks (NESs). The NES is coupled to the primary (drivetrain) structure, inducing passive irreversible targeted energy transfer (TET) from the drivetrain system to the NES. During this process, the vibration energy is directed from the lower-frequency modes of the structure to the higher ones. Thereafter, vibrations can be either dissipated through structural damping or consumed by the NES. This paper uses a lumped parameter model of an automotive driveline to simulate the effect of TET and the assumed modal energy redistribution. Significant redistribution of vibratory energy is observed through TET. Furthermore, the integrated optimization process highlights the most effective configuration and parametric evaluation for use of NES

    The association of self-esteem, depression and body satisfaction with obesity among Turkish adolescents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity and to examine the effects of actual weight status, perceived weight status and body satisfaction on self-esteem and depression in a high school population in Turkey.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional survey of 2101 tenth-grade Turkish adolescents aged 15–18 was conducted. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated using weight and height measures. The overweight and obesity were based on the age- and gender-spesific BMI cut-off points of the International Obesity Task Force values. Self-esteem was measured using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and depression was measured using Children's Depression Inventory. Logistic regression analysis was used to examine relationships among the variables.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Based on BMI cut-off points, 9.0% of the students were overweight and 1.1% were obese. Logistic regression analysis indicated that (1) being male and being from a higher socio-economical level were important in the prediction of overweight based on BMI; (2) being female and being from a higher socio-economical level were important in the prediction of perceived overweight; (3) being female was important in the prediction of body dissatisfaction; (4) body dissatisfaction was related to low self-esteem and depression, perceived overweight was related only to low self-esteem but actual overweight was not related to low self-esteem and depression in adolescents.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study suggest that school-based adolescents in urban Turkey have a lower risk of overweight and obesity than adolescents in developed countries. The findings of this study suggest that psychological well-being of adolescents is more related to body satisfaction than actual and perceived weight status is.</p
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