17 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Value Engineering in Reducing Delay in Urban Projects

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    Because of misappropriate design, technology complications, excessive number of organizations and involving people in the project, variation of needed qualifications and extensive number of activities, development projects don’t execute within primary determined cost and time constraint. Therefore presence of a regular system for optimizing investment in development and urban plans is needed. Optimization methods causing project implementation within primary cost and time constraint work are effective to eliminate negative effects of mentioned factors. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of using value engineering in order to eliminate causes of delays in the urban projects of country. Regarding the results of this research, the most and least effect of value engineering are in order to eliminate delay causes arising from integration and human resource mismanagement. Moreover, value engineering must be employed for refinement and optimization of processes before and during project execution in order to decline time delay and costs and to increase value of projects. Value engineering studies, specifically whenever strategic decisions should be taken, could affect positively on the project execution. Finally, employing value engineering technique and compounding these methods to project management science can increase the value index of urban projects

    A gain-of-function mutation of STAT1: A novel genetic factor contributing to chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis

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    Heterozygous gain-of-function (GOF) mutations in the signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) have increasingly been identified as a genetic cause of autosomal-dominant (AD) chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC). In this article, we describe a 33-year-old man who experienced chronic refractory candidiasis, recurrent otitis media, and pneumonia resulting in bronchiectasis, severe oral and esophageal candidiases with strictures associated with hypothyroidism and immune hemolytic anemia. His son also suffered from persistent candidiasis, chronic diarrhea, poor weight gain, and pneumonia that resulted in his demise because of sepsis. The immunological workup showed that an inverse CD4/CD8 ratio and serum immunoglobulins were all within normal ranges. The laboratory data revealed failure in response to Candida lymphocyte transformation test. In addition, by Sanger sequencing method, we found a heterozygous mutation, Thr385Met (T385M), located in the DNA-binding domain of STAT1, which was previously shown to be GOF. These findings illustrate the broad and variable clinical phenotype of heterozygous STAT1 GOF mutations. However, more clinical information and phenotype–genotype studies are required to define the clinical phenotype caused by AD STAT1 GOF

    Cystic fibrosis and congenital adrenal hyperplasia: A rare occurrence with diagnostic dilemmas, similarities and contradictions

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary syndrome composed of exocrine gland dysfunction involving multiple systems which if untreated may result in chronic respiratory infections, pancreatic enzyme deficiency and failure to thrive. The association between CF and other inherited diseases or congenital anomalies is rare. We describe a rare case of CF with concomitant congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). 21- Hydroxylase deficiency accounts for most CAH cases. Varity in clinical phenotypes depends on the amount of enzymatic activity which in turn depends on different combination of gene mutations. The genes of CAH and CF are located in different locations. The chance of these diseases coexisting in our patient would be a rare combination. However, such a case will be more frequent in our population than others because of consanguineous marriage and common ancestors. There are diagnostic difficulties, similarities and contradictions between two diseases and they are pointed out

    Periodic Severe Angioedema without Exogenous Hormone Exposure

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    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is characterized by recurrent attacks of skin and mucosal swelling in any part of the body including the digestive and respiratory tract which generally improve spontaneously within 12-72 hours. The underlying mechanism in HAE is related to bradykinin dysregulation which causes these attacks not to respond to common treatment strategies including epinephrine/corticosteroid or adrenaline. There are several types of HAE with different etiology but with the same clinical picture. Type 1 is due to the deficiency of C1 Inhibitor (C1-INH) protein and type 2 is related to dysfunctional C1-INH protein. The third type of HAE which comprises the minority of cases is associated with the normal amount and function of C1-INH protein. The presented case in this report was a 15-years old girl with a history of spontaneous angioedema attacks from the age of 14. The frequency of attacks was initially every two months but consequently increased to every two weeks after using some hormonal medications for ovarian cyst. Each episode has lasted around 10 days without any symptoms in between. Complement studies including C4, C1q, and C1-INH protein, both quantitative and qualitative, were reported as normal. A genetic assessment revealed a mutation in the exon 9 on the gene related to factor XII, hence the diagnosis of HAE type 3 was confirmed. This was a rare type of angioedema with normal amount and function of C1-INH protein which is predominantly seen in women during periods of imbalanced estrogen increments like pregnancy, lactation, and menopause, and hence it is responsive to hormonal manipulation strategies such as the use of progesterone containing medications.

