23 research outputs found

    Desain Sensor Vibrasi Menggunakan Fiber Bundle Multimode Berbasis Sensor Pergeseran.

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    Sebuah desain sensor vibrasi menggunakan fiber bundle multimode berbasis sensor pergeseran digunakan untuk mendeteksi frekuensi, amplitudo, dan bentuk gelombang getaran dari speaker. Laser He-Ne dan detektor optik SL 818 digunakan untuk mendeteksi perubahan intensitas cahaya yang terpantul dari speaker yang bergetar. Speaker digetarkan menggunakan Audio Function Generator (AFG) dengan variasi frekuensi input 50 – 100 Hz, variasi amplitudo 100 - 500 mVpp, dan variasi bentuk gelombang (sinus, pulsa, dan segitiga). Variasi masukan AFG dan luaran detektor optik SL 818 ditampilkan pada osiloskop digital. Hasil karakteristik sensor pergeseran digunakan back slope dari uji regresi linier sensor berada pada pergeseran 2000 – 10000 μm dengan sensitivitas 0,00463 (mV/μm). Karakterisasi frekuensi input terhadap frekuensi output menghasilkan nilai slope gelombang sinus 0,9886, gelombang kotak 0,9771, dan gelombang segitiga 1,0026 dengan ketidaktepatan pengukuran sebesar 1,14%, 2,29%, dan 0,26% sedangkan karakterisasi amplitudo menghasilkan nilai slope yang kecil. Karakterisasi amplitudo sudah menunjukan pola pengukuran jika menaikan amplitudo input maka amplitudo output yang terdeteksi mengalami kenaikan. Hasil bentuk gelombang luaran yang ditampilkan pada osiloskop digital hampir menyerupai gelombang masukan yang yang diberikan


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    Discovery Learning is a learning theory that is defined as a learning process that occurs when lessons are not presented with learning in its final form, but students are expected to organize themselves. By using the Discovery Learning method, it means that the teacher provides an introduction and keywords of the material being taught and students are actively guided to discover what they are learning. This study aims to improve the learning achievement of Islamic Religious Education students of class X SMA Al-Hidayah Medan in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year by using the discovery learning method on honesty material as a mirror of personality. This type of research is qualitative research, namely the research method used to examine the condition of natural objects, where the researcher is the key instrument. Student responses to the application of discovery learning methods in Islamic Religious Education learning and student learning outcomes in Islamic Religious Education learning using the discovery learning method can improve learning outcomes very well. Based on the results of the research and discussion of the research, it can be concluded that through the application of the discovery learning model can improve the learning achievement of Islamic Religious Education students with honesty material as a mirror of personality in class X SMA Al-Hidayah

    State Capital Relocation and National Rice Field Prospects: Indonesian Agricultural Politics in an Era of Disruptive Innovation

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    For Indonesia, relocating the national capital is one option for improving food security. Although, statistically, the ministry of agriculture's flagship program appears to have succeeded in increasing exports. Budget policies are actually shrinking in the field, and agricultural land is eroding. In addition, the state continues to import a number of strategic commodities such as rice and soybeans. The challenges of the innovation disruption era must be met with optimism. This paper seeks to understand how Indonesian agricultural politics can adapt to the era of disruptive innovation. The results of the analysis, conducted using a qualitative approach, show that: (a) the country's agricultural politics have so far been unable to produce new players capable of competing with the old players (incumbents), (b) the national agricultural strategy has not been able to present companies and entrepreneurs with disruptive innovation capabilities, (c) agricultural industry policy innovation is still limited, so it cannot promise lower margins and profits. Finally, the relocation of the capital city must be followed by the creation of creative paddy fields and an effective agricultural budget allocation strategy. A favorable ecosystem must be created to encourage the development of new competitive companies and new millennial farmers who are ready to face the Industrial Revolution 4.0. The private sector must also be involved in order to balance the government's and banks' suboptimal roles.


