6 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan budaya organisasi dan system pengendalian manajemen pada perguruan tinggi. Metode yang digunakan adalah study literatur melalui pendekatan kualitatif, dengan data skunder sebagai sumber data yang digunakan untuk menganalis data hingga menjadi sebuah kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan budaya organisasi pada perguruan tinggi digunakan untuk menujukkan jati diri perguruan tinggi, selain itu penerapan budaya organisasi membawa pengaruh terhadap perguruan tinggi melalui nilai-nilai yang ditanamkan baik secara verbal maupun aturan yang berlaku. Sedangkan implementasi system pengendalian pada perguruan tinggi lebih kepada memitigasi terjadinya risiko dan acaman dari eksternal maupun internal serta kualitas perguruan tinggi yang di gambarkan melalui hasil penilaian perguruan tinggi yang disebut dengan akreditasi. Pengelolaan yang baik akan membawa dampak yang baik, akan tetapi jika pengelolaan yang dilakukan tidak mengikuti aturan dan standar yang sudah ditetapkan maka stakeholder sebagai investor utama akan dapat menilai perguruan tinggi tersebut sehat atau tidak.   Kata Kunci: budaya organisasi, system pengendalian manajemen, perguruan tingg

    Response of Eucalyptus pellita and Eucalyptus deglupta seedling growth to aluminum exposure

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    Aluminum (Al) is one of the problems and is a factor inhibiting plant growth on soils with acidic pH. This study aims to examine the growth response of Eucalyptus pellita and Eucalypus Deglupta seedlings to Al exposure. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor, where the Al concentration consisted of 5 levels, namely: 0 mM (control), 2 mM, 4 mM, 6 mM, and 8 mM with 3 repetitions each and each repetition consisted of 3 units of the plant. The results showed that Al treatment had a significant effect on the growth parameters of both plant types, except for the root dry weight parameter for E. deglupta. Increasing the Al concentration can reduce almost all growth parameters. The 4 mM Al concentration was able to increase the height growth, plant dry weight (roots and shoots), and tolerance index for the E. pellita species, while the Al 2 mM concentration was able to increase the root growth of E. deglupta plants. Almost all growth parameters for E. pellita species were higher than that of E. deglupta, except for the SPAD chlorophyll index. The concentrations of 6 mM and 8 mM were toxic to E. pellita and E. deglupta

    Effect of Iron Toxicity on the Growth of Calliandra calothyrsus and Leucaena leucocephala Seedlings

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    Iron (Fe) is a micro essential needed by plants in small amounts and can be toxic when available in large quantities. This study aimed to evaluate how Fe exposure affects the growth of C. callothyrsus and L. leucocephala seedlings. This study used a completely randomized design with factorial, where the first factor consisted of two levels of seedlings (C. calothyrsus and L. leucocephala), and the second factor consisted of Fe concentration which consisted of 8 levels (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, and 1.75 mM). The results showed that treatment of seedlings species and concentration of Fe was able to significantly affect the growth parameters (height, root length, root dry weight, shoots, and plant dry weight) of seedlings. The control treatment (without Fe) showed the highest growth response compared to those treated with Fe exposure and an increase in Fe concentration was able to reduce all growth parameters in both seedlings. The 0.5 mM Fe concentration reduced all growth parameters of C. calothyrsus drastically, while in L. leucocephala, the Fe 0.75 concentration was able to decrease all growth parameters drastically. The tolerance index of both seedlings decreased with increasing Fe concentration. The rate of photosynthesis did not show a significant difference between treatments, meanwhile, it had a significant effect on chlorophyll affect chlorophyll (a, b, and total chlorophyll) and carotenoid content. The highest Fe content in C. calothyrsus seedlings was at a concentration of 1.5 mM (4.40%), while in L. leucocephala seedlings, the highest Fe content was at 1.7 mM (2.87%).

