878 research outputs found


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    The aims of this study were (1) to reveal the students 'ability to solve problems related to the area of the flat shape that was taught after using the Problem Based Learning model supported by visual media, (2) to reveal the students' ability to solve problems related to the area of the flat shape that was taught after using the Direct Instruction model supported by visual media, (3) to reveal whether there is an effect of the Problem Based Learning model supported by visual media on the ability to solve problems related to the area of a flat shape. This study uses a research design Nonequivalent Control Group Design with Quasi Experiment research techniques or quasi-experimental with a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were fifth grade students of SDN Senurus. The data analysis used in this study was the One Sample T Test and the Independent Sample T Test. The conclusions of the results of this study are, (1) the ability to solve problems related to the area of the flat shape of the fifth grade students of SDN Senurus using the Problem Based Learning learning model supported by visual media, the results of the calculations obtained a significant value of 0.000 and a significant level of 5% which means the significance value is 0.000 0.05 and the student's average score is 75.00, (3) there is an effect of the Problem Based Learning model supported by visual media on the ability to solve problems related to the area of the flat shape of class V SDN Senurus is proven by showing a significant value of 0.000 with the level 5% significant so there is a significant effec

    The effect of trading activity on volatility in commodity futures

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    Analytikere og forskere bruker økonomisk teori og empiriske funn for å identifisere forklaringsvariabler som kan forbedre prognoser for volatilitet. I denne oppgaven undersøker jeg forholdet mellom volatilitet, volum og open interest for seks utvalgte råvarefutures handlet i USA. Jeg benytter meg av to forskjellige metoder, OLS-basert og GARCH-basert modelleringsmetodikk, for å undersøke dette forholdet. Volum og open interest blir inkludert i variansligningen som forklaringsvariabler i begge modellene. Handlet volum og open interest blir inndelt i forventede og uforventede komponenter for å kunne skille mellom effekten av disse på volatiliteten. Dummy variabler for de uforventede komponentene blir også inkludert i variansligningen for å se om det finnes en asymmetrisk effekt av uforventet handelsaktivitet på volatiliteten. Resultatene indikerer at både volum og open interest kan forklare volatiliteten i råvarefutures. Empiriske funn i denne oppgaven tyder på at volatiliteten er høyere i perioder med høyt handlet volum for råvarefutures. Både forventet og uforventet volum er positivt korrelert med volatiliteten, hvor en økning i uforventet volum har en større effekt på volatiliteten i forhold til en økning i forventet volum. Resultatene oppnådd i denne oppgaven viser ingen tegn på at eksisterende open interest reduserer eller "demper" volatiliteten i et marked. Derimot viser resultatene at en økning i uforventet open interest reduserer volatiliteten. Med andre ord kan effekten av et volumsjokk på volatiliteten reduseres, avhengig av om open interest øker eller minker. Tilslutt viser resultatene ingen asymmetrisk effekt av uforventet handelsaktivitet på volatiliteten med unntak av for gull- og sølvkontrakten. For disse kontraktene har positive sjokk i volum en større effekt på volatiliteten enn negative sjokk i volum. Økt kunnskap om forholdet mellom volatilitet, volum og open interest vil kunne hjelpe markedsaktører til å ta bedre beslutninger i futuresmarkedet. Markedsaktører kan benytte volum og open interest som en proxy for henholdsvis informasjonsankomst og markedsdybde i markedene.Analysts and researchers use economic theory and empirical findings to identify variables that can improve volatility forecasts. In this paper I examine the relationship between volatility, volume and open interest for six selected commodity futures traded in the United States. Two different methods, OLS-based and GARCH-based modeling methodology, is used to examine this relationship. Volume and open interest are included in the variance equation as explanatory variables in both models. Traded volume and open interest are divided into expected and unexpected components to distinguish between the effects of these on volatility. Dummy variables for the unexpected components are also included in the variance equation to see if there is an asymmetrical effect of unexpected trading activity on volatility. The results indicate that both volume and open interest can explain volatility in commodity futures. Empirical findings in this thesis suggest that there is higher volatility in periods of high trading volume in commodity futures. Both expected and unexpected volume is positively correlated with volatility, where an increase in unexpected volume has a greater effect on volatility relative to expected volume. The results obtained in this study show no evidence that existing open interest significantly "mitigates" price volatility in a market. However, the results show that an increase in unexpected open interest reduces volatility. In other words, the effect of a volume shock on volatility decreases, depending on whether open interest increases or decreases. Finally, the results show no asymmetrical effect of unexpected trading activity on volatility, except for the gold and silver contracts. For these contracts, positive shocks in volume have a greater effect on volatility that negative shocks in volume. Increased knowledge about the relationship between volatility, volume and open interest will be able to help market participants make better decisions in the commodity futures market. Market participants can use volume as a proxy for information arrival and open interest as a proxy for market depth in the commodity futures market.M-Ø

    Peripheral Vascular Disease “A Spectrum”

