32 research outputs found

    Biological methods for detoxification of corn stover and corn starch pyrolysis liquors

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    Biological methods were developed to detoxify corn stover and corn starch pyrolysis liquors produced at 400--500°C. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic suspended cells and biofilms were employed for the detoxification process. The continuous of detoxification process was monitored by measuring the change in dissolved oxygen and pH. Total phenolic assay, change in UV absorbance spectra, GC-MS analysis and bioassay were performed to determine the detoxification. Pseudomonas putida and Streptomyces setonii biofilms, developed on Plastic Composite Supports (PCS) fixed to agitator shaft of benchtop computer controlled bioreactor, detoxified 10 and 25% (v/v) diluted corn stover and corn starch pyrolysis liquor (Des and Dst), while mixed culture biofilms detoxified 50% (v/v) Dcs and Dst.;Ligninolytic enzymes of Phanerochaete chrysosporium were also employed to detoxify the Dcs and Dst in shake flask cultures. The detoxification was determined by measuring the activity of lignin peroxidase (LiP), mangenase peroxidase (MnP), total phenolic compounds reduction, GC-MS analysis, and bioassay. Ph. chrysosporium culture detoxified 10 and 25% (v/v) Dcs and Dst, but not 50% (v/v) Des and Dst. The involvement of ligninolytic enzymes in the detoxification process were confirmed by adding ligninolytic enzymes inhibitors, sodium azide and cycloheximide to culture medium and by employing concentrated crude enzyme to detoxify 10% (v/v) Dcs.;In a subsequent study, the ligninolytic enzymes were produced by Ph. chrysosporium PCS biofilm in stirred tank bioreactor. Fourteen repeated batch fermentations were performed with different culture conditions. The differences in enzymes production between the batches were determined statistically by comparing the activity of LiP and MnP. All batch conditions evaluated enhanced the production of at least one of the enzymes. In batch C3V0 11 and C3V3 8 (continuous aeration, 300 agitation, and addition of veratryl alcohol on day zero or three) LiP and MnP were produced on day three and reached a peak on day six. However, in batch C3VM0 14 (continuous aeration, 300 agitation, and addition of veratryl alcohol and MnSO4 on day zero) LiP and MnP were produced earlier, on day three, and decreased by day six

    Detoxification of Corn Stover and Corn Starch Pyrolysis Liquors by Ligninolytic Enzymes of Phanerochaete chrysosporium

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    Phanerochaete chrysosporium (ATCC 24725) shake flask culture with 3 mM veratryl alcohol addition on day 3 was able to grow and detoxify different concentrations of diluted corn stover (Dcs) and diluted corn starch (Dst) pyrolysis liquors [10, 25, and 50% (v/v)] in defined media. GC-MS analysis of reaction products showed a decrease and change in some compounds. In addition, the total phenolic assay with Dcs samples demonstrated a decrease in the phenolic compounds. A bioassay employing Lactobacillus casei growth and lactic acid production was developed to confirm the removal of toxic compounds from 10 and 25% (v/v) Dcs and Dst by the lignolytic enzymes, but not from 50% (v/v) Dcs and Dst. The removal did not occur when sodium azide or cycloheximide was added to Ph. chrysosporium culture media, confirming the participation of lignolytic enzymes in the detoxification process. A concentrated enzyme preparation decreased the phenolic compounds in 10% (v/v) corn stover and corn starch pyrolysis liquors to the same extent as the fungal cultures

    Biological methods for detoxification of corn stover and corn starch pyrolysis liquors

