453 research outputs found

    Quantum Steering vs Entanglement and Extracting Work in an Anisotropic Two-Qubit Heisenberg Model in Presence of External Magnetic Fields with DM and KSEA Interactions

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    We examine the Dzyaloshinski-Moriya (DM) and Kaplan-Shekhtman-Entin-Wohlman-Aharony (KSEA) interactions in thermal equilibrium submitted to the anisotropic Heisenberg two-qubit model in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. The steerability between the two qubits is evaluated using quantum steering. The concurrence serves as a witness to quantum entanglement. Both the extracted work and the ideal efficiency of the two qubits are quantified. We discuss how quantum correlations behave in relation to the bath's temperature and the Kaplan-Shekhtman-Entin-Wohlman-Aharony coupling parameter. We find that the nonclassical correlations in a two-qubit Heisenberg XYZ Model are fragile under thermal effects. Nevertheless, the results indicate that the concurrence is stronger than quantum steering under thermal effects. We obtained that an extraction of work is comparable with the bare energies

    Quantum Thermodynamics and Hierarchy of Quantum Correlations and Fidelity of Teleportation in a Two Coupled Double Quantum Dots

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    We explore the quantum correlations, fidelity and quantum thermodynamics of two coupled double quantum dots containing two excess electrons. In this regard, we investigate and compare the evolution of those measures under thermal effects and tunneling coupling. We find the hierarchy of quantum correlations, and one-way steering between the two quantum dots. We found, as expect that the quantum correlations are diminishes by increasing the values of temperature. We show that this state can be used for quantum teleportation. On the other, we address the extracting work and efficiency of the state. We compare the extraction work with the bare energies. Our results show that quantum dots states have a reliable and better capacity to preserve quantum correlations and remain one of the good resources for the deployment of quantum information processing protocols

    Traduction de l'imaginaire et l'altérité

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    Cet article traite de la question de la traduction de l’imaginaire (l’oeuvre littéraire) et les enjeux relatifs aux images et aux écritures de l’altérité. Nous nous intéressons à la perception de l’Orient à travers la traduction de l'oeuvre monumentale des Mille et une nuits. Nous avons réalisé que certains changements en terme de la perception du monde arabo-musulman ont été repérés. La vision ethnocentriste et/ou europocentriste a commencé à présenter des fissures à partir de la première guerre mondiale. Aussi, il faut dire que plusieurs concepts ont changé de signifiance avec l’avènement de la globalisation, telles que l'histoire, l'idéologie, la culture. De ce fait, c’est " la fin des monoculturalismes" selon la formule de Farhad Khosrokhavar. On peut également dire que l'Orient existe en Occident et les deux s’entrelacent de façon interchangeables. C’est la traduction de la production symbolique et imaginaire qui pourrait contribuer à replacer les distinctions qui sont plutôt plus imaginaires que réelles et qu’à travers la traduction seule un dialogue objectif s’installera entre les différentes civilisations qui deviendront mondiales. Mots clés : Images, écritures, altérité, ouvres traduites, l’imaginaire Occidental

    Influence des conditions climatiques sur l'état des contraintes dans une structure hydraulique en béton

