94 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Kemahiran Menulis Karangan Melalui Penggunaan Track Changes

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    Tujuan - Fokus kajian ini adalah untuk melihat kesan pengajaran subjek Bahasa Melayu berbantukan komputer, iaitu menggunakan track changes dalam penulisan karangan. Tujuan penggunaan track changes adalah untuk menunjukkan dengan jelas akan kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh murid semasa menulis karangan. Metodologi - Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk kajian tindakan dan dijalankan dalam kalangan 28 orang murid Tingkatan 5 bagi subjek Bahasa Melayu. Data dikumpulkan melalui pemerhatian, praujian, pascaujian dan temu bual. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dapatan - Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa murid dapat mengurangkan kesalahan semasa menulis karangan dan dapat meningkatkan pencapaian dalam subjek Bahasa Melayu. Berdasarkan analisis yang dijalankan didapati min bagi bilangan kesalahan dalam praujian ialah 16.61 dan pascaujian ialah 5, manakala min markah dalam praujian ialah 53.25 dan pascaujian ialah 75. Perbezaan min yang ketara ini jelas menunjukkan keberkesanan penggunaan track changes dalam meningkatkan kepekaan murid semasa menulis. Kepentingan - Kajian ini penting bagi menunjukkan kepada murid kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh mereka semasa menulis karangan. Hal ini kerana bilangan kesalahan yang dilakukan semasa menulis karangan akan turut mempengaruhi markah bagi subjek Bahasa Melayu. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga merupakan kajian sokongan dan melengkapi kajian sedia ada tentang pentingnya penggunaan komputer dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, terutamanya pengajaran bahasa berbantukan komputer

    Pengaruh gaya kognitif terhadap pencapaian pelajar

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    Gaya kognitif ialah satu gaya yang sedia ada pada seseorang individu sejak lahir. Justeru, gaya kognitif adalah satu aspek penting yang perlu diambil kira dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Pengaruh gaya kognitif ini tidak dapat disangkal kerana banyak kajian yang telah membuktikan bahawa pelajar yang mempunyai gaya kognitif yang berbeza menunjukkan pencapaian yang berbeza terhadap sesuatu kaedah pengajaran. Hal ini kerana terdapat pelbagai jenis pelajar dengan gaya kognitif yang berbeza dalam sesuatu bilik darjah, maka adalah tidak mungkin satu bahan yang sama boleh digunakan untuk semua pelajar. Kertas kerja ini akan mengulas kajian-kajian yang pernah dijalankan dalam melihat pengaruh gaya kognitif terhadap pencapaian pelajar. Setiap kajian akan dibandingbezakan dari segi kaedah yang digunakan, jenis sampel, hasil kajian dan juga kesannya dalam bidang pendidikan. Rumusan yang diperoleh hasil daripada penganalisisan ini boleh dijadikan sebagai panduan dalam mereka bentuk bahan pengajaran dan seterusnya mengaplikasikan kaedah yang sesuai dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bersesuaian dengan gaya kognitif pelajar

    The Intention to Enroll among Students of Private Higher Learning Institutions

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    Higher education hub in Malaysia has become intense in the form of competition. Private Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) has to work harder to win the competition between the education services in the marketplace. Thus, with the total numbers of Private HLI and programmes available for choice, it is a complex situation to investigate the way students select Private HLI. Due to that, it is a key issue for Private HLI owners to understand what are the determinant factors that influence the students’ intention to enroll in Private HLI. This conceptual paper discusses the influence of promotional efforts, the role of family and attitude on the intention to enroll in private HLIs. Theory of Reason Action is used as the underpinning theory for this conceptual paper. The outcome of this study from the findings will be able to assist Ministry of Education and Private HLIs on how to increase the enrolment of Private HLIs and thus to assist them on how to meet the objective of the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2015-2025

    Conocimiento y práctica de los maestros de preescolar sobre el aprendizaje socioemocional

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    Fostering and nurturing young children with good social-emotional skills are vitally important. Previous studies indicated a positive correlation between young children’s social-emotional skills and their future success. Hence, preschool teachers as children’s first educator play an important role in fostering and nurturing positive social-emotional development in young children. It is pivotal to ensure preschool teachers have vast knowledge and skills on social-emotional learning, hence capable to promote social-emotional learning.  As such, this research aims to examine preschool teachers’ knowledge and practice regarding social-emotional learning. This is a quantitative study with a survey research design.Fomentar y cuidar a los niños pequeños con buenas habilidades socioemocionales es de vital importancia. Estudios anteriores indicaron una correlación positiva entre las habilidades socioemocionales de los niños pequeños y su éxito futuro. Por lo tanto, los maestros de preescolar como primer educador de los niños juegan un papel importante en el fomento y el fomento del desarrollo social y emocional positivo en los niños pequeños. Es fundamental asegurar que los maestros de preescolar tengan un vasto conocimiento y habilidades sobre el aprendizaje socioemocional, por lo tanto, capaces de promover el aprendizaje socioemocional. Como tal, esta investigación tiene como objetivo examinar el conocimiento y la práctica de los maestros de preescolar con respecto al aprendizaje socioemocional. Este es un estudio cuantitativo con una encuesta de diseño de investigación

