890 research outputs found

    The effect of virgin coconut oil loaded solid lipid particles (VCO-SLPs) on skin hydration and skin elasticity

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    Virgin Coconut Oil is usually extracted from well matured and fresh coconut through specialized processes without damaging its natural nutrition. In this work, formulation, characterization and efficacy of VCO-SLPs have been studied. VCO-SLPs were prepared using ultrasonification of molten stearic acid and virgin coconut oil in an aqueous solution and particles with the size of 0.608 μm have been obtained. 20% concentration of VCO-SLPs of 0.608 μm particle size was added into the base lotion. Sensory study and skin evaluation study was conducted to compare the difference between lotion containing VCO-SLPs and lotion without VCO-SLPs. Moisturizing lotion incorporated with VCO-SLPs was found to increase skin hydration and skin elasticity by 24.8% and 2.60% respectively from day 0 to day 28. This shows that solid lipid particles has the potential to be utilized as a carrier for improved dermal delivery of VCO

    Perlindungan undang-undang terhadap paten di Malaysia

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti peruntukan undang-undang berkaitan pelanggaran paten di Malaysia. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa peruntukan dalam Akta Paten 1983 memberi perlindungan yang agak menyeluruh kepada pemilik paten berdaftar dan dikemaskinikan dari masa ke semasa supaya selaras dengan kehendak perjanjian TRIPS (Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) dan Konvensyen Paris. Namun demikian, bilangan kes yang dibawa ke mahkamah setakat ini adalah kecil. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa faktor yang menyumbang kepada keadaan ini termasuklah tempoh pendaftaran paten yang lama,prosuder permohonan yang rumit dan remeh serta melibatkan perbelanjaan yang mahal. Dari segi remedi pula,akta ini tidak memperuntukkan hukuman jenayah bagi kesalahan pelanggaran paten. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat membantu masyarakat khususnya golongan penyelidik,perekacipta dan usahawan untuk mengetahui hak mereka di sisi undang-undang berhubung dengan paten


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    Una nueva aproximación euleriana-lagarangiana, en su forma de acople en dos vías, para la simulación de flujo de burbujas, agua-aire es presentada en la tesis, en la que se incluyen los efectos de las colisiones entre burbujas, así como las posibles roturas o coalescencia de burbujas. Esta aproximación utiliza el modelo Continuous Random Walk, CRW, para tener en cuenta las fluctuaciones de la velocidad. Esta aproximación se enmarca dentro de un modelo de turbulencia k-epsilon para la fase continua del líquido. En esta tesis se estudiarán los métodos para realizar el acople entre ambas aproximaciones, el efecto de la fuerza lift y de la dispersión turbulenta sobre la distribución de la fracción de huecos, así como los modelos de coalescencia y rotura de burbujas que puedan ser empleados en este tipo de aproximación. Se ha partido de un código euleriano para simular la parte continua, y sobre él se ha acoplado la aproximación lagrangiana. Para que ese acople afecte a la fase continua sobre su solver ser han añadido fuentes de momento y turbulencia. Además se ha modificado el volumen computacional de cada celda para que tenga en consideración el volumen ocupado por la fase dispersa. El acople en doble vía hace que los perfiles de velocidad y turbulencia de la fase continua se modifiquen notablemente y que se aproximen a los reales, lo que resulta básico para la correcta simulación de las fuerzas interfaciales. La colisión entre burbujas, y burbujas y pared se ha incluido. Este efecto es necesario como paso previo a incluir los procesos de rotura o coalescencia de burbujas, aunque la colisión en sí tenga efectos limitados en la distribución de la fracción de huecos. El proceso de coalescencia se basa en el modelo de Chester ( 1991 ) , el modelo compara el tiempo de colisión con el tiempo de drenaje de la película entre burbujas para determinar si existe o no coalescencia. El modelo de rotura se basa en el modelo de Martínez-Bazán. Uno de los principales hitos deAli Abd El Aziz Essa ., M. (2012). COUPLED LAGRANGE-EULER MODEL FOR SIMULATION OF BUBBLY FLOW IN VERTICAL PIPES CONSIDERING TURBULENT 3D RANDOM WALKS MODELS AND BUBBLES INTERACTION EFFECTS [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18068Palanci