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    Dans la présente étude, un modèle numérique transitoire utilisant la méthode des éléments finis, permet de calculer la distribution de la température dans le barrage à chaque instant de l'année. Dans ce modèle, deux conductivités thermiques sont affectées au béton selon qu'il est complètement saturé ou partiellement saturé. Le pas de temps utilisé dans cette étude est de 8 heures. Ceci, en plus d'améliorer la précision du calcul, a permis d'introduire la radiation solaire de chaque jour dans les huit heures pendant lesquelles elle est réellement présente. Ce phénomène a apporté des améliorations intéressantes aux résultats. La distribution de la température ainsi que l'épaisseur de glace calculées au niveau du réservoir d'eau à chaque instant de l'année se comparent très bien avec les valeurs mesurées retrouvées dans la documentation, ce qui prouve la validité du modèle. Ceci constitue une amélioration considérable dans ce modèle puisque, dans toutes les études antérieures, la distribution de la température du réservoir se base sur des approximations introduisant des discontinuités au modèle. La distribution de la température calculée dans le barrage montre une variation considérable du gradient thermique à l'interface entre la zone complètement saturée et la zone partiellement saturée. Ce paramètre semble avoir une influence considérable dans le transfert thermique dans un barrage. En plus, la profondeur maximale de gel trouvée dans la présente étude est de 11 mètres. Cette valeur concorde bien avec des mesures de terrain effectuées sur des barrages en béton dans le nord du Québec contrairement à plusieurs études numériques antérieures qui trouvent que la profondeur de gel ne dépasse pas 6 mètres. Ce résultat vient confirmer l'importance de considérer un petit pas de temps (8 heures) qui introduit une précision intéressante sur les résultats numériques. Une étude mécanique visant à calculer les contraintes et les déformations générées par la variation des conditions climatiques a ensuite été élaborée. Elle exploite les distributions de température retrouvées grâce à l'étude thermique. Un modèle élastique linéaire et isotrope utilisant la méthode des éléments finis a été choisi pour cette étude. Il permet d'affecter des paramètres physico-mécaniques différents suivant que le béton est complètement saturé ou partiellement saturé. Les principaux résultats retrouvés sont les suivants: (1) la contrainte de traction maximale est de 9 MPa et se situe à la base du barrage (côté aval); (2) la zone du barrage exposée à une contrainte de traction supérieure à 3 MPa est localisée sur une bande entourant la surface exposée à l'air ambiant. Elle présente une épaisseur variable suivant l'altitude. Le maximum d'épaisseur est de 4,6 mètres; (3) le rayonnement solaire joue un rôle important dans l'atténuation des contraintes de traction; (4) la déformation maximale à la crête du barrage est de 10 mm

    Department of Modern Languages and Civilizations, Faculty of Humanities, University of Genoa, Italy

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    This research reviews the history of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company in Iran since Darcy obtained the oil concession in 1903 and then the establishment of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, which controlled the extraction and sale of oil in Iran until 1950, the year that witnessed the rise of the national trend in Iran Led by Mohamed Mosadegh, he entered into a conflict with Britain after he nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, which London saw as a dangerous development, which prompted it to present the issue to the Security Council. Oil nationalization, and with the failure of all political attempts to dissuade Mosadegh from his decision, both London and Washington resorted to supporting the Iranian opposition and the dismissal of the Iranian prime minister on August 19, 1953, and the approval of the new prime minister on the decision to cancel the nationalization of oil in 1954. Here the researcher followed the descriptive analytical method. He also relied on a number of US State Department documents and British documents in this study, as well as documents of the United Nations and the World Bank

    Flip-flop detachment tectonics at nascent passive margins in SE Afar

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    International audienceWe propose a two-stage tectonic evolution of SE Afar in Djibouti leading to the complex development of highly asymmetric conjugate margins. From c. 8.5 to c. 2 Ma, an early mafic crust developed, associated in the upper crust with synmagmatic growth faults dipping dominantly to the SW. After an erosional stage, a new detachment fault system developed from c. 2 Ma with an opposite sense of motion (i.e. to the NE), during an amagmatic extensional event. In the Asal area, break-up occurred after c. 0.8 Ma along the footwall of an active secondary detachment fault rooted at depth above the lithospheric necking zone. This evolution suggests that flip-flop detachment tectonics is developed during extension at passive margins, in connection with the dynamics of the melting mantle and the associated magma plumbing of the crust

    Simultaneous Local Motion Planning and Control, Adjustable Driving Behavior, and Obstacle Representation for Autonomous Driving

