466 research outputs found

    Distribution of trace elements and total organic carbon in surface sediments of the Sulu and Sulawesi Seas (Taburan Unsur Surih dan Organik Karbon di permukaan sedimen di Laut Sulu dan Sulawesi)

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    The concentrations of TOC, Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co and Cr in 27 surface sediments have been determined from the Sulu and Sulawesi Sesa during the ‘Saintifik Perdana 2009’ expedition cruise from 18 June to 1 August 2009. Sampling was conducted to elucidate concentrations and spatial distributions throughout the study area. The samples were digested using a total digestion technique and the concentrations were determined using the ICP-MS. The distribution of trace elements fluctuated with stations and water depth, but showed high metal concentrations in some locations such as Marudu Bay, Sandakan and Darvel Bay. The concentrations of trace elements were mostly lower than the earth’s mean crust and the world’s mean sediments with the exception of a few trace elements in certain stations. The Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo) was calculated and the results showed that Ni are in class 1 (unpolluted to moderately polluted) while other trace elements are considered unpolluted. It can therefore be concluded that the Sulu and Sulawesi Seas are unpolluted and pristin

    Children’s literature, their books and reading interests: a study in primary schools in Bahrain

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the provision and quality of children’s literature and books presented to Bahraini children of ages 6-12 at their homes, schools, public libraries and bookshops; to explore the values of children's literature and books and the effects they might have on children's lives; to identify children's preferences with respect to literature and related books in Bahrain; and to provide evidence and guidance to the appropriate authorities so that more informed decisions might be made concerning the provision of children’s literature and their books in Bahrain. To achieve these objectives, a quantitative and qualitative survey style research approach was adopted to collect information from people responsible for the provision of children's literature and those who are best acquainted with children's reading interests. Information was gathered from teachers, librarians, parents and authors and, through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, from primary aged children. From the findings of this study it was concluded that:• There was a serious deficiency in the provision of good and suitable children's literature and books in Bahrain in general and in the primary schools in particular.• Inadequacy of children's literature and related books in terms of quantity and quality has caused significant retardation in the development of Bahraini children's literary education and in meeting their reading needs and interests.• There were differences in the reading habits of male and female children in Bahrain. It was also concluded from the literature review that children’s literature and books have great value in children's lives in addition to their significant contribution to children's educational, language, cognitive, personal and social development. In the light of these conclusions, clear recommendations were offered as to the way ahead for future developments in: • The provision of children's literature and books in Bahrain• The provision of library services to children in Bahrain• The production and publishing of children's books in Bahrain• School environment and adults' role in encouraging children’s reading interests General recommendations with an objective to develop children’s literature and books in the Arab world were also presented. It is hoped that the findings and the implications of this study will contribute towards the development of children's literature and their books in Bahrain and towards improving educational practice in primary schools of Bahrain by use of literature-based programmes and teaching methods

    Unique Two-Photoreceptor Scanning Eye of the Nematode Mermisnigrescens

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    A single eye is present in females of the nematode Mermis nigrescens. A pigment cup occupies the entire cross section near the anterior tip of the worm, and the curved cuticle at the tip becomes a cornea. The shading pigment is hemoglobin instead of melanin. The eye has been shown to provide a positive phototaxis utilizing a scanning mechanism; however, the eye\u27s structure has not been sufficiently described. Here, we provide a reconstruction of the eye on the basis of light and electron microscopy of serial sections. Hemoglobin crystals are densely packed in the cytoplasm of expanded hypodermal cells, forming the cylindrical shadowing structure. The two putative photoreceptors are found laterally within the transparent conical center of this structure where they would be exposed to light from different anterior fields of view. Each consists of a multilamellar sensory process formed by one of the dendrites in each of the two amphidial sensory nerve bundles that pass through the center. Multilamellar processes are also found in the same location in immature adult females and fourth stage juvenile females, which lack the shadowing pigment and exhibit a weak negative phototaxis. The unique structure of the pigment cup eye is discussed in terms of optical function, phototaxis mechanism, eye nomenclature, and evolution

