21 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyertaan tenaga kerja belia tempatan dalam sektor perladangan sawit di Malaysia

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    The participation of youth in the plantation sector, especially oil palm plantation in Malaysia is still low compared to other Southeast Asian countries. Many of them are less interested in choosing this job as a main career. This study used primary data collected by applying cluster and systematic random sampling techniques. Respondents involved in this study are youth aged 16 to 40 years old and living within five kilometres of the plantation. The data was analyzed using a probit model to identify factors that influence the probability to participate in oil palm plantation, while the Partial Least Square was used to measure causal factors affecting the level of happiness and job satisfaction among youths who were working and who had previously worked in oil palm plantation. Results of probit model show that age, gender, marital status, background in agriculture, race, religion, parent occupation, type of residence, wage policy and perceptions about social facilities, the social status of employment, and happiness and job satisfaction significantly affect local youths to participate in oil palm plantation sector. There is a significant difference in factors of influence on the probability to participate in oil palm plantations as temporary or permanent careers. The probability of local youths to choose a job in plantation as a permanent career was influenced by their perception on job happiness and satisfaction. However, perception on social status of employment significantly affects the probability of choosing it as a temporary career, Happiness and job satisfaction of those local youths who had previously worked in Sabah and Sarawak, and whom were working in Peninsular Malaysia appeared to be die most important factor that influence them to remain worldng or return to work in the oil palm sector. This study suggests for the government to put emphasize on happiness and job satisfaction, as well as the improvement of social facilities and social status of employment in order to encourage labor participation of local youth in plantation sector

    Job Happiness Among Local Youth in Sabah and Sarawak Towards Working in Oil Palm Plantation

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    The rapid expansion of oil palm plantation in Malaysia in 1990, 2.03 million hectares to 5.73 million hectares in 2016 caused required high labour intensive in this sector. Sabah and Sarawak were the main contributor of oil palm plantation which represented 33.30 percent among the states of Malaysia. More than 78% of labours (Azman, 2014) in these sectors mainly came from Indonesia, Bangladesh and Philippines and most of the local youth refused to participate in an oil palm plantation due to the working environment compared to manufacturing sector which more conducive. Hence, this contributes instability and unsustainability in the oil palm industry due to more dependence on foreign labour. The negative perception of local youth on nature of work and social status as a 4D job (Difficult, Dangerous, Dirty and Demeaning) made this working in oil palm plantation is the last choice of job among those who were still working and already left from oil palm plantation (Zaki et al., 2015). Thus, the objective of this paper is to explore the level of job happiness among oil palm plantation local youth which still working and those who left in this both states and analysing the factors contribute to their satisfaction and happiness level. The purposive randomised sampling among the 98 local youths aged ranging from 16 to 40 years old which was considered as the youth category and staying within the location 5 kilometres radius within the plantation area those who are still working and working before in this oil palm sector. The Partial Least Square was used to analyse the satisfaction and happiness level among this category of this group. The result found those who left from working in the plantation sector showed more significant value compared to those who are still working. This showed the construction reflects the satisfaction and happiness level if the plantation sector fulfilled the intrinsic factors of job satisfaction and happiness

    Perception of Sabah local youths on socio-economic prospect towards career in oil palm plantation

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    Sabah is the biggest state in contributing to the oil palm commodity in Malaysia with 1.54 million hectares of oil palm plantation and contributing 27.4 % of the total oil palm area in Malaysia. The potential and the opportunity of vacancy in this sector were very wide for local people in Sabah especially for the local youth.However the local youth in this state prefer to work in urban area especially most of them migrate to West Malaysia which offered more jobs in manufacturing and services sectors Due to this reason the more than 78 % of labour in this sectors mainly were foreign labour.The rising social issues of the illegal foreign workers and influx of the foreign workers without work permit work in Sabah.In addition another problem arises when the local youth migrate back to Sabah without job due to high of cost of leaving in urban area. This resulted social problem among the youth due to unemployment issue. This study was done in order to analyse the pull or push factors in constructing a particular pattern of perception among the selected respondents on socio economic prospect toward career in oil plantation. A survey method through structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 156 of local youth between 16 to 40 years of age as focused respondents which were selected using random sampling method. Descriptive statistic was applied in order to rank the factors according to demographic factors that affecting the factor of perception of local youth on socio- economic prospect towards career in oil palm plantation

