305 research outputs found

    Pseudo-Wellens syndrome: A rare entity associated with cocaine use

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    Wellens syndrome usually indicates critical left anterior descending artery (LAD) occlusion. Pseudo-Wellens syndrome consists of criteria of Wellens syndrome in the absence of critical LAD occlusion. We report a case of Pseudo-Wellens syndrome related to cocaine use. A 52-year-old male with a medical history of hypertension and diabetes, presented with acute retrosternal chest pain of 3 days duration. Physical examination was unremarkable. EKG on presentation showed deep T-wave inversions in leads V2 to V5. Highly sensitive troponin was elevated. The patient admitted to using cocaine daily for the past two months. Due to concerns for Wellens syndrome, the patient had an immediate coronary angiography which revealed mild disease of the LAD (\u3c 30%) only. Inpatient echocardiogram revealed preserved left ventricular ejection fraction and no segmental wall motion abnormalities. Subsequent EKG at the cardiology clinic showed improvement in T-wave inversion. The patient was advised to abstain from using cocaine. As Pseudo-Wellens syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion, patients with a history of recent cocaine use presenting with acute chest pain history, evidence of myocardial injury, and EKG findings suggestive of Wellens syndrome should undergo an emergent coronary angiogram to exclude critical LAD occlusion

    L-karnitin ublažava hepatotoksičnost bisfenola A aktiviranjem Nrf2 i inhibicijom proupalne ekspresije gena citokina u štakora

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    Bisphenol, used in many polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins industries, exerts toxic effects on mammalian organs. The mechanisms underlying bisphenol toxicity are well understood, however the chemoprevention effects of L-carnitine have not yet been recorded. This study aimed to explore the protective mechanism of L-carnitine against BPA-induced hepatotoxicity. Male rats were randomly distributed into 4 groups of 10 rats each: vehicle (5 mL corn oil/kg), bisphenol (50 mg/kg b.w. orally), L-carnitine (500 mg/kg b.w. i/p), and L-carnitine bisphenol pre-treated groups. Bisphenol was dissolved in corn oil and gavaged for 70 consecutive days. Up-regulation of tumor necrosis factor (6.6-fold), and interleukin 6 (3.2-fold) mRNA transcript, along with suppression of nuclear factor erythroid 2-like 2 (0.4-fold), were recorded, following bisphenol administration. Subsequently, bisphenol provoked oxidative stress and attenuated the antioxidative molecules. Finally, hepatic dysfunction was assessed by elevated serum aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, glutamyl transferase activities and ammonia levels, with the subsequent decline in serum albumin concentration, which confirmed the inflammatory cell infiltration and hydropic degeneration, and the impairment of lipid profile. Interestingly, co-administration of L-carnitine improved liver function and lipid profile, which was explained by the activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-like 2 (1.5-fold) mRNA transcript, which augmented the antioxidant levels and suppressed oxidative stress, tumor necrosis factor (2.6- fold), and interleukin 6 (1.5-fold) gene expression. In conclusion, L-carnitine exerted hepatoprotective activity against bisphenol toxicity via antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.Bisfenol, koji se koristi u mnogim industrijama polikarbonatne plastike i epoksidnih smola, ima toksične učinke na organe sisavaca. Mehanizmi na kojima se temelji toksičnost bisfenola dobro su razumljivi, međutim učinci L-karnitina na kemoprevenciju još nisu zabilježeni. Cilj ovog ispitivanja bio je istražiti zaštitni mehanizam L-karnitina protiv hepatotoksičnosti izazvane BPA-om. Mužjaci štakora slučajnim su odabirom podijeljeni u su u 4 skupine od po 10 štakora: kontrolna skupina (5 mL kukuruznog ulja/kg tjelesne težine), duga skupina (50 mg bisfenol/kg tjelesne težine peroralno), teća skupina (500 mg L-karnitin/kg tjelesne težine i/p) i četvrta skupina (L-karnitin apliciran skupini prethodno tretiranoj bisfenolom). Bisfenol je otopljen u kukuruznom ulju kojim su štakori hranjeni 70 uzastopnih dana. Nakon primjene bisfenola zabilježeno je povećanje mRNK transkripta za stvarnje faktora tumorske nekroze i interleukina 6 uz supresiju nukleotidnog faktora sličnog eritroidu 2, povezanog s faktorom 2. Nakon toga bisfenol je izazvao oksidativni stres i oslabio antioksidativne molekule. Naposljetku, disfunkcija jetre procjenjivana je povišenim razinama aminotransferaza u serumu, alkalne fosfataze, laktat dehidrogenaze, aktivnosti glutamiltransferaze i amonijaka, uz naknadno smanjenje koncentracije serumskog albumina, što je potvrdilo infiltraciju upalnih stanica i hidropičnu degeneraciju, te narušavanje lipidnog statusa. Zanimljivo je da je istodobna primjena L-karnitina poboljšala funkciju jetre i lipidni status, što je objašnjeno aktivacijom transkripta mRNK tipa 2 povezanog s faktorom 2, koji je povećao razine antioksidansa i potisnuo oksidativni stres, te ekspresiju gena faktora tumorske nekroze i interleukina 6. Zaključno, L-karnitin je pokazao hepatozaštitnu aktivnost protiv toksičnosti bisfenola antioksidativnim i protuupalnim učincima