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    Biological methods were developed to detoxify corn stover and corn starch pyrolysis liquors produced at 400--500°C. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic suspended cells and biofilms were employed for the detoxification process. The continuous of detoxification process was monitored by measuring the change in dissolved oxygen and pH. Total phenolic assay, change in UV absorbance spectra, GC-MS analysis and bioassay were performed to determine the detoxification. Pseudomonas putida and Streptomyces setonii biofilms, developed on Plastic Composite Supports (PCS) fixed to agitator shaft of benchtop computer controlled bioreactor, detoxified 10 and 25% (v/v) diluted corn stover and corn starch pyrolysis liquor (Des and Dst), while mixed culture biofilms detoxified 50% (v/v) Dcs and Dst.;Ligninolytic enzymes of Phanerochaete chrysosporium were also employed to detoxify the Dcs and Dst in shake flask cultures. The detoxification was determined by measuring the activity of lignin peroxidase (LiP), mangenase peroxidase (MnP), total phenolic compounds reduction, GC-MS analysis, and bioassay. Ph. chrysosporium culture detoxified 10 and 25% (v/v) Dcs and Dst, but not 50% (v/v) Des and Dst. The involvement of ligninolytic enzymes in the detoxification process were confirmed by adding ligninolytic enzymes inhibitors, sodium azide and cycloheximide to culture medium and by employing concentrated crude enzyme to detoxify 10% (v/v) Dcs.;In a subsequent study, the ligninolytic enzymes were produced by Ph. chrysosporium PCS biofilm in stirred tank bioreactor. Fourteen repeated batch fermentations were performed with different culture conditions. The differences in enzymes production between the batches were determined statistically by comparing the activity of LiP and MnP. All batch conditions evaluated enhanced the production of at least one of the enzymes. In batch C3V0 11 and C3V3 8 (continuous aeration, 300 agitation, and addition of veratryl alcohol on day zero or three) LiP and MnP were produced on day three and reached a peak on day six. However, in batch C3VM0 14 (continuous aeration, 300 agitation, and addition of veratryl alcohol and MnSO4 on day zero) LiP and MnP were produced earlier, on day three, and decreased by day six.</p

    Detoxification of Corn Stover and Corn Starch Pyrolysis Liquors by Ligninolytic Enzymes of Phanerochaete chrysosporium

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    Phanerochaete chrysosporium (ATCC 24725) shake flask culture with 3 mM veratryl alcohol addition on day 3 was able to grow and detoxify different concentrations of diluted corn stover (Dcs) and diluted corn starch (Dst) pyrolysis liquors [10, 25, and 50% (v/v)] in defined media. GC-MS analysis of reaction products showed a decrease and change in some compounds. In addition, the total phenolic assay with Dcs samples demonstrated a decrease in the phenolic compounds. A bioassay employing Lactobacillus casei growth and lactic acid production was developed to confirm the removal of toxic compounds from 10 and 25% (v/v) Dcs and Dst by the lignolytic enzymes, but not from 50% (v/v) Dcs and Dst. The removal did not occur when sodium azide or cycloheximide was added to Ph. chrysosporium culture media, confirming the participation of lignolytic enzymes in the detoxification process. A concentrated enzyme preparation decreased the phenolic compounds in 10% (v/v) corn stover and corn starch pyrolysis liquors to the same extent as the fungal cultures.Reprinted (adapted) with permission from J. Agric. Food Chem., 2005, 53 (8), pp 2969–2977. Copyright 2005 American Chemical Society.</p

