The Task-based Learning Framework and Its Implications in Language Learning and Teaching


Willis (1996) argues that ‘there are three essential conditions (exposure, use, and motivation) and one desirable condition (instruction) for successful learning’. Before going to express my agreement or disagreement with her we should rather recapitulate the answers to some questions emerging from the argument. As this argument has originated from ‘A Framework for Task-based Learning’ by Willis (1996), very naturally we should analyze first what we get after reviewing the book. What is Task-based Learning? How does it work? Is it learning or acquisition?  Does it cover the learning of all ages? What are the advantages of TBL? What are the disadvantages of TBL? Can it be implemented everywhere? Has it been validated? After arriving at a clear understanding of the answers to these questions we will try to relate her opinions with the traditional PPP (Presentation, Practice and Production) approach of learning. We will further explore the conventional understanding of exposure, use, motivation and instruction in order to compare and contrast Willis(1996) with the other scholars in the related field which will lead the readers of this paper to my personal stand for and against Willis at some points. Keywords: Task- TBLT-Motivation-Exposure-Us

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