100 research outputs found


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    This paper describes a training course for medical officers working in the rural hospitals in Gezira State to achieve a general objective; safe management of obstetric emergencies, miscarriage and the newborn . the description of the course includes; an introduction, the specific learning objectives, a detailed plan of work, instructional methods, resources , the course timetable, evaluation methods, description of the logbook and the feedback questionnaire. This article also includes descriptions of our experience in three rounds during which 43 medical officesr were traine

    Contraste sociolinguistique, dynamique socioculturelle et variation dialectale, Cas de deux familles d’Adrar installées à Tlemcen

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    Sociolinguistic Contrast between the North and the South of Algeria – Sociocultural Dynamics and Dialectal Variations, Case of Two Families from Adrar settled in Tlemcen ABSTRACT: The Maghreb countries are known for their linguistic diversity due to ethnic mixing and the different waves of migration brought by Islamic conquests and colonial constraints. Today, each city and each region bears within them, to different degrees, the marks of this history which is rather combined in the plural. This contribution focuses on the correlation between social mobility and dialectal variety to justify certain phenomena such as transculturalism and bidialectism cause of phonetic distortions and semantic changes. An investigation is proposed to validate these phenomena. RÉSUMÉ : Les pays du Maghreb sont connus pour leurs diversités linguistiques dues au brassage ethnique et aux différentes vagues migratoires apportées par les conquêtes islamiques et les invasions coloniales. Aujourd’hui, chaque ville et chaque région porte en elles, à des degrés différents, les marques de cette histoire qui se conjugue plutôt au pluriel. Cette contribution s’intéresse à la corrélation entre mobilité sociale et variété dialectale pour justifier certains phénomènes tels que la transculturation et le bidialectisme, causes de distorsions phonétiques et de changements sémantiques. Une enquête de terrain est proposée pour analyser et comprendre ces phénomènes  

    Forage yield of some grasses in monoculture and their mixtures with legumes under irrigation in central Sudan

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        Mixed cropping system provides forage of higher yield than monoculture. This study was conducted during autumn, summer and winter seasons of 2014/15 and 2015/16 at the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of monoculture of selected grasses and their mixtures with selected legumes on their fresh forage yield under irrigation in central Sudan. The experimental material consisted of three grasses, namely; Sudan grass (SG), maize (MZ) and Abu70 and three legumes, cowpea (CP), black-eyed bean (BB) and lablab bean (LB). Grasses were grown in pure stand or mixed with legumes in 1:1 and 2:1 ratios. The results showed that mixing significantly increased growth parameters during all seasons. The highest fresh forage yield of grasses was obtained by the mixture compared with monocultures. Land equivalent ratio exceeded 1.0 in all seasons which indicated clearly the advantage of mixtures over monocultures. Based on the results of this study, to obtain high forage yield of grasses, it was recommended to use seed combinations of 40 kg/ha MZ + 20 kg /ha LB, 40 kg /ha SG+ 20 kg /ha CP and 40 kg /ha SG + 20 kg /ha LB during autumn, summer and winter seasons, respectively.       يؤدي الخلط إلى زيادة في إنتاجية العلف. أجريت هذه الدراسة خلال صيف و خريف وشتاء 2014/15 و2015/16 بالمزرعة التجريبية، كلية العلوم الزراعية، جامعة الجزيرة، السودان. تهدف هذه الدراسة لتقييم أثر الخلط علي إنتاجية العلف لبعض الحشائش النجيلية ومخاليطها بالبقوليات تحت ظروف الري في أواسط السودان. تضمنت الدراسة ثلاثة محاصيل نجيلية هي حشيشة السودان وأبوسبعين والذرة الشامية وثلاثة محاصيل بقولية هي اللوبيا الحلو واللوبيا البيضاء واللوبيا العفن. زرعت المحاصيل النجيلية منفرده وفي مخاليط بنسبة  1:1و1:2 أظهرت نتائج التحليل أن كل من الإنتاج ومكوناته قد زادت زيادة معنوية كنتاج للخلط. تحققت الإنتاجية العالية للعلف الأخضر عند زراعة الاعلاف النجيلية في مخاليط مقارنة بزراعتها منفرده. قيم نسبة مكافئ الأرض فاقت الواحد الصحيح (1.0) خلال كافة المواسم مما يؤكد تفوق نظام الخلط علي زراعة المحصول نقيا. بناء علي نتائج هذه الدراسة ولتحقيق إنتاجية أعلاف نجيلية عالية نوصي بزراعتها في مخاليط بنسبة 40 كجم بذور/هكتار ذرة شامية + 20 كجم بذور/هكتار لوبيا عفن و 40 كجم بذور/هكتار حشيشة السودان + 20 كجم بذور/هكتار لوبيا حلو و 40 كجم بذور/هكتار حشيشة السودان + 20 كجم بذور/هكتار لوبيا عفن خلال مواسم الخريف والصيف والشتاء على التوالي.         &nbsp