    الفطريات المحلله للسليولوز في المملكة العربية السعودية

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    Thirty fungal species belonging to fifteen genera were collected from 30 soil samples on cellulose Czapek agar. The highest number of fungal species was isolated from Dammam (20 species) followed by Niomas (18 species), Makkah and Riyadh (17 species each), Tabouk (16) species and Jizan (11 species). The most frequent genera isolated were Aspergillus, Pencillium, Alternaria, Ulocladium and Curvularia. Throughout this study, six fungal species belonging to four genera; Ulocladiun septosporum, Emericella nidulans, Trichoderma harzianum, T. koningii, T. pseudokoningii and Cochliobolus lunatus were found to be new records in Saudi Arabian soils.تم في هذه الدراسة جمع عينات تربة من ست مدن في المملكة العربية السعودية هي الدمام ، النماص ، مكة المكرمة ، الرياض ، تبوك وجيزان ، حيث تم عزل وتعريف ثلاثون نوعاً من الفطريات ينتمون إلى خمسة عشر جنساً ذات قدرة على تحليل السليلوز وأظهرت عينات الدمام أعلى معدل من الأنواع الفطرية (20 نوع ) تتبعها النماص (18 نوع )، مكة والرياض (17 نوع )، تبوك (19 نوع ) وجيزان (11 نوع ) . وتلين أن الأجناس السائدة المعزولة هي Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, Ulocladium and Curvularia كما تم خلال هذه الدراسة عزل وتعريف سته أنواع فطرية ينتمون إلى أربعة أجناس لم يسجل وجودها من قبل في المملكة وهي. Trichoderma pseudokoningii, T. harzianum, T. koningii, Ulocadium septosporum, Emericella nidulans and Cochliobolus lunatus

    Supplementary Information for the evolution of the plastid genomes in diatoms

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    This file contains supplementary information for the book chapter. Table A to G contains additional information of the genome size, genome rearrangement, and correlation between genome rearrangement etc

    Data from: Evolution of the plastid genomes in diatoms

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    Diatoms are a monophyletic group of eukaryotic, single-celled heterokont algae. Despite years of phylogenetic research, relationships among major groups of diatoms remain uncertain. Here we assess diatom phylogenetic relationships using the plastid genome (plastome). The 22 previously published diatom plastomes showed variable genome size, gene content and extensive rearrangement. We report another 18 diatom plastome sequences ranging in size from 119,120 to 201,816 bp. Plagiogramma staurophorum had the largest plastome sequenced so far due to large inverted repeats and a 2971 bp group II intron insertion in petD. The previously reported loss of psaE, psaI and psaM genes in Rhizosolenia imbricata also occurred in the closely related species Rhizosolenia fallax. In the largest genome-scale phylogeny yet published for diatoms based on 103 shared plastid-coding genes from 40 diatoms and Triparma laevis as the outgroup, Leptocylindrus was recovered as sister to the remaining diatoms and the clade of Attheya plus Biddulphia was recovered as sister to pennate diatoms, strongly rejecting monophyly of two of the three proposed classes of diatoms. Our study also revealed extensive gene loss and a strong positive correlation between sequence divergence and gene order change in diatom plastomes

    Transcriptomic analysis of salt stress responsive genes in Rhazya stricta.

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    Rhazya stricta is an evergreen shrub that is widely distributed across Western and South Asia, and like many other members of the Apocynaceae produces monoterpene indole alkaloids that have anti-cancer properties. This species is adapted to very harsh desert conditions making it an excellent system for studying tolerance to high temperatures and salinity. RNA-Seq analysis was performed on R. stricta exposed to severe salt stress (500 mM NaCl) across four time intervals (0, 2, 12 and 24 h) to examine mechanisms of salt tolerance. A large number of transcripts including genes encoding tetrapyrroles and pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins were regulated only after 12 h of stress of seedlings grown in controlled greenhouse conditions. Mechanisms of salt tolerance in R. stricta may involve the upregulation of genes encoding chaperone protein Dnaj6, UDP-glucosyl transferase 85a2, protein transparent testa 12 and respiratory burst oxidase homolog protein b. Many of the highly-expressed genes act on protecting protein folding during salt stress and the production of flavonoids, key secondary metabolites in stress tolerance. Other regulated genes encode enzymes in the porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolic pathway with important roles during plant growth, photosynthesis, hormone signaling and abiotic responses. Heme biosynthesis in R. stricta leaves might add to the level of salt stress tolerance by maintaining appropriate levels of photosynthesis and normal plant growth as well as by the participation in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production under stress. We speculate that the high expression levels of PPR genes may be dependent on expression levels of their targeted editing genes. Although the results of PPR gene family indicated regulation of a large number of transcripts under salt stress, PPR actions were independent of the salt stress because their RNA editing patterns were unchanged