    Simulasi dan Evaluasi Limpasan Saat Debit Maksimum Kanal Banjir Timur Kota Semarang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis data hidrologi dan limpasan saat Debit Maksimum (Q50, Q100) di alur sungai, kemudian diimplementasikan pada pekerjaan normalisasi Kanal Banjir Timur Semarang. Penelitian berupa simulasi yang dievaluasi dengan pengamatan dan pencatatan besaran tingkat elevasi banjir yang terjadi pada saat debit banjir maksimum di Q50 dan Q100 terhadap tingkat limpasan air yang melewati top elevasi parapet. Metode peneltian yang dilakukan adalah studi kasus dengan analisa kuantitatif terhadap semua data yang ada mulai dari data topografi, hidrologi dan geoteknik mekanika tanah. Penelitian diawali analisa curah hujan hingga didapat debit banjir maksimum dari Polygon Theiseen Data Curah hujan 3 stasiun yang mencakup DAS Kanal Banjir Timur diarah hulu. Langkah selanjutnya dilakukan analisa cross section sungai dengan mengambil titik sample lokasi penelitian yang dimulai dari Jembatan Kartini Semarang sampai kearah muara sungai. Data pengukuran existing yang ada kemudian diinput dan diolah dengan analisa program hec-ras. Dari urutan Log Pearson Type III dan kalibrasi pendekatan data BBWS Pemali Juana diperoleh angka Debit Maksimum 418,17 m3/det, (Q50) 462,52 m3/detik, (Q100) debit andalan sebesar 0,39 m3/s.  Catchment Area = 310 km2 = 63.725,87 m3/tahun; Luas hidrolis (A) sebelum normalisasi 45m2 dan sesudah normalisasi 112m2, sehingga didapat luas penampang sungai yang lebih besar; dimana luas penampang ini berbanding lurus dengan penurunan top elevasi pada saat debit maksimum dialur sungai. Elevasi Q50 sebelum normalisasi +4,4m (melimpas) dan setelah normalisasi +3,54m. Sedang Q100 sebelum normalisasi +4,84; setelah normalisasi +3,89m sehingga bisa tertahan oleh dinding parapet di top elevasi +4,4m dan tidak terjadi limpasan

    The Increasing Level of DKK-1 as a New Bone Formation Factor in Patients with Early Spondyloarthritis

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    The role of dickkopf-related protein 1 (DKK-1) in radiographic development may become a robust marker for early spondyloarthritis (SpA) diagnosis. This study aimed at determining the serum DKK-1 profile in patients with SpA and investigating its relationship with SpA progression. Supported by analyzing the BMD data which aims to affirm the potential of DKK-1 as a biomarker for early diagnosis of SpA, this research may become the early study to produce a robust tool to diminish the fatal impacts in SpA. This cross-sectional study included patients with SpA using ASAS 2010 criteria from Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Indonesia. Collected data included patients’ general characteristics, disease duration, disease activity using ASDAS-CRP and ASDAS-ESR, serum DKK-1 levels, and BMD. The patients were classified as early SpA if the disease duration was ≤5 years and established SpA if the disease duration was >5 years, while the low BMD was indicated by Z score ≤ −2.00. The correlation was tested using the Spearman or Pearson test. The differences in patients’ characteristics among early and established SpA and also between low and normal BMD were tested using the unpaired T-test or the Mann–Whitney test. The serum DKK-1 levels in early SpA (7365 ± 2067 pg/dL) were significantly higher than those in established SpA (5360 ± 1054 pg/dL). Serum DKK-1 levels were also associated with disease duration (r = −0.370, p=0.040) and BMD at the total hip (r = 0.467, p=0.028). The differences in all patients’ clinical parameters were not found between patients with low BMD at any site and patients with normal BMD unless in the BMI (p=0.019). Our findings found DKK-1 as a potential diagnostic marker for early SpA. Early diagnosis may lead to rapid treatment to delay disease progression and prevent future impairment

    Development of Volcano Early Warning System for Kelud Volcano

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    Kelud is one of Indonesian volcano lies between Kediri and Blitar districts of East Java province. This volcano has erupted since 1000 where casualties of 200000 people emerged until the last eruption in 2014. Therefore, it is needed a volcano early warning system to detect the eruption earlier for minimizing the casualties. We have developed an early warning system based on sensor nodes consist of vibration, temperature and gasses (sulfur and carbon dioxide) sensors to monitor the physical parameter of the volcano, drone surveillance, mapping and temperature measurement, and mobile robot consists of the same sensor as in the node for both normal and emergency situations. The system has been tested in Kelud volcano in August 2019. In a normal condition, the system has detected 1 Hz of seismicity, under 1 ppm of sulfur and carbon dioxide, 23-55.3oC of the lake temperature, 32oC of the ground temperature and 23-25oC of the air temperature. The system could be used for 37 hours of full operation for 1 charging cycles of solar cell's charging process where suitable for dangerous environment application