    Job Happiness Among Local Youth in Sabah and Sarawak Towards Working in Oil Palm Plantation

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    The rapid expansion of oil palm plantation in Malaysia in 1990, 2.03 million hectares to 5.73 million hectares in 2016 caused required high labour intensive in this sector. Sabah and Sarawak were the main contributor of oil palm plantation which represented 33.30 percent among the states of Malaysia. More than 78% of labours (Azman, 2014) in these sectors mainly came from Indonesia, Bangladesh and Philippines and most of the local youth refused to participate in an oil palm plantation due to the working environment compared to manufacturing sector which more conducive. Hence, this contributes instability and unsustainability in the oil palm industry due to more dependence on foreign labour. The negative perception of local youth on nature of work and social status as a 4D job (Difficult, Dangerous, Dirty and Demeaning) made this working in oil palm plantation is the last choice of job among those who were still working and already left from oil palm plantation (Zaki et al., 2015). Thus, the objective of this paper is to explore the level of job happiness among oil palm plantation local youth which still working and those who left in this both states and analysing the factors contribute to their satisfaction and happiness level. The purposive randomised sampling among the 98 local youths aged ranging from 16 to 40 years old which was considered as the youth category and staying within the location 5 kilometres radius within the plantation area those who are still working and working before in this oil palm sector. The Partial Least Square was used to analyse the satisfaction and happiness level among this category of this group. The result found those who left from working in the plantation sector showed more significant value compared to those who are still working. This showed the construction reflects the satisfaction and happiness level if the plantation sector fulfilled the intrinsic factors of job satisfaction and happiness

    Stakeholders’ Perception Towards Participation in Cattle - Oil Palm Integration Projects

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    Having the country moving forward towards high income nations and the increased number of our population, strengthening the food security become one of nation priority. Over the years, the livestock industry seems to be growing constantly and protein livestock products are more sought after. With the vast area of oil palm plantation, there are high potential for farmers to implement the cattle-oil palm integration project. However, the numbers of farmers who took the initiatives are quite low. Therefore, this study will gather and analyze the stakeholders’ perception on the factors that influenced the decision towards implementing cattle integration in oil palm plantation. A total of 150 respondents were involved in this study and several methods used in analyzing the data namely descriptive analysis up to factor analysis. Through the Factor Analysis, the study summarize on the three (3) significant factors that might affect the farmers perception generally. Despite having several other constraints holding back the implementation, all parties’ involvement is required in moving forward to achieve the targeted goals

    Participation of Poor Town Community as Agro-Entrepreneur Towards Urban Agriculture

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    Poor town communities are being chosen as the main respondents in this study. The homelessness contributed negatives impact for certain country that having homelessness which involved in crime, racial problem and social problems. This also includes a few factors like migration, changes in a new lifestyle and many more personal reasons. Migration can be occurred due to the push and pull factor in the original location, while urban agriculture was introduced to reduce the negatives impact for this group to participate in urban agriculture for alternative income. The objectives of this study have identified the level of participation of the poor town community in urban agriculture entrepreneur. The significance of this study is to make the number of decreasing homelessness by providing a job for them and to improve the quality of idle land. 79 respondents were involved in this study. Most of the respondent was from homelessness. In this study, purposely sampling method was used to prevent any bias. There are three analysis tests run to obtain the information from raw data. The test used in this study was a descriptive test which included the mean, mode and standard deviation. Chi-square test was used to determine the relationship between the factorial. The result showed to implement the urban agriculture needs the right attitude, knowledge and perception, although the chi-square showed no significant value on socioeconomics towards urban agriculture within the poor town community

    Demographic Factors of Muslim Youth at Public Universities in Kelantan to Consume Chocolate Bars Based on Halal Label

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    Halal products which have been certified by JAKIM are safe to be consumed by consumers. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of demographic factors which are gender, age, and lifestyles towards the intention of Muslim youth at public universities in Kelantan to consume chocolate bars based on the halal label. This study used cross-sectional study with survey method via a questionnaire. Around 334 Muslim youth in public universities, Kelantan was chosen through purposive sampling technique. The results show that gender had a significant relationship with attitude, while lifestyles had significant relationship with the subjective norm and perceived behavioural control towards consuming halal labelled chocolate bars. Food manufacturers especially chocolate manufacturers should listen to consumers’ demands. To create trust in the product among consumers, an important aspect is to provide the appropriate information to make better and satisfactory choices.  