    Genetic Analysis of 13 Iranian Families With Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency Type 1

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    Background and Aim: Leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1 is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder that results from mutations in the ITGB2 gene. This gene encodes the CD18 subunit of β2 integrin leukocyte adhesion cell molecules. Leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1 is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections, impaired wound healing, inadequate pus formation, and delayed separation of the umbilical cord. Materials and Methods: Blood samples were taken from 13 patients after written consent had been obtained. Genomic DNA was extracted, and ITGB2 exons and exon-intron boundaries were amplified by polymerase chain reaction. The products were examined by Sanger sequencing. Results: In this study, 8 different previously reported mutations (intron7+1G>A, c.715G>A, c.1777 C>T, c.843del C, c.1768T>C, c.1821C>A, Intron7+1G>A, c.1885G>A) and 2 novel mutations (c.1821C>A; p.Tyr607Ter and c.1822C>T; p.Gln608Ter) were found. Conclusions: c.1821C>A (p.Tyr607Ter) and c.1822C>T (p.Gln608Ter) mutations should be included in the panel of carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis

    Common Causes of Anaphylaxis in Children

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    Background Anaphylaxis is an acute, systemic, and potentially fatal allergic reaction. Many things can cause anaphylaxis potentially but some agents are more common like some foods (milk, egg, soy, wheat, peanut, tree nut, shellfish, and fish), insect stings, medications, latex, and food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis. The goal of this study is to show the common causes of anaphylaxis among the children with anaphylaxis history who were referred to the Immunology, Asthma and Allergy Research Institute (IAARI) during a 4-year period (2005-2009).Methods and Materials During those 4 years, we registered all children (<14 years old) with a history of anaphylactic reaction. To prove the cause of anaphylaxis, we performed skin prick tests with suspected agents according to their history and measured specific IgE against them by the ImmunoCAP test. Recognition of common allergens was based on having a positive history for 1 allergen and positive skin prick test or specific IgE for that at the same time, or having positive results from both tests when the allergen was unclear. Idiopathic anaphylaxis was a reaction when any known allergen and positive tests were not obtained.Results One hundred ninety-three nonfatal anaphylactic attacks among 63 children were recognized. In total, the most current cause of anaphylaxis in children was food (89.7%). Milk (49.3%) and wheat (26.1%) were the most common. Other foods were egg (8.7%), nuts (2.8%), and spices (2.8%). Six children (8.7%) were sensitive to multiple food allergens like milk, egg, and wheat. Five (7.1%) of 63 patients had anaphylactic attack because of stinging. Wasp was the trigger in 3 (4.3%) of them and honeybee was the cause in 1 (1.4%). The last one was because of unknown hymenoptera. There were 2 idiopathic cases of all 63 patients.Conclusions Food allergens, especially milk and wheat, are the most common cause of anaphylaxis in children. Because anaphylaxis can be fatal, it is advisable to recognize its causes in different communities to prevent recurrent attacks. Keywords: anaphylaxis, common causes, childre

    LPS-Responsive Beige-Like Anchor Gene Mutation Associated With Possible Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia Associated With Hypogammaglobulinemia and Normal IgM Phenotype and Low Number of B Cells

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    LPS-Responsive Beige-like Anchor (LRBA) deficiency is a disease which has recently been described in a group of patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) in association with autoimmunity and/or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-like phenotype. We here describe a 10-year-old boy who experienced recurrent infections, mainly in the respiratory system, associated with thrombocytopenia and anemia. Immunological workup showed low numbers of B cells and low IgG, but normal IgM levels. In spite of therapeutic doses of antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungal agents, in addition to immunoglobulin replacement therapy, he developed disseminated involvement of both lungs with peripheral nodules; transbronchial lung biopsy revealed possible bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP). Combined homozygosity mapping and exome sequencing identified a homozygous LRBA mutation in this patient (p.Asp248Glufs*2). Such clinical and immunological findings have not been described to date and illustrate the broad and variable clinical phenotype of human LRBA deficiency