    Makanan dan kepercayaan tentang etiologi penyakit : kes Orang Melayu Kelantan

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    Makalah ini meninjau aspek pemakanan daripada perspektif budaya dengan merujuk budaya masyarakat Kelantan sebagai kajian kes. Isu yang ditinjau adalah apakah gejala kepercayaan berkait dengan makanan sebagai punca penyebab penyakit, mengapa dan bagaimana makanan digunakan untuk membawa mudarat ke atas orang lain dan kepercayaan terhadap makhluk ghaib yang boleh mendatangkan penyakit kepada manusia. Sumber analisis adalah data yang dikutip daripada kajian lapangan dalam kalangan orang Melayu Kelantan selama lebih daripada lima belas tahun, sejak tahun 1990-an hingga sekarang. Didapati ada pihak-pihak tertentu yang menggunakan makanan sebagai cara untuk memberi kemudaratkan kepada orang lain demi mencapai hasrat yang diinginkan daripada orang tersebut. Lantaran wujudnya perlakuan ini dan juga kepercayaan terhadap makhluk ghaib itu maka menyebabkan timbul ketidakharmonian dalam sosial

    Calcification of the alar ligament mimics fracture of the craniovertebral junction (CVJ): an incidental finding from computerised tomography of the cervical spine following trauma

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    When performing a radiological assessment for a trauma case with associated head injury, a fragment of dense tissue detected near the craniovertebral junction would rapidly be assessed as a fractured bone fragment. However, if further imaging and evaluation of the cervical spine with computerised tomography (CT) did not demonstrate an obvious fracture, then the possibility of ligament calcification would be considered. We present a case involving a previously healthy 44-year old man who was admitted following a severe head injury from a road traffic accident. CT scans of the head showed multiple intracrania haemorrhages, while scans of the cervical spine revealed a small, well-defined, ovoid calcification in the right alar ligament. This was initially thought to be a fracture fragment. Although such calcification is uncommon, accident and emergency physicians and radiologists may find this useful as a differential diagnosis in patients presenting with neck pain or traumatic head injury

    The validation of assessment for learning audit instrument: a mixed methods approach

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    The CEFR-aligned curriculum promotes integration in the implementation of Assessment for Learning (AfL) by English language teachers in primary schools. This paper depicts the mixed methods pilot and validation of the Assessment for Learning Audit Instrument (AfLAi) for the purpose of examining the use and understanding of AfL among the teachers in primary schools. In Phase 1, three subject matter experts were consulted, and nine English language teachers provided consensual validation. In Phase 2, 53 English language teachers responded to the adapted instrument. AfLAi was further discussed with the validators in Phase 3. This procedure was adapted from Phase 8 of the Instrument Development and Construct Validation mixed research techniques. Among the emerging themes were on language correction, item/ instrument difficulty, and useful items. The quantitative data was compared with the scales from the original authors regarding the four key strategies of AfL in AfLAi: Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria, Questions and Classroom Discussions, Feedback and Peer- and Self- Assessment. Based on the mixed data arranged in a joint display, some parts in the items were adapted to accommodate the local context. Among the findings were (i) the key strategy known as Learning Intentions in AfLAi was not applicable in the target context, and (ii) some examples in the items needed to be changed to fit the Malaysian syllabus. The implications of this pilot study and validation process included 16 changes in the instrument and the translation of the instrument into Bahasa Melayu

    Distinct cytokine patterns in Occult Hepatitis C and Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection

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    Background & Aim: 
The immunopathogenesis of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a matter of great controversy. The imbalance of T-helper lymphocyte cell cytokine production was believed to play an important pathogenic role in chronic viral hepatitis. Occult hepatitis C infection is regarded as a new entity that should be considered when diagnosing patients with a liver disease of unknown origin. The aim of this study was to determine serum T-helper 1 and T-helper 2 cytokine production in patients with occult HCV infection and its role in pathogenesis versus chronic viral hepatitis C infection.

Serum levels of cytokines of T-helper 1 (IL-2, IFN-[gamma]) and T-helper 2 (IL-4) were measured in 27 patients with occult HCV infection and 50 patients with chronic hepatitis C infection.

The levels of the T-helper 1 cytokines, IL-2 and IFN-[gamma], were highly and significantly increased in patients with chronic HCV infection as compared with occult HCV infection (p<0.001). The T-helper 2 cytokine IL-4 was highly and significantly increased in occult HCV infection as compared with chronic HCV infection (p<0.001). Necroinflammation (P<0.001) fibrosis (P<0.001) and cirrhosis (P =0.03) were significantly increased in chronic HCV than occult HCV. 