    Ultrasonographic Differential Diagnosis of Superficial Swellings in Farm Animals

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    This report describes the ultrasonographic differential diagnosis of different types of swellings affecting (28) farm animals. The swellings were, abscess (11), cyst (2), hematoma (2), hernia (9) and urethral diverticulum (4). The swellings varied sonographically according to the type, duration, content and location. Cases suffering the same type of swellings may have some degree of difference in echogenicity according to the period of the swelling. Abscesses appeared as hypo/hyperechoic structures with distinct hyperechoic well-developed capsule. Recent hematomas were anechoic with a well demarcated wall, with increased duration, the hematoma gradually became more echoic and textured. The hernial ring was determined as a discontinuation of the abdominal wall echogenicity and the hernial contents were clearly evaluated via ultrasonography. Recent cysts resembled hematoma in compartmentalization but the location and case history helped the differential diagnosis. Urethral dilatation appeared sonographically as an anechoic to hypoechoic homogenous structure with well demarcated wall and acoustic enhancement. Ultrasonography could be considered a successful, noninvasive, rapid technique for differential diagnosis of different types of swellings in farm animals. It could be easily used under field conditions to screen the lesions before the surgical operations and to fellow up the cases after surgery

    Tioconazole and Chloroquine Act Synergistically to Combat Doxorubicin-Induced Toxicity via Inactivation of PI3K/AKT/mTOR Signaling Mediated ROS-Dependent Apoptosis and Autophagic Flux Inhibition in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells.

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    Cancer is a complex devastating disease with enormous treatment challenges, including chemo- and radiotherapeutic resistance. Combination therapy demonstrated a promising strategy to target hard-to-treat cancers and sensitize cancer cells to conventional anti-cancer drugs such as doxorubicin. This study aimed to establish molecular profiling and therapeutic efficacy assessment of chloroquine and/or tioconazole (TIC) combination with doxorubicin (DOX) as anew combination model in MCF-7 breast cancer. The drugs are tested against apoptotic/autophagic pathways and related redox status. Molecular docking revealed that chloroquine (CQ) and TIC could be potential PI3K and ATG4B pathway inhibitors. Combination therapy significantly inhibited cancer cell viability, PI3K/AkT/mTOR pathway, and tumor-supporting autophagic flux, however, induced apoptotic pathways and altered nuclear genotoxic feature. Our data revealed that the combination cocktail therapy markedly inhibited tumor proliferation marker (KI-67) and cell growth, along with the accumulation of autophagosomes and elevation of LC3-II and p62 levels indicated autophagic flux blockage and increased apoptosis. Additionally, CQ and/or TIC combination therapy with DOX exerts its activity on the redox balance of cancer cells mediated ROS-dependent apoptosis induction achieved by GPX3 suppression. Besides, Autophagy inhibition causes moderately upregulation in ATGs 5,7 redundant proteins strengthened combinations induced apoptosis, whereas inhibition of PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway with Beclin-1 upregulation leading to cytodestructive autophagy with overcome drug resistance effectively in curing cancer. Notably, the tumor growth inhibition and various antioxidant effects were observed in vivo. These results suggest CQ and/or TIC combination with DOX could act as effective cocktail therapy targeting autophagy and PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathways in MCF-7 breast cancer cells and hence, sensitizes cancer cells to doxorubicin treatment and combat its toxicity

    The Impact of Client Expertise, Client Gender and Auditor Gender on Auditors' Judgments

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    The purpose of the current study is to assess the extent to which auditors’ judgments are affected by client expertise, client gender and auditor gender. Prior audit research suggests that auditors place more weight on evidence received from clients who possess higher, relative to lower, expertise (Anderson et al. 1994b; Bamber 1983; Hirst 1994; Margheim 1986; Rebele et al. 1988). We extend this line of research by suggesting that client expertise interacts with client gender during the auditor-client inquiry process, and examining the degree to which male and female auditors respond differently to these two source attributes. A total of 158 experienced auditors participated in a between-participants experiment with two manipulated variables (client expertise - low or high; client gender - male or female) and one measured variable (auditor gender - male or female). In a client-inquiry scenario, the auditors exhibited greater belief revision when the client possessed relatively higher expertise and when the client was male. A significant three-way interaction suggests that when client expertise was high, relative to low, the male favorability bias was reduced for male auditors; however, surprisingly, the bias was increased for female auditors. Post-experiment debriefing items indicate that male (female) auditors believe that male managers inherently possess a higher (similar) level of managerial ability. Comparing the managerial ability findings to the behavioral responses suggests a potential disconnect between the female auditors’ beliefs and actions. Since one of the hallmarks of the audit profession lies in the concept of objectivity, the results of this study indicate that audit researchers and practitioners need to better understand the implications of negative gender stereotypes toward women managers

