146 research outputs found

    Graph Attention Network for Camera Relocalization on Dynamic Scenes

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    We devise a graph attention network-based approach for learning a scene triangle mesh representation in order to estimate an image camera position in a dynamic environment. Previous approaches built a scene-dependent model that explicitly or implicitly embeds the structure of the scene. They use convolution neural networks or decision trees to establish 2D/3D-3D correspondences. Such a mapping overfits the target scene and does not generalize well to dynamic changes in the environment. Our work introduces a novel approach to solve the camera relocalization problem by using the available triangle mesh. Our 3D-3D matching framework consists of three blocks: (1) a graph neural network to compute the embedding of mesh vertices, (2) a convolution neural network to compute the embedding of grid cells defined on the RGB-D image, and (3) a neural network model to establish the correspondence between the two embeddings. These three components are trained end-to-end. To predict the final pose, we run the RANSAC algorithm to generate camera pose hypotheses, and we refine the prediction using the point-cloud representation. Our approach significantly improves the camera pose accuracy of the state-of-the-art method from 0.3580.358 to 0.5060.506 on the RIO10 benchmark for dynamic indoor camera relocalization

    A Comparative Study of Local Financial Autonomy in Italy, France and Morocco

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    Financing local communities relies on a complex network of taxes, subsidies and loans. In the last decade the network has undergone numerous transformations .The reforms implanted in past years changed the systems of public finance substantially. Therefore, financial local autonomy is a term that frequently employed in the literature of federalism and decentralization, but it’s rarely defined conceptually in a careful way to empirical research. Generally it expresses the capacity of local communities to have their own revenue and expenditure budget, distinct from that of the state in which revenue can cover expenses incurred to meet their requirements. Indeed it is a highly valued feature of good governance. This paper is dedicated to a study in theory and practice. Starting with an overview on background of theoretical approach of local financial autonomy, then comparing the experiences of two European countries France, Italy and Morocco in the field. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the meaning of local financial autonomy and give a structured overview of the factors that may potentially influence the liberty of sub national authorities with regard of their own revenue and expenditure budget. Based on indicators and taking into account empirical evidences offered by official statistical datas, established in recent years for evaluating the position of administrative territorial units in relation to central government. The analyses prove that there is no universal model of local public finance applicable to all countries, because each has its own specific historical, cultural and linguistic particularities

    Caractères de la tectonique crétacée en distension au jebel Kebar (Tunisie centrale)

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    Une phase de distension aptienne, déjà reconnue en Tunisie centrale, est particulièrement nette au jebel Kebar. Avec des caractères syn-sédimentaires, elle structure la région selon des directions principales NE-SW et E-W. Le dispositif crée est celui d'une mosaique de blocs soulevés, affaissés ou basculés dont la disposition et les mouvements guident la sédimentation du Crétacé supérieur et, probablement, aussi l'injection de Trias dans des mégafentes de traction ouvertes avant le Cénomanien. Cette organisation en blocs rhomboidaux paraît résulter de la position de la plate-forme tunisienne, préalablement fracturée, à l'extremité sud-orientale du coulissement Gibraltar-Messine et en bordure du bassin ionien

    On the Continuous embeddings between the fractional Haj{\l}asz-Orlicz-Sobolev spaces

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    Let GG be an Orlicz function and let α,β,s \alpha, \beta, s be positive real numbers. Under certain conditions on the Orlicz function G G , we establish some continuous embeddings results between the fractional order Orlicz-Sobolev spaces defined on metric-measure spaces Wsα,G(X,d,μ)W_s^{\alpha, G}(X, d, \mu) and the fractional Haj{\l}asz-Orlicz-Sobolev spaces Mβ,G(X,d,μ)M^{\beta, G}(X,d,\mu)

    L’actionnariat éthique : une solution aux conflits successoraux des entreprises familiales

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    In this article, we wish to understand if, in a family company potentially torn by the conflict of the succession, ethical crucial concern as the aversion in the disparity between heirs allow to reduce in a significant way the temptation of the successors to defend their interests by provoking the failure of the company and thus its explosion to obtain their part to the detriment of the employees and the other entrepreneurs rather than defend the decision of the continuation of the company be collective various constituents of the company. Developing us a model from which, we deduct the conditions under which the explosion of the company is envisaged and the solutions which allow to reduce the failures and thus the liquidation

    Experimental study of solar adsorption refrigeration device

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    This work presents an experimental study of a solar adsorption refrigeration device using activated carbon AC-35 /methanol as working pair. The studied device is designed, realized and tested in the Development of Solar Equipment Unit, UDES, Tipaza (Algeria). The adsorption and desorption tests, carried out on the experimental device, were conducted inside the laboratory using a halogen lamp as an energy source instead the sun. The lamp is installed perpendicularly to the surface of the tubular adsorber to test four radiation levels: 800, 820, 1000 and 1020 W/m². A calculation code is developed, using the Dubinin-Astakhov mathematical model, to evaluate the thermodynamic coefficient of performance, COPth, of the experimental device. Thus, a parametric study is presented to examine the influence of the construction material and the weight of the adsorber on the COPth, the amount of cold produced in the evaporator, Qf, and the total heat supplied to the system, Qc

    Interactive Software Refactoring Bot

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153326/1/ASE2019_RefactoringBot__Copy_deepblue.pd

    Tuberculose de l’épaule masquée par une infection concomitante à enterobacter cloacae: à propos d’un cas

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    La tuberculose de l'épaule est une localisation rare de même que l'arthrite septique à Enterobacter cloacae, les auteurs rapportent un cas d'ostéoarthrite de l'épaule à Bacille de Koch et à E. Cloacae chez une patiente de 36 ans avec un terrain particulier (drépanocytose SC et infection à VIH). Le diagnostic a été possible grâce aux prélèvements chirurgicaux effectués lors de l'arthrotomieKey words: Tuberculose ostéoarticulaire, épaule, Enterobacter Cloaca
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