Patients with occult HCV infection exhibited distinct immunoregulatory cytokine patterns, favoring viral persistence in the liver in spite of its absence from peripheral blood and explaining the less aggressive course of this disease entity than chronic hepatitis C virus infection

    Open and Distance Learning Programme and Learner Outcomes: A review of Empirical Evidence (in abstract)

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    There is an increasing interest in examining the issues associated with higher learning institutions, both within Malaysia and in other countries around the globe. Due to the impact of global education market, high competition and a shift towards mass higher education, concerns about the standard of the programmes offered and the demands for public accountability have become crucial. The number of learners enrolled into programmes offered through open and distance learning (ODL) in Malaysia has expanded remarkably. For instance, learners enrolled at Open University Malaysia have increased tremendously from 753 learners in August 2001 to 75,000 learners in January 2009. This increasing number of enrolments indicates that more people are interested in learning and enhancing their competencies by pursuing a higher degree qualification. However, the question on how far the ODL programme affects the learner outcomes is still unanswered. Therefore, this study reviews the empirical research evidences on ODL programmes in higher learning institutions and the learner outcomes. The focus of this study is to answer two key questions: (i) Are learners achieving the outcomes expected? and (ii) If they are, are these outcomes the direct result of the programme, or of other factors? Empirical research articles from various academic sources such as refereed journals, proceedings and theses are explored. The results of this study are hoped to present the status of empirical research evidences on ODL programmes and learner outcomes. It is also hoped that this study will grant significant information for future research and fill the current gaps. (Abstract by authors

    Environmental studies on coastal zone soils of the north Sinai peninsula (Egypt) using remote sensing techniques

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    The northern part of the Sinai peninsula is one of the most strategic projects for agriculture extension in Egypt. This project (the El-Salam Canal) supplies about 168.000 hectares soils with mixed water from the Nile and agricultural drainage water to reclaim and cultivate these soils. The principle goals of this study are the environmental study and soil survey of the coastal zone soils along the El-Salam Canal project to assess the development activities in this area and evaluate the soils of project. To achieve this aims, image data analysis of remote sensing data (Landsat TM) was performed. In addition to this, field soil survey were done through field work trips, meteorological, hydrological, physical and chemical soil analysis. This work of study reports on how remote sensing data together with a land evaluation system can be used to assess the quality of the soils in this area for agricultural use. The results show that remote sensing data is a very efficient way to evaluate large areas quickly and with sufficient accuracy. In addition to fieldwork, using of satellite images is necessary to construct a soil map for the north Sinai. The results of such as evaluation process will help developing countries like Egypt, specially in the northern part of the Sinai peninsula area, to put their scarce resources on the most rewarding land in order to speed up the process of improving the welfare of the country and especially the rural population. The supervised classes by the maximum likelihood algorithm method in the studied areas were discriminated from the Landsat TM images about 19 classes in the north Sinai total area The correlation coefficient relationships among spectral properties bands and soil properties are as Band 4 more correlated with EC, CEC, CaCO3, Gypsum and soil texture.The contour line image maps were achieved from the Landsat TM image and the results of the soil properties, such as EC, CEC, OM, CaCO3, Gypsum and pH values in the studied area.Das starke Bevölkerungswachstum in Ägypten führt zu der Notwendigkeit, neue Flächen für die landwirtschaftliche Produktion zu gewinnen, um ausreichend Lebensmittel produzieren zu können. Der nördliche Bereich der Sinai-Halbinsel ist eine der bedeutendsten Regionen für die Neulandgewinnung in Ägypten. Durch das El-Salam Kanal Projekt sollen 168000 Hektar Land mit einer Mischung aus Nil- und Drainage-Wasser versorgt werden, um die dortigen Böden zu kultivieren. Das Ziel dieser Studie war eine Bewertung der Böden entlang des El-Salam Kanals hinsichtlich ihrer natürlichen Eigenschaften und ihrer Nutzbarkeit für eine landwirtschaftliche Bearbeitung. Zu diesem Zweck wurden im Untersuchungsgebiet Bodenproben gezogen und bodenphysikalisch und chemisch analysiert. Satellitenbilddaten (Landsat TM) wurden klassifiziert und mit den Bodendaten in Beziehung gesetzt. Des weiteren wurden meteorologische und hydrologische Daten analysiert. Abschließend wurde die Eignung der Böden für die landwirtschaftlich Nutzung evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß mit Hilfe von Fernerkundungsdaten sehr effizient größere Regionen mit einer ausreichender Genauigkeit bewertet werden können. Zudem wurde eine Bodenkarte für das nördliche Sinai hergestellt. Die Ergebnisse einer solchen Bodenbewertung helfen Entwicklungsländern wie Ägypten, ihre knappen Ressourcen auf erfolgversprechende Flächen zu konzentrieren, um die Lebensbedingungen, insbesondere die der ländlichen Bevölkerung, nachhaltig zu verbessern. Eine überwachte Maximum Likelihood Klassifikation der Satellitenbilder führte zu folgenden Klassen (19 Klassen) für den gesamten nördlichen Sinai konnten. Die Beziehungen zwischen den Spektralbändern und den Bodeneigenschaften waren im Einzelnen Band 1 Korrelation mit der organischen Substanz, Band 3 Korrelation mit elektrischer Leitfähigkeit, KAK und Gips, Band 4 Korrelation mit elektrischer Leitfähigkeit, KAK, Kalziumcarbonat, Gips und der Bodentextur