13 research outputs found


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    Perum Perhutani sebagai produsen kayu jati terbesar di Indonesia telah mengalami penurunan potensi tegakan kayu sehingga memerlukan alternatif komoditas lain yang mampu menopang dari aspek finansial perusahaan. Pinus dapat dipilih sebagai alternatif komoditas yang diharapkan mampu menghasilkan peningkatan pendapatan yang cukup menjanjikan. Peningkatan produksi getah pada aspek materi genetik tanaman pinus yang dikelola harus menjadi target pokok terhadap upaya peningkatan tersebut. Pembangunan Kebun Benih Semai diharapkan menghasilkan tegakan Pinus merkusii yang memiliki getah banyak. Sampai saat ini tanaman uji Pinus merkusii bocor getah yang ditanam oleh Perum Perhutani belum mampu menghasilkan benih dalam jumlah yang cukup. Penelitian ini mengkaji strategi pemilihan penjarangan genetik berdasarkan evaluasi nilai heritabilitas, produktivitas serta peningkatan genetiknya untuk menghasilkan tindakan yang paling tepat terhadap kebun benih untuk menghasilkan benih unggul. Hasil penelitian merekomendasikan penjarangan perlu dilakukan secara bertahap pada level treeplot di dalam family. Peningkatan produksi diharapkan menjadi 60 gram/pohon/3 hari dari sebelumnya sebesar 54 gram/pohon/3 hari. Kajian ini merekomendasikan penjarangan harus segera dilaksanakan untuk menurunkan inbreeding dan memacu pembungaan sehingga dapat diperoleh jumlah benih yang optimal


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    This study aims to determine the genetic correlation of resin yield to growth (height, diameter and branch-free height) in three sub-lines of the progeny test Pinus merkusii. The research was conducted on the 11-year-old P. merkusii with high resin yield half-sib, using an Incomplete Block with a Row Column Design sub-line system, namely sub-lines (KBS Sumedang, KBS Jember, and East Java). The genetic correlation between resin yield with height, diameter and free-branch height generally has a relatively small value. The resin yield with diameter growth in the sub-line of KBS Jember has a positive correlation and is moderate (0.526), but this is different in the genetic correlation of resin yield with moderate branch-free height but negative (-0.498). In the sub-line of East Java, the correlation of resin yield characteristic with diameter growth was moderate but negative (-0.434). Further selection in the Jember KBS sub-line could be aimed at wood and resin yield, however for the Sumedang and East Java KBS sub-lines, further selection was only intended for resin yield. Key words: Genetic correlation, resin yield, Pinus merkusii, sub-line, progeny tes

    Comparing modeling methods of genomic prediction for growth traits of a tropical timber species, Shorea macrophylla

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    IntroductionShorea macrophylla is a commercially important tropical tree species grown for timber and oil. It is amenable to plantation forestry due to its fast initial growth. Genomic selection (GS) has been used in tree breeding studies to shorten long breeding cycles but has not previously been applied to S. macrophylla.MethodsTo build genomic prediction models for GS, leaves and growth trait data were collected from a half-sib progeny population of S. macrophylla in Sari Bumi Kusuma forest concession, central Kalimantan, Indonesia. 18037 SNP markers were identified in two ddRAD-seq libraries. Genomic prediction models based on these SNPs were then generated for diameter at breast height and total height in the 7th year from planting (D7 and H7).Results and discussionThese traits were chosen because of their relatively high narrow-sense genomic heritability and because seven years was considered long enough to assess initial growth. Genomic prediction models were built using 6 methods and their derivatives with the full set of identified SNPs and subsets of 48, 96, and 192 SNPs selected based on the results of a genome-wide association study (GWAS). The GBLUP and RKHS methods gave the highest predictive ability for D7 and H7 with the sets of selected SNPs and showed that D7 has an additive genetic architecture while H7 has an epistatic genetic architecture. LightGBM and CNN1D also achieved high predictive abilities for D7 with 48 and 96 selected SNPs, and for H7 with 96 and 192 selected SNPs, showing that gradient boosting decision trees and deep learning can be useful in genomic prediction. Predictive abilities were higher in H7 when smaller number of SNP subsets selected by GWAS p-value was used, However, D7 showed the contrary tendency, which might have originated from the difference in genetic architecture between primary and secondary growth of the species. This study suggests that GS with GWAS-based SNP selection can be used in breeding for non-cultivated tree species to improve initial growth and reduce genotyping costs for next-generation seedlings

    Impact of thinning and pruning on tree growth, stress wave velocity, and pilodyn penetration response of clonal teak (Tectona grandis) plantation