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    The evolving autonomous driving technology has been attracting significant research efforts in both academia and industry because of its promising potentials. Eliminating the human intervention in driving will drastically improve the road safety and will create more mobility freedom for the humankind. Decision-making system in autonomy pipeline is the last module that interacts directly with the surrounding environment. Typical decision-making systems perform a variety of tasks including local motion planning, obstacle avoidance, and path-following in a sequential manner. An alternative approach is to perform these tasks simultaneously to obtain faster decision-making actions. This thesis focuses on designing an optimization-based simultaneous controller that performs obstacle avoidance, local motion planning, and vehicle control on roads regardless of their orientation while following a target path, and also incorporates adjustable driving behavior. Firstly, a decision-making scheme that enables autonomous driving for long trips while expanding the usage of the available computational resources and ensuring obstacle avoidance functionality is proposed. The proposed scheme utilizes a parallel architecture for local motion planning and control layers to increase time efficiency. In addition, a novel feasibility-guaranteed lane change and double lane change planners are introduced for path planning and obstacle avoidance. Finally, an online parameterized curve generator is proposed and integrated with a recently developed path-following controller. Next, a nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) scheme is developed for the path-following control of autonomous vehicles. In addition, a dual-objective cost function which is composed of a regulation part and an economic part is introduced. By tuning the weights of this cost, a driving behavior can be implemented; two different driving behaviors are designed, namely, energy-efficient and sport driving modes. Finally, a kinematic bicycle model is used for predicting the vehicle motion while a longitudinal motion dynamic model is used for estimating the energy consumption. Finally, a novel representation framework for static maps and obstacles based on Fourier Series is proposed. The framework relies on Complex Fourier Series analysis to reduce the computation time and outputs mathematical equations to describe the shape of the considered object. Furthermore, two methods were proposed, namely; offline method and online method. The offline method is used to create accurate representations for static maps and most common obstacles an ego vehicle may encounter. The online method is used to model the free space around the vehicle when dealing with uncertain environments. The proposed contributions fill significant gaps in the autonomous driving problem. All the proposed work is tested and validated using numerical simulations and some experiments. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed contributions

    Automatic history matching in Bayesian framework for field-scale applications

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    Conditioning geologic models to production data and assessment of uncertainty is generally done in a Bayesian framework. The current Bayesian approach suffers from three major limitations that make it impractical for field-scale applications. These are: first, the CPU time scaling behavior of the Bayesian inverse problem using the modified Gauss-Newton algorithm with full covariance as regularization behaves quadratically with increasing model size; second, the sensitivity calculation using finite difference as the forward model depends upon the number of model parameters or the number of data points; and third, the high CPU time and memory required for covariance matrix calculation. Different attempts were used to alleviate the third limitation by using analytically-derived stencil, but these are limited to the exponential models only. We propose a fast and robust adaptation of the Bayesian formulation for inverse modeling that overcomes many of the current limitations. First, we use a commercial finite difference simulator, ECLIPSE, as a forward model, which is general and can account for complex physical behavior that dominates most field applications. Second, the production data misfit is represented by a single generalized travel time misfit per well, thus effectively reducing the number of data points into one per well and ensuring the matching of the entire production history. Third, we use both the adjoint method and streamline-based sensitivity method for sensitivity calculations. The adjoint method depends on the number of wells integrated, and generally is of an order of magnitude less than the number of data points or the model parameters. The streamline method is more efficient and faster as it requires only one simulation run per iteration regardless of the number of model parameters or the data points. Fourth, for solving the inverse problem, we utilize an iterative sparse matrix solver, LSQR, along with an approximation of the square root of the inverse of the covariance calculated using a numerically-derived stencil, which is broadly applicable to a wide class of covariance models. Our proposed approach is computationally efficient and, more importantly, the CPU time scales linearly with respect to model size. This makes automatic history matching and uncertainty assessment using a Bayesian framework more feasible for large-scale applications. We demonstrate the power and utility of our approach using synthetic cases and a field example. The field example is from Goldsmith San Andres Unit in West Texas, where we matched 20 years of production history and generated multiple realizations using the Randomized Maximum Likelihood method for uncertainty assessment. Both the adjoint method and the streamline-based sensitivity method are used to illustrate the broad applicability of our approach
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