444 research outputs found

    Reassuring livelihood functions of the forests to their dependents: Adoption of collaborative forest management system over Joint forest management regime in India

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    With regard to forest management, rural livelihood, and poverty in India, it is often debated that JFM regime is not delivering livelihood functions of the forests to their dependents. This paper examines the state and scale of two decades old people-centric JFM system of India, and analyses the reasons with their indicators to shade off its shine in reducing povertyamong forest dependent people in several parts of the country. Paper also iscuss, how and to what extent, adoption of a multi-agency linked Collaborative Forest Management (CFM) system could be a better strategy over JFM regime to reassure delivery of livelihood functions of the forests to their dependents in rural India. Arguments in this communication are intended to provide forest managers and policy-makers with necessary input to consider some location specific forest based entrepreneurial activities in CFM mode to provide a continuous source of small income to forest dependent people to ensure long lasting success of their forest management endeavours. Paper concludes with a recommendation to convert unviable JFM areas of India into a multiagency linked CFM system in a phased manner

    Study of the heavy quarks energy loss through medium polarization, elastic collision and radiative processes

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    The heavy quarks are the noble probes to explore the hot and dense medium formed in the heavy-ion collision experiments. The energy of the heavy quarks while passing through the medium gets modified, making this aspect an essential subject for the researchers to understand the medium; hence, several authors have widely studied it from various viewpoints. Here, our primary focus is on the equilibrium phase, {\it i.e.,} the quark-gluon plasma phase of the created medium to provide a comparative study of energy loss of heavy quarks precisely through the medium polarization, elastic collisions, and radiation as in most of the studies the medium polarization is missing which we found to provide a substantial contribution, especially at low momentum. Hence, we presented the formalism of the energy loss and drag effect for each case and then obtained the nuclear modification factor to provide a comparative study of the three processes.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    The Task-based Learning Framework and Its Implications in Language Learning and Teaching

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    Willis (1996) argues that ‘there are three essential conditions (exposure, use, and motivation) and one desirable condition (instruction) for successful learning’. Before going to express my agreement or disagreement with her we should rather recapitulate the answers to some questions emerging from the argument. As this argument has originated from ‘A Framework for Task-based Learning’ by Willis (1996), very naturally we should analyze first what we get after reviewing the book. What is Task-based Learning? How does it work? Is it learning or acquisition?  Does it cover the learning of all ages? What are the advantages of TBL? What are the disadvantages of TBL? Can it be implemented everywhere? Has it been validated? After arriving at a clear understanding of the answers to these questions we will try to relate her opinions with the traditional PPP (Presentation, Practice and Production) approach of learning. We will further explore the conventional understanding of exposure, use, motivation and instruction in order to compare and contrast Willis(1996) with the other scholars in the related field which will lead the readers of this paper to my personal stand for and against Willis at some points. Keywords: Task- TBLT-Motivation-Exposure-Us

    Chronic Hepatitis B, C, And Stroke; Association and Pathophysiology

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    Background and Objectives: Hepatitis infection may raise the incidence of stroke and other cerebrovascular abnormalities, according to several studies. However, its association is controversial. This review looked to compile the most recent research on the relationship between HBV and HCV, atherosclerosis, and stroke. Methods:This article reviews the literature on the connection between hepatitis B and C viruses with stroke and atherosclerosis. The search included articles from PubMed, PakMediNet, and Google Scholar, as well as a Medline search using specific keywords and MeSH terms. A total of 2655 articles were identified. Out of these 2655 articles we identified 134 articles in English for review. These 134 articles comprised of original studies, individual case studies, and retrospective cohorts. The review included original research, individual case reports, and retrospective cohorts published after 1990. Studies addressing co-infection with HIV were excluded. Results:After the screening, many articles were selected which included several topics of discussion under the said heading. The studies were closely examined to gather pertinent information relevant to the review\u27s objectives. Most of the literature emphasized the link between chronic hepatitis and the risk of stroke. Conclusion: Although current evidence does tilt the scale in favor of hepatitis-causing cerebrovascular disease, this review study has some limitations, such as the lack of prospective cohorts and limited evidence for the natural history of hepatitis patients in relation to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

    Islamic perspective on end of life issues in persistent vegetative state patients - a case report

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    Persistent vegetative state (PVS) is a clinical condition of unawareness of self and environment with preserved sleep-wake cycles. Its clinical diagnosis can be a difficult unless a physician has adequate experience and expertise in evaluating neurological syndromes. Outcome is based on aetiology and age. Decisions on limiting life-sustaining treatment (LST) for these patients are emotionally and morally challenging. We present a case of a young boy who went into PVS following traumatic brain injury (TBI) with the aim to review some of the ethical issues regarding its management from Islamic perspective

    The narrative of ‘al-ghraniq al-‘ula’ in the qur’an: a myth or reality

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    The story of ‘Al-Gharaneeq al-‘Ula’ or ‘prominent deities’ concerns about a historical narrative in the early stage of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is reported to have recited the Surah an-Najm to a large group of Quraysh people, and reached the ayat 19-23, where he uttered the names of their ‘great deities’ such as Lat, Manat and ‘Uzza, he involuntarily recited تلك الغرانيق العلى، وإن شفاعتهن لترتجى “they are the prominent deities, and their intercession is much sought for”. This narrative caused a great havoc among the intellectual circles of the Qur’an and History. The historians, mufassirun and muhaddithun have cited this narrative in their books in details. This has led the readers of the Qur’an, Sunnah and the history of Islam into confusion. The narrative was used by the famous Orientalists like William Muir, Joseph Schacht and others as a tool to dissociate the Qur’an from the divine origin. The claim has also been made that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was supportive of the pagan deities in the early stage of his mission as a way of getting closer to the Arab Mushriks. The scholars used three Qur’anic ayat for this purpose, which are: Surah An-Najm 19-23, Surah al-Isra 73-75 and Surah al-Hajj 52-54. A careful and closer reading of these Qur’anic ayat reveal the fact that the ayat were interpreted out of the contexts by the interpreters, historians and story tellers. The present research is carried out in order to discover the true fact behind this controversial incident. The research would deal with the incident and its credibility from historical, narrative, sanad and textual perspective to see if it carries some genuineness or is a total fabrication by some anti-Islamic forces to create doubt about the origin of the Qur’an. The study is a narrative, descriptive, analytical and critical one based on the original authentic literatures. It is expected that the article may come out with some clear insights which would help to remove confusion about the incident and the ayat to a large extent

    The life and work of Prof. George Chrystal (1851-1911)

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    This thesis is principally concerned with George Chrystal's life and his work, mainly in three directions viz., as an experimentalist, a mathematician, and an educationist. The main object is to bring to light the work of a personality who is representative of many more who are always forgotten. The majority of historians of science consider the works of the giants in science, ignoring totally the contributions made by the less prominent people like Prof. George Chrystal. In fact their contributions serve as one of the most important factors in propagation of scientific knowledge. His main contributions: verification of Ohm's Law experimentally; Non-Euclidean geometry; differential equations; text books on algebra; theory of seiches; institution of leaving certificate examination in Scottish education and many more have been discussed in detail. A survey of Chrystal's general thought is given in so far as it may be gathered from his scattered remarks. The references are mentioned by numerals in the superscript, details of which are given at the end of each chapter. The main text consists of six chapters. There are three appendices at the end,' Appendix 'A' consists of his correspondence with different scientists, most of which is still unpublished. Appendix 'B' contains a bibliography of his contributions in chronological order, and Appendix 'C contains his three Promoter's addresses. Tables and figures are attached at their proper places, including some rarely available photographs