    Primary mediastinal Castleman's disease

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    Castleman's disease is a rare entity with an unknown etiology which was first described by Castleman in 1954. It is a lymphoproliferative disorder histologically classified into three types; hyaline-vascular, plasma cell type and mixed type. It might be localized or multicentric and usually involves the mediastinum. We report a case of Castleman's disease discovered accidentally in a case of blunt chest trauma which caused a challenging diagnostic process and management

    Carbonate alteration of ophiolitic rocks in the Arabian–Nubian Shield of Egypt: sources and compositions of the carbonating fluid and implications for the formation of Au deposits

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    Ultramafic portions of ophiolitic fragments in the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) show pervasive carbonate alteration forming various degrees of carbonated serpentinites and listvenitic rocks. Notwithstanding the extent of the alteration, little is known about the processes that caused it, the source of the CO2 or the conditions of alteration. This study investigates the mineralogy, stable (O, C) and radiogenic (Sr) isotope composition, and geochemistry of suites of variably carbonate altered ultramafics from the Meatiq area of the Central Eastern Desert (CED) of Egypt. The samples investigated include least-altered lizardite (Lz) serpentinites, antigorite (Atg) serpentinites and listvenitic rocks with associated carbonate and quartz veins. The C, O and Sr isotopes of the vein samples cluster between −8.1‰ and −6.8‰ for δ13C, +6.4‰ and +10.5‰ for δ18O, and 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7028–0.70344, and plot within the depleted mantle compositional field. The serpentinites isotopic compositions plot on a mixing trend between the depleted-mantle and sedimentary carbonate fields. The carbonate veins contain abundant carbonic (CO2±CH4±N2) and aqueous-carbonic (H2O-NaCl-CO2±CH4±N2) low salinity fluid, with trapping conditions of 270–300°C and 0.7–1.1 kbar. The serpentinites are enriched in Au, As, S and other fluid-mobile elements relative to primitive and depleted mantle. The extensively carbonated Atg-serpentinites contain significantly lower concentrations of these elements than the Lz-serpentinites suggesting that they were depleted during carbonate alteration. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope compositions of Au deposits in the CED are similar to those from the carbonate veins investigated in the study and we suggest that carbonation of ANS ophiolitic rocks due to influx of mantle-derived CO2-bearing fluids caused break down of Au-bearing minerals such as pentlandite, releasing Au and S to the hydrothermal fluids that later formed the Au-deposits. This is the first time that gold has been observed to be remobilized from rocks during the lizardite–antigorite transition

    Potential of Forage Legumes in Land-Use Intensification Towards Sustainable Crop-Livestock Production Systems in West Africa

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    Poverty, high population pressure on land-use, and the inability of maintaining fertility through traditional farming and land management practices are contributing to land degradation and decline in agricultural productivity in most West African countries. Improved farming practices and land management alternatives that can raise productivity and protect the agricultural resource base are urgently required to meet future food demands. It was in this context that the potential of forage legumes in crop-livestock systems in West Africa was examined by International Centre for Africa (ILCA). The ability of forage legumes to biologically fix nitrogen and provide livestock feed of good quality are potential benefits offered by adapted legume fallows compared to natural fallows used in traditional systems. These are important considerations in effective management of nutrients and soil fertility through crop-livestock systems. Previous work in West Africa has considered forage legumes mainly from a viewpoint of their potential contribution to livestock feed improvement; their potential contribution to soil management has not been systematically assessed. This joint International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)/Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)/IIASA work addresses the potential of both
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