    Non-linear adsorption characteristics of modified pine wood sawdust optimised for adsorption of Cd(II) from aqueous systems

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    A chemically-modified adsorbent (SDTMA), produced from the treatment of pinewood sawdust with maleic acid, was tested in batch adsorption experiments to remove Cd(II) ions from aqueous solution. SDTMA was characterised for the pH of zero point charge (pHZPC), spectroscopic evaluation of the surface functionalisation, structural and morphological features. Factors affecting adsorption behaviour, such as adsorbent dose, pH of solution, contact time and Cd(II) ion concentration were investigated. Results obtained show that adsorption rate to be comparatively fast, with equilibrium achieved after ~35 min. Subsequent analysis, showed Langmuirian behaviour and a monolayer adsorption capacity of 180.4 mg g-1, at pH 6; while data derived from two-parameter (Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R)) and three-parameter (Redlich-Peterson (R-P), Toth Khan and Sips) isotherm models was evaluated using non-linear regression methods, with error analysis, to determine the most appropriate model and allow prediction of optimum parameters. The Sips isotherm model proved the most appropriate in describing the experimental data obtained in the study. Additionally, the rate of adsorption was analysed using a range of kinetic models (pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, intra-particle diffusion, Bangham and Elovich) in their non-linear forms to provide insight into the adsorption mechanism and showing pseudo-second order behaviour is observed. In conclusion, the SDTMA adsorbent material produced in this study offers high potential for the removal of Cd(II) ions from aqueous solution due to the carboxylic functionalities incorporated into the material, which is optimised by solution pH and adsorbent dose

    Lateral chest wall perforator flaps in partial breast reconstruction

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    Background: Breast conserving surgery (BCS) has been a standard procedure for the treatment of breast cancer instead of mastectomy whenever possible. Lateral chest wall perforator flaps are one of the volume replacement techniques that participate in increasing the rate of BCS especially in small- to moderate-sized breasts with good cosmetic outcome. In this study, we tried to evaluate the outcome of those flaps as an oncoplastic procedure instead of the conventional flaps. Methods: This study included 26 patients who underwent partial mastectomy with immediate reconstruction using lateral chest wall perforator flaps in the period from October 2019 to November 2020. The operative time, techniques, and complications were recorded. The cosmetic outcome was assessed 3 months post-radiation therapy through a questionnaire and photographic assessment. Results: Lateral intercostal artery perforator (LICAP), lateral thoracic artery perforator (LTAP) and combined flaps were performed in 24, 1, and 1 patients, respectively. The mean operative time was 129.6 ± 13.2 min. The flap length ranged from 10 to 20 cm and its width from 5 to 9 cm. Overall patients’ satisfaction was observed to be 88.5% as either excellent or good and the photographic assessment was 96.2% as either excellent or good. Conclusions: Lateral chest wall perforator flaps are reliable and safe option for partial breast reconstruction with an acceptable aesthetic outcome. In the era of oncoplastic breast surgery, they deserve to gain attention especially with the advantages of some modifications added to the classic technique

