17 research outputs found

    Feather wastes digestion by new isolated strains Bacillus sp. in Morocco

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    Eight strains of Bacillus were isolated from non treated soil, characterized and used for the digestion of feather wastes in the laboratory. Non-protein nitrogen (NPN) and total protein (TP) were determined during the incubation time and the microbial counts of the different strains during feather hydrolysis were also monitored. Results of the screening test showed that the solid pieces of feather were completely digested by all the strains. The most efficient isolated strain selected was compared with Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. Results showed that the total protein decreased from 13.6% to 1.92 % with the isolated strain, and from 12.25 % to 2.99% with the standard strain. The NPN reached a concentration of 43.2mg/100g and 20.5 mg/100g with the isolated and standard strains, respectively. Key Words: Feather, keratin, Bacillus, fermentation, process African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(1) 2004: 67-7

    Estimation du risque d'érosion du sol dans le bas d'oued du Kert (Rif oriental, Maroc), en intégrant le modèle Gavrilovic "EPM" dans un SIG

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    Le bas du bassin versant de l’oued El Kart, situé au Nord du Maroc, sur le versant méditerranéen du Rif oriental, est marqué par les stigmates de l’érosion hydrique. Celle-ci affecte gravement les terres agricoles et les infrastructures. Cette situation est due principalement, comme pour le reste du nord du Maroc (Rif central), à la combinaison de plusieurs facteurs (naturels et anthropiques). Les résultats obtenus montrent que les pertes moyennes des sols par érosion hydrique sont estimées à 14,7 t/ha/an.  Pour évaluer cette dynamique et les pertes en sols qu’elle engendre, nous avons procédé à l’intégration du modèle EPM (Erosion Potentiel Method) de GAVRILOVIC dans un SIG. Les pertes maximales sont 138,8 t/ha/an et minimales sont 0,01 t/ha/an par parcelle. Les pertes totales annuelles du bas de bassin sont de 205 800 t/an (Erosion à la parcelle). L'analyse des résultats de ce modèle a permis, également à l’aide du SIG, de déterminer les facteurs qui contrôlent l’érosion hydrique et qui sont par ordre d’importance : la protection des sols, types d’érosion, sensibilité des sols à l’érosion, précipitation, pentes et la température. Il importe de signaler que la méthodologie utilisée (modèle EPM) s’applique à divers types d’érosion et de ce fait elle est adaptée aux zones de montagnes

    Fatigue avec suivi acoustique de trois composites, verre Ud, verre sergé et aramide à matrice époxyde: Fatigue with acoustic tracking of three composites, Ud glass, twill glass and epoxy matrix aramid

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    L’objectif de cet article est de synthétiser une étude comparative de l’effet de la fatigue en traction sur trois composites à base de fibres de verre unidirectionnelles, fibres de verre sergés et en fibres d’aramide taffetas et de résine époxyde. Pour mieux comprendre les différents phénomènes qui apparaissent durant les différents essais, nous avons opté pour un suivi acoustique en faisant varier les nombres de cycles de fatigue de 100 à 50000. A cet effet, nous avons utilisé trois capteurs externes piézoélectriques reliés à trois amplificateurs de signaux, le tout relié à un système d’acquisition informatique. L’outil acoustique nous a permis de comparer plus facilement les effets de la fatigue sur les trois matériaux. Il nous a permis de détecter en direct les différents types d’endommagements occasionnés par la fatigue (fissuration matricielle, délaminage, décohésion et rupture des fibres). Les résultats de cette étude mettent en évidence les effets de la fatigue sur les trois matériaux, qui se manifestent par une diminution systématique des caractéristiques à la rupture de ces derniers, progressivement en fonction de l’augmentation des nombres de cycles. Il s’avère aussi que les matériaux à fibres de verre sont moins résistants que ceux à fibres d’aramide. The objective of this paper is to synthesize a comparative study of the effect of tensile fatigue on three composites based on unidirectional glass fibers, twisted glass fibers and aramid taffeta fibers and epoxy resin. To better understand the different phenomena that appear during the different tests, we opted for acoustic monitoring by varying the number of fatigue cycles from 100 to 50,000. For this purpose, we used three external piezoelectric sensorsconnected to three signal amplifiers, all connected to a computer acquisition system. The acoustic tool allowed us to compare more easily the effects of fatigue on the three materials. It allowed us to detect on-line the different types of damage caused by fatigue (matrix cracking, delamination, decohesion and fibre breakage). The results of this study highlight the effects of fatigue on the three materials, which are manifested by a systematic decrease in their fracture characteristics, progressively as the number of cycles increases. It also appears that glass fibre materials are less resistant than aramid fibre material

    Comparison of Nesting Features and Breeding Success of Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur between Orchards and Riparian Habitats