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    The objective of this research was to examine the impact of different thinning and pruning intensities on the growth characteristics and wood properties of clonal teak. A 14-year-old clonal teak plantation was used in the study. The first thinning and pruning were established 5 years after planting. Three different levels of thinning (un-thinned, moderate, and heavy) and pruning (low, medium, high) were tested. Growth characteristics, pilodyn penetration, and stress wave velocity were examined. Results showed that different thinning intensities significantly affected the mean annual diameter increment (F = 37.67; p < 0.01). The standing stock estimations of the thinning intensity regimes also significantly differed between different thinning intensities (F = 4.16; p = 0.035). Moreover, pilodyn penetration significantly varied with the thinning treatment (F = 23.53; p < 0.01). The stress wave velocity, however, did not significantly vary with the thinning treatment (F = 2.54; p = 0.11). Meanwhile, the effect of pruning treatment was not observed under all parameters. Heavy thinning treatment promoted all parameters except height and stress wave velocity. A strong positive correlation was observed between pilodyn penetration and DBH. This result suggested that thinning and pruning promoted positive DBH growth and an increase in the economic value of the stand, but it did not affect the wood properties of clonal teak wood


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    ABSTRACT Mount Merapi National Park (MMNP) has known for its high biodiversity. However, exploration related to the potential for antioxidant activity of the medicinal plants in this region is still very limited. Therefore, the aim of this research was to explore of medicinal plants from MMNP and to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the plants. The research began with the collection and identification the medicinal plants to determine the scientific names. Then, plants that have been identified, are dried, mashed and macerated with ethanol (96%). The ethanol extract were evaluated for antioxidant activity using 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) to determine the IC50 value and compared with positive control (ascorbic acid). The results of this exploration were obtained 50 plant species which have been identified its scientific names and classified into 16 families. The largest distribution of plant species was belongs to the family Poaceae, followed by Asteraceae and Rubiaceae. Antioxidant activity assay of the medicinal &nbsp;plant resulted three plant species with IC50 values ​​less then 6 ppm, i.e. Melastoma malabathricum, Phyllanthus urinaria, and Clidemia hirta. The alkaloid compound detected in M. malabathricum expected to be a potential antioxidant compound. This information can be used as a basic data for developing alternative sources of antioxidants and as an new drug raw materials. Keywords: medicinal plants, Merapi Volcano National Park, antioxidants, DPPH &nbsp; ABSTRAK Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi (TNGM) telah lama dikenal dengan keanekaragaman hayatinya yang tinggi. Akan tetapi, eksplorasi terkait potensi aktivitas antioksidan pada koleksi tumbuhan obat di wilayah tersebut masih sangat terbatas. Fakta tersebut yang mendasari tujuan dari penelitian ini, yaitu eksplorasi potensi aktivitas antioksidan tumbuhan yang berasal dari TNGM. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pengumpulan dan identifikasi nama ilmiah tumbuhan obat yang tumbuh di wilayah tersebut. Tumbuhan yang telah teridentifikasi kemudian dikeringkan, dihaluskan dan dimaserasi dengan etanol (96%). Ekstrak etanol yang diperoleh kemudian diuji aktivitas antioksidannya melalui penentuan penangkapan radikal bebas menggunakan 1,1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) dengan menentukan nilai IC50-nya dan dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif (asam askorbat). Hasil dari kegiatan eksplorasi ini diperoleh 50 spesies tumbuhan yang telah berhasil diidentifikasi nama ilmiahnya dan digolongkan menjadi 16 famili. Distribusi spesies tumbuhan terbesar termasuk dalam famili Poaceae, diikuti Asteraceae dan Rubiaceae. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan pada 50 sampel tumbuhan diperoleh tiga spesies tumbuhan dengan nilai IC50 kurang dari 6 ppm, yaitu Melastoma malabathricum, Phyllanthus urinaria, dan Clidemia hirta. Kandungan alkaloid yang terdeteksi pada M. malabathricum, diduga sebagai senyawa antioksidan yang sangat potensial. Informasi tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pengembangan sumber antioksidan alternatif untuk inovasi bahan baku obat baru. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Kelas Umur terhadap Produktivitas Getah Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese Ras Lahan Jawa melalui Penyadapan Getah Metode Bor