    Highly efficient adsorption of Cd(II) onto carboxylated camelthorn residues : applicability of three-parameter isotherm models, kinetics, and mechanism

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    A series of malonic acid treated camelthorn (MATC) sorbents were produced via the reaction of camelthorn biomass with malonic acid, and factors affecting the extent of modification were investigated, including malonic acid concentration, dehydration time and temperature. The optimum sorbent, by carboxylic acid content, was subsequently characterised for surface charge behaviour (pHPZC), surface chemical functionalities (FTIR), morphological structure (SEM), and available surface area. The sorbent was subsequently utilised for adsorption of Cd(II) ions from aqueous media, and parameters influencing adsorption at 30 °C, such as sorbent dose, initial solution pH, exposure time, metal concentration, were investigated. Isothermal analyses were performed using eight models, including two and three parameter equations, with appropriateness of fit assessed via non-linear regression analysis. The adsorption data indicated that the Langmuir model gives the most appropriate fit to experimental curves, with the models ordered as Langmuir >Hill > Toth >Sips > Jossens > Khan > Redlich-Peterson >Freundlich. The highest uptake (qmax) of 582.6 mg g-1 was determined at pH 6. The Freundlich constants, KF and n, at 30 °C were found to be 24.94 mg/g and 2.33, respectively. The value of n (2.33), being in the range 0–10, indicates that adsorption of Cd(II) ions onto malonic acid treated camelthorn biomass is favourable. Evaluation of a series of kinetic models, allowed elucidation of the adsorption mechanism, as a pseudo-second order model gave the most appropriate fit, indicating that chemisorption processes are involved. Cd(II) ions adsorption onto MATC is enhanced by a higher level of active surface sites but was show to be independent of surface area. The work presented here indicates that this sorbent offers effective adsorption potential for Cd(II) ions from water, with potential in wastewater processing

    Assessing Drought Tolerance of Newly Developed Tissue-Cultured Canola Genotypes under Varying Irrigation Regimes

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Crop Tolerance under Biotic and Abiotic Stresses[Abstract] Drought is a major abiotic stress that greatly affects canola growth, production, and quality. Moreover, water scarcity is projected to be more severe and frequent as a result of climate change, in particular in arid environments. Thereupon, developing drought-tolerant and high-yielding canola genotypes has become more critical to sustaining its production and ensuring global food security with the continuing population growth. In the present study, ten canola genotypes comprising six developed tissue-cultured canola genotypes, two exotic genotypes, and two commercial cultivars were evaluated under four irrigation regimes. The applied irrigation regimes were well-watered (100% crop evapotranspiration, ETc), mild drought (80% ETc), moderate drought (60% ETc), and severe drought (40% ETc) conditions. Drought-stress treatments (80, 60, and 40% ETc) gradually reduced the chlorophyll content, relative water content, flowering time, days to maturity, plant height, number of pods, number of branches, seed yield, and oil percentage, and increased proline, phenolic, anthocyanin, and glycine betaine contents. The evaluated genotypes exhibited varied responses to drought-stress conditions. The developed tissue-cultured genotypes T2, T3, and T1, as well as exotic genotype Torpe, possessed the highest performance in all evaluated parameters and surpassed the other tested genotypes under water-deficit conditions. Overall, our findings elicited the superiority of certain newly developed tissue-cultured genotypes and exotic ones compared with commercial cultivars, which could be exploited in canola breeding under water-deficit conditions.This research was funded by the Researchers Supporting Project number (RSPD-2023R730), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi ArabiaKing Saud University (Riad, Arabia Saudí); RSPD-2023R73