    Microgrid Application in Algeria Saharian Remote Areas

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    This paper presents a model and simulation for the development of microgrids in remote areas of the Algerian Sahara, including micro power plants, photovoltaic panels, wind farms, diesel energy and storage facilities. The climate of the Algerian Sahara, located on both sides of a tropical region, is hot, sunny and arid. Daytime temperatures are very high and can exceed 50°C, while the thermal amplitude between day and night is often above 350 or 400°C. In addition, there are many microclimates that are characterised by very high wind speeds. This means that wind energy and photovoltaic energy are both widely appropriate in this field, especially if we assume that the distribution of the population is very dispersed. The creation of microgrids for consumption will be an interesting solution to provide energy to the local population. The microgrid is part of the electrical system and is very dynamic. Production and supply forecasts will lead to reshipment, demand and price effects on regional markets. These feedback effects must be modelled and understood to achieve a stable energy system based on renewable energy

    Direct components extraction of voltage in photovoltaic active filter connected in a perturbed electrical network (based on robust PLL algorithm)

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    The quality and performances of the compensation of harmonic currents depends strongly on the performances of the identification blocks of control side of the photovoltaic generators used as active filters. Then, the use of harmonics identification methods is not valid because the network voltage must be sinusoidal and balanced, which is not the case in practice. Hence, to make the application of the identification methods of harmonic currents versatile and for any voltage form, we use the detection system of the fundamental component of the direct voltage. In this paper, a comparison between the conventional method used for extracting the direct component of the network voltage which is based on the phase-locked loop (PLL) and the new approach based on a multivariable extraction filter. Finally, simulation results show that the proposed multivariable filter may better work even if the network voltage is (perturbed and unbalanced). Furthermore, this filters permits to generalize the use of identification methods for filtering the different perturbations of active and reactive current

    Forage yield of some legumes in monoculture and mixtures under irrigation in central Sudan

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        The study was conducted during summer, autumn and winter seasons of 2014/15 and 2015/16 at the experimental farm of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan, to investigate the effect of mixing on forage yield of selected three legumes namely: cowpea (CP), black-eyed bean (BB) and lablab bean (LB) and their mixtures with three selected grasses, Sudan grass (SG), maize (MZ) and forage sorghum (Abu70). Legumes were grown in pure stand and mixed with grasses in 1:1 and 1:2 ratios. Treatment combinations were arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. The results showed that mixing significantly increased plant fresh weight, LAI, and fresh forage yield during most seasons and decreased number of branches per plant during different seasons. Land equivalent ratio mostly was greater than one. Based on the results of this study to obtain high forage yield, it was recommended to use seed combinations of 30 kg seeds/ha LB + 30 kg seed/ha MZ during autumn and winter and 30 kg seeds/ha BB + 30 kg seed/ha SG during summer season.     نفذت هذه الدراسة خلال صيف، خريف وشتاء 2014/2015 و2015/2016 بالمزرعة التجريبية لكلية العلوم الزراعية، جامعة الجزيرة، السودان. تهدف هذه الدراسة لتقييم أثر الخلط علي إنتاجية المحاصيل البقولية المختارة وهي اللوبيا الحلو واللوبيا البيضاء واللوبيا العفن ومخاليطها مع المحاصيل النجيلية حشيشة السودان، أبوسبعين والذرة الشامية تحت ظروف الري في أواسط السودان. زرعت المحاصيل البقولية منفرده وفي مخاليط بنسبة 1 : 1 و 1 : 2. تم استخدام تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة بأربعة مكررات. الخلط أدى إلى زيادة معنوية لكل من  وزن النبات الرطب، دليل مساحة الأوراق وإنتاجية العلف الأخضر خلال معظم المواسم بينما أدى الخلط إلى نقصان عدد الأفرع في مختلف المواسم. كانت قيم نسبة مكافئ الأرض في أغلب المواسم  أعلى من الواحد الصحيح. بناءً على نتائج هذه الدراسة ولتحقيق إنتاجية أعلاف عالية نوصي بزراعة المحاصيل البقولية في مخاليط بنسبة خلط 30 كجم بذور/هكتار لوبيا عفن + 30 كجم بذور/هكتار ذرة شامية خلال فصلي الخريف والشتاء وبنسبة 30 كجم بذور/هكتار لوبيا حلو + 30 كجم بذور/هكتار حشيشة السودان خلال فصل الصيف.                         &nbsp


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    Abstract: This is the first case report from its kind to be reported from the Institute of nuclear medicine, Molecular Biology University of Gezira. It is a case report of a 30-years old lady diagnosed as having choriocarcinoma, gestational trophoblastic tumor, and treated with multiple agent chemotherapy for three months. She was advised not to get pregnant during the first two years following chemotherapy. She was on regular follow up for one year after which she disappeared and discontinued the contraceptive pills. Seven months later she presented with a viable pregnancy and was followed till she delivered a normal viable alive boy. Both the lady and her baby are in a good health after six months from delivery