    Knowledge and practices of oil palm smallholders in East Coast Malaysia toward basal stem rot disease (ganoderma boninense) of oil palm

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    Basal stem rot disease (Ganoderma boninense) has been a disruptive disease in oil palm industry of Malaysia and it was first detected in the year 1931. This disease had caused a massive economic losses to the country, reported that annual loss is between RM225 million to RM1.5 billion (Arif et al., 2011). In oil palm industry, oil palm smallholders sector play an important role being part of the supply chain, is positioned at the upstream level, responsible for producing quality fresh fruit bunches (FFB) for the mills as a way of helping the economic development (Rahman and Shariff, 2008). However, smallholders also facing some problems to control the disease spread as such lack of information, inaccessibility and financial constraint in practicing the right agriculture practice in the oil palm cultivation. This paper is to identify and determine the knowledge and practices of oil palm smallholders towards basal stem rot disease (Ganoderma boninense) and also the socio-economic status that influenced their knowledge and practices in oil palm industry. Face to face interview was conducted using a structured questionnaire with a total of 84 respondents among the oil palm smallholders in east coast area of Malaysia. The results indicated that the knowledge of oil palm smallholders towards basal stem rot disease (Ganoderma boninense) is still low and having a good knowledge about a particular subject does not necessarily lead to practice. The relevant parties should involve directly in solving this problem especially in improving the awareness of oil palm smallholders towards the disease

    Effects of organic fertilizers application to the growth of Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. intercropped with Hevea brasiliensis Willd. and Durio zibethinus Murr

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    Carbon sequestration was studied in the coastal soils of the “Katinger Watt”, a former tidal flat of the North Sea coast in Schleswig-Holstein, Northern Germany. Carbon sequestration was determined by the ecological approach and calculated as the difference between total annual net primary production and total annual heterotrophic respiration. The measurement was conducted every month from June 2006 to May 2007. All sites were underlain by very young soils that developed after the former marine tidal flat was diked in 1973. After diking, the soils were drained and terrestrial soil formation continued for 35 year. The initial conditions after diking were similar in all sites. All soils were classified as Normkalkmarsch according to the German soil classification, as Calcic Fluvisol (WRB, 2007) and as Typic Fluvaquent (USDA, 2010). The annual carbon sequestration in the arable land was estimated as -0.82 t C ha-1 yr-1 which indicates that the arable land acted as a net CO2 source during the investigation period. In the grassland, about 0.18 t C ha-1 yr-1 was sequestered in the soil. In other words the grassland acted as a carbon sink during the investigation period

    Push and pull factors of suburban local youth towards career in oil palm plantation

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    The rapid expansion of oil palm plantation in Malaysia in 1990, 2.03 million hectares to 5.39 million hectares in 2014 (Malaysia Palm Oil Board 2015) caused required high labour intensive in this sector.More than 78 % of labor (Azman 2014) in this sectors mainly came from Indonesia, Bangladesh and Philippines.Malaysia has become the main attention for the foreign labours to work in this country due to the wages more competitive and generative working condition especially the plantation sector provide the conducive accommodation compared to their origin country. The pressing issue now is the rising social issues of the illegal foreign workers and influx of the foreign workers without work permit.One of the best solutions is hire the local youth to works in oil palm plantation.The main problem is compounded by the fact that it is difficult to hire the local youth workers due to the migration of local youth from government settlers scheme oil palm plantation located in the sub urban area.As a result this scheme area dominated with foreign labour.This study which was conducted in the State of Johore wants to find the push and pull factors\towards the career in oil palm plantation which involved the repulsion, inclination and attraction based on their perceptions .A survey method through questionnaire was used to collect data from 278 of local youth between 16 years to 40 years old as focused respondents which were selected using random sampling method.Descriptive analysis was applied based on their demographic factors and the involvement of the local youth in oil palm plantation