    Carboxylated cellulose for adsorption of Hg(II) ions from contaminated water : isotherms and kinetics

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    Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was modified with 1, 2, 3, 4-butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) to obtain the adsorbent material named treated microcrystalline cellulose (TMCC), which was characterized for point of zero charge (pHZPC), estimation of carboxyl group content and surface group moieties, surface morphology and textural properties. Application of TMCC for the removal of Hg(II) ions from aqueous solution was studied with respect to carboxyl group content, and process parameters, including adsorbent dose, initial solution pH, temperature, contact time, and Hg(II) ion concentration, to provide information about the adsorption mechanism. Isothermal adsorption data were analysed using a range of two and three parameter adsorption models, with the level of fit determined using nonlinear regression analysis. The maximum adsorption capacity under optimised conditions was determined using Langmuir analysis and found to be 1140 mg/g, and Freundlich analysis showed that adsorption of Hg(II) ions onto TMCC is favourable. The kinetic results using a range of models, showed that a pseudo-second order kinetic model was most appropriate for the data obtained, which indicates that the process involves chemisorption. The results obtained show TMCC to have a high affinity for Hg(II) ions from aqueous media, which suggests that these materials may have potential for application in water treatment systems

    Protective role of endophytic fungi and salicylic acid as therapeutic nutrients to improve immune responses of tomato plants against fusarial wilt disease

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    The exacerbation of climatic changes helped to increase the risk of plant diseases in the world. Based on this concept, we suggest Endophytic fungi (EF) and Salicylic acid (SA) alternatives to reduce the spread of Fusarium wilt disease, which is one of the most important agricultural crops globally. Therefore, this study aims to isolate endophytic fungi and test their ability to stimulate plant resistance against Fusarium wilt disease and study the possibility of combining these isolates with salicylic acid as a therapeutic nutrient for tomato plants. Two fungal endophytes were isolated from Vigna unguiculata seeds (VUS) and identified as Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus tubingensis according to morphological and molecular identification. Under pot circumstances, the influence of these two fungal endophytes as tomato fusarial wilt depressants and as plant stimulants was evaluated. The combination of A. oryzae and A. tubingensis exhibited a simultaneous efficacy of 80% in conferring protection against Fusarium wilt, while simultaneously resulting in a notable decreasing diseases index to 16.66%. Treatment of infected plants with A. oryzae and A. tubingensis (single or mixed) and salicylic acid not only deterioration influence of Fusarium wilt on plant fitness, but also showed a significant improvement in the levels of photosynthetic pigments, sugars, proteins and phenols, and enhancement in the activity of antioxidant enzymes. The analysis of variability among endophytic fungi revealed the presence of 17 distinct bands exhibiting polymorphism, accounting for approximately 35.294% of the observed genetic variation. In conclusion, endophytic A. oryzae and A. tubingensis work well as stimuli for tomato plant growth and as a means of boosting the plants’ resistance to Fusarium wilt. Further, A. oryzae and A. tubingensis act synergistically with SA toward improving plant growth and fusarial wilt disease resistance

    Thermal characterization of date palm/epoxy composites with fillers from different parts of the tree

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    Thermal expansion and viscoelastic properties of the date palm fibre (DPF)/epoxy composites were influenced by the type of filler from different parts of the date palm tree. The variation in properties is mainly due to the difference in fibre composition between the DPF from leaf stalk, leaf sheath, fruit bunch stalk, and tree trunk. Among the investigated composites, composite reinforced with the tree trunk fibre displayed higher thermal stability as visible from the lower weight loss, higher onset and inflection temperatures and maximum residue % from the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Lower coefficient of linear thermal expansion (CLTE) obtained from thermomechanical analysis (TMA) further provided supportive evidence for dimensional stability at elevated temperature. Based on the dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) results, the DPF/epoxy composites with fruit bunch stalk fillers displayed a better property by showing higher storage modulus and lesser tan delta values. Hence, composite from the tree trunk and fruit bunch stalk fibres of date palm is recommended for applications requiring superior thermal resistance