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    Abstrak: Sampah Organik merupakan permasalahan besar yang belum mampu diselesaikan oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat dalam mengolah sampah dan mengurangi sampah organik dengan cara memanfaatkannya sebagai pakan maggot. Maggot merupakan larva dari lalat BSF yang memiliki protein tinggi, dan memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi. Maggot dapat mengurai sampah organikdengan efektif, sehinggabudidaya maggot perlu digiatkan dimasyarakat untuk membantu masyarakat dan pemerintah dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan sampah, sekaligus dapat membantu penghasilan masyarakat. Pengabdian masyarakat ini sekaligus menyelesaikan permasalahan sampah orgaik yang ada di pasar dan rumah tangga. Metoda yang dilakukan dalam pengabdian ini adalah dengan melakukan penyuluhan, pelatihan dan pendampingan secara langsung. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatnya keterampilan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan sampah organic dan memanfaatkannya sebagai bahan baku budidaya maggot, kemudian keberhasilan masyarakat dalam peternakan yang ditunjukan dengan hasil panen. Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini menghasilkan maggot kering yang dapat dijual dan memberikan keuntungan secara ekonomi.Abstract: Organic waste is a big problem that has not been able to be solved by the government and society. This community service aims to improve community skills in processing waste and reducing organic waste by using it as maggot feed. Maggot is the larvae of the BSF fly, which has high protein and a high selling value. Maggots can decompose organic waste effectively, so maggot cultivation needs to be intensified in the community to help the community and government in solving waste problems, as well as helping people's income. This community service also solves the problem of organic waste in the market and in households. The method used in this service is to provide counseling, training, and direct assistance. The result of this community service is the increase in community skills in utilizing organic waste and using it as raw material for maggot cultivation. The harvest indicates the success of the community in animal husbandry. The results of this community service produce dry maggots that can be sold and provide economic benefits.

    A Story of Pathology and Cancer

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    The main purpose of this book is to introduce the history of pathology, the features of cancer from the pathological aspect and the role of pathology in the medical advances of cancer. However, it does not intend to provide an exhaustive discussion on cancer. It is a compilation of results to some of the research findings that has been undertaken so far

    Task-Technology Fit for Textile Cyberpreneur’s Intention to Adopt Cloud-based M-Retail Application

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    Task-Technology  Fit  (TTF)  model  has been widely used in many researches for understanding the compatibility of task characteristics and technology characteristics. Applying TTF in mobile retail (m-retail) context from the perspectives of retailers might give the insights of their intention to adopt mobile cloud application technology for online business operations. Since it is currently common for retailers such as textile cyberpreneurs to conduct m-retail via the uses of certain mobile applications and devices, it is essential to investigate the usage intention based on task-related factors. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the compatibility of textile cyberpreneurs’ tasks and characteristics of cloud-based m-retail application (CBMA) along with their usage intention to adopt the technology for their online business transactions. This research model surveyed 348 Malaysian textile cyberpreneurs. The results show that both task characteristics and technology characteristics have positive significant effects on task-technology fit. Further analysis also suggests the fitness between task and technology has positively influenced textile cyberpreneurs’ intention to adopt cloud-based m-retail application. The findings contributed in acknowledging the usage intention among textile cyberpreneurs based on task-related factors which might be useful for service providers in delivering the right services for end-users. The directions for future research are also discussed

    Metastatic erector spinae tumor underlying primary lung adenocarcinoma with paraneoplastic secreting beta-human chorionic gonadotropin hormone: A rare case report

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    Introduction: Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-HCG) hormone is physiologically produced by syncytiotrophoblast cells in the placenta during pregnancy. It is also a specific marker for trophoblastic tumors of placenta and gestational tumors. In rare case, a rise in serum β-HCG may be due to ectopic secretion especially in epithelial carcinoma namely lung CA and other tumors. Here, we report a case of a middle-age woman presenting with rapid growing back swelling with amenorrhea and high serum β-HCG with underlying primary lung cancer. Discussion: 48 year-old single lady, ex-smoker and nulliparous presented with painful rapid growing back swelling for 3 months associated with marked loss of weight and appetite for 9 months. She was amenorrheic for 3 months. A firm mass located at left paraspinal area with 6x6cm in size, fixed to the underlying muscle and skin, irregular surface and border. Other systemic examinations was unremarkable. Serum β-HCG was high 1142mIU/ml. Transvaginal Ultrasonography was normal. Chest X-Ray showed consolidation over left middle zone of the lung. CT-TAP had left lung mass measuring 5.6x4.6x2.8cm with left hilar lymphadenopathy. MRI of whole spine revealed left erector spinae intramuscular lesion with adjacent inflammatory changes with no intraspinal extension. Tissue HPE showed fragments of fibrocollagenous tissue with malignant cell infiltration arranged in cords and glandular pattern. The malignant cells displayed mild pleomorphism with hyperchromatic nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm. Immunohistochemical study has positive CK7 and GATA3 with negative CK20 and TTF-1. These features are consistent with metastatic adenocarcinoma likely primary lung adenocarcinoma. Bronchoscopy-guided biopsy was performed and confirmed the diagnosis. She was then referred to oncology for further management. Conclusion: Ectopic secretion of β-HCG in lung carcinoma is not well understood and has not been well reported in literature. Therefore, such presentation may mimic various condition and this may result in delay of diagnosis. More studies are required for better understanding