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    Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese merupakan tanaman asli Indonesia, yang sebaran alaminya di Aceh, Tapanuli dan Kerinci. Penyadapan getah dengan metode bor pada kelas umur yang berbeda belum pernah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan produksi getah pinus di antara  kelas umur. Penelitian dilakukan di RPH Oro-oro Ombo, BKPH Pujon, KPH Malang pada tanaman pinus kelas umur III, IV,  V  dan VI  dengan ketinggian tempat antara 1.100 m –1.250 m dari permukaan air laut.  Waktu penelitian bulan September sampai dengan Nopember 2010.  Jumlah pohon yang disadap di setiap kelas umur sebanyak 150 - 160 pohon dengan dua lubang per pohon.  Penyadapan getah menggunakan bor mesin, kantong plastik tahan minyak diikatkan pada ujung pipa untuk menampung getah.  Pemungutan getah dilakukan sehari setelah penyadapan. Analisis  data  menggunakan  one way anova, apabila terdapat perbedaan yang nyata,  dilakukan uji lanjut dengan orthogonal polynomial. Produksi getah di antara kelas umur, menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata. Produksi getah kelas umur III (36,5 g/ 2 lubang/1 hari) meningkat pada kelas umur IV (62,9 g/2 lubang/1 hari) dan menurun pada kelas umur V  (24,61 g/2 lubang/1 hari).  Produksi getah pada kelas umur VI (38,3 g/ 2 lubang/1 hari) hampir sama dengan kelas umur III. Hasil uji lanjut orthogonal polynomial  menunjukkan respons  bersifat kuadratik (p=0,09) antara produksi getah dengan kelas umur. Kata Kunci: Pinus, kelas umur, getah, metode bo


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    Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese merupakan tanaman asli Indonesia yang sebaran alaminya di Sumatera.   Luas hutan  pinus di Jawa 476,126 hektar,  merupakan urutan kedua setelah hutan jati.   Peranan  pinus dari tahun ke tahun semakin penting. Penyadapan getah dengan cara quare akan meninggalkan bekas luka yang lebar dan hasil getahnya tercampur dengan berbagai kotoran. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan ukuran mata bor terhadap produksi getah pinus. Lokasi penelitian  di petak 211c RPH Oro-oro Ombo, BKPH Pujon KPH Malang dengan ketinggian tempat 1.250 m dpl. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan September - Oktober 2010. Materi penelitian adalah pohon pinus  berumur 20 tahun, belum pernah disadap, jarak tanam 6 m x 3 m.  Alat yang dipergunakan terdiri dari bor tangan (engkol bor),  mata bor ukuran 7 mm, 9 mm, 11 mm, 13 mm, 15 mm, 17 mm, 19 mm dan 21 mm, pipa plastik, kantong plastik, gunting,  timbangan elektrik, tali pengikat, kamera, dan alat tulis menulis. Analisis data menggunakan regresi  linier  dengan variabel bebas ukuran mata bor (X), dan variabel tergantung adalah produksi getah (Y), dengan analisis lanjutan ortogonal polynomial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produksi getah  rerata, terendah 11,4 g pada ukuran mata bor 7 mm dan tertinggi 28,1 g pada ukuran mata bor 21 mm.  Hasil analisis regresi linier sederhana menghasilkan formulasi : Y = 9,266 + 2,47X.  Hasil analisis ortogonal polynomial, bahwa respons perlakuan bersifat linier, artinya produksi getah akan terus meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya ukuran mata bor dan titik optimal masih belum diketemukan. Kata Kunci : Pinus, Penyadapan getah,  Ukuran mata bo

    Genetic diversity and structure among four provenances of Gelam (Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cumingiana) and implications for gene conservation and rehabilitation of degraded peat swamp forest in Indonesia

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    Gelam (Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cumingiana) is an important pioneer species of tropical peat swamp forests in Indonesia. We collected 95 DNA of dry leaf samples in four provenances in Indonesia (South Sumatera, Bangka, South Kalimantan, Papua) and 8 SSR markers were used to analyze the genetic correlation and genetic diversity which plays an important role in providing survival, reducing inbreeding, and preventing inferior offspring to meet forest rehabilitation needs. Our study revealed that the genetic diversity of gelam was comparably high due to geographical isolation and divided into five clusters. The genetic diversity among provenances and individuals within provenances was 7.11% and 14.85%, respectively. Papua showed the highest genetic diversity, based on the effective number of alleles, Shannon index, expected heterozygosity, allelic richness, and number of private alleles. The highest heterozygosity and rare alleles were found in South Kalimantan and Bangka. However, the coefficient of inbreeding was significant within provenances (p < 0.05) for all provenances, indicating inbreeding. We detected significant differences in heterozygosity using a two-phase model and a stepwise mutation model in a bottleneck test, although there was no significant difference when using an infinite allele model. These results suggest that the high genetic diversity among provenances could promote the future breeding programs and develop conservation strategies for gelam