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    The European turtle dove Streptopelia turtur breeds in both farmlands and woodlands, and it is important to explore the difference in breeding ecology of this threatened game in these two ecosystem types. This study, carried out during four years (2015–2018), compares nesting features of this species and its breeding success between apple orchards and riparian vegetation in Midelt Province, Morocco. The main result revealed that the nest placement, including nesting-tree height and nest height, is similar between orchards and riparian trees. However, the nest dimensions (big and small diameters) were larger in orchards. Correlations were variable among nest placement parameters and dimensions. On the contrary, in four breeding seasons, where 566 nests were monitored (467 in orchards and 99 in riparian sites), the average breeding success was different (57% of chicks in apple farms and 53% in riparian vegetation). Moreover, in apple orchards, clutches’ failure is due to both predation (18.89% of eggs and 10.54% of chicks) and temperature lowering (5.03% of unhatched eggs and 5.49% of dead chicks), while in riparian vegetation, the loss is due to nest desertion (21.33% of clutches) and mostly predation (33.16% of clutches)

    New Data on Migration Time, Breeding Phenology, and Breeding Success of European Turtle Doves in Their Highest Breeding Habitats in North Africa

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    The migration dates, breeding phenology, and reproductive success of the European turtle doves were studied in the highest breeding habitats at Midelt (1400 to 1600 m), Morocco. Data were recorded from March to October between 2015 and 2018, using the Common Bird Census methodology. Results showed that, at high-altitude breeding sites (n = 20), turtle doves arrived on 28.25 ± 2.05 March, while departure dates were on 28.00 ± 1.47 September. On the other hand, nesting activity began on 26.5 ± 0.64 April, and laying dates were only two days after the nest construction date on 28.00 ± 0.7 April. First fledged chicks were 17.50 ± 2.72 May, and chicks started flying on 3.50 ± 2.33 June. In addition, breeding chronology, including nesting and chick’s flight, was influenced by altitude and rainfall and more particularly controlled by temperature. For breeding success, among the 467 monitored nests, 73.87% survived during the nesting period and 71.16% of eggs have survived during incubation. Chicks' survival rate was higher with 79.56%. Failure factors during breeding success were diverse. Predation caused the loss of 18.89% of eggs during incubation periods and 10.54% of chicks during the nestling phase. A few portions, including 4.41% of eggs and 4.39% of chicks, were deserted by their dove parents. Finally, our study highlights that the turtle dove breeds in high-altitude habitats with late and shorter breeding periods, which might allow this bird to avoid the vigorous climate conditions at mountains and their effect on reproductive success

    Gunshot Injuries: Patterns, Presentations, and Outcomes of Civilian Hospital Experiences in a Developing Country Setting

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    Abstract Background: Gunshot injuries are considered a health burden as well as one of the intricate emergencies in civilian medical practice. In this study, we aim to determine the pattern of presentation and management outcome in a general hospital setting in a sub-Saharan African country. Methods: This is a retrospective, hospital-based study conducted between January 2015 and December 2019 in a general teaching hospital to review the clinical presentation and management outcome of gunshot injuries. All patients' records were reviewed during the study period. Results: The total number of patients involved in the study was 157 with 83% male predominant. About 50% were from the age group 20–29 years that were most affected. The commonest anatomical site affected in the study was the lower limb (41.4%) and upper limb (22.9%), and most of the patients had been diagnosed with limb fractures (49.7%) and soft tissue injuries (28.7%). Wound debridement is the commonest procedure performed for 91 (58.0%) patients. The site of the pullet has a significant relation to the management outcome with a P-value of 0.002. Additionally, about 45% (72 patients) have stayed more than 20 days and it was affected significantly by the types of treatment provided, which has a significant relation to a hospital stay with a P-value of 0.00. Conclusion: Most of the patients in this study were young males. Upper and lower limb fractures were the most common presentations. Wound debridement, bone fixation, and laparotomy were the most common treatments with significant success rates, despite prolonged hospital stays

    Geophysical constraints on the groundwater circulation and its renewal at the main Bittit spring, supplying Meknes and its region (Sais Basin): Characterization & conceptual model.

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    International audiencePrevious hydrochemical and isotopic studies of the tabular Middle-Atlas karst showed that the Sais basin is mainly fed at its northern border by the carbonated Causses of the fractured Lias, in particular by El Hajeb causse to the east and the Guigo causse west (Miche et al, 2018).In a context of over-exploitation of the water karst system accentuated by the current climatic variations, with recurrent droughts and sparse strong thunderstorms, the karstic spring of Bittit, main water source of Meknes and its region, is strongly solicited. Since we have obtained a conceptual model using hydrochemical and isotopic data, Bittit is mainly involved by the causse of El Hajeb (1500m) and partially by the causse of Imouzzer (1340m). It is necessary to localize the depth of mixing zones and the direction of preferential flows around Bittit spring, for a better understanding of aquifers renewal. The coupling of electromagnetic sounding (EM34) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) show a tightening of conductivity zones according to the SE-NW direction. It means preferential flows at depth quasi-perpendicularly to the causses, contrary to what was supposed.This was confirmed by depth estimates of potential sources (drainage area in the porous structure) by using electrical multi-scale wavelet tomography of spontaneous potential (SP) around Bittit. A global conceptual model based on hydrochemical, isotopic and geophysical data is proposed