988 research outputs found

    Profil Kohesivitas Kelompok Mahasiswa yang Bermukim di Perkotaan

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    This study aimed to find out how the cohesive profile of student groups living in urban areas is. This research uses a qualitative approach to literature (Library Research), namely by collecting data related to the theme of the research problem using Google Scholar and set 24 journal articles as data sources, then analyzed with descriptive qualitative. The results of the study found that the mobility of people moving to the city was unavoidable. It was the movement of students to continue their higher education in urban areas, approaching the college campus while students were studying. Group cohesiveness is an essential part for students who live in urban areas. Students are expected to be able to establish interactions between their fellow groups in order to achieve the group's goals. The cohesiveness of student groups living in urban areas can be seen from the organizations they participate in, both internal and external campus organizations. The level of cohesiveness will significantly affect organizational commitment. It depends on how far the group's goals are similar to the organization. Group cohesiveness is established through interactions in the form of good communication between group members. The existence of mutual liking and having a sense of mutual interest will make the group strong. Â


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    This study attempts to analyze the conservation of cattle in Madura and its relationship with social, cultural and economic studies. Cows are very synonymous with the Madura people’s. In the cultural context, the cows has become a custom for the Madura people’s. It is proven by the existence of an event that involves cows in it, namely the Karapan Sapi festival. For the Madura people’s, Karapan Sapi is not only an ordinary festival activity, but in it there are traditional values and also noble values that also involve the dignity of the Madurese. Cows, which are a custom for the Madura people’s, must be taken care of properly. In the social and economic context, the cows symbolizes the structure and class of the Madura people’s and also symbolizes self-esteem in everyday life. Its motto is "etembhang pote mata, angoan apotea tolang" (rather than white of the eye, bone white is better). This means that instead of holding back shame, it is better to maintain self-respect, in Madurese self-esteem also lies in the cows they have. But then cows also become one of the economic tools that apply to the Madura people’s. In this research using historical research consisting of heuristic, criticsm, interpretation and historgiography. In this study we can find out: 1) the pattern of cows conservation in Madura. 2) Cows conservation and its relation to the socio-cultural society of Madura and 3) Cows conservation and its relation to the socio-economic life of the Madura people’

    Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Madura Abad 19-20: Sebuah Kajian Ekologi Sejarah

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    This study aims to analyze the concept of Madurese culture in the context of settlement and agriculture. The Madurese community is an agrarian society originating from the island of Madura with the dominant characteristic of using the Madurese language. Today, the Madurese are famous for the habit of people who often migrate outside the island of Madura, this is done solely to meet the economic needs of the Madurese. Many factors affect the migration activity, but the most dominant is that on the island of Madura the land is not fertile so that the Natural Resources in Madura are not well developed, especially in the agricultural sector. Even so, the Madurese have the concept of living and farming. In the concept of living it is known as the Tanean Lanjheng, while in the agricultural system it is known as the Moor Ecological system. This study uses a historical method approach consisting of heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. Therefore, in this study, it is known: 1) Ecological systems in the agricultural system on the island of Madura, 2) The housing ecology system of the Madurese community, and 3) Implications of the agricultural and housing system on the socio-economy community of Madura

    Dinamika konflik panembahan dan residen: Kebijakan sistem irigasi dan implikasinya terhadap masyarakat Madura (1850-1907)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis politik lingkungan hidup yang terdapat di Madura. Fokus utamanya yaitu permasalahan sistem irigasi yang dikelola Panembahan dan Residen yang pada akhirnya menjadi konflik tersendiri dalam pusaran pemerintahan di Madura. Konflik ini sebenarnya akibat pengambilalihan kekuasaan penguasa lokal seperti kerajaan Bangkalan, Pamekasan dan Sumenep yang oleh Belanda sejak 1850-an terjadi sebuah peralihan sistem pemerintahan yang mengelola hajat hidup masyarakat di Madura. Dalam perkembangannya banyak terjadi berbagai perlawanan yang diinisiasi para Panembahan bersama dengan rakyat Madura dengan melakukan perlawanan dalam pembangunan irigasi yang dibangun oleh Residen di Madura. Hal ini tentu menjadi fenomena yang langka pada masa kolonial. Di satu sisi mereka membutuhkan irigasi untuk kebutuhan pokok serta mengairi sawah. Di sisi lain, sebagian dari masyarakat Madura mencoba untuk menghancurkannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Beberapa data di dapatkan dari Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia dan media online yang terpercaya seperti delpher.nl dan Gahetna. Sumber yang didapatkan berupa arsip dan manuskrip. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dinamika konflik antara Panembahan dan Residen diawali oleh pengambilalihan kekuasaan lokal oleh pemerintah kolonial sehingga menimbulkan kepentingan kekuasaan yang cukup berlawanan antara keduanya. Adapun konflik tersebut mengakibatkan kerusakan lingkungan di Madura