    L’épidémie de la non utilisation des moyens de protection chez les conducteurs deux roues à Laghouat et ses complications

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    RésumeLe présent article est travail lié à une large étude, l'étude Deux Roues Laghouat (DRL), qui avait pourobjectif d’étudier la fréquence et les facteurs associés aux accidents deux roues à Laghouat. Lesaccidents impliquant des véhicules deux roues motorisés sont considérablement plus mortels que lesautres accidents de la voie publique, surtout en raison du manque de stabilité et de protection. Lesrésultats indiquent que la majorité des conducteurs impliqués dans un accident de deux roues neportaient pas de gants (91,43%) ni de casque de sécurité (85,51%) ni de tenue vestimentaire couvrantles avant-bras (37.68%), ni de chaussures fermée (8.57%). La proportion de blessés graves était plusélevée chez les usagers de deux roues non casqués (64,41%) que chez les casqués (30,00%). Les résultatsde cette étude soulignent la nécessité d'une sensibilisation accrue des conducteurs de deux-roues àl'importance des moyens de protection pour éviter les accidents graves et les complications associées.L'étude n'a trouvé aucune différence significative dans la répartition des types de casques utilisés selonla gravité des lésions, mais un grand pourcentage de casques avait une utilisation non connue avant leursachats par leurs usagés actuels. De plus les casques impliqués dans des accidents graves avaient un tauxd'utilisation antérieure plus élevé que ceux impliqués dans des accidents non graves. ABSTRACT The present article is related to a large study, the Deux Roues Laghouat (DRL) study, which aimed toinvestigate the frequency and factors associated with two-wheeled vehicle accidents at Laghouat PublicHospital. Accidents involving motorized two-wheeled vehicles are considerably more deadly than otheraccidents on the public road, mainly due to the lack of stability and protection. The results indicate thatthe majority of drivers involved in a two-wheeled accident did not wear gloves (91.43%), a safety helmet(85.51%), forearm-covering clothing (37.68%), or closed-toe shoes (8.57%). The proportion of seriousinjuries was higher among non-helmeted two-wheeled vehicle users (64.41%) than among helmetedusers (30.00%). The results of this study highlight the need for increased awareness among two-wheeledvehicle drivers regarding the importance of protective measures to avoid severe accidents and associatedcomplications. The study found no significant difference in the distribution of helmet types usedaccording to the severity of the injuries, but a large percentage of helmets had an unknown usage historybefore being purchased by their current users. Additionally, helmets involved in severe accidents had ahigher prior usage rate than those involved in non-severe accidents

    Evaluation of Corrosion Inhibition of 316L Stainless Steel by Permanganate Ions in Chloride Solution

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    The efficiency of permanganates to inhibit the scale deposit captured the attention for more investigation on their role as corrosion inhibitor. In this article, the effect of permanganate as corrosion inhibitor on 316L stainless steel in NaCl solution is investigated. The potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) have been performed by varying the electrode stirring speed, the concentration of permanganate ions, pH and the temperature. The results show that the permanganate ions increase the cathodic and anodic currents under effect of stirring speed, due to oxygen reduction reaction and the reduction of permanganate ions. Electrochemical results indicate that the deposit of manganese oxide (MnO2) inhibits the pitting corrosion. The inhibition efficiency is up to 98 % for 10−4 mol.dm−3 of permanganate. The temperature reduces the effectiveness of permanganates against pitting corrosion, the pitting potential shifts cathodically from +0.395 V vs. Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE) at 298 K to +0.275 V vs. SCE at 343 K. Surface morphology of the deposit oxide films and electrode are studied by emission scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared and Differential Scanning Calorimetry. The analysis of the deposit layer by X-ray diffraction revealed the presence of δ-MnO2 form, with a crystallite size of 3.17 nm.  Copyright © 2021 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0).

    Effect of planting date and sowing method on yield and grain quality of soybean (Glycine max L.) under North Sudan conditions

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    This study aimed to assess the effect of different planting dates and sowing methods on yield and grain quality of soybean. A split plot arrangement using randomized complete block with three replications was used to layout the experiment. The studied traits determining yield and grain quality, included height to first pod, no of pods/plant, 100-seed weight, harvest index, straw yield, seed yield, grain protein and oil contents. The results showed significant differences between planting dates in height to first pod, 100-seed weight, harvest index, grain yield and grain protein. Planting date in the 1st July produced 72% more grain yield than delaying planting date (15th July). Early planting date (15th June) and mid-planting date (1st July) increased grain protein of soybean by 5% than delaying planting date (15th July). Results revealed that soybean yield components were not affected by sowing methods except that of straw yield. Interaction between planting date and sowing method was significant for grain oil content. Keywords: Soybean, planting date, sowing method, grain protein, grain yield, oil conten