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    Background: To observe the spectrum of peripheralvascular disease presenting in a tertiary care hospital.Method: This observational, descriptive study wascarried out in Surgical Unit –I at Holy Family Hospital,Rawalpindi over a period of two years. All the patientspresenting with peripheral vascular disorders excludingacute vascular trauma patients, diabetics and varicoseveins patients were included in the study.Results: A total of 49 patients presented to the hospital.The male to female ratio was 2:1.The average age ofpresentation was 50.2 years. About 35% patients presentedwith occlusive disease, 18% with autoimmune disease and14% with embolism. The less common causes of peripheralvascular disorders included femoral pseudoaneurysms in8% patients and true aneurysms of iliac, popliteal andsubclavian arteries in 12% patients. Bilateral gangrene ofboth lower limbs was seen in 4% patients.Conclusion: Peripheral vascular disease is commonerin males and is mostly seen in the sixth decade of life.Atherosclerotic occlusive disease is the commonest causeof peripheral vascular disease followed by vasculitis,embolisms and aneurysms

    Online Tensor Methods for Learning Latent Variable Models

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    We introduce an online tensor decomposition based approach for two latent variable modeling problems namely, (1) community detection, in which we learn the latent communities that the social actors in social networks belong to, and (2) topic modeling, in which we infer hidden topics of text articles. We consider decomposition of moment tensors using stochastic gradient descent. We conduct optimization of multilinear operations in SGD and avoid directly forming the tensors, to save computational and storage costs. We present optimized algorithm in two platforms. Our GPU-based implementation exploits the parallelism of SIMD architectures to allow for maximum speed-up by a careful optimization of storage and data transfer, whereas our CPU-based implementation uses efficient sparse matrix computations and is suitable for large sparse datasets. For the community detection problem, we demonstrate accuracy and computational efficiency on Facebook, Yelp and DBLP datasets, and for the topic modeling problem, we also demonstrate good performance on the New York Times dataset. We compare our results to the state-of-the-art algorithms such as the variational method, and report a gain of accuracy and a gain of several orders of magnitude in the execution time.Comment: JMLR 201

    Micro Hydro Power: A Source of Sustainable Energy in Rural Communities: Economic and Environmental Perspectives

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    Energy is an important need of human life. It is the life blood of all economic activities. Due to increase in population and economic activities, the need for energy is increasing at a faster rate. Without having sufficient energy, the goal of economic and social development and the Millennium Development Goals in particular cannot be achieved. Most of the rural areas in different parts of the world are without electricity. About 1.6 billion people in the world who are living in rural areas are without electricity [Greenstone (2014)]. The reason is that it is too costly to provide electricity services to rural communities through conventional means due to remote location and low density of population. Moreover, due to poverty and low income the rural inhabitants are not in a position to afford the main grid electricity. The use of diesel and gasoline has been used for decades for provision of electricity to rural areas. But it was not so successful due to economic, technical and environmental problems [Woodruff (2007a)]

    Sustainability of concrete using recycled aggregate: a review

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    Sustainable development is essential to the well-being of our planet, human development, and the continued growth of society. As we know, concrete are the most commonly used substance in the world, after water. However, recycled concrete is the biggest advantage for us. Nowadays the construction industry also tries to replace the virgin material to reduce the environmental impact, global warming, pollution, etc. The construction activity and old structural building also is an issue for the environment. The reuse and recycle of concrete would therefore also reduce the burden on the environment. So this paper will give a summary of recycled concrete aggregate, their sustain on the environment, properties of the application of recycled aggregate, and the resultant of their properties of recycled concrete aggregate. Keywords- Aggregate, Concrete, Construction Development, Environment, Recycled, Sustainable


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    Studi ini mengangkat peran rehabilitasi sosial dalam peningkatan keterampilan vokasional disabilitas netra. Rehabilitasi sosial merupakan solusi bagi disabilitas netra agar dapat mengembangkan keterampilan vokasional guna memenuhi keberfungsiansosial mereka secara persuasif, motivatif, koersif, baik dalam lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat ataupun panti sosial. Rehabilitasi sosial telah banyak dilakukan di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan peran rehabilitasi sosial dalam peningkatan keterampilan vokasional disabilitas netra. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan (literature review) yang menganalisis sekitar sebelas artikel bereputasi. Hasil analisis kajian literatur diperoleh bahwa peran rehabilitasi sosial bagi disabilitas netra berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan potensi yang dimiliki oleh disabilitas netra agar mereka dapat hidup mandiri secara sosial dan ekonomi melalui bimbingan keterampilan vokasional. Kata kunci: rehabilitasi sosial, disabilitas netra, keterampilan vokasiona


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    Studi ini mengangkat peran rehabilitasi sosial dalam peningkatan keterampilan vokasional disabilitas netra. Rehabilitasi sosial merupakan solusi bagi disabilitas netra agar dapat mengembangkan keterampilan vokasional guna memenuhi keberfungsiansosial mereka secara persuasif, motivatif, koersif, baik dalam lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat ataupun panti sosial. Rehabilitasi sosial telah banyak dilakukan di beberapa kota di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan peran rehabilitasi sosial dalam peningkatan keterampilan vokasional disabilitas netra. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan (literature review) yang menganalisis sekitar sebelas artikel bereputasi. Hasil analisis kajian literatur diperoleh bahwa peran rehabilitasi sosial bagi disabilitas netra berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan potensi yang dimiliki oleh disabilitas netra agar mereka dapat hidup mandiri secara sosial dan ekonomi melalui bimbingan keterampilan vokasional. Kata kunci: rehabilitasi sosial, disabilitas netra, keterampilan vokasiona