    The overview of problem solving skill through online social networking platform

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    Problem-solving skill is one of the 21st century skills needed by students to be competitive in the future working world. However, international assessment results have shown Malaysian students are still weak in problem solving and many graduates face problems securing a job due to a lack of problem-solving skill which is highly sought after by industries. Although problem-solving skills can be learned, enhanced, studied and mastered, these skills are still not sufficiently exposed and trained to students at the moment. Realizing the huge potential of social networking sites (SNS) that may serve as a promising learning platform, this paper discusses the potential of using Facebook as an informal alternative learning tool to enhance problem-solving skills among school students. The popularity and familiarity of Facebook may attract students to participate actively in discussions and encourage peer collaborations in online social problem solving environment; hence, helping to improve students’ problem-solving skill

    Flipped classroom dalam konteks Malaysia

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    Sistem pendidikan abad kini, iaitu pembelajaran abad ke-21 menuntut kepada pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar. Namun demikian kajian-kajian lepas mendapati bahawa kebanyakan guru masih menggunakan pendekatan konvensional. Kaedah konvensional dilihat menyebabkan penglibatan pelajar yang kurang dalam aktiviti pembelajaran. Justeru pelajar akan berhadapan dengan kesukaran membina pengetahuan sendiri kerana ia menjurus kepada pembelajaran kurang aktif. Maka perlu ada satu kaedah pengajaran yang berupaya mengatasi permasalahan tersebut selain menepati pembelajaran terkini seperti kaedah flipped classroom. Kaedah flipped classroom merupakan salah satu pembelajaran berpusatkan pelajar yang menitikberatkan penglibatan pelajar secara aktif. Dalam konteks Malaysia, kajian berkenaan flipped classroom adalah sangat terhad terutamanya di peringkat sekolah memandangkan ia adalah antara kaedah pedagogi yang terkini. Kertas ini akan mengulas mengenai kajian-kajian lepas terhadap keberkesanan pelaksanaan kaedah flipped classroom. Kaedah flipped classroom memberi ruang dan peluang kepada pelajar untuk belajar secara kadar kendiri serta menggalakkan pembelajaran aktif. Kaedah flipped classroom juga menggunakan teknologi sebagai perantara dalam pembelajaran dan pengajaran (PdP). Analisa awal menunjukkan kaedah flipped classroom mempunyai kelebihan serta cabaran dalam pelaksanaannya namun ia berpotensi meningkatkan prestasi pencapaian pelajar

    Enhancing meaningful learning in MRS120 rotational model

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    Studies on Blended Learning flourishingly have become unstoppable now. A lot of Model of Instruction venture on how to integrate technology with T&L especially involving Online Learning. In these studies, we will focus on Station Rotation Model which is one of the pedagogy approaches in delivering the content and inducing the Higher Order Thinking skill (HOTs) among the secondary student in Malaysia. Adoption and the hybridisation of this so call Blended Learning Model with Malaysian style of teaching were hoping critically assimilated the active learning environment in order to double up the generation thinking process among students. Meta-analysis on previous model will explain the component that will introduced to the newly enhanced Malaysian Instructional model which is called MRS120 Rotational Model. Theory on Meaningful Learning by Ausubel will be polished in this Model as discussed later in the paper

    Does Student Teachers' Digital Interest in YouTube Technology Matter? A Case Study of Micro-Teaching Skills

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    In 2021, according to the statistical research presented, 2 billion videos would be seen on YouTube every day, and more than a billion individuals will subscribe to channels and use the site on a regular basis. Because of its widespread usage and ease of accessibility, YouTube video technology has been shown in several studies to have advantages for classroom instruction and lifetime learning.  The persistent reason for this research was to investigate the perspective of teacher-trainees' interest in using video in teaching Micro-teaching skills, by applying YouTube video technology as an educational instrument in the instructional process. The research survey design was applied with 300 teacher-trainees in all NCE and B. Ed. programmes as the respondents to the research from all various departments. The questionnaires were distributed to them after watching the video clips on YouTube.  The collected data was analysed using simple frequencies used for the test of the research question and analysis of Person correlation coefficient to retain or discard the hypothesis. The result revealed that teacher trainees have an interest in the usage of YouTube video technology, and it can be used to attain the educational ends achieved through the usage of YouTube video technology in teaching micro-teaching skills. The exciting findings of the result show that teachers and trainees from all departments agree and are satisfied that YouTube technology is an educational resource for modern instruction. The research recommends that YouTube should be used as a digital alternative to traditional microteaching (face-to-face), and it will address students' congestion due to the lack of appropriate lab equipment and qualified technicians in traditional microteaching laboratories


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    In the title compound, C35H28Br2N2O2, the piperidone ring adopts a chair conformation and the five-membered ring of the pyrrolidine ring adopts an envelope conformation. The naphthalene ring system makes dihedral angles of 37.12 (8) and 50.62 (9)° with the terminal bromo-substituted benzene rings. The dihedral angle between the two bromo-substituted benzene rings is 72.54 (10)°. In the crystal, adjacent mol­ecules are connected by a pair of inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming an inversion dimer. An intra­molecular O—H⋯N hydrogen bond is also present

    Enhancing student's higher order thinking skills (HOTS) through the socratic method approach with technology

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    Technologies have a potential to make learning more dynamic and capable of going beyond traditional learning boundaries. With the use of online technologies for example, students can interact with teachers and other students, regardless of time and distance. The learning process can also occur in synchronize or asynchronies. Meaningful interaction is needed in the Socratic method of learning because this is the concept of learning through question after question to build knowledge. The dialogue interaction, questions are either verbal or non-verbal. So this is where online technology comes into allows students to always dialogue with certain individuals to construct new knowledge. Next, by using the Socratic method of learning the high level of HOTS can be increased which is emphasized in the field of education in Malaysia nowadays. This paper will discuss previous studies about the potential of technology in engineering methods to improve student’s HOTS