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    Patrol boat is designed not to be slow in its movement on the water surface. To be able to move quickly and agilely, the most important requirement for this type of ship is in its maneuverability. The ship's motion at sea (seakeeping) is influenced by several things, speed, body shape, and the direction of the ship's heading waves. In this study, we analyze the six degrees of freedom, especially on the response of the ship's vertical movement, namely rolling on the sea waves of Seastate 7, especially in extreme weather in the South China Sea. The standard limit used is NORDFORSK 1987 with Light Manual Work Criteria. By entering parameters such as variations in speed and wave angle, such as 0°, 45°, 180° and 270°, then from the graph it can be seen the critical value for each movement. The calculation is carried out with the help of computational software Maxsurf Motions Advanced 20 V8i. The results of this study are the maximum roll movement value that occurs at a speed of 14 knots with a wave angle of 45° with a roll angle value of 6.40o. Furthermore, there is a decrease in the value of the movement along with the increase in the speed of the ship. The minimum roll value occurs when the wave angle is 270° when the ship's speed is 28 knots with a value of 5.69o


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    This study used a biresponse nonparametric regression method with truncated spline estimation that used two response variables. Nonparametric regression method is used when the regression curve is not known for its shape and pattern.One of the nonparametric regression model approaches that is often used is the spline. The truncated spline approach has a segmented polynomial function that provides flexibility. The data used in the study were blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels in 2020. From the results of the study, the best nonparametric biresponse spline truncated regression model with three knot points has been obtained where the minimum GCV value is  and has the an  value of  

    Optimizing Random Forest Algorithm to Classify Player's Memorisation via In-game Data

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    Assessment of a player's knowledge in game education has been around for some time. Traditional evaluation in and around a gaming session may disrupt the players' immersion. This research uses an optimized Random Forest to construct a non-invasive prediction of a game education player's Memorization via in-game data. Firstly, we obtained the dataset from a 3-month survey to record in-game data of 50 players who play 4-15 game stages of the Chem Fight (a test case game). Next, we generated three variants of datasets via the preprocessing stages: resampling method (SMOTE), normalization (min-max), and a combination of resampling and normalization. Then, we trained and optimized three Random Forest (RF) classifiers to predict the player's Memorization. We chose RF because it can generalize well given the high-dimensional dataset. We used RF as the classifier, subject to optimization using its hyperparameter: n_estimators. We implemented a Grid Search Cross Validation (GSCV) method to identify the best value of  n_estimators. We utilized the statistics of GSCV results to reduce the weight of  n_estimators by observing the region of interest shown by the graphs of performances of the classifiers. Overall, the classifiers fitted using the BEST n_estimators (i.e., 89, 31, 89, and 196 trees) from GSCV performed well with around 80% accuracy. Moreover, we successfully identified the smaller number of n_estimators (OPTIMAL), at least halved the BEST  n_estimators. All classifiers were retrained using the OPTIMAL  n_estimators (37, 12, 37, and 41 trees). We found out that the performances of the classifiers were relatively steady at ~80%. This means that we successfully optimized the Random Forest in predicting a player's Memorization when playing the Chem Fight game. An automated technique presented in this paper can monitor student interactions and evaluate their abilities based on in-game data. As such, it can offer objective data about the skills used

    Discourse Of Islamization In Indonesia: Hoesein Djajadiningrat’s Vision In The Colonial And Postcolonial Periods

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    Abstract: Discourses on Islamization in Indonesia are quite varied, including giving birth to the opinion that Islam originated in Gujarat, Mecca, Persia and China. The problem is, the discourse about the opinion of the coming of Islam to Indonesia which later became a unified historical story is rarely found. The discourse on Islamization became a long discourse in the colonial and postcolonial periods. This paper aims to elaborate on the vision of Islamization according to Hoesein Djajadiningrat. Hoesein argues that Islam in Indonesia originates from Persia. The argument in this paper is that Hoesein as an intellectual can be aligned with scholars who give opinions on Islamization such as Snouck Hurgronje, Pijnappel, JP Moquette, Hamka, and Abu Bakar Aceh. This paper uses historical methods consisting of heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results in this paper find that the Islamization discourse originating from Persia is a strengthening of the Islamization of Gujarat and a counter discourse of Arab Islamization. Therefore, this paper will analyze, first, the Islamization Debate in Western discourse. Second, the postcolonial Islamization Debate, and Third, the Arab vs Persian Islamization debate.Keywords: Hoesein Djajadiningrat, Islam, Persian, Colonial, Postcolonia
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